Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    8-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon,
Lexington School
Budget Approved At
Monday's Election
Mrs. IVlpha Jones
Trio annua school election was
held Monday afternoon In the
nrhool eudiiorium with V. E.
McMillan bring elected as direc
tor, replacing Adolph Ma.ieske
who has served on the local board
for 19 years. The budget was also
voted on again and passed with
a large majority.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra
have returned from Eugene where
they attended baccalaureate and
graduation exercises at the Uni
versity of Oregon on June 13.
Their son Jack received his bach
dor of science degree in busi
ness administration.
Tatty and Jack O'Harra are vis
iting at the home of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra,
for a few weeks.
Bud Marshall, machinist's mate
2c, is spending a 30-day fur
lough at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Way
spent the week end in Lexington,
bringing Bud Marshall home af
ter a couple of days' visit in Pen
dleton with the Ways.
Mrs. Louise Gant entertained
the Amicitia club at her home
on Wednesday night with three
tables present. Refreshments
Chiropodist and Foot Specialist
has moved his office to
408 Elks Building, Pendleton
Office hours 9 to 5 on Thursday, Fri
day and Saturday.
Telephone 383
. a;m:a
V " 4
KLID IRONIC toitk and
ftnlnal tight nilt, colt,
Mimlw Giv yoH LIFE
ClMH, vfcrt SAKEO mini
stays baavtltwl
Ttikk FISHSLAI Iniulotioa
H H tlM ttOt. SOVM
current. Fibcrf lot can't rot,
wttta, f 90 t t .aw. -
TWO dlroct - kootlnf -monti
work FAST hi wettf.
Yen novo hot wator on too
II Mm ttow.
Montof Mkas tno tso yott
pood. 40- and J2-aallea
opacity moans your family
hat aJaaty of hot votor
Admiwlos prioM liUrnoon fcnd eerninff, anleu rp
cificftUy adTM-tiied to b otherwise i Children i Et
Frio .17, red. Tax .03, TotaJ 30c; Qr&de and H.tfh
School Stndenta li jmui and over. Eft. Pric .40.
Fod. Tu .10, ToUl 60c; AdolUt Est. Prcie .SO, Fed.
Fridory-Saturday, June 25-26
Tim Hull. f an Leslie
San Ore tunus tute Ix-en proven infailiMe n
ler!ainmetit in the sut1jruh field
The Runaround
Ella Kainea, Mu4 Camero,v Brod rawfurd, Frank
M.Hurh, Samttal S. flUnjLa
A Mtuung acU'in drama that from beginning to
end is fiijt.jul-le huO riu't-fre.
Disney Cartoon la Technicolor
Sunday-Monday, June 27-28
Betty Orable, Dan D alley, It una Freeman, Connie
Thin aoiig mill dtti.ee story of the early days
A ahiw trtjumiow i u pkuwiiiK pa- kit ... a limb
ic, with a giMKl lury , , , text -i.wtt Technicolor
Also LOST FAX, doff story.
were served ami pri7es were won i
by Gladys t'utslurlh, high, and I
Ik'lpha Jones, low.
Mrs. Nettie Pavis has as her
guests this week her daughter.
Mrs. Loren Mikesell. and daugh
ters. IV'lores and Carol Ann.
Vernon Scott flew to Lexington
Friday night, bringing his son
Jerry who is visiting the Kuril
home, and taking his mother,
Mrs. Laura Scott, back with him
for a visit.
Bobby Gray of Ptanfield is vis
iting at the home of his sister
Mrs. Faye Ruhl.
Elmer Hunt motored to La
Grande Saturday to spend the
week end with his family, re
turning Monday, bringing Miss
Dorothy Miller wtih him, who
will visit at the C. C. Jones and
W. E. McMillan homes.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding
and family motored to Trineville
Saturday where they visited their
daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Grant. Max Breeding
stayed there for a visit, intend
ing to return in about a month
Ed Grant and Cecil Jones made
a trip to Portland Sunday.
the following girls names
were left out of the grand coun
cil fire last week. These girls
all received certificates of rank
Glonna Griffith. Phyllis Nolan,
Betty Lou Messenger, Joan Breed,
ing and Clara Griffith.
Charles Buchanan is now work
ing in the Lonnie Henderson gar
age. Charles is learning the ma
chinist's trade.
Word has been received in Lex
ington of the birth of a daugh
Got this Montof
28-yoor warranty
guorantoo on any
votor hoator mado.
a match for every cause of water
heater trouble. And the tank la your
LIFE-LONG Montag Water heater
li built of SOLID BRONZE.
That is why we can safely furnish
you this 28-year pro-rated warranty.
That is why Montag gives you the
longest guarantee of any water heater
made today 1
Let us show you how you get more
years of dependable hot water service
with this beautiful new Montag water
heater. See us today for complete in
formation and real economy.
Life-long Automatic llectrle
Water Heaters
Electric Ranges
Case Furniture
June 24, 1948
ter to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin E.
Morse. The young lady weighed
S lbs. 11 07... and has been named
Helen Lou. having been born on
Mav 30. Mrs. Morse is the for
mer Jerry Cutler, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Cutler. Mr. Cutler
was foreman of the highway
crew here for several years.
Mrs. Frank Papinau is home
again after a visit in the moun
Miss Lavonne McMillan is now-
employed at the Lexington Im
plement company.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson
made a trip to Walla Walla one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bloodsworth
made a business trip to Walla
Walla Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Classen visited at
the Bloodsworth home over the
week end. They are parents of
Mrs. Bloodsworth.
A. M. Edwards has recently
finished a well for Frank Wil
kinson on his sheep range at a
depth of 344 feet. A turbine
pump was installed which pumps
at the rate of 52 gallons per min
ute without lowering the water.
Miss Mary Edna Lund, grad
uate of the Unversity of Utah,
has been hired as band and vo
cal teacher in the lone schools.
Mrs. Delia Corson accompanied
Mrs. Ida Coleman to Tasco. Wn.,
Sunday. They spent the night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kupert
Johnson and returned home Mon
day. Mrs. Victor Rietmann was el
ected director for three years at
the annual school meeting Tues
day and Markham Baker was el
ected rural school director for
three years. The special improve
ment fund of S1000 carried. The
possibility of building a teach
erage was discussed. Omar Riet
mann, the outgoing director, was
given a rising vote of thanks in
appreciation of the work he has
done as director gor the past ten
Elvin Miller was elected as di
rector for three years at Morgan.
Miss Lois Howk will leave Wed
nesday for Gresham where she
will be installed as marshall of
Job's Daughters Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. John Botts of
Morgan are the parents of a son,
born June 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griner of
Richmond, Cal., are visiting her
mother, Mrs. Addie Salter.
Mrs. Larry Fletcher gave a par
ty Monday afternoon in honor of
her daughter Bernita's 6th birth
day. Jello, cake and cookies were
served and games were played.
Cnildren piesent were Marilyn
and Gary Morgan, Jean Ann and
Johnny Swanson, Skippy and
Dianna Pettyjohn. Judy and Jer
ry Morgan, Karen and Cheryle
Lundell, Leann and Marvin Pad
berg, Wayne and Ellis Ball, Lin
da Halvorsen, Sandra Eubanks,
Bobby Rice, Anne Baker and
Tommy Harris.
i Mrs. Markham Baker gave a
I birthday party for her daughter,
J Mardene, Tuesday afternoon. It
was her eighth birthday. Those
I present were Billy and Mildred
j Seehafer, Juliana Rietmann, Car
ol McCoy, Grace McCabe, Jane
and Rosetta Bye, Sally and Julie
Baley, Leann Padberg, Clara
Ann and Alecia Swales. Berl Ak
ers, Charles, Gene and Joy Neal,
Dallas Rea, Lind Halvorsen, Sher
ry and Buz Corley, Bernita and
Tommy Harris, Brenda, Mancel
I and Sue Townsend, and Ronald
McCabe. cake, ice cream ana
punch were served.
The world's long - distance
flight record of 11,230 miles set
by the U. S. Navy's P2V Neptune
j in 19 16, has not yet been chal
lenged. I 0
The Navy has developed a hu
I man catapult to test human tol
erance to accelerated takeoffs
and arrested landings in the new
est, super-speed aircraft.
Naval Air Reserve pilots flew
122.075 man hours in training op
erations in one month of 1947.
Navy scientists have develop
ed an all-electric camera 25.000
times faster than any motion
picture camera commercially
Navy swimming and diving
teams will meet in New York
City the week of Sept. 5, 1948, In
competition for theAll-Navy.Soft-ball
Tax .10, Total 60c. Every chJd occupying a seat
mast have a ticket.
Snnday shows continuous starting- at 1 p.m. Satar.
day evening shows start at 7 p.m. All other evening
shows start at 7:30 p.m. Boxoffice open evenings
untii 9 p.m.
Tuesday, June 29
John Mills, Martha Scott, Patricia Boc, Bichard
Carlson, Trevor Howard
B;iI on James Hilton's bent siting nuvH of an
nimizir.fr romanrp.
Wed.-Thurtu June 30-July 1
Barbara Stanwyck, David Kiven, Bichard Conta,
Juan Xtorrlng, Gilbert Roland
A pMignarit drum A by Erich Maria Remarque.. .
th intii:il w ore Ih Mupfcrb.
News About Town
Mrs. Cyrene Barratt of Corval
ls spent the week end in Hepp
ner visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters spent
Friday shopping in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mikesell
of Goldendale, Wash., were week
end visitors in Heppner with his
mother, Mrs. W. E. Mikesell.
Ted Thomson left the end of
the week for Los Angeles after an
extended visit here with his mo
ther, Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson.
Bill Huddleston of Lonerock
was looking after business mat
ters in Heppner Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahon are
the parents of a daughter born
Saturday, June 19, at the Corda
Saling home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Thompson
returned Saturday from Lewiston,
Idaho, where they spent several
days last week looking after bus
iness matters. Mr. Thompson re
ports much damage has been
done to crops and property by
high water and liail storms.
Mr. and Mrs. William Furlong
motored to John Day Saturday.
They found road conditions to he
fair between here and the Sprav
Junction but from that point there
were many evidences of washouts
and high water. In many places,
only one-way traffic is allowed
on the highway and much of the
debris still remains on the road.
Among out-of-town relatives
here Sunday for the funeral ser
vices of the late E. R. Huston were
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor of Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stew
ard, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bloom,
Mrs. Reitta Davis, and Miller
Huston and daughter of Albany;
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bloom of
Eugene; Mrs. Arnold Handley of
Corvallis; Mrs. Jesse Safley of
Shedd; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hus
ton of Silverton, and Mrs. Andre
Wolff of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green mo
tored to The Dalles Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rose
wall motored to Weston Tuesday
to attend the funeral services of
Mrs. Rosewall's brother-in-law, E.
C. Schrimpf.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers spent
Monday in Pendleton looking af
ter Dusmess matters.
Joe Green of Pendleton spent
the week end in Lexington with
his family who are staying for a
time with Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Green. Mr. Green also snent some
time in Heppner with hjs parents,
:ir. ana Airs. Alex dreen.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bucknum
returned Tuesday evening from
Los Angeles where they spent the
past week or ten days with Mrs.
Bucknum's father, H. H. Everett,
who has been ill at a hospital
there. Mr. Everett's condition is
considerably improved at this
Harry Joslyn, Echo farmer, was
transacting business in Heppner
Tuesday. Mr. Joslyn reports that
his farm has suffered no partic
ular ill effects from the recent
storms and barring any unforseen
conditions he expects a bumper
wheat crop this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Halvorsen
of lone were transacting business
in Heppner Tuesday,
Miss Margaret Nys of Portland
is a guest at the home of her
father, J. J. Nys and Mrs. Nys.
Miss Beverly Korster of Til
lamook is visiting friends in
Heppner this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells and
children, Valarie and Harry Jr. of
i loeerviue, i,ai., and Mrs. W P
i Wiley of Mt. Shasta, Cal., spent
a few days in Heppner the first
of the week visiting at the home
of his brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. Olin Applegate
and son of Hood River arrived
in Heppner Wednesday, and with
Mrs. Applcgate's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J.imes Farley, they will en
joy a week's vacation trip to Pen
dleton, John Day and Condon to
visit other members of the Farley
i(jiii ' y i
Glenn Basset! of Los Anpoles
arrived in Heppner Monday to
spend the summer. He was met
in Arlington by his aunt, Mrg.
Joe Hughes, Miss Margaret Gil
lis and Billy Hughes. Mr. Bassett
will return io California after
harvest to attend the University
of California at Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hughes
returned to their home In Mc,
Minnville Thursday after spend
ing a few days in Heppner vis
iting relatives. Their son, Bob,
remained here and will work dur
ing harvest. They were accom
panied to McMinnville by Mrs.
Keith Marshall and children who
were returning home after a
week's visit here with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hughes
Sr., and Miss Loma Mae Jones
who is en route to Seattle to at
tend a wedding during the week
The lumber yield in Oregon
during 1947 was sufficent to build
more than 400,000 five-room
Jumpoff Joe creek in southern
Oregon was so narked when a
pioneer named Joe jumped off
a bank into the mountain stream,
presumably for a swim.
Established at Salem in 1812,
the Willamette university, found
ed by a p'oneer missionary, Ja
son Lee, who came to Oregon In
1834, is the oldest institution of
higher learning west of the state
of Missouri.
A Navy jet plane pilot recent
ly was interviewed twice on the
iame half-hour radio program
from points 160 miles apart.
Almost half of all Navy offi
cers on active duty have risen
from enlisted service, Bureau of
Naval Personnel statistics show.
An "afterburner" which in
creases the power of pet engines
for short periods of time has been
developed by the Navy for one of
Its jet fighter planes.
Morrow County
Washington Week
Washington, D. C The 31
members of the 80th Congress
who co-authored the resolution
calling for an explanation of Rus
sian violations of agreements
with this country are wondering
if President Truman's "get tough"
policy with Russia isn t Just an
other plea for votes.
In San Francisco, the President
called for an end to Soviet ob
struction and aggression, declar
ing that "we refuse to play fast
and loose with man's hope for
He said that if the Russians
want peace they "can prove it" in
Greece and Korea.
Mr. Truman failed to mention
that Russia might prove its will
ingness to assure peace by proper
action in Poland. After all, Mr.
Truman was a party to the Pots
dam Conference where Soviet
American agreements were fin
ally approved.
This is the agreement which
Mr. Truman told Congress was
violated in Poland:
'The three powers note that
the Polish provisional govern
ment , . . has agreed to hold
free and unfettered elections, as
soon as possible on the basis of
universal suffrage and secret bal
lot, in which all democratic and
anti-Nazi parties shall have the
right to take part and to put
forward candidates . . ." (Pots
dam Agreement, August 2, 1945).
The President's expl&nation of
the violation as sent to Congress
"On several occasions prior to
the elections and following per
sistent reports of reprehensible
methods employed by the Gov
ernment (Polish) against the
democratic opposition, this Gov
ernment (U. S.) reminded the
Polish provisional government of
its obligation under the Yalta and
Potsdam Agreements and was
juineu un inese occasions oy ine
British Government.
"On January 5, 1947, the Brif
ish and Soviet governments were
asked to associate themselves
with this government in ap
proaching the Poles on this sub
ject and the British government
made similar representations to
the Soviet government ... in
calling for a strict fulfillment of
Poland's obligations.
'The Soviet government refus
ed to participate in the proposed
approach to the Polish govern
ment. The British and American
representatives were summarily
rejected by the Polish govern
ment as 'undue interference' In
the internal affairs of Poland."
The elections were in January,
1947. How tough did Mr. Tru
Kick-Off Dance at Heppner
Dance at Willows Grange Hall, lone
Lena Grange Dance at Heppner
Rhea Creek Grange Hall
Lexington Grange Dance -- at Heppner
SEPTEMBER 2-3-4-at Heppner
September 2-3-4 at Heppner
man get as a result of this viola
lion? His State Department at that
very moment, and since, approv
ed the shipping of millions of dol
lars in materials to Russia under
Lend-Lease for which Russia has
made no move to pay.
And Mr Truman's State Depart
ment recently announced that the
"objectionable" government of
Poland will be recognized for
shipments of coal.
Meanwhile, what of the Poles
IT FfflM'S
Lighthearted blouses of
white cotton batiste, with
beruffled yokes of eyelet
embroidery! Sizes 32 to 38.
Jaunty Whirling
Striped cotton skirtn. with
deep eyelet-edged ruffles
'round the bottom! Others
in rayon, sizes 24 to 28.
Brief Styles
Small, Medium &
In White, Teaiose, Yellow,
Blue or Black.
Ready for Action!
Bright buckles, cut-outs and
sporty stitching! Red, an.
liqucd brown or white elk.
our former Allies and the Four
Freedoms promised them?
SURANCE! Turner, Van Marter
& Co.
Call Settles Electric
for all kinds of electrical work.
New and repair.
Phone 2542