Want Ads Buy those famous Firestone All Traction tires from liosewall Motor Company. WANTED Truck driver for har vest. Young, experienced and ef ficient. Will start about July 12. Top wages. Ray Heimbig nor, lone, Ore. 15p Have you ridden in the 1949 Ford car You are cordially Invited to drive the car of the year. Kosewall Motor Company. LOST One black book of flies, Snelled hooks and leaders, above springs in vicinity of old bridge. Lloyd Burkenbine. 15c Let our paint department restore that show room complexion to your old car or truck. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 8-weeks-old roasters. Finish them yourself and save. V. C. Brown, lone, Ore. 15c Ford and Friends is our business. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Fiamo 8-foot refrig erator. Phone 3911, Brenner, lone. 15p 19.16 Ford sedan, new recondi tioned motor. Pay down $200. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 1945 1 12 ton Chev. truck; flat bed and stock rack; motor In good condition; good rubber. Call 2242. 151 fc FOR SALE New Hampshire fry ers. Call 3F3, or 2382. Chris Brown. 15-16c 1936 Chevrolet truck. Recondi tioned motor. Pay down $250.00. Rosewall Motor Company. TAKE HOME your soft drinks by the case. We have almost all kinds In stock. Yeager's. BRING your pictures in and have them framed now. About 70 patterns of frame stock to choose from. Yeager's. 1930 Model A Pickup. Pay down $100.00. Rosewall Motor Co. About 20 fine, well made house dresses reduced to clear. Yea ger's. WE CARRY a well selected line of fine candies gum, etc., at reasonable prices; also ice cream to take home. Yeager's. 1941 Pontiac sedan coupe. Pay down $500.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE-Spring friers. Call 512 or 2723. FOR IMMEDIATE RELIVERY New K-7 International truck. Lexington Implement Co. 15tfc YOU CAN ALWAYS get brick Ice cream at Yeager's. Order your holiday supply early. .SHIPMENT of Ward's popular Air Cushion tires, 7:60x16, Just ar rived at Heppner Motors. Make your July 4th trip more com fortable than ever before on these low pressure tires. 15c FOR SALE 1946 FORD V8 truck with factory built bulk wheat rack, Eton rear end, excellent rubber, recently overhauled motor, radio, heater and spot light. See at Heppner Motors. 14c FOR SALE Spring fryers. Phone 512. FOR SALE 1936 2-door Chev se dan. Howard Bryant. 14-15p FOR SALE Mason Jars, haTfgaT Ion size $1 dozen; quart size 90c dozen. Heppner Hotel. 14 15c FOR SALE 1941 MASTER DE LUXE 4 door sedan, all new tires, high tort engine in good shape, radio and heater, fog lights. $1125. Heppner Motors. 14c FOR RENT Rooms. Phune 1115 after 6 p.m. Delia Tash. 14-15p IZAAK WALTON double tip cast ing and trolley pole, $20. Phone 1145. 14-15p SEWING Plain and altering. Phone 1145. ljTlGp FOR SALE 9 room modern home on South Main street. Price $7,500. Phone 2495. Gordon Mc Cough. 14-15C FOR SALE 1947 model John Deere binder, practically new, $00. Gordon McGough. Phone 2195. 14-15C FOR SALE 27 foot Glider house trailer, price $1800. Write Jake Elledge, Box 272, Wetmore. 13-lBp FOR SALE 1936 Willys-Knight pickup, $230. Inquire at Hotel Heppner. 13tfc FRYERS Dressed or alive. Phone 34F3, Lexington. Mrs. Julian Rauch. 1214p ALTERATIONS Call 1013. I will call and deliver. 110 Church street, Heppner. 12-15p Would like good wheat hauling Jobs with late model trucks. Call or write Heppner Gazette Times. lltfc FOR SALE Four-room house on First St In lone. Gas range with trash burner, Flamo hot water and bath, small base ment; nice cabin with stove on same lot. Price $2500. Turner, Van Marter Co. 9tfc TIME FOR SCREENS Doors "and windows. Let N. D. Bailey make them. They will last. Regular prices. Phone 1485. 81 fc Legal Advertising NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL PROP- ERTY No. 11115 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TUB STATE OF OKKGON For me couniy In the Matter of the Ouardliinshlp ot Ihe person and estate of JOAN COLE MAN, MUri t 1 1 1 , r, ivi A pi aim rtfn HELLE COLEMAN, minors, NfiTti'ir. ! hiiMibv irlven (lint the un dersigned Guardian ot the person and eslato of the above named minors, will fi'iiin and after the Hlllh rillV ot July, 1948. at the law office of Jos. .f. Nys at Heppner. Oregon offer for sale nnd sell at private sale tor cash all the oue-slxth interest ol sain minors in aim to the following described real prop erty, to-wlt: . The south half of the south half of Section one (1), the north half of the norhenst quarter and the lotith eait quarter of the northeast quar- Mrs. Joe Creen and children returned to their home In Pendle. ton Sunday after spending the past few weeks here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Green. -o On a recent visit of U. S. Navy ships to Copenhagen, Denmark, 103,223 curious Danes went aboard them during public visit ing hours. ter of 8(-tlon twelve (12) leMB the riKlit of way, in Township one (1) Houlil, Utilise twenty-two (22) Emit nt the Willamette Meridian, in Gil liam County, Oregon; ALSO: the northwest quarter and the north half of the north half of the aouthweiit quarter of bection seven (7) In Township one 1) south Range twenty-three (23) East of tile Willamette Meridian, in Mor row County. Oregon: subject to the approval and confirma tion of the above entitled court. DATED and first published this first day uf July, 1948. IDA COLEMAN, Guardian. Jos. J. Nys. Heppner. Oregon, Attorney for Guardian. 15-19 SUMMONS Equity So. 3761 JN THE CIKCUIT COUHT OF THE. STATE OK OREGON fur the County of Morrow. WAHKKN H. McCOY and FRANCES BETTY McCOY, husband ami wife, Plaintiffs, vs. DORA MILLER and JOHN IXlE MILL ER, her husband whose true name Is unknown to plaintiffs, EDITH E. KACKK.STROM and JOHN DOE FAGEKSTROM, her husband whose tiue name is unknown to plaintiffs, FRANCES ROSE COREY and JOHN DOE COREY, her husband whose true name is unknown to plaintiffs, and R. B. HOWARD, Receiver; the unknown heirs of Dora Miller, If de ceased, the unknown heirs of Edith E. Fagerstrom, If deceased, and the unknown heirs of Frances Rose Cor ey, If deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming nny right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estate described In the com- i plaint herein. Defendants. TO The above defendants and each and all of you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are here- oy require to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you n tne aoove entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and If you fall to BO appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their com plaint, to-wit: or a decree Quiet na- title to the following described real property, sit uate in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, to-wit: Lots sixteen (1G), seventeen (17), eighteen (IS), twenty-one 121). twenty-two (221. twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24) and wenty-flve (211 in Bl'x-k thirty-six 136) ii the Town of Irrlgon. County of Mor row. State of Oregon. and that It be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners In fee simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or tl e vou mav claim to have In said real property Is ana voia aim mat you and each and all of you and all persons or par ties claiming by, through or under you be forever barred and restrained f and from all claim, r ght. title and Interest lh-and to said real nnmertv and every part thereof, and for such er and lurther relief as may be Just and equitable. 1 his summons is served unon vou by publication thereof one a v-.-k for lour successive weeks in the HepD- Guzette Times, a new-sDiiner of general sirculation published in Mor row County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Hert Johnson. Judge f the County Court for Morrow Coun ty. Oregon, which order is dated June in. 1D4 and the date of the first pub Icntion of this summons is June 10 1948. JOS. J NYS Attorney for Plaintiffs. Residence and Post Office Address. Heppner, Oregon. 12-16. SUMMONS Equity Bo. 3754 IN TEH CIRCUIT COURT OF THE eiAir. vr urtfcAiO.N For the county of Morrow. CLAUD F. WORDEN and JESSIE F. U WORDEN, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, vs. MATTIE THOMAS and JOHN DOE I Hum AS. whose true name la un known to plaintiffs, MILTON D. SHANE, and all the unknown heirs of Mattle Thomas. If deceased, find all the unknown heirs of J. M. JX)U GIAS. deceased. Also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Inter est in the real estate described in the romplalnt herein. Defendants. TO The above defendants and each and all of you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hero- ov renuirea to appear and answer plaintiffs' complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date ot the first publication of this summons upon you anu u you tan to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiffs will npnly to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their complaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following described real property, sit uate In Morrow County, Stale of Oro- gon. to-wlt: The west hnir or the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-four (24) In Township four (4) north of Range twenty-four (24) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Morrow County, Oregon. and that it be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of said real property and that whatever interest or title you may claim to have In said real property is null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parties claiming by. through or under you be forever barred ami restrained of and from all claim, right, title and Interest In nnd to said real property and every part thereof, and for such other and runner relief as may be just and equitable. Tin summons is served upon you by .mhlleatlon thereof once a week for 'our successive weeks In the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general rcu at on nuiuisned in Morrow uoun ty. Oregon pursuant to an order of the lion. Jten jonnson. juugo oi me woun' tv Court for Morrow County. Oregon. which order Is dated June 9th. 1948 and the date of the first publication of this summons la June 10, 1948. JOS. J. NYS. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Heppner. Oregon. 12-16 J.OTICE TO CREDITORS Not ce s hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the I'rnlmte court ot me wiate ol uregon for Morrow County the Administrator f the estate of LOLA E. McCARE. deceased, and all persons having lainis agalns the estate ot Bald de eased are hereby reqtiired to presnt the same duly verified with proper vou- hers to me undersigned Administra tor nt lone, Oregon or nt the law office or Jos. j. iys, neppner, tiregnn won in six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Una 17th day ot June. isms. Mill, fKANCIM MfCAHPJ, Administrator. Jos. J. Nve. Attorney for Administrator. 13-16 NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL FBOP ERTY Br ADMINISTRATOR. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATIC OF OHEOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the Matter of the ESTATE of GKOIKiK CARKIHIFF. Deceased Notice Is hereby given, thnt pursuant to an order, made ami entered In snld court, on the 11th day of June. 1948, author v. tin and d red ng Bald admlnls Irulor lo sell real property of the estate of (leorgo Carkliuff, the administrator of said estate, tne undersigned J. u. Turner, will, on tne win day or .iniy 1048. nt the hour of 2 : (K) o'clock P. M. at the site of the hereinafter described properly. In the City of lone. Morrow County. Oregon, offer for sale nnd Bell lo Ihe highest bidder for ensh In hnmt at public auction, the following describ ed real propeny, ui-wo. The North Fifty (BO) feet of the Knst half of Hlork Three CI) of Sperry's 3rd Addition to the City of lone. Morrow County. Oregon. The admlnlstrnlor reserves the right to reject any and all Bids. J. O. TURNER, Administrator of the F,stnte of (leorge Carkhuff, deceased, first published this 17th day of June, 1948. 18-17 News From C. A. Office A forage harvester or field chopper will bring more returns to a farmer than the investment in any other piece of major farm equipment with the single excep tion of the tractor, believes M. G Huber, O.S.C. extension agri cultural engineer. The forage harvester with its companion units blower or ele vator and automatic unloading attachment for wagons and trucks solves many of the mech anization headaches related to harvesting forage crops. By using the field chopper method of hay ing, grass is cut, chopped and blown into a wagon or truck equipped with a mechanical un loading device in the field. At the barn, the chopped grass is blown into a silo and stored as ensilage. "This method is economical both in a saving of harvest labor and feeding value of the forage Rain is never a serious handi cap," Huber. states. The forage, harvest chopipng outfit is an all season machine, as it is used successively, start ng with the first silage crop, through pasture clipping and lat er hay and straw chopping. In all of these oprations, the oper ating cost per ton of dry matter from field to cow is lowest when the forage harvester is used in comparison with all other mear ods of haying. By making ensil age of forage crops, using the field chopper, a 10 to 30 percent increase is gained in the total amount of digestible nutrients for any given acre of land, stud ies have shown. If a cow can live on grass con taining 80 percent water during the spring and summer while giving her best milk production, the next best substitute is grass silage containing 65 percent moi sture, Huber states. Food ele ments are found In grass silage In almost the same proportions and amounts as in grass. MOWEH ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR BULLETIN ISSUED To those farmers who're hav ing ther troubles making their mowers work right this haying season, here's some good news. M G. Huber, the Oregon State College agricultural engineer, has Just completed a new illustrated bulletin on how to repair and adjust the farm mower. It's extension bulletin number 6-8-6, entitled, "The Mower How to Repair and Adjust." By use of drawings, Huber shows how to adjust mower parts and correct the common troubles that come up in mower opera tion. Among the items covered in the bulletin are excessive draft, side draft, breakage of the knife, uneven cutting, choking of the cutter bar and lost motion. The bulletin is now ready for distribution through your county agricultural agent's office. RODEO. BASEBALL GAMES FEATURE UMATILLA 4th A two-day rodeo, two baseball games and a beauty pageant will feature Umatilla's Fourth of July week end. Workmen this week were rush ing to completion the new rodeo arena of the Umatilla Sage Rid ers at the McNary "Y." The ro deo will be Sunday and Monday, July 4 and 5, with the grounds opening at 12 o'clock noon. It will be an open show, approved by the Rodeo Cowboys' association, with a $700 purse. Events will Include bronc, bareback and brahma bull riding, wild cow milking and calf roping. Entries must be in the'hands of Hugh Neill, the Sage Riders' secretary, July 4, at 12 o'clock. SAAGER'S I0NE ITEMS Mrs .Norman Bergstrom spent the week end In Portland where seh was met by Mr. BergStrom who Is attendng school at the University of Oregon. Fred and George Ely returned from a trip to Coos Bay. They visited thler brother, Charles Ely. Mr. and Mrs. William Berg strom and son Rudy returned Saturday from a trip to Chicago and Minnesota and other places where they visited relatives. They atteded a centennial convention of the Augustana Lutheran church at Rock Island, 111. Mr. Bergstrom and Rudy witnessed a ball game between the Yankees and the White Sox in Chicago. The Bergstroms were gone for a month. Mrs. Ethel Stewat is visiting in Portland. Joan and "Snooky" Simmons of Kelso, Wash., are visiting at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Ransier. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom were hosts to a birthday party at their home in honor of Mrs. John Eubanks Saturday night. They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani Sr. Those pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ekstrom of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grabill of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eubanks of Ar lington. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troedson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefani Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks. Value of Recording Military Discharges Proved at Vanport The value to war ceterans of recording their military discharg es in the county court house was poignantly brought out by the recent Vanport disaster, where countless numbers of these doc uments are presumed to have been lost, the Oregon department of veteran's affairs said this week. For those veterans who had re corded their discharges, there should be no delay in applying for GI benefits or other rights to which they may be entitled, be cause photostats may be obtain ed easily from the county record er. These are bona fide copies and can be used for virtually all occasions where proof of military service is required. Those who neglected to have their discharges recorded will find It necessary to apply for a certificate in lieu of lost dis charge, which usually results in considerable delay because the applications must be processed in Washington, D. C. Approximately 2600 veteran families were flooded out at Van port, besides many in other low land areas. While no one knows how many lost their discharges in the disaster, nor how many had neglected to record their dis charges, it is assumed by coun sellors in the Portland office of the department of veterans' af fairs that hundreds were caught short, Judging from the numbers applying dally for certificates in lieu of lost discharge papers. There is no charge, in any county in Oregon, for recording discharge certificates, and veter ans are urged to take advantake of this service because it pro vides a permanent record of mil itary duty and makes it easy to obtain copies when circum stances demand swift service. Bob Runnion Jr. of Eugene spent the week end in Heppner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Runnion. Mrs. Ambrose Chapin and Mrs. Charles Hodge Jr. and son Mich ael motored to Pendleton Thurs day. PHARMACY '21 --. EMIR Dana's European and South American triumph now at better shops here! The ounce I1B.S0 H ounce $10.00' Cologne 4-os. M OO 2 ounce $2.25 I tolo vou TMl CAR CHtCKID JjWMWl Hodge Chevrolet Heppner,Oregon Heppner Gazette i immtm i CHEVROLET TRUCK OWNERS WE CARRY A BIG STOCK OF CHEVROLET PARTS FOR TRUCKS ON HAND TRUCKS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY IN OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT . WE ARE ANXIOUS TO HELP YOU KEEP YOUR TRUCK RUNNING AND ON THE JOB Bring Your Chevrolet Truck Hr for Repairs and Parts to est, DO jTAKTtO, WANT TO SPEND YOUR VACATION THIS WAY V SERVICE ENJOY TROUBLE-FREE It'i no fun to get miles and miles away from home . . . with a broken down car . . . that juat won't run a mile farther. Especially now, when the roads are crammed with cars . . . headed for Vacation land. And, the ga rages along the way, so jammed up with work that you may be laid up for a week or so. Matter of fact, you may spend your entire vacation in some little jerkwater hole, wait ing for parts and your turn to get your car fixed up. Spend your "time" before you go and have plenty of time to spend on your trip. Budget Your Auto Repairs We will take your car into our thop NOW and REBUILD IT complete . . . and by this we mean, overhaul the motor, put in new ringa ... or even a NEW MOTOR. Thoroughly clean out the radi ator, reline the brakes, tighten up the steering . . . and replace wornout parts. We will take out that old sluggish power and rejuvenate your car with NEW POWER that insures Pep and Economy. We will repaint it with late duo-tone colors ... of any color ... put on NEW TIRES, NEW BAT TERY, NEW SEAT COVERS and do a thorough and complete job . . . then instead of you paying for this work in one lump sum, we will split up the payments in small EASY MONTHLY or WEEKLY PAYMENTS ... to suit your pocketbook. DRIVE IN FOR A FREE ESTIMATE arte EASY BUDGET PAY TERMS. Co. Times, Heppner, Oregon, July 1, 1948-7 YOU yj I THIS o V (OM OVTHt) QuKV1'1 S-NOUM ) SPECIAL? SAFE DRIVING Let Us Cheek Your Car Before You Start! DRIVE IN NOW! Phone 403