Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 08, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    lone Folks Spend
Fourth Holiday At
Various Places
By Echo Palmateer
The people of lone celebrated
the 4th in various places.
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 8, 1948-3
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann
and son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Dav
id Rletmann and family, Mrs.
Inez Freeland and Mrs. Etta Bris
tow were at Spruce Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rrvuin Mr
and Mrs. Dale Ray went to Kelley
Mr and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mr.
and Mrs. Cleo Drake and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn
and family celebrated at Parker's
Don't Neglect
Hail and
Fire Insurance - - -
You can still get it from a good
old reliable company.
Write or Come In
Blaine E. Isom Agency
Gilman Bldg.
Heppner Oregon
Chevron Fly Spray knocks flics,
mosquitoes, moths and other
pesky insects dead.
Chevron Surface Spray waits
for all bugs . . . its killing
power lasts for months.
Its 100 active ingredients,
with deadly DDT, give it high
est rated killing power.
Standard of California Products
Phono 622
Heppner, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely celebrat
ed at Echo and will spend a few
days at Pendleton with their son
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb went
to the mountains.
Visitors at the Griffith home
at Morgan and the Roy Lindstrom
home over the 4th were Miss
June Griffith of Portland, Allen
Howk of Troutdale and Clarence
Linn of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and
Mrs. Echo Palmateer went to
Bend Sunday. They also visited
the Peterson rock gardens near
About 75 people attended the
Valby Lutheran Sunday school
picnic at French's Sunday. A din
ner was served at noon and a
baseball game was played be
tween the single and married
Arthur Bergstrom and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Bergstrom spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Leonard Carlson reports 1.20
Inches of rain fell in the Goose
berry country Sunday night.
Henry Clark, and Walter Rob
erts have been kalsomining and
painting the interior of the
school house.
Mrs. Addie Salter states that
the body of her brother, Alson
Dodge, who was drowned recent
ly in the Merced river in Califor
nia, has been found and was bur
ied at Long Beach, Cal. He is
survived by four sons and two
sisters, Mrs. Ed Poston of San
Francisco and Mrs. Salter. He
is a former resident of lone.
Miss Shirley McGreer, daugh
ter of Mrs. Verner Troedson, Is
attending the junior summer
school of the Episcopal church
at Cove.
Larry Ritchie of Portland visit
ed here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson
and family and Mrs. Mary Swan-
son spent the week end in Salem.
Carl Troedson entertained the
following at a picnic dinner on
the lawn at his home Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson, Mr.
and Mrs. Verner Troedson, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Clark and grand
daughters, Clara Ann and Alecia
Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar
tin and sons, Lowell Clark, Mr.
and Mrs. M. Fitzpatrick, Miss
Margaret McDevitt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Mclntyre and son John, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Lundell and
daughter Shannon, Walter Rlet
mann, Elisha Sperry and Wm.
1W Boor J
Loyd's Saddle Shop
Aour LtA pkjyveA quality
(rccomeA m&uz impJzaMuw ikon evet
ate even note cdbiajciive than, in ike JaaAi I
FIRST in Value . . .
FIRST in Big-Car
Quality at Lowest
Prices . . .
FIRST in Registrations
NOT only does Chevrolet stand out as the first and only low-priced
tar with all the following major advances which comprise the
soundest and best in modern motoring . . . not only does it offer all
these major advantages of Big-Car quality at lowest prices . . . but it
offers them at prices that are now definitely and decisively lower than
those of any other car that even remotely approaches it in quality!
It's the first and only low-priced car with the original and outstand
ing Unitized Knee-Action Ride. It's the first and only low-priced car
with a world's champion Valve-in-Head Engine. It's the first and only
low-priced car with the enviable Body by Fisher. It's the first and only
low-priced car with the triple safety-protection of Fisher Unisteel
Body-Construction, the Unitized Knee-Action Ride and Positive
Action Hydraulic Brakes.
And yet. despite the fact that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEV
ROLET IS FIRST to offer all these major advancements of low-cost
motoring, it holds an even greater price-advantage and gives you
even more value for your dollars in comparison with other automobiles
today than at any previous time in Chevrolet history I
i j
Hodge Chevrolet: Co.
July 10 Initiation In the 1st
and 2nd degrees at the Grange
hall at 8 p.m
July 10 Dance at Legion hall.
July 14 Maranathas at the
Echo Palmateer home.
July 14 IMIA meeting at Leg
ion hall, 8 p.m.
July 15 Regular Rebekah
July 16 HEC meeting at the
Ernest Heliker home.
July 16 Special school meet
ing. July 17 Regular Grange meet
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns
left Monday morning for Port
land where they will visit their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Tad Hardesty.
Miss Alice Nlchoson spent the
4th with her mother, Mrs. Edith
Miss Mildred Carlson of Eu
gene flew up to spend the 4th
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Carlson.
Miss Francine Ely who Is era-
ployed as bookkeeper at the Wil
liams & Co. store in The Dalles,
spent the week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely.
Miss Melba Crawford of Port
land spent the 4th with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wate Craw
Mrs. Florence Swanson of Port
land visted her aunt, Mrs. Delia
Corson, over the week end.
Delbert Emert trucked his cat
tle to the mountains last week.
Mrs. Ida Coleman cooked for the
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger are the parents of a daughter
born recently at The Dalles. The
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Zinter.
Initiation was held at the reg
ular meeting of the Rebekahs on
Thursday evening, July 1, after
which the charter was draped in
memory of the late Mrs. Louvisa
Louy who was a charter member
of Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge of
lone. Refreshments were served
after the meeting by the follow
ing: Mrs. David Rietmann, Mrs.
Clell Rea, Mrs. Walter Roberts,
Mrs. L. A. McCabe and Mrs.
Charles O'Connor.
Out-of-town relatives attending
the Louvisa Louy funeral last
week were Mr. and Mrs. Elisha
Sperry of Portland, Mrs. Dean
Ausman of Asotin, Wn., and Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Padberg of Lexington.
Mrs. Ethel Stewart returned
from Portland and Gear hart last
week, where she visited her mo
ther and her son, Fred Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
and daughter Ruby Ann spent
Saturday night at The Dalles
with the Victor Peterson family
and spent the 4th at Lost lake.
Allen Peterson came home with
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann to
spend a couple of weeks.
Those spending the 4th at Leh
man springs were Mr. and Mrs.
Edmond Bristow and son Jerry,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Heimbigner and chldren, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Lundell and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Rice and son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Fletcher and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Morgan and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest McCabe, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert DeSpain and son,
Miss Anita Hooker, Miss Laurel
Palmateer, Melvin Brady and
Pete Cannon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and
family spent the Fourth at Prine
ville with her parents.
A miniature cloudburst struck
at Morgan Monday afternoon
and did damage to the roads and
summer fallow. One half inch of
ran fell in a few minutes. Some
hail was reported south of lone.
Mrs. Algott Lundell came from
La Grande to spend the 4th at
her home in Gooseberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Yarnell
and daughters of Lexington
spent Sunday at the Harry Yar
nell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ekstrom
and children of Portland and Mr.
and Mrs. Al Alplanalp and chil
dren of Portland were guests at
the Herbert Ekstrom home over
the 4th.
Miss Anita Hooker of Nampa,
Idaho, is a guest at the Edmond
Bristow and Ernest McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKlnney
and boys spent the 4th at Leh
man springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bren
ner spent the week end at Bend.
Elmer West was a week-end
visitor at the home of his sister,
Mrs. W. B. Rice, at The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy of
Rockaway are visiting relatives
Miss Mary Barnett of Seattle
are our
Town or Country
Come in and see
us about your
wedding pictures
Louis Lyons
Ph. 2772
Kinzua Boy Scouts
Display Lore At
Court of Honor
By Elsa M. Leathers
The Boy Scouts held their court
of honor Thursday night at Jeff
more hall. Scoutmaster Stewart
Turner was present and also his
assistant, Rev. Lewis Wetzel. Be
fore a large audience Joe Woods
and Roger Graham demonstrated
building a camp fire. How to
erect a sturdy camp table from
poles was demonstrated by Jim
Boyd and Roger Graham. Floyd
Neth and George Boyd demon
strated the tying of bandages,
and George Boyd gave the flag
The boys chosen to attend sum
mer camp at Wallowa lake were
Floyd Neth, Roger Graham and
Joe Woods. Floyd Neth was pre
sented a "life" pin which desig
nates him as a "life" scout. Joe
Woods was selected as honor
scout and awarded the bronze
statue. The boys leave for sum
mer camp soon.
Perry Adams, S2c, left Friday
for San Diego, Cal., after spend
ing a week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harlan Adams. Norvin
Adams and Don Ostrander went
as far as Portland with him. They
expect to spend a week In the
Mr .and Mrs. J. B. Armstrong
will spend the vacation in Van
couver visiting relatives.
Becky Ann, small daughter of
Harlan and Arlene Schroeder, has
the measles this week.
Harlan Adams made a business
trip to The Dalles Friday.
Mark Jellick and Leonard Sam
ples are spending the vacation at
Kinzua with their parents. The
boys have Jobs on a ranch near
Delvin McDaniel went to Pen
dleton Friday where he will meet
his wife. Mrs. McDaniel Is at
tending summer school at La
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers
left Sunday for Vancouver, Wash.,
where they visited Owen's mo
ther, Mrs. Belle Leathers and
other relatives and friends over
the holidays. They will also go
to the coast before returning
home the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Green took
their small daughter to The Dal-
visited her Darents over the wppk
end. She was accompanied by
vernon Auney of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ransier of
Morgan entertained friends at a
picnic dinner Sunday evening at
their home.
Correction: Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Lindstrom were guests at the pic
nic at Carl Troedson's, and Otto
Rietmann was at Spruce springs.
les Thursday night, to a hospital
where she will remain for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott and
Lillian left Friday night for Oro
ville, Cal., to spend the vacation
with the Ab Coleman's. Bill Lett
zel and Perk Jellick accompanied
them as far as Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore and
Mrs. Kinard McDaniel went to
Lonerock Sunday, Mrs. McDaniel
to visit her son Dallas and fam
ily and Mrs. Moore to visit her
mother, Mrs. Ben Rogers. Ralph
and James Moore and Doyle Hop
kins will work at the Ben Rogers
ranch during the vacation.
A. B. Myers and Miss Maxine
Myers arrived Friday from Med-
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
ford. They are visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Rood. Mr. Myers will return to
Medford Wednesday, but Max
ine's stay is indefinite. Mr. Myers
is Mrs. Rood's father and Maxine,
her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harper and
daughter, Rachel Gail, and Mrs.
Maggie Hollomon of Milton-Free-water
were week-end visitors at
the home of the Rodger Hollo
mons. Mrs. Maggie Hollomon is
Rodger's mother and will visit
here indefinitely. Mrs. Harper is
his sister.
Kinard McDaniel went to Hard
man Friday night, where he will
join his grandson, Gay Harsh
man. They expect to spend sever
al days on a fishing trip at Olive
Mr. and Mrs. John Mills and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Litchenburu
are spending a few days In Cal
ifornia. They also plan to visit
the Oregon caves and Redwood
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanon
were Kinzua visitors Thursday.
The Hannons are former Kinftia
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bird are
spending their vacation on a trip
to Yellowstone park.
Sonny Matteson's wife and
baby arrived in Kinzua Thurs
day. They flew from San Diego
to Pendleton, where they were
met by Sonny and Fred Samples.
Five beautiful Servel models to fit
your family needs.
Northwest Liquefied Gas Company
James Healy
Phone 2322 Heppner
Saturday, JUHiY 31(0)
Music by
Admission $2.00 per Person (tax included)
chedule of Dances
Morrow County Fair
and Rodeo
Kick-Off Dance at Heppner
Dance at Willows Grange Hall, lone
Lena Grange Dance at Heppner
Rhea Creek Grange Hall
Lexington Grange Dance -- at Heppner
SEPTEMBER 2-3-4-at Heppner
September 2-3-4 at Heppner
Main and May Phone 403 Heppner, Ore.