Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 08, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    C Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 8, 1 948
y, in;:- '' Mnnlrrrs, I.inpion.
Ik the ;ifwc,st Ml club member
in Morrow curtly. Marilyr.e has
r ( -f 1st i jhh.r-d the "W c Little
Workers" ing and cooking
club ii-il by Mis. J.ilm Craves.
Mariiyrx- is carrying scw.r.g l a
and ri'Dkinj; 1 projeels.
A r Hrt from the Orrpon State
college (i.-siry building's ice cream
counter claims thai the clerks
M'liinc A-e cream during the re
cent 4 II summer school were the
busiest people on the campus.
Never, say the clerks, have they
seen any group that can stow
away the ice cream Uke the 4-H
kids' do.
Even with regular college in
session. T5 hundred students nev
er equaled a day's business of
4-H summer school. And. the
4-H enrollment? Just one-fourth
the regular number of college
students. The ice cream clerks
say that if the ice cream eaten
during the ten days of 4-H sum
mer sehooi were divided between
the 1.7-13 hoys and girls attend
ing summer school, each would
get a half gallon apiece.
With so many 4-H club activ
ities going on the past three
weeks it is hard to keep up with
the happenings of all. Four-H
club delegates to summer school
returned from Oregon State col
lege on June 25 after ten days of
study and recreation. Several of
the delegates spent the two re
maining days, Saturday and Sun
day grooming their beef and
sheep for the Eastern Oregon
Wheat League 4-H Fat show and
sale, held at. The Dalles. June 28
29 and 30.
Getting back to 4-H summer
school, announcements of Morrow
county winners of contests held
there is in order.
On the final day. Thursday,
judging contests were held to
give the 4-H summer school stu
dents a chance to put into prac
tice what they had been study
ing for ten days. All of the 1.743
boys and girls competed. After
the tally sheets were collected
and added up, here's how the
contests ended for Morrow county
Barbara Sherman. HenDner.
Gifts to Veterans in j
Hospital Ward 7
Shown in Statement
A financial statement of funds
and gifts handled by the com
mittee in charge of Morrow coun
ty donations to Ward 7 inmates
in the veteran's hospital at Wal
la Walla has been made covering
the period June 1, 1947 to June 1,
1P4S. Signed by Co-Ordinator's
council Blue Mt. District. Mrs.
Ralph Thompson, chairman; Mrs.
Ren Anderson, co-chairman, and
Mrs. Lawrence Beeket. secreary
treasurer, the report follows:
Balance on hand June 1, 1947,
Deposits: Gift from county Red
Cross. S900.00: gift for chaise
lounge from Red Cross. S26.00;
Refund due committee from Red
Cross stamp account. $25.00; gifts
from patients, $12.00; gift from
Elks lodge, $275.00; total, $1366..
Disbursements by Gray Ladies,
our ward: Flowers for St. Peter's
Row. $:5.02: food, requests from
patients, also for parties. $346.23;
cigarettes and candy. S24S.61;
gifts for birthday presents. S12S.
74: furnishings for craft work, ra
dio, repairs, clothing requests an
swered, small tables and small
tools. $100.00; money for patients
without funds. S10.00; prizes at
panics and extra gifts, $146.72:
phone calls, S3S.7S: magazine
subscriptions, $20.00; spent by
check, 4 card tables for our ward.
$11.60; Xmas flowers for our Gray
Ladies, $12.50; postage for coun
cil. $5.00; cards for Xmas wreaths,
plants and Easter lilies, SS.35; to
tal disbursements, $1173.45; less
S35.00 tgift of $25 from Heppner
Lumber Co. and $10 from lone
Rebekah lodge wheih was sent
direct , S113S.45.
Balance on hand June 1, 194S.
Other gifts during the year:
Card tables given by Mrs. A. L.
Case and Mrs. Ralph Thompson;
large box of jig saw puzzles by
Mrs. Florence Hughes; special
gift of S25 for colored patients
from Mrs. Robert Thomas of
Clackamas, Ore., not listed in ex
pense account.
Christmas program: Gift of $25
from Heppner Lumber Co. pro
vided food for party; $10 from
lone Rebekahs for phone calls;
25 holly wreaths and 25 poinset
tia plants given bv individuals
with' gift of $25 from Heppner
chamber of commerce for that
purpose; 50 gifts answering pa
tients requests 30 sponsored by
r.nea (.reek, Lexington and Wil
5 kv.v,& vf
-i is "
Advances in Americas naval ships and equipment have been marked
throughout the century and a half of the Navy Department's history by
important milestones of progress. One of these was the first flight from
the deck of a ship, made in 1910 by Lt, Eugene Ely, when he took off
from a miniature flight deck on the foredeck of the I SS Birmingham
(upper). Three years later naval aviation had its actual start when
Admiral George Dewey signed the report of the General Board, which
recommnded the establishment of a Naval air arm. Today aviation is
one of the elements in the three-pronged American Navy. Flowering
of 'avy Air" can be symbolized in such scenes as the lower photo
in which an FJ-1 "Fury," a jet-propelled Navy fighter, makes a landing
aboard the CSS Boxer while the ship cruises off the California coast.
(Official Navy Photograph)
member of the Morrow county j Iovs granges, though many were
senior beef club, tied for second 'given by members and other
place in the livestock judging. groups. 20 gifts sponsored by lod-
Ingrid Hermann and Carietta
Olden, lone, members of the lone
home economics club, tied for
second place in the food preserv
ation judging contest. Eleanor
Earwood was second place win
ner, and Gracia V'eelle was third
place winner in the foods judging
contest. Both are from Boardman
and are enrolled in the home
making club led by Mrs. Ronald
Clothing club members as well
as other interested club members
have been inviiwi to see the mo
tion film. -Patterns for Smart
ness" which will be shown at
the county court room at Hepp
ner on Friday afternoon, July 9.
The showing begins at 2 p m
Mrs. Ruth McCabe, lone, was in
strumental in getting this film as
an educational feature for her
clothing club members. The film
will be shown in the new pro
jector recently purchased with
county farm organizations and
4-H funds.
The "Wee Little Workers"
at tne Griffith home July 2. The
meeting called to order by
Janet Howton. The rollcall was
made and reports of work done
given by the members. The min
utes of the last meeting were read
and approved. Marilyne Munk
ers attended our ciub meeting as
a new member. Refreshments of
ice cream, cookies and punch
were served by Marlene and Nan
ette Griffith. The next meeting
will be held at the John Graves
home.R,.por;er Marlene Grif-fith.
ges and people in Heppner. Three
dozen Easter lilies given by var
ious groups and individuals
throughout the county. Twenty
five dollar gift from Mrs. Harry
Duvall held for June picnic in
connection with Walla Walla
county. Playing cards given by
Ralph Thompson and Ernie John
son. Two hundred comic books,
S4 mystery stories and several
novels collected by Troop 2. Girl
Scouts. Box of cigars by W. H.
We are very grateful to the
Morrow county. Red Cross chap
ter for their help in providing
necessary funds so this program
can be continued. They are giv
ing $600 for the coming year. Also
grateful thanks to the Heppner
Elks lodge for their gift of S25
per month and which has been
voted for the coming year. Our
sincere thanks to every organiza
tion and to every person who
has helped during the year.
There is no way to account for
the hapipness your money has
provided those patients in Ward
met i i. o way to tell how much Vou
nave helped those who died this
past year and there have been so
many. But if you visited our
ward you would hear so much
This year's Republican Conven
non win i,e the 24th, the
iuok p,;.,e j2 years ago in 1856.
about the kindness shown the ! Saling's
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
Guests of Glenn Griffiths' over
the week end were Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Griffith and family of Lex
ington, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dav
enport and family of Spray, Mr.
and Mrs. Lavonne Davenport of
Boise, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. George
Berry and family of John Day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Silvens of
John Day, Mr. and Mrs. Al Rood
of Spray, Mrs. Nanette Griffith
and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Codburn
of Spray, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Brown and family of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and
family of Portland were Lexing
ton visitors at the George Peck
Some of the out-of-town visit-1
ors in Lexington renewing old ac
quaintances over the Fourth were
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenny Way, Joe Way and Mrs
Casha Shaw.
Several Lexingtonites motored
to Echo to the celebration. Ther
on Adlard took his cars over as a
concession, and others going were
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chris
topherson, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Munkers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mar
tin and Charlie Padberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall
spent the Fourth in Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding
spent Sunday at Porter creek
where they met friends and rel
atives and enjoyed a picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones motor
ed to La Grande, taking Dorothy
Miller to her home there and re
turned with Earl Miller who will
visit here while recuperating
from a broken arm.
John Spence spent the week
end at his home in North Pow
der. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bloods
worth and Mrs. Eslie Walker
spent Sunday in the mountains
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Way from
Seattle spent a couple of days
here last week.
Mrs. Bill Van Winkle Jr. and
small son have returned to their
home in Lexington from Corda
men and they are so grateful to
Your chairman has attended
six council meetings with many
visits to the ward with no ex
pense to the committee funds.
Our Gray Ladies number three
now and each one gives four
hours a week regular visits as
well as many extra hours spent
at parties. They spend many
hours shopping for the extra food
and gifts you provide. Also manv
first, extra hours shopping for the pa-
i uuiu using uieir lunos.
Mrs. LaVerne Henderson and
Mrs. Red McFadden spent a day
in the mountains at the Claud
White home last week.
Elmer Hunt spent the week end
in La Grande.
Elmer Hunt was a business vis
itor in Walla Walla one day last
Jack O'Harra left Thursday fox
Klamath Falls where he has ac
cepted a position.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwynne Peck
spent the week end on Ditch creek
AdmiMkiM jirlcw tfteraoou ul vmnixt, ulM ip
ciltonJly KlTertliea to k othenrtw: Childnml Ert.
Prlo. .17, 1,4, I .03, TotiJ jo,,. QrvU HlJi
School Student. U and orr: Ert. Prtc AO.
TtA. Tax .10, Touj j. 44ttu. Ert PrcU M ff
Friday-Scrturdoy, July 9-10
Tax .10, Total 60c Every child occupying a seat
moat have a ticket.
Sunday ibowi oontinaoat starting at 1 p.m. Satur.
day evening aaowi itart at 7 p.m. All other evening
shows start at 7:30 p.m. Boxoflice open evenings
until 9 p.m.
exquisite t
you iniKBt-A it
Wait Dimney's b-I.j p:-(Ure. from the ciuzUy
a,,JK ,,y SiU,n Jj.
' "II Hie TI . Il .,;g ... jf
' , "'nl n"", tlnn tin.: if vou saw It
LONE STAR TRAIL, a John Mack Brown
Sunday-Monday, July 11-12
Cory and The Bishop's Wife
Mil- .iin.crtj- il.-t
('UKlumt-r in,
i. tidl In hnf n h srmie to
villi Carr arant. Lorittta
Vonu. O.vld Mlv.a. Mouty Woolley, JamM Olea-
ou. Uladyi Coopar, El.. Liatlmut. Wholly de-
liyhlliil. H i
r, i.i, hi
com, thli.if diff i
" of ,.11,. of Walt Dimey-i nvrt
iih, 'Ini (ii't,ionn ALPINE CLIMB.
Tuesday, July 13
Bad Men of Missouri
Dejwia Morg-an, Jane Wyman, Wayne Morris,
Arthur Kennedy in a bullet-.trc;ike'l M;,':i of the
Wiat' lat badlariri. A re-re It-itse.
Sporti Beel, Cartoon, and Musical with Fred,
dy Martin.
Wedneday-Thursday. July 14-15
Jnni AUyson, Peter Lawford, Patricia Marshall,
Joan McCracken.
A mxilc -a-rniiiute T tricolor mu.l' ;il to !iglit
the tye, f.Unrm tht ftur ami glail:j-i the hart.
A!; ffewsreel, Miracle in a Cornfield (Farlcn.
tin Volcano in Mexico), Pete Smith Comedy and
Passing Parade.
John D. Runyan, minister,
phone 2615.
Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; C. W.
Barlow, supt. adult department;
Beverly Yoeom, supt. of junior de
partment. Morning worship, 11 a.m., ser
mon subject, 'The Greatest Sin
in the World.".
Evening services, 8 p.m.. ser
mon subject, "Where Are Thine
Accusers?" This is THE ONE ser
mon that every sinner in the
country, who knows that he is a
sinner, should hear. This is a
message of hope to those who
have sinned and know it. The
righteous do not need to listen
to this one.
Choir practice Thursday eve
ning at 7 p.m.
Church potluck supper Thurs
day evening at 6 o'clock.
Remember if you h?.ve nry
problems what-so-ever and want
a friend to talk to do not hesitate
to call the minister. He is not
here for monetary gain but to
serve as The Master served. "He
that would be greatest among
you let him be the servant ot
Junior summer school at Cove
July 5-15.
No services July 11.
July 18 Holy communion, 8 a.
m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy
communion, 11 a.m.
e e
Geo. Harris Hatch, minister.
Don Campbell. Bible school with
classes for all ages meets at 10
o'clock. At the 11 o'clock service
the.pastor will report on the Tur
ner convention, and the sermon
subject will be "The Marks of a
Christian." At the 8 o'clock ser
vice the subject will be "Two
Men and Jesus." This will be
another blackboard sermon, so
bring your bibles with you.
Schedule of services:
Mass in Heppner on the 1st
and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30
Mass in lone on the 1st and
3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd
and 4th at 9 a.m.
Mass on the fifth Sunday one
mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m.
on the 2nd and 4th.
Holy days of obligation; Mass
in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass
First Fridays of the month:
in lone at 9 a.m.
Mass in Heppner at 7:30.
Bend Proves Fine
Host to Newsmen
Publishers of the stale meeting
in Bend July 2 and 3 were unan
imous in their praise for the fine
entertainment and warm hospit
ality provided by the central Ore
gon city. And all were greatly
indebted to the Bend Bulletin and
its fine staff for the manner in
which the welfare of the guests
was their first concern.
Bend was chosen by the news
papermen because of its central
location, fine facilities for enter
taining conventions, and above
all, because of the water pageant
which is the highlight of the
city's annual Fourth of July cel
ebration. Nothing comparable to
the water pageant is to be found
elsewhere on this continent, and
as the announcer proclaimed, ev
en on the globe, so the newspa
per folk were especially favored
in being invited to meet in Bend
at that particular time.
The convention marked the
close of the writer's term as pres
ident of the association, turning
the reins over to Frank Jenkins,
publisher of the Klamath Falls
Herald and News.
As an anti-climax to the close
of the convention. Bend suffered
one of the worst fires in recent
years with the burning, Sunday
night, of the Eddie Williamson
garage. Located just across the
street from the Pilot Butte Inn,
there was more than the usual
nervousness on trie part of fire
men, police and the public until
it was known the blaze was un
der control. A wind from the
south diverted the sparks from
the hotel but menanced other
property in the neighborhood.
News About Town . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green motor
ed to Gresham and Corvallis over
the week end to spend the holi
day with their daughters, Mrs.
Walace Green and Mrs. Omer
McCaleb and their families. Thev
were accompanied by their grand
cnnaren, btepnen and Marv Ruth
Mrs. E. R. Huston who has
been visiting in Albany and Sa
lem for the past two weeks re
turned to her home in Henpner
Thursday evening.
Recent houseguests of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar George were her un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
tsorg ot Portland.
Michael Furlong is here from
Portland to visit for six weeks
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Furlong.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hiatt and
Mr. and Mrs. Loy McFerrin spent
the July 4th holiday at the Hiatt
cabin on upper Willow creek.
Their vacation was rather damp
ened by the heavy rains over
the week end.
Mrs. Ida Grimes has returned
from several weeks stay in Port
land. During her visit to the citv
she was the guest of her son-in-
law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Leathers.
The annual field day at the
Sherman branch experiment sta
tion at Moro is to be held Satur
day, July 10, announces Supt.
Merle Oveson.
Experiments at the station in
crops, grasses and weed control
are of annual interest to Morrow
county farmers.
The results from this station
are comparable to farming con
ditions here and farmers in keep.
ing abreast ol the times are urg
ed to make use of the informa
tion available through this tour.
The group will gather at the
buildings at the station at 1:30
p.m. and will leave on the tour
at 2 p.m. (daylight saving time).
County Agent N. C. Anderson ur
ges that a representative group of
Morrow county farmers plan to
attend the tour.
The one national event in
which any novice may climb a
major U. S. peak will again be
staged this year at the 24th an
nual Mt. Hood Legion Climb on
July 17-18.
Sponsored by Hood River Am
erican Legion Post No. 22, the
climb is expected to draw possi
bly 5,000 people. Most of these
attend to watch the climb
"strings" make an eight hour trek
to Hood's top (elevation 11,252
feet) and return. But the annual
Camp show on Saturday night,
July 17, which features top-notch
entertainment performing in Le
gion Camp's nalural amphithea
ter, Is a drawing card in itself.
A.s many as 22 states have been
represented by climbers and va
cationists who have attended this
two-day show at Legion Camp,
located 24 miles soulh of Hood
River just off the Mt. Hood Loop
Mrs. R .E. Arrington returned
Wednesday to her home at Cum
berland, Wash., after spending
several days in Heppner visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M.
Yeager, and her son Jack. Rev.
John Runyan took her to Arling
ton Wednesday morning to catch
a bus for home.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck
spent several days this week at
Anthony's lake.
A drivers license examiner will
be on duty in Heppner Tuesday,
July 1J, at the courthouse
between the hours of 10 a.m. and
4 p.m., according to an announce
ment received from the secretary
of state's office. Persons wishing
licenses or permits to drive are
asked to get in touch with the ex
aminer well ahead of the sched
uled closing hour in order to as
sure completion of their applica
tions with a minmum of delay.
o .
Back in 1864 pioneer legislators
enacted a law prohibiting publl
catioas devated to "crime or lust
or deeds of bloodshed." The U.
S. Supreme Court recently ruled
on a case comparable to the Ore
gon law and found it unconstitu
tional. "It is clear," says Attorney
General George Neuner, "that our
law is in many sections similar
to the New York law which the
high court ruled invalid." The
Oregon law prohibited publica
tion of books, articles, pictures,
or showing of plays that "relate
the criminal exploits of any des
perate or convicted felon."
A surprise birthday party was
given for Lota Humphreys at the
drug store Wednesday afternoon.
Present wore Mrs. Fred Parrlsh,
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Colleen Con
nor, Josephine Mahoney and
Mrs. John Bergstrom. Mrs. Par
rlsh made the birthday cake,
served with ice cream.
1,094 Delegates are eligible to
vote in this year's nominations at
the Republican National Conven
tion. The nominee must receive
a majority of 548 votes regardless
of whether all the Delegates at
tend. In 1944, two Hawaiian Del
egates were unable to attend but
Mr. Dewey still had to have the
majority of the 1,041 eligible
Hood River Music
Festival Includes
Renowned Stars
The Alma Trio, composed of
three internationally known mu
sicians, will open the Hood River
music festival in the apple city,
Thursday evening, August 5 at
8:30 o'clock, which is the first
program in a four days' series,
concluding August 8.
Other renowned music stars
billed for the Hood River festival,
under direction of the Finnish
conductor, Boris Sirpo, include
Ezio Pinza, leading operatic bas
so of this era; Marina Koshetz,
soprano soloist who has appear
ed with Boston symphony; Kath
ryn Oaks, soprano, opera and ra
dio star; Jean Handzlik, famous
contralto; and Walter Miesen,
temr; and John Balrd, narrator,
from Hollywood. The famed
Portland chamber orchestra and
the Hood Kiver junor orchestra
and chorus are also billed.
Hundreds of reservations have
already been received from all
over the country , for the event,
called the "Salzburg of America."
Sealing has been planned for
nearly 7000 in an outdoor setting
on the high school campus, and
to take care of crowds expected
the homes of Hood River and
those in surrounding areas have
been opened to visitors at nomin
al charges.
Season tickets or single admis
sions may be obtained by writing
or wiring Hood River Music Festi
val, Box 35, Hood River, Oregon.
Delegate strength in each state
increases or decreases from one
National Convention to the next
because of the "bonus method"
employed by the Republican Par
ty. Additional Delegates-at-large
are allowed those states which
gave the last Republican Presi
dential candidate a majority of
votes, or who sent a Republican
Senator to Washington in the last
Congressional election.
Pursuant to the statute regu
lating the sale of estrayed ani
mals I will, on Saturday, July 24,
1918 at the hour of 10 a.m., sell at
public sale at my place three
miles southwest of Boardman,
Morrow County, Oregon, the fol
lowing described and hitherto ad
vertised animal: One sorrel filly,
2 years old, no visible brand.
Said animal to be sold for cash
in hand and subject to the right
of redemption by the original ow
ner. Pete Slevin,
1618c Boardman, Ore.
SURANCE! Turner, Van Marter
& Co.
i mm
Big July Values! New Lowered Prices on
Soft, fine textured virgin wool U down to an amazing
price! 72" x 81" double or single size. Blue, green, gold,
rose dust, peach or white. Rich rayon satin binding.
4 lb. ALL WOOL BLANKET now ot?
72" x 90" extra long size in six lovely colors with matching
rayon satin edging. Buy your blankets now and save!
Stripes or Jacquards
72"x-84" 9.90 whipped Edges
Your choice of brilliant color -striped -on-white, or two-tone border-stricd or lovely
floral jacquards in white on rosedust, green, gold, blue, peach or cedar.
The striped blanket is ilA pounds, the jacquard 4! pounds every ounce pure
virgin wool !
Buy either one or BOTH -on Lay-Away. Choose now for next winter.
Every All Wool Blanket Uat A 5 Year Guarantee Against Moth Damage
Each half is 72" x 84" single or
double size. 95 fine, fluffy im
ported cotton, 5 pure wool. Four
lovely colors in smart plaid!
A smooth, soft imported cotton in
bright Indian or plaid patterns. 70"
80" tingle bed size. 2U lbs. The
children will love these!
Exquisite pastel tones with deli
cately outlined jacquard floral bor
der. 5 wool, 95 fluffy imported
cotton. 70" x 80" single bed.
L xBO-
r chud
Attractive floral basket design in
half soft cotton, half, rich lustrous
rayon. Extra long 72" x 90" sice.
6 colors, rayon satin edge.
Take advantage of our
on Wool Blankets
Buy them on our Layaway Plan