Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 01, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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    Three Young Men
Confirmed Sunday
At Valby Church
By Echo Palmateer '
July 4 Valby Lutheran Sunday
School picnic at French's. Every,
one Invited.
July 10 Dance at the Legion
hall with Jimmy Whetmore's or.
Confirmation services were
conducted by Rev. Henry Hoken
son of Portland at the Valby
Lutheran church at Gooseberry
Sunday. Those confirmed were
Walter Bergstrom, Gerald Peter
son and Robert Peterson. Law
rence Becket became a member
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppnerf Oregon, July 1 , 1948-5
of the church and Oscar Lundvll
was reinstated. A potluck dinner
was served at noon. Those at
tending from here were Mrs. Ann
Smouse and daughter Shirley,
Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Dobyns and Paul Tews.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Nichols
and son Lindsay left Saturday
for Kansas where they will visit
his folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell vis
ited at the Bergen Ledbetter
home Monday. Mrs. Ledbetter Is
ill in bed at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thorne
were Pendleton visitors Saturday
Mrs. Etta Bristow and grand
sons Jerry and Donald Bristow re
turned from Walla Walla last
week where they visited relatives.
Mrs. Delia Corson visited at the
Leon Briggs home in Heppner on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sigado and son
David are visiting in California.
Mrs. Mary Swanson reports
Chiropodist and Foot Specialist
has moved his office to
408 Elks Building, Pendleton
Office hours 9 to 5 on Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday.
Telephone 383
Don't Neglect
Hail and
Fire Insurance - - -
You can still get it from a good
old reliable company.
Write or Come In
Blaine E. Isom Agency
Gilman Bldg.
that her daughter, Mrs. Elmo Mc
Millan of Salem, is now home
from the hospital following a ma
jor operation.
Several from here attended the
Patterson-Anderson wedding at
the Harley Anderson home Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy beeker and
daughter of Roseburg visited at
the home of her uncle, Wallace
Matthews, last week,.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpaln
made a trip to Dale Friday of last
The 4 H group returned home
from the summer school at Cor
vallis last Friday. Those attend
ing from here were Delores and
Patricia Drake, Jane Seehafer, In
grid Hermann, Carletta Olden,
Ruby Ann Rietmann, Lola Ann
McC'abe, Ronald Baker and Louis
Carlson. Miss Patricia Drake won
a jellymaking outfit by a lucky
number. The girls studied flow
er making and each was present
ed with a gardenia. Those taking
part in the speeches on the Mor
row county broadcast were Pat
ricia Drake, Ruby Ann Rietmann,
Lola Ann McC'abe, Patricia, Ron
ald Baker, Louis Carlson and Mrs.
Oscar Lundell has completed
his brick garage. The doors are
controlled by a -magnetic elec
trical device by pressing a button
at the side door, the door in front
of the garage opens. The front
door will also open and shut by
pressing control button In the car
when driven in front of the gar
age. Mrs. Delbert Emert is home
from the St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton.
Mrs. Algott Lundell, student at
the Eastern Oregon College of
Education at LaGrande, spent the
week end at home.
The Three Links club met at
the Rebekah hall Friday after
noon, June 25. Their president
Mrs. L. A. McCabe, resigned and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn wag elected
as president and Mrs. Cleo Drake
as vice president. Mrs. Etta Bris
tow gave an Interesting report on
a visit to the Rebekah assembly
of Washington at Walla Walla
which was held recently. Aiier
thp meetin? refreshments were
served by Mrs. Delia Corson, Mrs.
Ida Coleman and Mrs. Echo Pal
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Benton and children spent Sun
day In the mountains.
Mrs. G. Hermann Is a patient
at The Dalles hospital followng
a heart attack last week. Her
daughter Ingrid who was attend
ing summer 4-H school at Cor
vallis was brought home in Or
ville Cutsforth's plane.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peterson
have moved from Condon to The
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn and
children left for Portland Sun
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor
and daughter Marjorie were Port
land visitors last week.
Mrs. Franklin Ely and daugh
ter Francine and Mrs. Echo Pal
mateer spent Saturday at The
A surprise birthday party was
given in honor of Mrs. Esther
Wilson Thursday afternoon, June
24, at the home of Mrs. M. Sigado.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Sigado and Mrs. Ralph Al
drlch. Harlan McCurdy Sr. puchased
the Ed Aldrich house and the
Bailey family from Heppner will
occupy It. Mr. Bailey is employ
ed at the McNab elevator.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Devine of
North Bonneville spent one day
last week at the Ernest Heliker
home. They attended the funer
al of Mr. Devine's uncle, George
More than a score of doctors
are needed for positions in vet
erans administration hospitals
and regional offices in the Paci
fic northwest, Charles M. Cox,
VA representative in this area,
reported today.
These vacancies have been cre
ated by the release of army and
navy physicians loaned to the
VA the last two years, Cox explained.
Most seriously needed are gen
eral physicians, specialists in
chest diseases, specialists in an
esthesiology and psychiatrists.
Poy for doctors in the VA s de
partment of medicine and sur
gery ranges upward from $4149
to $11,000 a year, depending on
Mr. Cox advised doctors inter
ested in VA positions to write or
visit the nearest veterans hospit
al or the director, VA Branch No.
Rom where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh,
Pampered Farmers
If the folks in our town were
leu tolerant, they'd be really
burned up over that nationally cir
culated article on "pampered farm
era," describing them as living off
the fat of the land.
From where I ait the farmer ii
anything but "pampered." If he'a
better off today than twenty years
ago it's because he's worked hard
to improve the quality and quan
tity of hi production.
Take Bert Childers, for example.
Bert la up at four in the morning,
to get the milking finished and
ploughing or harvesting, depending
on the season, until sundown. In
the evening he finally relax with
the misaua over a moderate glaa
of beer.
And the farmer today's not only
temperate in his habits, like Bert's
evening glass of beer . . . but ttltr
ant in his opinions. So hell prob
ably say of that article, "somebody
got the facts wrong," and just
let it go at that
chedule of Dances
Morrow County Fair
and Rodeo
Kick-Off Dance at Heppner
Dance at Willows Grange Hall, lone
Lena Grange Dance at Heppner
Rhea Creek Grange Hall
Lexington Grange Dance -- at Heppner
SEPTEMBER 2-3-4-at Heppner
September 2-3-4 at Heppner
Seven field reaing projects are
now under way in Oregon. Six of
these projects are being operated
by the Oregon State Game com
mission while the seventh is be
ing conducted by the Oregon Co
operative Wildlife Research unit.
Located near Culver in the new
Madras irrigation area, the unit
operated by the Co-operative
Wildlife unit is headed by La
Verne Bruger. Three thousand
young birds are now beng held
at the project site. Field rearing
is being carried on by the meth
od that was tested by the game
commission last year in Wasco
county. Hens are confined in
coops that allow free access for
the small chicks. This gives the
chicks night protection and at the
same time they are reared in a
semi-wild state and can leave of
their own volition. Mr. Bruger
White, at Hermiston. Mr. Devine
returned from a trip in Canada
recently and reports the wheat
looks much better here than in
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denney of
Portland are visiting here this
Frederick Martin of Madras
spent Sunday in lone.
Mrs. Millie McKnight of Port
land spent the week end with her
husband at the Oscar Lundell
home. Mr. McKnight is with the
Jansen Well Drilling Co., who are
working in this vicinity.
Henry Clark Is improving his
vacant lot on Main street.
The study meeting of the Topic
club was held at the home of
Mrs. Omar Rietmann Saturday
afternoon, June 26. The follow
ing officers were elected for the
coming year: President, Mrs. Roy
Lindstrom; vice president, Mrs.
B. C. Forsythe; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Clifford Carlson. The
book, "Spoonhandle" by Ruth
Moore was reviewed by Mrs. Gor
don White. Refreshments were
served by the hostesses, Mrs.
Rietmann ,Mrs. White and Mrs.
C. W. Swanson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wentworth
and sons returned last week from
a trip to California where they
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Borree, and his father, Rod
ney Wentworth, all of HaywarrL
Mr. Wentworth flew down after
his family. They came back by
car over the Redwood highway.
Gordon White is the owner of
a 1949 Ford car.
Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Lundell, left last week for
Oakland, Cal.
A. A. McCabe and sister, Miss
Mabel McCabe of Pocatello, Ida
ho, returned from a trip to Neb
raska. Miss McCabe is visiting
Jane Seehafer, Ingrid Hermann,
Ronald and Duane Baker and
Louis Carlson are attending the
stock show at The Dalles this
11. Medical Service, Exchange
Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash.
Keep the sun's heat and glare out of
your home! Top quality custom made
awnings direct to you&at low costl
Easily installed. We also furnish patio
and terrace covers and all types of gar
den furniture recovers. Write for Infor
mation and free samples, state color
choice, to Dept. C, Box 344. (DEALEB
Sunnyvale, Calif.
stated that the cold, wet weath
er was causing some losses in
the young birds.
Only locally raised grain is
being fed to the birds at this
project. This is being done to
guard against the possible spread
of weeds that might be shipped
into the area with grains from
the outside.
Other field projects are in op
eration near Wasco, Fern Ridge,
Camas Swale, Harrisburg, Sum
mer Lake and Enterprise.
Over eight tons of carp were
killed last week in the Long Tom
river directly below Fern Ridge
reservoir by the trash fish control
unit of the Oregon State Game
commission. Under the direction
of John Dimlck, fisheries biolog
ist in charge of trash fish control,
work is also being carried on
at the Lake of the Woods, where
more than 1000 carp, 100 suckers
and many squaw fish have been
eliminated so far this season.
Control work on rough fish Is
also planned for Olive, Crescent,
Odell, East, Big and Little Lava,
and Davis lakes and Warm
Springs reservoir for this summer.
To avoid deterioration while In
storage, many parts for Navy
planes are now being bought ant)
distributed sealed in "tin cans."
Humphreys Drug Co.
Heppner, Oregon
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
Lexington, Oregon
Music by
All-Indian Dance Band
- k ft 1 1
1 "" n.lJAE IL -
i no t rora nui u wwium-
ful new "lifeguard" Body . . . 59
more rigid, for extra lafety. It hai a
lower center of gravity, too, for solid
security on the road. And there's "Pic
ture Window" Visibility all around.
1 CV--
"The '49 Ford hai the "Mid
ShiD" Ride. You travel In
the roomy, level center lection . . .
where the going's smoothest. You ride
smoothly with the "Hydra-Coil" Front
Springs and "Para-Flex" Rear Springs,
Outside a "dream car"
silhouette. The whole car Is
lower, yet there's plenty of
road clearance and head
room. Inside new uphol
stery, new instrument panel,
new fittings, for a new look
all through.
Only Ford In any
field gives you a
choice of V-8 or Six. Both engines are
new . , . both are engineered for
smooth, sparkling performance whether
you drive In traffic or really travel.
New "Equo-Flo"
Cooling, new lubri
cation system, "Deep
Breath" Manifolding for up
to 10 greater gas econ
omy. New Overdrive, op
tional at extra cost, gives up
to 25 more gas mileagel
Rosewall Motoz (Do.
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 1092