Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 22, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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Picnic, Baseball
Game Divide Crowd
At Kinzua Sunday
By Elsa M. Leathers
The pioneer picnic on Sunday
and the baseball game between
Wasco and Kinzua conflcted. Us
ually a large number of people
attend the picnic each year and
also from Camp 5. Since Kinzua
Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 22, 1948-3
the only ones who went. Several
others were eligible to go and
scholarships were awarded, but
they were unable to attend.
Freddie, the son of Mr, and
Mrs. Darrel Edwards, left Sun
day for a week's vacation in Port
land that he has long worked for.
He won the trip by selling the
most subscriptionsto the Oregon
ian. He and party will visit Tim
berline lodge, see a league base
ball game, take an airplane ride,
boat ride and many other excit
ing things. Freddie is also one
of the very good Boy Scouts who
could have gone to summer
is behind schedule due to theicarap.
flood on June 10, most of the ball i Mrs. J. D. Coleman returned to
fans were eage to see the game,
Wasco took the game, 7 to 4. The
ball game or the picnic? One had
to be missed, thus splitting the
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham
left early Sunday to take the
Boy Scouts to Wallowa lake for
their week of outing. Floyd Neth,
Eagle scout; Joe Woods, honor
scout; Roger Graham, Jim and
George Boyde, good scouts, were
Humphreys Drug Co.
Heppner, Oregon
her home this week after spend
ing nearly a month in the east.
Accompanying Mrs. Coleman was
her mother Mrs. Hattie Stevens
of Fossil. They visited Mrs. A. E.
Hood of Beverley, Mass, a sister
of Mrs. Stevens, for some time,
and spent a week in New York
visiting Mrs. Coleman's brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dyer and
daughter Kay left Sunday eve
ning for Hermiston where they
have purchased a barber shop
and plan to move their house
hold goods as soon as possible.
Mr. Dyer has been the barber
here for some time, also helping
out in the pastime. Mel Wham
will take his place in the pas
time. At present there is no bar
ber. Al Harvey came to Kinzua to
work a few days while Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Ostrander and family
are visiting Mr. Ostrander's mo
ther in Michigan. Mrs. Al Harvey
and son Joe accompanied Al here
The Pendleton Upholstering fir
Mattress Co.
It's New When We're Through
Pend-Air Heights Building-No. 527
Phone 1734 Pendleton, Ore.
Box 122
She Won The Laurels
1 Xst
You can realize cash on your wheat
, as soon as it is harvested and stored.
This bank will gladly make the fol
lowing types of Wheat Loans:
Our own Wheat Loan plan for which'
your insured warehouse receipts are
sufficient collateral.
2 Regular Commodity Credit Corpora
tion Loans. All you need to do is
specify The United States National
Bank when making out your Wheat
Loan papers.
On either type of loan, you will re
ceive prompt service at this bank. '
C. A. KYNOIDS, Manegf
MAX r. KASBEROEI, Aulilanl Monagw
RODNEY COOPER, Aulilanl Manasw
tR r?f
At the third annual picnic of
ex-Morrow county residents
held Sunday. June 27, in Laur
elhurst park In Portland, It was
found that Mrs. Etta Roberts
was the oldest person present
76. She was presented with a
corsage of sweet peas and gar
denias, the presentation being
made by Charles Olston. Mrs.
Roberts wiU be remembered by
older residents of the county as
Etta Minor, member of a prom
inent pioneer family.
Mmbr Ftdtral Dtpotlt Inwjranc Corporation
from theri home in Portland and
are visiting her brother, Clarence
Warren of Spray. Mr. Harvey's
next job takes him to Boise, Ida.
He is working with electric re-1
frigeration.. . I
Chas. Johnson motored to The
Dalles Saturday to bring his wife
and small daughtef home. The
little girl has been confined to
a hospital suffering from virus
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wright re
turned home from visiting var
ious places on the Oregon coast
through the week, bringing Gor
don Strobel with them. Mr.
Wright flew Gordon to his home
Han.-A aij jo ise am aiAautJj uj
Mrs. Lva Westfall of McMinn-
ville and Mrs. Thula Monroe of
Los Angeles, and a friend, Thom
as Sanders, also of Los Angeles,
are visiting at the home of their
sister, Mrs. F. M. Harrison. These
ladies will be remembered as the
daughters of Bud Forrest of Monument.
Mrs. Tom McCormick of Flor
ence arrived Saturday to visit her
sisters, Mrs. J. D. Coleman and
Mrs. Forrest Graham, and her
mother, Mrs. Hattie Stevens of
Fossil. Joe Fisher Coleman, who
has been visiting his aunt the
past month, also returned to Kin
zua. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shannon
and family of Camp 5 were in
Boardman Vicinity
Sprayed With DDT
To Kill Mosquitoes
By Flossie Coats
According to City Mayor R. B.
Rands, the city and all the sur
rounding grounds that harbo:
mosquitoes has been sprayel
with DDT. The government fur
nished the material and the city
was responsible for the spray
ing. Mr, and Mrs. Melvln Johnson
of Portland were dinner guests
at the R. A. Fortner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Slevin of Pen.
dleton were on the project a cou
ple of days last week and while
here Mr. Slevin cleared the
grounds around the Catholic
Dinner guests at the G. L. Dan
iels' home Sunday were Mr. and
Walla Walla were visiting his
uncles, Mel and Ed Wham, here
over the week end at the Harlan
Schroder home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thoring
ton and Bobby of Portland are
spending two weeks here visiting
at the O. D. Baker home. Mrs.
Kinzua Saturday, shopping and Thorington is Mrs. Baker's daugh.
visiting their daughter, Mrs. ter.
Johnny Ivy. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott and
Howard Denton who is station- , daughter Lillian attended to bus
ed at the Chapln creek state fire , iness over the week end at The
station was in Kinzua Wednes
day, shopping and attending to
forest service business.
Kay, the small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Moore of Camp
5, who has been ill at The Dalles
hospital, is reported to be im
proving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton and
son and Wanota Swanson motor
ed to Freewater for the week end
where they visited the ladies'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan
son. Mrs. Leo Anderson returned to
her home this week end from The
Dalles hospital with her new ba
by. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wham of
The life of your present plant models
10EAB3, 10E3,8EAB3,8E3
can be doubled by the use of a new type roller bearing,
a new, heavier crankshaft and a new type of ring
piston. I now hav a complete line of parts and can
offer quick service. See
Phone 468
Dalles, going down on Friday
evening and returning Sunday.
Flnley LeClair and family have
been visiting for several days at
Ssten Stevens, Norvin Adams
and Bill Litzell went to Hardman
Jack Pittman of Prineville and
children have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs Al Rudd the
past week.
Mrs. Betty Micksell and two
children are visiting at the home
of her brother, Jerry Rood, from
Euclair, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Batchlor
of Hermiston were visiting their
son Elwyn Sunday at the Snow
board lookout. The Batchlors are
former Kinzua people.
Patsy Woods, correspondent for
the Condon Globe-Times, left this
week to work in Arlington at the
Peacock grill. While away nor
sister Dixie and mother, Mrs
Francis Woods, will write for her.
Mel Wham and daughter, Mrs.
Harlan Schroder and "Bucky"
spent several days at Baker visit
ing Mr. Wham's mother who is
Ralph Moore and Hiram Cook
spent the week end at Lonerock
working on the Moore ranch.
Mrs. Ed Star of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmons
and family have moved into a
cabin at Tom's Camp. The Sim
mons' will be here several weeks
since Simmons is the potato in
sector for Boardman and Irri
gon. Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Eble and
two sons returned from a month's
vacation spent in Philadelphia
with parents and friends.
Mrs. Marvin Ransier of Ord
nance was operated on at St. An
thony's hospital in Pendleton last
week. Her mother, Mrs. Dorothy
Bowen, of Lodi, Cal., came to care
for Mrs. Ransier. Mrs. Ransier is
the daughter-in-law of Nora Ran
sier. Guests for breakfast at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Daniels Wednesday were Mr.
Daniels' sister and brother-in.
law, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cruzen of
The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Robinson and grandson Billy of
Portland were all-day guests on
Wednesday. Mr. Robinson is chief
despatcher for the Tualatin Bus
Co., for which Mr. Daniels former
ly worked.
Mrs. Chas. Nickerson and twin
brother, John Beddes, left Friday
for Elgin to visit relatives and
also to attend the annual Stam
pede. They expect to return home
Allen Billings returned home
Sunday from Vancouver, Wash.,
where he had a complete health
checkup at the veterans hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ransier
and family of Pendleton spent
Saturday with Ransier's mother,
Mrs. Nora Ransier.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely
and daughter Ilene, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Gronquist and sons motored
to Immigrant Springs to spend
the day at the annual state high
way picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laucircia of
Portland were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Daniels, taking home with them
their son and daughter, Leon and
Joan, who spent several weeks
with their aunt and uncle. The
two ladies are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Adams and
family have moved from Arling
ton to the Earl Cramer house.
Mr. Adams is manager of the
Phillips service station, and Mrs.
Adams is employed at Norm's
motor court.
Marvel Connell and his mother,
Mrs. Connell, motored to Irrigon
Saturday to attend funeral ser
vices of Mrs. Hugh Grim.
Earl Cramer arrived home from
Hamilton, Mont., where he had
taken his mother, Mrs. Anna Cra
mer, to spend the summer with
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Bernrad McLaughlin.
Ralph Smith, son of Mr. and
gAme commission sets
future came regulations
It has long been recognized
that as a conservative measure
that certain low-powered inef
fective caliber rifles should be
prohibited for the taking of big
game. The Oregon State Game
commission realizes that more
stringent regulations are not in I
order until sporting arms again
become more readily available
to- the public, but to afford the
public an opportunity to purchase
rifles in keeping with future reg- j
ulations, the game commission is
announcing these future regula
tions at this time. It is to be
emphasized that the proposals
will not become effective until
some future date wnen rifles are
easily available.
The following proposed eeula-
tions have been formulated with
the aid of the Sporting Arms and
Ammunition Manufacturers' In
stitute of New York.
Lawful rifle calibers for the
taking of deer should be those
with a caliber designation of 23
or larger, and developing. 975 foot
pounds or more of energy at 100
yards. Lawful calibers for the
taking of antelope andor elk
should be those With a caliber
designation of 25 or larger, and
developing 1375 foot pounds or
more at 100 yards
Services were held at the Holy
Nativity Episcopal church in Cle
Elum Wash, July 8, for James F.
Davis. 60. veteran saw filer. He
died at the Kittitas county hos
pital in Ellensburg July 6 after
having sufffered a stroke while
fishing in the Teanaway river
Saturday evening, July 3.
Apparently in normal health,
he had spent Saturday afternoon
with his wife, son-in-law, and
daughter on the fishing trip. Fol
lowing a fish fry late in the after
noon he returned to the river for
another try when he was stricken.
Taken to the hospital he failed
to regain full consciousness.
James Fullerton Davis was
born in Canton. New York, Feb.
18, 1888. After remaining in New
York when his parents went
south to start a new home, rela
tives placed Jim, then four years
old, and a younger brother on a
train bound for Biloxi, Miss. Each
boy wore a tag to tell his destin
ationa rare procedure then.
Helpful train crews insured their
safe arrival.
When 13 years old he began
his life vocation as a saw filer,
working with his father. On June
14, 1908, he was united in mar
riage to Ruth Hall in Biloxi. They
made their home in the south
until 1930 when they moved to
In 1933 the family moved to
Oregon where he followed his
trade at Lakeview, Grants Pass.
The Dalles and Kinzua. During
World War II he took over the
saw filing Job at Heppner for
two years while his son William
served In the Marine Corps.
His vocation has been tradi
tional in the Davis family. Being
taught from father to son, it has
been the chosen career through
four generations. Jim learned it
and took over at the age of 15
when his father died. His grand
father also was a saw filer as
well as Jim's three sons now in
He and his wife moved to Cle
Elum two years ago. Since that
time he had been saw filer at M.
C. Miller Lumber company.
Mr. Davis became a Master Ma
son In May 1909, being raised
at Moss Point lodge No. 202. Pas
cogula. Miss. Later he dmitted
to Grants Pass lodge No. 8-t and
transferred to Cle Elum lodge
the past year. He was a Royal
Arch Mason and a Knight Tem
plar of Ellensburg chapter No. 5
and belonged to the Mystic
Shrine, Tacoma.
He was also a member of the
Cle Elum Kiwanis club and the
Ellensburg Elks.
Surviving besides his wife are
three sorts, Ralph and William
Davis of Heppner, and Jim Jr. of
Bend; one daughter, Mrs. Dan
Maynard of Cle Elum, and seven
E:om where I sit -.Ay Joe Marsh
They let the Wives in I
The ei-GI'i of oar town enter
tained their wives the other night
t one of their "feeds" of ham
burger sandwiches and ice cold
beer. (The girls had hinted that
they'd like to see what went on
when their husbands got together!)
Being wary, the boys provided
chicken sandwiches and cake and
eider for those wives who might
have other tastei. But though they
were grateful for the choice, most
of the wives agreed that ham-
burger sandwiches and beer werw
mighty pleasant combination.
After the "feed" the husbands
took their wives on at a game of
darts, and later they played "In
dications." The party broke np
around ten, with the boys agreeing
that it was mighty successfuL
From where I sit, it's this com
panionship among young couples
today, and their moderation in
sensible beverage like beer, that's
won the younger generation such
a wholesome reputation.
Copyright, 19t8, Vnifrd Statu Brtwert Foundation
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient serviae.
Phone 702
Mrs. Fred Smith, left Tuesday for
Tacoma, Wash., where he will
visit relatives and friends for a
Mrs. R. G. Bishop left Friday
for Marshalltowne, Iowa, to spend
a couple of weeks visiting an
Streamlined Pressure Cooker, $20.70
16-quart size
Cold Pack Canners-6 quart $1.89
Foley Food Mills $1.89
Strainers, peelers, colanders, funnels
and other canning supplies.
Remember-Your dollar buys more ot
your Marshall-Wells Store.
Owens Hardware
Warm Weather Friend
When the days are warm, one's garments become sticky
and uncomfortable . . . you fell kind of mussy and ill
clad. The thing to do when you feel that way is to take the
"duds" to your cleaner and have hem renovated the mod
ern way . . . made new, in other words. It is remarkable
what it does to one's ego, and besides it makes your
clothes give you a longer period of service.
If you ar not one of our regular customers now, we are
sure you will be after giving our service a trial.
kWnj.- ih.;i. '.i,u,:iiiii'ii.ii.i;ii;i;Miiiiiii:ii!;i!,
will butcher and kill out your beef for
the hide.
Or, if desired to be cut for locker stor
age, will cut for 1 Vic per pound.
Ed Liesegang, Prop.
Phone 341 Echo, Oregon
SUNDAY, July 25
2:30 P. M.
Opening Game on the Newly
Turfed Field