Want Ads We have overload borings lor Kord and Chevrolet pickups. $17.50. Rosewall Motor Co. Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 8, 1948-5 WEEK'S USED CAR SPECIAL at HEPPNER MOTORS: 1941 GREEN CHEV COUPE, special deluxe, R & H, seat covers, ex celent rubber and motor in top mechanical shape. Also three other late model Chevs. For Kaiser and Frazer automobiles, air cushion tires and Texaco products, see HEPPNER MO TORS for a square deal. Have you ridden in the 1949 Ford car? We invite you to drive the car of the year. Rosewall Motor Co. Legal Advertising hot ice or bub or uu paoP- ERTY No. UU IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OK OUEGON Fur the County of Morrow. n tiie Mutter of the Guurdiannhip of tne person and enute or joain uuliK MAN. HUE COLEMAN and ANN BELLE COLEMA,N, Minors, NOTICE la herehv elven that Die uh- deroigned Guardian of the perBon and eHlale ol trie above named minora, will from and after the 30th day of July, 1948. at the law office of Joe. J. Nya at Heppner, Oregon offer for aale and sell at private sale for caah all the oiie-eixth Inteieet of fluid minors in and to the following described real prop erty, to-wit: rne south half or tne soutn nair or Section one (1), the north naif of the norneaat quarter and the Doutn eaat quarter of the northeast quar- FOR SALE 3 bedroom modern home on Water street. Full of furniture. Price $5000. Turner, Van Martcr & Co. FOR SALE-8-weeks-old fryers. Finish them yourself and save money. V. C. Brown, lone. Ore. 16tfc 1940 Ford coupe. Pay down $400. Rosewall Motor Company. ter of Section twelve (12) Wm the riKht of way. in Township one (1) south, Range twenty-two (221 Euat of the Willamette Meridian, in Gil liam County, Oregon; ALSO: the northwest quarter and the north hulf of the north hall of the southwest quarter of Section seven (7i in TowiiHtiiD one ll) south Range twenty-three (23) East of the Willamette Meridian, ill Mor row County. Oregon: subject to the approval and confirma tion of the above entitled court. DATED and first published this first day of July, 1148. Guardian. J. Nys. Heppner, Oregon, Attorney for Guardian. 15-19 LOST 1949 Heppner class ring with blue stone. Lost at Lexing ton the 3rd of July. Reward. Faye Cutsforth, phone 2792. 16p FOR SALE Two-piece dining room suite breakfast set, lounge chair, radio, sewing ma . chine, baby buggy, swing and bassinette. See at Bert Bleak man's place, Heppner. 16tfc Buy your six-ply tires from Rose wall Motor Company. Old pric es still in effect. FOR SALE Fine choice building lots in Heppner. I'rice between $200 and $400. Francis B. Nick erson, agent. 16tfc FOR SALE Building and lot be tween Morrow County Clean ers and Padberg residence. F. B. Nickerson, agent. 16tfc We have factory reconditioned - Ford motors for Immediate in stallation. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR RENT Small 3-roorr house. Contact Charlotte Scherzinger, 436 Park St., Lebanon, Ore. 16-17p FOR SALE Norge refrigerator. Contact superintendent Hepp ner schools. 16c FOR SALE Majestic range at Mrs. Wyland's apartment. 16-17p 1930 Ford pickup. Pay down $85. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Harris sidehill com bine 22 x 33 12, 16 ft. cut. Fair condition. $100 worth new parts included. $1,000. II. Ward Far- roll. Gateway, Ore. 16-17p Wanted Someone to cut 165 ac res of wheat and save the chaff. Walter Jppson, lone, Ore. 16c 1937 Plymouth sedan. Pay down $2&5. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 200 bushel bulk tank, $275. Braden tractor type, 3 bottom doors and rear door. Jim Logan, Cecil, Ore. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe. cialist formerly of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HO TEL on SUNDAY, JULY 11th Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Let our paint department restore that show room complexion to your old car. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Five-room modern house; hardwood floors, fruit room, electric hot water heat er; wired for electric range. C. N. Jones, I hone 11F13. 16-17p FOR SALE 1; 2 mile north of Hardman, 1 Hoe drill, 5 single discs, 8 feet, 14 section spring tooth harrow, 1 5-section spring toeth harrow, 1 hay wagon and rack, 1 corrugated roller 8 feet 2 sets harness. J. E. Craber. Phone Rhea Creek 5. 16-17p 1936 Chevrolet truck with rebuilt motor. $650.00 full price. This unit will make you a good trap wagon and emergency truck, Rosewall Motor Company. LOST Four months old yellow collie, with white streak on chest. Last seen Sunday at Rock Junction. $5 reward Claude J. White, Heppner. lfip FOR SALE 2-room house, wired has chimney; must be moved Price reasonable. Mrs. Henry Aiken. 16-17c WANTED TO BUY Clean cotton or wool rags, preferably old blankets. Mrs. Henry Aiken. 16-17C We have 12;75 and 1400 x 24 com bine implement tubes. Rosewall Motor Company. APARTMENT FOR RENT See Howard Bryant or Cornett Green. 16-17p APRICOTS NOW READY You Dick: brine contalnes. J. O Swearincen. Irrlgon, Ore. 16c FOR SALE New Hampshire fry ers. Cair 3F3, or 2382. Chris Brown. 15-16c 193G Chevrolet truck. Reconill tloncd motor. Pay down $250.00. Rosewall Motor Company. TAKE HOME your soft drinks by the case. We have almost all kinds in stock, Ycager's. BRING your pictures in and have them framed now. About 70 nat terns of frame stock to choose from. Yeager's. About 20 fine, well made house dresses reduced to clear. Yea ger's. WE CARRY a well selected line of fine candies gum, etc., at reasonable prices; also Ice cream to take home. Yeager'i FOR IMMEDIATE RELIVERY New K-7 International truck. Lexington Implement Co. 15tfc SUMMONS Equity So. 3761 i THE CIKL'UIT LUUKT UF Till!. STATE OF OKEGON For the County of Morrow. WAttKEN H. McCOY and FRANCES BETTY McCOY, husband and wife. - Piaintina, vs. DORA MILLER and JOHN DOE MILL ER, her husband whose true name Is unknown to plaintiffs, EDITH B. r AUh.ithi kujvi aim juiim mjr. FAGERSTROM. her husband whose true name Is unknown to plaintiffs, FRANCES HOME COKEY and JOHN DOE COREY, her husband whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, and R. B. HOWARD, Receiver; the unknown heirs of Dora Miller, If de ceased, the unknown heirs of Edith E. Fagerstrom. If deceased, and the unknown heirs of Frances Rose Cor ey, if deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming Any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In the com plaint herein. Defendants. TO The above defendants and each and all of you : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are here- y required to appear ana answer faintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause Ithln four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons pon you and ir you iall to so appear or answer (or wejt thereof, plaintiffs ll apply to tne anove entitled court jr the relief prayed for in their com plaint, to-wit: f or a decree quieting; title to tne ollowlng described real property, sit uate in Morrow County, State of Ore- n. lo-wll: Lots sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (lfi), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22). twenty-three (23), twenty-four (241 and wenty-five (25) in Block thirty-six (36) In the Town of Irrlgon, County of Mor row. State of Oregon. nd that it be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners In fte simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or tile you may aim to have In said real properly la null and void and that you and each nd all ol you and an persons or par ties claiming by. through or under ou be forever barred and restrained i and from all claim, right, title and nterest in and to said reai property and every part thereof, and lor such other and further relief as may be just ana equllanie. l nis summons la served upon you by publication thereof once a wet-k ir four successive weeks In the Hepp ner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general Blrculatlon published in Mor- County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court for Mtirrow Coun ty. Oregon, which order is dated June 7th. 1048 and the date of the first pub- cation ol tins summons is June lu. IMS. JOS. J NYS Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence at d Post Office Address. Heppner. Oregon. 12-16. While Governor Dewey believes that we must help Europe thru the Marshall plan to some extent, he could be depended upon to look more closely after the wel fare of his own country than some of the other candidates who are proving internationalists regard less of their homeland. Michi gan Times. East half of Block Three (3) of Sperry'a 3rd Addition to the City of lone, Morrow County, Oregon. The administrator reserves the right to reject any and all bida. J. O. TURNER, Administrator of tne Estate of George Carkhuff, deceased. First published this 17th day of June. 1&48 iil-17 NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS NOTICE IS HEHfcBY GIVEN that the underaiKned have been duly ap pointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Executors of the en lute of R. M AKKH.S, deceased, and all pernons having claim against the eHtate of aald deceaaed are hereby required to present the same with propr vouchers duly verified as requir ed by law to the eaid executors at the law office of P. W. Mahuney at Hepp ner, Oregpn, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 1st day of July, 1948. BERL AKERS, KENNETH M. AKERS, Executors of the estate of R. M. Akers, deceased. P. W. Mahoney. Attorney for tbe executors, Heppner, Oregon, 15-10 Proclamation. Whereas, the unregu lated use of certain forest areas is, in the judgment ot the State Forester, a menace to life and property due to conditions tending to cause or allow the rapid spread of fires which might occur or because of the inacceHiole character of such areas due to the lack of suitable roads, and whereas, upon the showing of the Stale Forester it appears to me to be necessary to close to unregulated use the following areas designated as: Area No.R-1 Ail Na tional Forests in Oregon and adjacent unuxH protected by the United States Forest Service as follows: Adjacent to Umatilla National Forest: Eft T 6 N., R. 37 E. ; T. 6 N.. Rs. 38 and 42 E. ; that part of T. 6 N., R. 43 E. west of Grande Ronde River except Sections 13. 14, 23. 24 and 26; E',fc T. 5 N., R. 37 E. ; T. 5 N R. 38 E.; those parts of T. 6 N.. Rs. 42 and 43 E. north and west of the Grande Ronde River; Ts. 3 and 4 N.. R, 37 E.; that part of T. 3 N R. 36 E. outside Umatilla Indian Reservation; Sections 25, 26. 27, 34. 35 and 36. T. 2 S., R. 32 E. ; Sections 21 to 36 inclusive, T. 2 S., R. 33 E. ; Sections 31 to 36 inclu sive, T. 8 S.. R. 29 E. ; Sections 23 to 26 inclusive. 31 to 36 inclusive, T, 3 S., R. 30 E. ; Si T. 3 S., R. E. : S1, NEV T. 3 S., R. 31 E. ; T. 3 S.. R. 32 E ; T. 4 8., Rs. 29 to 32 E., inclusive, T. 5 S., Rs., 30 to 33 E., inclusive; T. 6 S ks. t to 31 E inclusive, 33 E., 34 E., oecuons a, iu, ie, 21, 28, T. 7 S.. R. 27 E. ; Section 1, T. 7 S., R. 28 E. : Section those parts of Sections 1 to 5 inclu sive, north of North Fork John Day River, T. 7 S., R. 29 E. ; that part of T. 7 S.. R. 30 E. north of North Fnrlc John Day River; Sections 13, 14, 23, 24, i. a a., rt. in c .: set lion :iti i n n R. 26 E.; Section 16. T. 8 S., R. 27 E. Now, therefore, 1, Leslie H Scott, Gov ernor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested in me under the provision of Section 107-210, Oregon Compiled Laws Annotaed, as amend ed by Chapter 252, Oregon Laws, 1945, do hereby proclaim the unrtgulat fi use of the above-described areas to-oe unlawful and do hereby close said areas and the same shall be subject to use only upon condition that entrants shall comply with all of the following re qulrements or conditions: (1) To re frain from smoking while traveling in such areas. 2) To secure a permit is sued by the forester or a fire wartifn before building a canipfire other than at improved, designated and Dosted campground on such areas. (3 To have aa a part of his or her equipment when using campfires, except when traveling as a pedestrian, and or camping at im- pruvcu. oeaignaiea ana posted camp grounds, tools as specified by the for ester suitable for extinguishing fires. This proclamation shall be effective from and after the 1st day of July, 1948. and shall remain in full force and ef fect until and including the 31st day of December, 1948. Done at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, this 29th day of June, ifto. o uvxue an. scoit, Uovernor. At test: s Earl T. Newbrv. SmtpIapv f State. SUMMONS Equity So. 3754 IN TEH CIRCUIT COURT OF THfi ai Ai K uf UKfcaiUrt tor tne county of Morrow. CLAUD F. WORDEN and JESSIE F. U WORDEN, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. MATTIE THOMAS and JOHN DOE THOMAS, whose true name u un known to plaintiffs, MILTON 1. SHANE, and all the unknown heirs of Maltie Thomas, if deeeaspd. nnd all the unknown heirs of J. M. DOU GLAS, deceased. Also all other per sons or parties unknown clalinii"i any right, title, estate, lien or inter est In the real estate described In the conmlaint herein. Defendants. TO The above defendants and each and all of you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are here- dv requires to appear ana answer plaintiffs' complaint filed against you n the above entiiU'ti court ami cau.se within four weeks from the dale of the first publication of this summons upon you and If you fall to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to me auove enuuea court lor he reiiei prayea lor in tneir complaint. to-wit: For a decree mi let n title to the following described real property, mi- uate in Morrow County, State of Or Kn, to-wit: The west nair or tne souttiwoft quarter of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-four (24) in Township four 4) north of Rang twenty-four (24) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Morrow County, Oregon. and that It be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee stmiile of said real property and that whatever Interest or title you may claim to have in said real property is null and void and that each and ail oi ou and a persons or names clalmihK v through or under vou be forever barred and restrained of and from all claim, right, title and interest in and to said ren nronertv snd every part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be Just and equitable. This summons is servea upon you Dy mblleation thereof onre a week for our successive weeks in the HeDDner Gazette Times, a newsnnner of general circulation published in Morrow Coun ty, uregon pursuant 10 an orner oi ine Hon. Heri jonnson. juoge oi tne uoun tv Court for Morrow County. Oregon, which order is dsted June 9th, U'4S and the date or the nrsi pumirauon of this summons is June 10, 1!MK. JOS. J. NV.S, Attorney for PlaJntirfa, Residence And Pnst Office Addres Heppner, Oregon llw6 Motorlog Fishermen Entranced With Angling in Oregon's Rogue O14MIM U eo op,Uo with ta Om tl M.Ur Mclalloa. TS. 1U1 to written M ktUr fro Al McCra,. OMaaalan Uff wrHw, an. Hri McCmS, fa Urtcr Thr.iiMS, Iriws, f CM 9mw rn, wi,. DEAR HARLEY: Want to feel 30-pounder yanking on the end of your aalmon rod? Want to hear that reel scream? Then bead on down to Southwest Oregon when your vacation time comes and see if you can land a crappy Rogue river Chinook aalmon. Although tile Rogue country Is one of the most primitive areas left in the United States, we found paved roads leading right to the edge of the white water pathway used by Mr. and Mrs. Chinook on their way up stream from the Pacific Coast to their mountain creek spawning grounds. We made the four-day round trip to Oregon's wild corner in the white travel car of the Ore gon State Motor association, found fine accommodations all along the way. fished both the upper and lower Rogue and brought home two tasty chi nooks to prove it. Guids RscommsnUed Linked with the outside world only by a forest service trail, the middle Rogue country Is the home of herds of black tail deer, wild turkeys, cougars, bobcats and bears. There are tall stands of virgin Douglas fir. redwoods and ponderosa pine, too. But loggers stay away for the same reason hunters do. You can't get in or out of the middle Rogue with much more than you can carry on your back. But you don't need to be a first cousin to a mountain goat to enjoy the Rogue's incom parable fishing. You can drive within a stone's throw of spots where you can fish for some of the world's fightingest steel head and salmon. What makes them that way? A lazy fish couldn't live in the turbulent Rogue, which has its beelnnines hiffh in the Cascades near Crater Lake and thunders II This hard-working anglsr fought nearly a half hour befors landing a 20-pounder, fishing from floating salmon board at Veasku inn. east of Grants Pass, at Savage Rapids dam. NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS Notice Is hereby Etven that thn lin- (iemiaied has been duly appointed, by the Probate Court of the Slate of Ore Kn for the County of Morrow, admin istratrix of the estlu? of KreH .T Mirh. son. decejued. and has accepted such trust All persons having claims against tMtiu rniuie are nereuy required 10 pre sent the same, with vouchers attached to the administratrix, at the office of J. O. Turner In Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 8th day of July, 1048. EDITH P. N1CHOSON, 16"20 Administratrix. CALL FOR BIDS The board of directors of School District No. 1, Heppner, will re ceive bids up to July 12, 1948, for furnishing to the said district the following automotive equipment: One 2-passenger bus; One 30-passenger bus, and One 8-passenger all-metal sta tion wagon. Said vehicles must be equip ped with bodies that conform with regulations of the state of Oregon governing school busses. All bids must be made for each vehicle separately. forward all bids to Mrs. Tres McClintock, Clerk of School Dis trict No. 1, Heppner, Oregon, prior to July 12, 1948, date of opening of bids. Mrs. Tress McClntock, 16 Clerk. Highway 101. whicn hugs the coastline most of the way. It's cold out on the river at 5 a. m.. and we were glad we wore extra sweaters. Tyro fish ermen will do well to find a guide, who will supply a boat, outboard motor, tackle and ad vice for about S20 a day. Chinooks keep to the shal lows near the banks when they move up the swift Rogue, so we anchored near shore and fished close to the bottom with a single spinner at the end of a piano wire leader Spring-run its way 250 miles downhill to salmon average about 22 the sea over jagged rocks and pounds, and you're in for a real through deep canyons. tussle when one of these snags You'll want a day to drive your hook and heads for the down the Oregon coast to Gold fast water in midstream. Beach, the first place we wet If you can stay an extra day our fishing lines in the Rogue. In Gold Beach, a trip that There's plcntv to see along U. S. shouldn't be missed is the 32- i DAM. ord ffiVOTWSOil Motorlog' map shows rout taken by AAA-Oregon Motor asso ciation car oa four-day trip to Rogus river ii.hing district. mile ride upriver in the mail boat to Agness. Two veteran rivermen. Lex Fromm and De forest Sorber, hold the contract to carry the U. S. mail to tiny Agness. which can be reached only by water except in the dry season, when a tortuous, 66 mile logging road south from Coquille becomes passable. From Gold Beach it's only five-hour drive around the south end of the Siskiyou forest to Grants Pass, halfway up the Rogue. A 20-mile side trip at Cave Junction takes the tourist to Oregon Caves, an underground fairyland of vari-colored stalac tites and stalagmites which shouldn't be passed by. Anglers in the Grants Pass vicinity use "salmon boards" to fish for the lordly Chinook. These are finger piers sup ported by floating oil drums anchored out in the stream. The rushing Rogue spins the spin. 1 ner. and all the fisherman has to do ll fasten his rod firmly to the pier and sit on the beach to await developments. When the reel- begins to scream and the rod bends double, the fun be- . gins! Once out in the swift cur rent the salmon is boss, and the fisherman may need to jump in a handy rowboat and give i chase if he hooks a big one that I decides to head for the ocean. Those who really like to I rough it can take the thrilling trip all the way down the Rogue from Grants Pass to the ! mouth in white water boats manned by veteran rivermen who charge about $150 a head for the trip. How does It sound, Harley? We'll be looking for you this summer. Yours. CONNIE AND AL, Washington Week . n..Hii.-i " I i trough for 16 years would be chanced. They never gave It a thought that he would mean that the tre mendous duplication of effort, the silly and useless bureaus, the greatly over-manned agencies would experience policies of ec onomy. It never would occur to the New Dealers that an efficient admin istration could possibly get as much work and service out of the departments, bureaus and ag encies with less personnel. The frantic response of the New Dealers to Gov. Dewey's warning confirms a report made during the last session of the 80th Con gress that administration leaders refused to meet expense cuts of the Congress by reducing the payroll they just cut services in stead. That frantic response also con firms the judgment of most peo- By CHARLES L. EGENROAD Washington, D. C Gov. Thom as t. uewey s nominauuii was less than 48 hours old when the fearful New Dealers began hiding behind the false protective job wall built up by the regime which contemplated the elimin ation of the two-party system In this country. In a typical Dewey manner, the efficient New York governor stat ed in his acceptance speech that Washington could expect a house-cleaning. At once, the New Dealers rais ed the clamor that most govern ment workers are now under civil service and no change of admin- iutratinn rnllld preatlv reduce the number of persons on the public l Pie that it is time for a change payroll. So it comes to light from the lips of the planners. They cloak ed their security in legislation and disregarded the welfare of the nation. The New Deal horded a payroll of more than two millions of its believers and has attempted to say to 145,000,000 Americans: "This cannot be changed." It was only natural that the New Dealers would interpret Gov. Dewey's house -cleaning inten tions to mean that identities of those guzzling at the public and time to save what is left of our Republic. , o Among those spending the 4th at Bend were Mr. and Mrs. Edison Morgan and children, S. L. Wiles and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White. Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Oregon Imn Climb . ll lO into JhceBva -.0HE6OK. Apricots are Ripe!! B & H Mart Located 1-2 mile West of Umatilla on Hi way 730 News From . A. Office YOU CAN ALWAYS get brick Ice cream at Yeager's. Order your holiday supply early SEWING-Plaln Phone 1145, and altering. 14-16p HOTICB TO CBEDITOBS Nutlfe Is hereby given tnnt tne un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court ot the ijtute of Oregon for Morrow County the AilnilnHtrittor of the estate of LOLA B. McCABK, dereftsed. slid all persons ImvInK claims agalns the estate ot said de ceased are hereby required to presnt the same duly verified with proper vou chers to the undersigned Administra tor at lone, Orektoli or at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, Heppner. Oregon, with in six months from th data harsof. Hated and first published tins 17th day of Juno. 1!MS. EARL FRANCIS McCABHl, Administrator. Tos .T NvH Attorney for Administrator. 18-16 HOTICBTbPS ALB OP REAL PBOP- EBTY BY ADHlNlSTRATUa. in tub county COURT oie THK STATR OV OltECtON FOR THK COUNTY OP" MORROW. In the Mutter of the ESTATE of GKOItOK CARKHUFF, Deceased Nollce Is hereby itlven. that nurmlant to an order, made and entered In said court, on the 11th day of June, 1948, niithorlKinir Hnd dlrectlns: said adminis trator to se 1 rem property or me estate of Georire Carkhuff, the administrator of said estate, mo uimersiKnea j. u. Turner, will, on the 171 ll day or July, 1II4S, at the hour of S :IKI o'clock P. M at Hie silo of the hereinafter described property, In the City of lone. Morrow County. OroR-on, offer for sale and sell to the highest Mdder for cash In hand, at public auction, the following describ ed real property, to-wit: The North Fifty (SO) feet of thi Milron-Freewater Motors offers these good buys In Used Cars and Trucks 1947 Ford Convertible 1947 Plymouth 5- passenger 1947 Mercury 5-pass- enger 1940 Ford Tudor 1939 Ford Fordor FORD TRUCKS 1947 C.O.E. L.W.B. 8:25 rubber; 2-speed axle; low mileage 1942 Ford L.W.B. with stake rack 1940 Vi-ton Ford pick-up C With crested wheat grass seed seling from fifty t6 fifty-five cents a pound and quite difficult to obtain at that price. Morrow county farmers might give some thought to harvesting seed from established fields of this grass on their farms. Checking for seed sets on sev eral fields through the county, I found that the fields vary con siderably in the amount of seed they will yield. However, at the price of seed it is profitable to harvest rather poor fields for seed. Time for harvest will vary in the county in relation to other crops. Many of the fields in the lower country are ready for har vest this week or will be early next week. The fields in the up per country will be ready in about three weeks. There is a ready market for this seed and many of the fields will produce from fifteen to thirty dollars per acre of seed. . The crickets are on Or march again! The past several days of cooler weather has brought a de cided migration of crickets into the wheat crops adjoining the rangeland in northern Morrow county. In fact, several bands have migrated as far south as the Lexington-Jarmon highway for a distance of about nine miles from Butter creek past Sand Hollow. Adults are beginning to lay eggs now, and according to Har vey Summers, supervisor, bureau of entomology, there Is a real threat of crickets for another year. Mr. Summers states that the cric kets are moving rapidly toward the Blue mountains where con ditions are ideal for them. If they become established in the moun- FREEWATEB, OREGON Phone 496 Res. Phone 788 tains to build up in numbers there will be a greater threat than ever before. Control meth ods are far less effective and more costly under mountain con ditions. The bureau of entomology con trol program under supervision of Harvey Summers has been a very successful one the past season. However, the bureau program has been one of controlling crickets in hatching areas and it is im possible for large scale baiting in crop areas. Some farmers are baiting crops this week and others have baited during the earlier cricket season when more effective control is possible. Bait and bait spreaders have been available at the mix ing station at Boardman during the past several months. Farm ers who wish to bait now will have to obtain bait supplies and batters at the bureau of entomol ogy sheds at Walla Walla as the program is being discontinued this week at Boardman. . We have just received a supply of new bulletins, "Money-Saving Main Dishes," which are avail able at this office for those in terested. The bulletin contains some very good recipes for cas serole dishes and various ways of using meat extenders. Why don't you drop in at the office for a copy of this bulletin? Appointment of John C. Camp bell as extension rural housing specialist has been announced by F. L. Ballard, associate direc tor of the OSC extension service. Ballard points out that many far mers in the state are either build ing or planning to build new farm structures. Campbell's work will be concerned with assisting in rural housing activities. Prior to accepting his new ap pointment, Campbell was em ployed by an architect In Everett, Wash. He is a nattce of Kansas. With the large wheat crop in prospect many problems in stor age are bound to come up. In fact several farmers have called at the office recently to discuss tem porary storage and how it may be provided. Much of our grain will have to be stored on the ground as it now appears. However, before this mode of storage is resorted to, all possibilities of storage in old abandoned houses and other buildings on the farm should be used. Many of these will need reinforcement and carefuconsid eration when filling with grain if they are to hold up under the strain exerted by the grain. When ground storage is used a level, well drained site should be selected. All grass or stubble should be mowed and removed. If possible, it is best to use paper, such as sisal kraft as a floor. The grain should be piled in such a way as to shed the rain and it is preferable to use a tarp or other waterproof material as a cover ing. There are many ways of providing temporary storage with little loss of grain stored. The county agent suggests that you stop in at his office to discuss temporary storage if you have such a problem this year. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Northness and daughter of Kalama, Wash were week-end guests here at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Run nion. Dr. B. SCHIFF Chiropodist and Foot Specialist has moved his office to 408 Elks Building, Pendleton Office hours 9 to 5 on Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Telephone 383 llrB '1 ill I ll I HV I Lhi LJ" Redi-Cut lifetime Aluminum Buildings Priced low FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY You ttll ui the tit building you need and we will im mediately lend you complete information and costs. Frames are of best grade 2x6 lumber, cut to fit and drilled tor ''olta ... providing limple but rigid con struction, t.dea and roof are covered with heavy ' gauge aluminum that eliminates maintenance costs. Easy and inexpensive to erect. Full erection Instruc tions and blueprints, with pieces numbered. Reduce building costs to ts low as 74c per square foot! For example), e JOx 100-foof aluminum building i priced at only $22001 Everything in Buildings Except High Prices NORTHWEST BUILDINGS, Inc. 4030 S.E. 29th Av. Phone EA 7520 PORTLAND 2. ORE. Albert Schunk, local agent Heppner, Oregon Phone 324 SHIPPED REDI-CUT TO YOUR ORDER P.rftct for WAREHOUSC MACHINE GARAGE MILKING PARLOR STOCK SHCO MFG. PLANT At Your Fovorite Marshall-Wells Store ZENITH VACUUM CLEANERS Tank type complete with fittings $69.95 Upright Style, fittings extra $59.95 CANNING NEEDS We have a complete supply of Cold Pack and Pressure Canners and other supplies. Owens Hardware Your Summer Cleaning Problems Easily Solved ....... Summer weather requires a lot of clothes . . . but warm days are no problem to even a limited wardrobe when you rely on our expert, moderate cost dry cleaning service. It's the wise man or woman who keeps that well groomed appearance even when the mercury climbs to the sizzling point. Make sure your clothes are in perfect condition. You can always be assured of this type of service at the HEPPNER CLEANERS