Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 22, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 1 5, 1948
It Could Be A Bad Season
While one of the great crops of Morrow county
agricultural history is being harvested, and graz
ing conditions are about all that could be asked
for, making this a season long to be remembered,
there are hazards that can not be discounted and
which should be guarded against. A season that
makes excellent growing conditions also creates
dangerous fire conditions. Forest officials are well
aware of this rule and when the dry season ar
rives they begin to worry, and not just a little.
July 25-31 is designated as National Farm Safe
ty Week a time set apart for farmers to check
their properties for fire safety. More than 37 per
cent of all farm fires are started by lightning. If
you have lightning rods, keep them in order.
Warm weather means dry hay and grain fields
and the use of more gasoline and oil on farm pro
perties. Fire from a spark or cigarette will strip
a ripe grainfield as bare as a barn wall in min
utes. Each year 3,500 persons are burned to death on
farms and some $90,000,000 worth of farm build
ings, machinery and food crops are destroyed by
Look over your barn and house wiring, electric
fences and electric equipment Check your hay for
heating which leads to spontaneous combustion.
Thrust a pipe into hay in barns and lower a ther
mometer into it If it shows 15S degrees watch
it carefully; if above 185 degrees start moving it
outdoors; if 212 degrees call the fire department
Examine machinery to guard against sparks start
ing fires. Make safety rules about smoking and
see that they are enforced. Dam a stream or dig a
pond for emergency water.
You may save life and property by these fire
prevention measures.
Passenger Service On The Way
Announcement by Vernon Flatt the first of the
week that he hopes to start a passenger service
between Heppner and Arlington by August 1 is
welcome news. His proposal was received with
favor by the Public Utilities Commission and it is
not likely there wil be anything to prevent inaug
uration of the service just as soon as everything
can be made ready for it. For the benefit of those
readers, the tender of assistance advocated by
Editor E. B.Jildrichs duly appreciated and in the
future if such an emergency should again arise
we w ill know where to turn for aid.
who depend upon public utility transportation,
Mr. Flatt will accept passengers on his trucks as
soon as his application is acted upon.
Since application has been made for carrying
passengers on all the Flatt trucks, people living
between Arlington and Heppner will have more
service than has been the rule heretofore. In oth
er words, they asked for bread and are getting
cake along with it There will be a regular night
schedule out of Heppner, with return at an early
hour in the morning. On days when freight is
being hauled, and it is expected this will be al
most daily in the future, people wishing to catch
daylight trains or busses will fnid it convenient
to use the combination truck-bus service. ,
Continuation of the service will depend largely
upon the attitude of the public. Much of the
public utility transportation trouble in the past
has been due to the eagerness of private car
drivers to pick up passengers who might other
wise have patronized a duly licensed and insured
carrier. This practice has been followed to such
an extent that a regular bus service has become
impossible, and it now remains to be seen what
will be the outcome of the combined service.
A drive through the Blackhorse region will soon
convince the most radical anti-road improvement
advocate that something should be done, in fact,
will have to be done real soon if the immense
wheat crop in that district is to be delivered to
the elevators. With no less than five flash floods
this season there is but one bridge left between
Lexington and the upper Blackhorse region. To
by-pass these former bridge locations, detours
have been graded which have made travel by car
and light truck possible, but it is doubtful if the
heavily laden grain trucks will be able to nego
tiate some of the detours without difficulty and
at the risk of damage to the machines. Much re
building of the Lexington-Blackhorse graveled
road will have to be done to restore it to a safe
transportation artery.
The Gazette Times, speaking for the people of
the Heppner branch is indebted to the East Ore
gonian for taking up the question of passenger
transportation between this city and the main
line. Although the matter under discussion was
practically settled by the time the EO reached its
From Heppner Gazette Times
July 25, 1918
Dr. A. D. McMurdo and wife are
enjoying an automobile trip to
points of interest in Oregon and
expect to be gone two weeks.
Joe Howell came in from Hard-
man Wednesday to get a badly
cut hand attended to by the doc
tor. Joe missed the kindling he
was chopping.
Henry C. Breeding, a promin
ent sheepman of Spray, passed
away Saturday with an acute at
tack of appendicitis after having
been earned for more than 15
miles over mountain trails to
reach a physician.
J. S. Taylor has resigned his
position as agent at Heppner for
the O. W. R. R. & N. Co. and has
been succeeded by Chester Dar
bee of Portland.
W. B. Barratt departed Sunday
for Klamath Falls where he will
attend a meeting of the Oregon
State Sanitary Livestock board
of which he is a commissioner.
He expects to be absent at least
a week.
George T. Cook, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Cook of this city was
united in marriag to Lulu M.
Baker at the home of Judge Wil
liams on Monday evening. Mr.
Cook departed on Tuesday with
the other Morrow county draftees
for Camp Lewis.
A sum of $2,450.00 has been
raised for the relief of Heppner
flood sufferers, and all has been
Harry E. Wright, formerly of
Heppner and Miss Maude E.
Woodhams of San Mateo, Calif.,
were married in San Jose July 17.
F-.iiirs:ii i .
A $50,000,000 TARGET
The state's orphan millions
haven't found a home yet.
The state supreme court, how
ever, handed down a decision this
week that releases $50,000,000 of
income tax surpluses and makes
the legislature master of cere
monies of the big melon cutting
starts January 10. The ruling of
the high court also eliminated
the need of submitting an $8,000,-
000 levy to the voters at the No
vember election by clarifying a
"bookkeeping" deficit of $.5,000.
000. There are almost as many
ideas about how the funds should
be allocated as there are legis
lators and lobbyists. Heads of
state departments and boards,
and representatives of cities and
counties will have elaborate
plans to accompany their de
mands for more funds.
It is historic, and often histri
onic, that every legislature has
too many free-spenders of other
people's money and too few with
an instinctive perception of what
is wise and proper. The 1949 sen
ate has a number of conserva
tive members who should be able
to block pressure groups with lop
sided grabs.
Senators Douglas McKay and
Dean Walker have always taken
OIL LAMP-Symbol of Learning
When you run a fever, when your Jaw aches, when you
need a drug, call on members of the health service
professions doctors, dentists, pharmacists who alone
possess the specialized knowledge and skill that will
help you and who are always ready to answer your
Speaking for the pharmacists, you can always depend
upon the high quality of our drugs and the accuracy with
which your doctor's prescription will be followed at our
It is always a pleasure to serve you.
Saager's Pharmacy
lt3 ...FOR 6TT. HIGHER J
4tM ,FOSafcB5iifa&it.. v, ...... : j
high-reach Hydraulic Loader plus this new "Push-off" at
tachment! Adds 6 extra feet to the gigantic 21-foot reach of
the Farmhand Loader to give you extra high 27-foot stacks
that weather well and retain top quality. "Push-off" is com
pletely hydraulic ... fits on hay basket easily . . . operates
from its own control valve through the regular Farmhand
Loader hydraulic pressure system. Pushes half-ton loads off
ends of basket tines to center of stack. Light aluminum
construction. Folds flat . . . doesn't cut down basket ca
pacity. Another Farmhand time-saving, work-saving,
money -saving accessory you'll want. See it I
Farmhand Hydraulic Loader
On Hand for Immediate Delivery
the position that it is foolhardy
to not be prepared for rainy days.
If McKay is governor during the
next legislature it is certain he
will advise that a major portion
of the surplus funds be salted
away for the days when times
are not as lush as now. Senator
Walker will doubtless be the
floor leader of the conservatives.
Pressure groups will bring out
novel formations in log rolling.
The raids on the surplus mil
lions will complicate the passage
of every bill before the legisla
ture and overshadow all prob
lems short of war.
Following a declaration that he
intended to get only top grades
in all classes larleton Savage en
tered Salem high school some
thirty years ago. He made the
grades and on graduation day
released the forthright news to
his classmates that he was going
to be a diplomat.
This week he arrived in Salem
from Washington, D. C, where
for the past 12 years he has been
in the U. S. department of state,
eight years as personal assistant
to Secretary of State Cordell Hull
and now is secretary of General
Marshalls policy planning com
While absent from the national
capital he will visit with his par
ents who live near Salem, other
relatives and friends. Then there
are some fishing trips on his ag
Speaking of the "Russian mat
ter" he said:
"There is much talk from time
to time of the inevitability of
war with Russia. But if we re
sign ourselves to the inevitabil-
ity of war, there would need to
be a complete reorientation of
our foreign policy, which is now
directed towards the development
of peaceful and stable conditions
throughout the world."
John H. Carktn, public utilities
commissioner, resigned Thursday
and resumed his post as super
intendent of railroad and trans
portation in the public utilities
department. Carkin said he want
ed his old job back as he did not
wish to lose his retirement bene
fits. The position from which
Carkin resigned pays a salary of
$7500 a year, the highest salaried
appointive office in the state.
George H. Flagg, who resigned
as public utilities commissioner
just before the May primaries to
run for secretary of state, was
reappointed to the office Wednes
day by Governor Hall. Flagg ran
against Hall's appointee Secre
tary of State Earl T. Newbry but
was defeated by a vote of nearly
two to one.
Raymond E. Kell, Portland, was
named this week to represent the
grange on the state board of for
estry, and Josiah F. Gllray, Port
land, reappointed to a five-year
term on the state board of watch
makers examiners. Appointments
to nine county welfare commis
sions were: Mrs. Margaret L.
Crawford, Baker; Charles S. Wil
lis, Benton; Earl W. Wiley, Doug
las; C. H. Demary, Josephine;
Fred Peterson, Klamath; Frank L.
Bouck, Lane; Mrs. Gladys Shields,
Marion; E. Don Ross, Multno
mah, and Mrs. C. B. Miller, Uma
Supporters of Henry A. Wallace
filed petitions Saturday with the
state department of elections to
form a progressive party in Ore
gon. Sponsors said the petitions
contain the signatures of 19,111
registered voters. Only 16,743
signatures are required. Declara
tions of candidacy must be filed
with the secretary of state before
August 9 to get on the November
Oregon ballot.
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds
Expert Watch & Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at
8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Saw Filing &
Picture Framing
Phone 2752
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Hepi ner, Oregon
General Insurance
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Turner, Von Marter
and Company
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Hopnper, Oregon
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Office First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phone 23-12 Heppnei
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician & Surgeon
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 11152 Office Th.
Heppner City Council A. D. McMurdo, M.D.
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dls
.cussion, please bring before
the Council
Morrow County
Abstract& Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
Morrow County
Box 82. Heppner. Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
& Finishing
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repairs
Phone 1485 for apointmei
or call at shop.
Heppner, Oregon
Call Settles Electric
for all kinds of electrical work.
New and repair.
Phone 2542
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office No. 4 Center St
House calls made
Home Phone 2583 OUice 2572
C. A. RUGGLES Representing
Blaine E. Isom
Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Ikppner, Or
Office upstairs Rooms 11-12
First National Bank Bldg.
rhones: Office 783. Home 932
Heppner, Oregon
F. B. Nickerson
Mortgages and Loans
Phone 12
Hunters should not send money
with applications for special sea
son tags, it was announced today
by F. C. Baker, controller for the
Oregon State Game commission.
He pointed out that the seasons
that have been announced are
only tentative and that no appli
cations should be sent in until
the final regulations are set on
July 24. At that time, if special
seasons are to be held, the appli
cations should be mailed to the
game commission office without
the fee. If more applications are
received than the number of spec
ified permits, a drawing will be
held. Those drawing tags will
then be notified and at that time
only should the fee be sent to the
game commission.
In a pre-Democrat convention
radio address Congressman John
Phillips. (R.-l'al.) said, "I haven't
read the papers today hut I gath
er that President Truman is the
Democratic candidate on Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays;
General Eisenhower is the can
didate on Tuesdays and Thurs
days and Justice Douglas is the
candidate on Saturdays. That
leaves each Sunday for a con
ference of governors of the Sou
thern States.
Asked his opinion of the 1918
Democrat platform, a Republican
leader recently quipped: "The
Democrats shouldn't have gone
to all the trouble of drafting a
platform this year, they have a
perfectly good one left from 1932
that they never even used."
yfr V It - '
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Queen J3etty
( M
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if A ' f
ifv- fhm
m a. . . . ...- i
Princess Constance
Morrow County Rodeo and Fair
Princess Vesta
Kick-Off Dance
' . ' I " t
i 2 W'fc P
A -
Princess Lorraine
. V. 1 J
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Princess Lillian
Heppner Civic Center Pavilion
Saturday Evening, July 24
Admission : $1 .25 per person, tax included