Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 1 5, 1948
Lexington Camp
Fire Girls Attend
Walla Walla Camp
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
Five of the Nc Top Pew group
of Campfire SirJs of Lexington
have gnnp to summer camp at
(amp Kiwanis in Waila Walla
for a week's camping trip. The
Hirls going are Dorris Grant. Ro
motia Ilirks, Phylis and Beverly
Nolan and Shirlee Peok. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Peck motored over
Sunday taking the Nolan girls
and their own daughter and
spent the day visiting friends
and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Grant and Mrs. Maurice Groves
motored over Sunday taking Ko
mona Hicks and Dorris Grant.
They met at the Walla Walla
high school where all were pick
ed up by busses and taken out
to the camp. There were 45 girls
left from Walla Walla Sunday.
The camp is under the direction
of Miss Nelda Brown and Miss
Kathleen Router, both from Wal
la Walla. The swimming is un
der the instruction of Miss Bev
erly Humphreys, waterfront coun
sellor. Girls going this week are
from Richland, Dayton, Waits-
Kiirw Procmtt Kennewick. Walla
j Walla and Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel ceacn anu
three children are visiting at the
Elsie Beach home, where Mr.
Beach is helping his mother with
the harvest this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger Jr. have named their daugh
ter, born July 1 In The Danes,
Lois Rose.
Mrs. Lou Broadley is again
staying in Lexington where she
will be employed. Mrs. Broadley
has spent some time in Portland
and Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Winkle
and family are staying at the
Lester Cox home, where Mrs. Van
Winkle is cooking for harvesters.
Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs.
960 acres near Eight Mile
600 acres farmed; 270 acres in crop
this yea r-$ 18,000 worth of wheat.
230 acres in summerfallow at $5 per
acre. Modern home.
A bargain at
Turner, Van Marter Cr Co.
This is to remind you
we hare
for your vacation need
for your vacation
Your dollar buys more
at Marshall-Wells
Schedule of services:
Mass In Heppner on the 1st
and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30
Mass in lone on the 1st and
3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd
and 4th at 9 a.m.
Mass on the fifth Sundayone
mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m.
on the 2nd and 4th.
Holy days of obligation: Mass
In Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass
First Fridays of the month:
in lone at 9 a.m.
Mass In Heppner at 7:30.
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Holy communion, 11 a.m.
Bible school at 10 o'clock. Com
munion service at 11. The ser
mon subject for this Sunday,
"Great Verbs of the Bible." At
the 8 o'clock evening seTVice the
pastor will give a blackboard lec
ture on 'The Holy Spirit in the
Lives of Men."
Adalssioa price aftarnooa ud earning, ulta spe
elfloally adTertteed to be otherwlset Children! Bit.
Prtoe JT, Fed. ru .03, Total Wo; Grade ud Sigh
Bobool Stadecu 11 yam ud or&r: ErL Price .40.
Jftj Total 50c; adults: Ert. mu M, Ped.
Tu .10, Total 60a. Erery child occupying a sea
mast hm e ticket.
Sunday shows eonturaons starting at 1 p-m. Satur
day .veiling shows itart at T p.m. All other evening
shows start at 7:30 p.m. Boxoxiice open evenings
until 9 p.m.
Fridorr-Soturdcry, July 16-17
reissue of Bx Beach's tremendous adventure,
with John Wayne. Randolph Scott, Marlene Diet
rich, Margaret Lmdaay, Richard Barthelmesa.
This is the film with the most famout fist-fight
in motion picture history.
William Hal op, inn E. Todd, Jerome Cowan.
Scotty Beeiet, Barryl Hickman.
Cause-aod-effect drama of a generation on the
Sunday. Monday, July 18-19
Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Umou, dale
Sondergaard, Prank Payler, Joe Vltale, The
Wlere Brothers, The Andrews Sisters, George
That itinerant trio of mirth makers gathers its
jaunt, mper crop of '""eh on the current
Tuesday, July 20
Dana Andrew, Merle Oberon. Ethel Bturymore,
Hoagy CaUnicoael, Jacqueline White, Axtur
BnbtAstein and the New York Philharmonic
Symphony Orchestra conducted hy Eugene Or
mandy. Here is an attraction that has everything: Dra
matic suspense, comedy, fine music and popular
Wednesday-Thursday, July 21-22
Eddie Cantor, Joan Da vim, AUyn Joslyn. Charlea
Dingle. Bobby Driscoll.
Gaiety galore and good songs in this bright
piece of entertainment
Also Disney Cartoon, Hewsreel and OPERA
TIOH WHITS TOWEB, the Washburn Expedi
tion's assault on Mt, McBlnley.
Now is the time to select that premium wheat
for exhibit at the Morrow County Fair and
Pour a little fertilizer on those vegetables,
water and exhibit the blue ribbon award at
the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo.'
Don', forge, the
Morro w County Fair & Rodeo
at the Fair Grounds in Heppner
September 2-3-4
Mrs. Jane Hux Grim. 59, passed
away about 2 a.m. Wednesday
at St. Anthony's hospital in Pen
dleton after a long illness. Her
husband, Hugh Grim, and son,
Junior, were at the bedside, as
were her sons, Calvin and Billy
Allen, and daughter, Mrs. Earl
Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Adren Al
len of Redmond and a sister, Mrs.
Dora Cook of Redmond arrived
too late. They did not locate Mrs.
Margaret Lamaroux of Arlington
md Rowena Hadsel of Portland
immediately. Two sons, Eldon,
buried in New Guinea, and Ray
mond in the Philippines, were
killed in the war. Mrs. Howard
Gollyhorn and sister, Eula Amos,
of lrrigon are nieces. She will be
buried in the lrrigon cemetery at
2 o'clock p.m., Saturday. Rev. A,
B. Turner is to conduct the ser
Jackie Burnett, who has been
unconscious since being hit by a
car Saturday in Pendleton is re
ported to be a little better.
Mrs. Nora Wilson fell Tuesday
evening and broke her arm near
wrist. She was rushed to Pendle
ton to get it set.
Trina Parker are again in Lex
ington for a few days on business
from their home at Camp Sher
man. Rev. and Mrs. Hatch have re
turned from, a week's vacation
spent in attending a conference
ta Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner
and family spent a few days last
week at the home of Mr. War
ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Butte of Salena
spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Groves of Lexing
ton. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Forsythe and
family have moved Into one of
the new apartments of Red Leo
nard's. These are very nicely con
structed courts on the lot by the
postoffice and add greatly to the
attraction of our town.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Peck
have moved into the house vacat
ed by the Forsythes.
Ruth Ann Acklen returned to
her home in Grants Pass last
week end after some time spent
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Dinges.
A marriage of much interest to
the people in Lexington is that of
Lavonne McMillan, daughter of
J. F. McMillan, to Jim Bloods
worth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Bloodsworth. The ceremony was
solemnized in Boise, Idaho, last
Wednesday. Both young people
are well known in Lexinpton.
having gone to high school here
and graduating, Lavonne in 1947,
having completed her schooling
in three years, and Jim in 1948.
At present the young couple are
living at the Herman Wallace
home where both are employed.
Word has been received that
Rodney Smith who taught in the
high school here last year has
been a patient in the veterans
hospital in Portland for two
weeks. He is much improved in
Mrs. C. C. Carmichael and Yv
onne Dougherty of Heppner are
spending some time this week in
Edith Edwards of Spokane Is
visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dyer and
small daughter Kay left Sunday
for several days' vacation. They
plan to visit at Hermiston and
other eastern Oregon places.
Walt Shawver and daughter re
turned from Sand Point, Idaho,
on Saturday, where they spent
the vacation.
John Twiton returned Monday
from his home at Newport, Wn.,
where he visited his mother thru
the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham
and family visited at Florence
and also at Depoe Bay on the
coast last week, where they had
a grand time fishing in the coast
Joe Fisher Coleman stayed at
Florence to visit his aunt longer.
Mrs. Glen Hadley of Camp 5
will be visiting a sister at Oregon
City for some time.
(Continued from First Page)
er-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bassett
of Wichita, Kans., also her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stein
ke of Arlington and a brother
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Steinke of Portland.
Clarence Nelson and son Nor
man arrived home last week from
Willamina and immediately be
gan to pack their household be
longings for moving to Willa
mina where they have purchased
a store. Mrs. Nelson, who has
been ill since leaving Boardman
was unable to assist in moving.
Norman will enter college at Mc
Minnville this fall.
Visitors at the W. L. Blann
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Marvel and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Seely and son, Darrell
and Billy Marvel of Bickleton,
Wn., Mr. and Mrs. Claud Clark
and daughter Evelyn of Hermis
ton, and Buford Payton of Prine
ville. The group had a picnic din
ner on the Blann lawn. Roberta
and Guy Marvel, grandchildren
of the Blann's, who have spent a
couple of weeks here, were hon
ored last week by having Marie
and Irene Potts and Marcia Wool
ey for games and lunch. Roberta
and Gary returned home with
their parents Sunday.
Dinner gusets at the Frank Cole
home Monday were Mr. and Mrs.
Gorden Ferrell. The Ferrell's
were moving from Eugene to
Richland, Wash.
The Boardman school building
is being rennovated this sum
mer. Vet and Ray Conyers are
doing plaster patching, while
Chas. Hawes of Pendleton is do
ing the interior painting.
The government cricket control
work has been completed here on
the project and the outfit has
been moved to Walla Walla, ac
cording to George Summers, who
has been in charge. The crew
finished last Friday.
Msr. Clifford Pool left Sunday
for Alberta, Canada, taking her
I mother, Mrs. Anne Truelson, who
has been here the past two mon
ths. Miss Mildred accompanied
Mrs. Pool on the trip. The party
expect to be gone a week.
Viola Worden who has been
visiting in Hermiston the past
week returned to her home Saturday.
R E. Martin of The Dalles came
last week and Is busy building
a house on the farm for his son-
in-law, E. J. Moore.
will butcher and kill out your beef for
the hide.
Or, if desired to be cut for locker stor
age, will cut for 1 Vic per pound.
Ed Liesegang, Prop.
Phone 341 , Echo, Oregon
Mr and Mrs. Jesse Beardsley
and son Richard drove to Port
land to spend the week end with
son and brother Loren, returning
home Tuesday night.
We take this opportunity to ex
press our heartfelt thanks to the
neighbors and friends for their
many kindnesses, expressions of
sympathy, and for the beautiful
floral tributes to the memory of
our beloved husband.and father.
Mrs Neil Doherty and family.
FOR SALE 1E41 Fordor Ford De
luxe sedan. Call Heppner 2265.
at nim
7.90 8.90
Pert polka dots on navy
grounds . . . handsome
floral and geometric prints,
all in summery sheer rayon
Bemberg! Sizes 12 to 20.
' 1 1
Yes, it's cotton for summer f
Wonderful, washable cot
tons, so cool, so comfort
able, so easy to care fort
One and 2-pc. Sires. 12-20.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, J2.50 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
For thai
OP .
There's Nothing Like
for outside protection end Inilde
cheerfulness, you'llsavemoneyend
worry by Inilitlnj on Pittsburgh
Pilnts,ln irisny wys better then pre-
wsr quality.
Renews Furniture
Watertper Enamel Is Just the
thing to renew furni
ture or woodwork.
Adds beauty sod life.
Dries to a hurry. Re
sists marring.
Real Horn Protection
Sun-Proof House Paints are en
riched with Pitts
burgh's "Vitolifd
Oll". They resist
best and cold without
cracking or pestling.
Gallon $5.42
Heppner Hardware
& Electric Co. I
Harlem Globe Trotters
194 7 Touring Champions
Heppner Town Team
6:45 P. M.
Adults $I.OO Kids 50c
A Real Diamond Treat