Want Ads FOR SALE Leghorn fryers, 40c per pound undressed. Call 2723, lleppner. 18c WANTED Job bulking wheat. Have late model truck. Call Wendell Herbison, 11K13, Hepp ner. 18c KOR SALE Pre-war Elgin bicy cle. Needs some repairs. Sec Jack Veager at "Yeager's." 18c ALTERATIONS Call 1913. I will call and deliver. Will make machine buttonholes. 110 Church St. 18-21 p WILL the person who took the redwood lawn chair from the schoolhouse by mistake please return same to Mrs. II. T. O' Donnell Sr., Heppner. 18p KOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet 1 12 ton, long wheelbase, truck; 8:25 tires; good condition. Call 2242, Heppner. Lyndell Broadfoot. 17-20C FOR SALE American Standard bathroom set, $170 complete. See Owens Hardware. 18c LOST In Heppner, a woman's gold Harvel wrist watch. If found, contact Corda Sallng, phone 615. Reward. 1711c $5.00 reward will be paid for the return of our 7-months old Col lie dog which disappeared at the mouth of Chapin creek Sun day, July 4. Claude White. ; iTvtSp FOR SALE 1910 Chevrolet 1 12 ton, long wheelbase truck; 8:25 tires; good condition. Call 2210, Heppner. Lyndell Broadfoot. 17 20c FOR HIRE 2-lon Ford truck and driver for harvest. Floyd John son, Case Apts., Heppner. 17-18p I will not be responsible lor any bills made by others than my- selfL W. H. Nichols. 17-20p PIANO TUN I NG 'Harry Chap man from England is now in business as tuner and would appreciate your patronage. Write 113 N.W. 5th, Pendleton. Ore. 17-18p FOR SALE: 1934 Chev 4 dr sdn, r &h, spotlight, good engine and tires and has lots of zip. Body FOR SALE 8-weeks-old fryers. Finish them yourself and save money. V. C. Brown, lone, Ore. lGtfc FOR SALE Two-piece dining room suite breakfast set, lounge chair, radio, sewing ma chine, baby buggy, swing and bassinette. See at Bert Bleak man's place, Heppner. lGtfc FOR SALE Fine choice building lots In Heppner. Price between $200 and $400. Francis B. Nick erson, agent. Ititfc FOR SALE Building and lot be tween Morrow County Clean ers and Padberg residence. F. B. Nickcrson, agent. lGtfc FOR RENT Small 3-room house. Contact Charlotte Scheringer, 436 Park St., Lebanon, Ore. 1617p FOR SALE Majestic range at Mrs. Wyland's apartment. 1617p FOR IMMEDIATE RF.LIVERY New K-7 International truck. Lexington Implement Co. 15tfc Room of this Court, in the County Court limine fur the County of Morruw mid State of Oregon, in Heput-i. Oi.o n, on or befure the Zirtl day of AukwhI. 1948. If you so fall to apiear and an swer the complaint herein, I'laintlff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed fur In the complaint, to-wit: 1. That the Defendant, and eath of them, he rr-iiuind to ael forth their reepeotlve claims to the said premises In this Complaint described. 2. That the Defendants, and each of them, have no estate, right, title, Interest, lien, claim or demand In or on said premises hereinabove described, or any part thereof. 3. That these I'laliilirfH are. as against said Defendants, and each of them, the holders of the vulid legal title, and the owners In fee. and entitled to the pos session, management and control, of said premises. 4. That said Defendants, and each of them, be forever enjoined and debar red from asserting any right, title, in terest, lien, claim or demand upon the premises hereinabove described, or up on any part thereof, adverse to these Plaintiffs. 6. For such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. The real estate hereinabove mention ed is described as follows: The Northwest Quarter (H) of Sec tion Twenty-two (22) In Township One (1) Norlh, Range Twenty-six (26) East of the Willamette Merid ian. In the County of Morrow and Btate of Oregon. This Summons is published by Order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for (lie County 'if Morrow, duly made and entered the 15th day of July, 1948. Date of first publication, July 22, 1948. Date of last publication, August 19, 1948. WTNFREE, McCULLOUGH, SHUI.ER & SAVRE. Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. 1016 Spalding Bldg., Portlund, Oregon. 18-22 NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned were duly appointed by the Probate Court of the Ktiite of Oregon, for Morrow County, the Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of NEIL DOI1KRTY. Deceased, and all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same duly veri fied with proper vouchers to the under signed Administratrix or Administrator at lone, Oregon or at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22nd day of July, 1!48. MARGERY DOHERTT. Administratrix. CHARLES J. DOHERTY, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys. Attorney for Adminlstrarlx and Administrator. Heppner. Oregon. 18-22 NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAIi PBOP EBTV Ho. 1125 IN THE COUNTY COtlRT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For the County of Morrow. In the Mutter of the Guardianship of the person and estate of JOAN COLE MAN, HUE COLEMAN and ANN RKI.LE COLEMAN. Minors, NOTICE Is hereby given that the un dersigned Guardian of the person and estate of the above named minors, will from and after the 3uth day of July, 194S, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner, Oregon offer for sale and sell at private sale for cash all the one-sixth Interest of said minors In and to the following described real prop erty, to-wlt: The south half of the south half of Section one (II, the north half of the northeast quarter and the south east quarter of the northeast quar ter of Section twelve (21) less the right of way, in Township one (1) souih Range twentv-three (23) East of the Willamette Meridian, In Mor row County, Oregon; subject to the approval and confirma tion of the above entitled court. DATED and first published this first day of July. 148. IDA COLEMAN, Guardian. Jos. J. Nys, Heppner, Oregon. Attorney for Guardian. 15-19 Legal Advertising ftTOMONS NO. 3705 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK 'I HE hTATK OF OREGON FUR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. MARGARET WOODSON RE ERE mid BKRNICE E. PARK. Plaintiffs. VS. A. M. STAFFORD and also ALL OTH ER PERSONS OR PARTIES UN KNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLB. ESTATE, LIEN OR INTER EST IN THE REAL ESTATE DES CRIBED IN TITE COMi'LAL.T HEREIN, Defendants. TO: A. M. STAFFORD Hiid also ALL OTHER PERSON'S OR PARTI KS UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLE. ESTATE. LIEN OR INTER EST IN THE HEAL ESTATE DKS- CRIItKI) IN THE COMPLAiT HEREIN, the Defendants, above named : IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF OREGON, you, and each of you. are hereby commanded to appear, and an swer the Complaint filed against you in the nbove entitled suit, in the Court NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL PROP ERTY BY ADMINISTRATOR. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the Matter of the ESTATE of GEORGE CARKHUFF. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant to an order, made and entered in said court, on the 11th day of June, 1948, authorizing and directing said adminis trator to sell real property of the estate of George Carklmff, the administrator or said estate, the undersigned j. o. Turner, will, on the 17th day of July, lilts, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M.. at the site of the hereinafter described property. In the City of lone. Morrow County. Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand, at public auction, the following describ ed real property, to-wit: The North Fifty (60) feet of the East half of Hl.vk Three (3) of Kperry's 3rd Addition to the City of lone. Morrow County, Oregon. The administratis reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. O. TURNER. Administrator of the Estate of George Carkhuff. deceased. First published this 17lh day of June 1948. 13-17 News From C. A. Office Sam Turner, Sand Hollow far mer, has Just completed spraying an acreage of morning glory with 2,4-D. Triethylamine and butyl ester sprays will be compared for results in best control of the morning glory. Many Morrow county farmers are finding 2,4-D an effective and relatively inex pensive method of morning glory control, when 2,4-D is properly applied In recommended dose ages. Two,4-D, in perennial weed control is best used during the summerfallow year with two ap plications. The first application should be made when the morn ing glory is in bloom. The second application Is made after re growth occurs, keeping in mind an early as application as possi ble so that the residue from the spray does not affect the germin ation of the seed, if a fall crop is sown A month is usually suffi cient time for the field to lay between spraying and seeding time. As a general rule one and one half pounds of parent acid 2,4-D per acre has given effective con trol of morning glory in Morrow county Other perennial weeds have been controlled with from one to three pounds of parent acid. Methods of application, Heppner Go2ette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 22, 1948-5 NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed, by the Probate Court of the Slate of Ore gon for the Countv of Morrow, admin istratrix of the est'ae of Fred J. Nicho son, deceased, and has accepted such trust. All persons having rliums against u..i.l Aut..t dm ,,-. v romilrcd to nl'P- ! sent the suiie with vour hers attached to the administratrix, at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the dnte of this notice. Dated and first published this 8th day of July. 1918. EDITH P. NICHOSON. 16-20 Administratrix. WW mm Fits under floor out of sight ... No basement needed! Circulates heat in entire house . . . gives you WARM FLOORS Get rid of chilly, old-type heaters . . . A small payment puts this amazing Automatic Furnace in your home: Our summer sale saves you real moneyl Replace your old-type home heater with this amazing automatic furnace. No expensive ducts. No dirt. No ashes. Perfect system for all sizes of 1-story homes. Easy terms. Models for Oil, Gas or IP-Gas Case Furniture Co. NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS NOTICE IS HKHKUY GIVEN that the undersigned have been duly ap pointed by the County Court of Morrow County. State of Oregon. Executors of the estate or K. M. ARfcKS. deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same wild propr vouchers duly verified as requir ed by law to the said executors at the law office of P. W. Alahoney at Hepp ner, Oregon, within six montlis from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 1st day of July, 194S. UKKL, AKERS, KENNETH M. AKERS, Executors of the estate of Ii. M. Akers, deceased. P. W. Mahoney. Attorney for the executors, Heppner. Oregon. 15-19 NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY Pursuant to the statute regu lating the sale of estrayed ani mals I will, on Saturday, July 24, 1948 at the hour of 10 a.m., sell at public sale at my place three miles southwest of Boardman, Morrow County, Oregon, the fol lowing described and hitherto ad vertised animal: One sorrel filly, 2 years old, no visible brand. Said animal to be sold for cash in hand and subject to the right of redemption by the original ow ner. Pete Slevin, 161Sc Boardman, Ore. ales, time of application and sus ceptibility of plants to 2,4-D are outlinned In a new bulletin, "2,4-D as a Weed Killer in Ore gon." This bulletin is available from the county agent's office to those interested. With the big wheat crop In prospect, many farmers are get ting impatient waiting for the crop to become dry enough to be gin harvest. While the weather the past week has been ideal for ripening and drying out of wheat for harvest, there may be some farmers interested in the simple test for moisture content. The test which takes little equipment and less than a minute to perform, indicates whether the moisture content is above or below 14. Grain with 14 or more moisture wil not keep in storage and be comes a liability to anyone han dling it. To perform the test, a small vial with cork and a little am monium chloride, commonly call ed salamoniac, and available at any drugstore, are all that are needed. Place a teaspoon of the dry ammonium chloride salt in the dry vial. The salt and vial must be absolutely dry. Shell a few heads of grain, placing the threshed grain in the vial. Cork the vial. Shake approximately fifty times. If the salt colects on the side of the vial, the moisture content is above 14. If the salt remains free the moisture is 14 or less. Simple, isn't it? FARM SAFETY WEEK TO START JULY 25 "18,000 Farmers Killed in Acci dents This Year!" You would be appalled to read this headline in your daily paper. Yet this is the estimated number of farm residents who actually die in avoidable accidents each year. It explains why the govern ment has designated July 25-31 as National Farm Safety Week. Purpose of safety week is to eliminate at least 30,000,000 of the farm hazards which take lives. As safety week rolls around just remember that: falls are the leading type of accident; acci dents involving machinery rank second; burns, drownings, motor accidents, and accidents involv ing animals and hand tools also claim many lives. Look for hazards which might lead to these accidents, and elim inate them. CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communoin, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Wednesday, holy communion, 10 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Sunday July 25: Morning wor ship and sermon at 11 a.m. Sun day church school at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday: Mid-week devo tional service at 7:30 p.m. Our lay leader has charge of the mid week service. This church and its pastor are always happy to be of service. SERVICES AT VALBY CHURCH Rev. Samuelson of Corvallis will conduct services at the Valby Lutheran church in Gooseberry at 11 a.m. Sunday (standard time). The public is cordially invited to attend. ASSEMBLY OF COD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Ora Wyland, superintendent. A big surprise Sunday for everyone. 11 a.m., worship hour. 7 p.m., Youth for Christ ser vice. Also story hour for the jun iors. 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. "Prepare to meet the Lord thy God." Wednesday, 8 p.m., Bible study and prayer in the lone mission. Thursday, 8 p.m., Bible study CARD OF THANKS We are deeply grateful to the neighbors and friends for their tenders of assistance, their ex pressions of sympathy and for the many beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our beloved wife and mother. The John Padberg family. been increased from 1935-39 lev els by price increases of 128 per cent in clothing, 103 per cent in furnishings, and by 124 per cent in building and materials for houses. Garrettsville (Ohio) Journal. CARD OF THANKS To our Heppner friends we wsh to thank all of you for your many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy to us during our re cent bereavement. The Jim Davis Family. Farm living expenses have and prayer service. God answers prayer according to the Bible. Je sus Christ the same yesterday, i uuuay aiiu iuicti. iilu. iu.u, LEXINGTON CHURCH Bible school meets each Sun day morning at 10 o'clock. Wor ship and communion service at 11 o'clock. The sermon for this Sunday is titled, "Impossibili ties." At the 8 o'clock evening service the pastor will lecture on 'The Origin of the Bible." ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. join ine pjruac- mximvxv im a n mrc: KJ MID 11 l ..111 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated July 8, 1918, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: NE'i of Sec. 30, Twp. 2 N., Range 24 E.W.M. for the min imum price of $240.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 14th day of August, 1918 at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, FRANCES MITHCELL, 17-21 Deputy.. HERE FROM MICHIGAN Visitors in Heppner Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Volney Hare of Vickeryville, Mich., who were en route to the coast on a short vacation. Mrs. Hare will be re membered as the former Lucille McAtee. This is Mr. Hare's first visit to the coast, a wonderful region he has heard a lot about from Mrs. Hare, who spent so many years in Oregon. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor toxol Eacudij.... Bnghten up your us summer r I nu p I v 1 plants or floral ar- M&M&r rangements. Send a corsage, a ribboned plant, or a bouquet to express your sentiment on special occasions. nnran H Sce us for Fuller Paints made fcYt ) jX by the West s XWj largest paint i I manufacturers. " , FOR SALE 960 acres near Eight Mile Center 600 acres farmed; 270 acres in crop this year 230 acres in summerfallow at $5 per acre. Modern home. A bargain at 32$,000 MUST SELL QUICK Turner, Van Marter & Co. jJV BEGINS Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. l VI 11 VI E"& vl Yes.. . with the selection of your Gorham Sterling . . . satisfaction and pridt of possession are yours . . . forever. Select your Gorham pattern and buy a few place-settings now. Then, as you matcn and add ... see it grow lovelier with the years. Price shown ii for one place setting and includes Fed. To CotllAM CmhAM GotKAM GieiHkiLJU Kino Eowam Lruo iii oo. m m in eo FIRST NATIONAL'S r a SHIPPEO REDI CUT TO YOUR ORDER Ptrftct for WAHEHOUSt MACHINI IHID OARAQI MIIKIN4 PARIOR STOCK IHID MFO. PLANT Redi-Cut lifetime Aluminum Buildings Priced low FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY You till ui th lilt building you ntid and wt wilt Im madiatily itnd you complctt Information and com. Pramai are of bt rad 2x6 lumbar, cut to At and drilled for bolti ... providing tlmpl but rigid con truetion. hidaa and roof art covered with htavjr gauge aluminum that tlimlnatea maintenance com. Eaey and Inexpensive to erect. Full erection Initruc tione and blueprint!, with pieces numbered. Reduce building eoata to at low aa 74c per equare foot! Ff OMompfo, o SOxlOO-foor oh-mnum bvtldlng fa priced r anfy 9001 Everything In Buildings Except High Prices NORTHWEST BUILDINGS, Inc. 4010 II. 29th Av. Pkont IA 7510 PORTLAND 2, OR I. Albert Schunk, local agent Heppner, Oregon Phone 324 r i v iiBiiinnniniiiii0ia'W'i& tw" iin;fflnmMiTa.'t'iiitmaih maz- tuSSI3B-tr:S''MSi uHt'li'ijni si1 C3EilU,IS',t!l.ISI$ii('t'Mi f'Li !' - S .vjPV - -I. t ' - . r . w if' 5 "