Want Ads FOR SALE-1946 FORD V8 truck with factory built bulk wheat rack, Eton rear end, excellent rubber, recently overhauled motor, radio, heater and spot light. See at Heppner Motors. 14c FOR SALE Spring fryers. 5U2. Phone 14c FOR SALE 1936 2-door Chev se dan. Howard Bryant. 14-15p FOR SALE Mason Jars, half gal Ion size $1 dozen; quart size 90c dozen. Heppner Hotel. 14-15c FOR SALE 1941 MASTER DE LUXE 4 door sedan, all new tires, high tort engine In good shape, radio and heater, fog lights. $1125. Heppner Motors. 14c FOR RENT Rooms. Phone 1145 after 6 p.m. Delia Tash. 14-15p FOR SALE Davenport and chair, 4 chrome arm chairs practic ally new, washing machine, youth's bed. Alice Prock. Phone 53. 14p 1ZAAK WALTON double tip cast ing and trolley pole, $20. Phone 1145. 1415p SEWING Plain Phone 1145. and altering. 14-16p FOR SALE 9-room modern home on South Main street. Price $7,500. Phone 2495. Gordon Mc Gough. 14-15C FOR SALE 1947 model John Deere binder, practically new, $000. Gordon McGough. Phone 2495. 14 15c FOR SALE 27 foot Glider house trailer, price $1800. Write Jake Elledge, Box 272, Wetmore. 13-15p FOR SALE-1936. Willys-Knight pickup, $230. Inquire at Hotel Heppner. 13tfc FOR SALE Sharpened fence posts. Dan Bishop, Box 123, Heppner. 1214p FAOERSTROM and JOHN DOE KAGKKSTKOM. her husbaj.d hw fttANOK.4 KOHK (XKRV aSd JOHN DOE COKEY, her husband whoss tru. name Is unkmiwo tu plulutifs. and K. S. HOWARD. H-e,ver; the unknown heirs of Dura Miller, If dc-ctnuM-d, Did unknown heirs ol Edith E. faKerutrom, It ducMumf. and the unknown hin of Francwi sti.u rvo-. ey. If defeased. Ainu all other Dersuns or parties unknown claiming hy riijht, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate dpMi.rit.AH in ti.A I plaint herein, iiefenduuta TO The above defendants and each and an ui yuu : IN THE NAMR CIV THW BriTI xp OIIKGON you and each of you are here- y iTijuireu 10 appear and answer lainliff a comDlalnt UA Uilnut v. n the above entitled rourt -UuU within four weeks from the date of the first publication Of tills summon. upun you and if you fall to so appear will apply to the above entitled court for the relief nravi.il f,.. in ii.oi.. ,.. plaint, to-wlt: f or a decree quieting title to the illowInK described real nn.ni.rtv alt. uate In Morrow Countv. State of rr. Son, to-wlt: Lots sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (IS), twenty-one (21), twenty-two 22). twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24) and wenty-flve (26) In Block thirty-six (36) In the Town of IrrlKon, County of Mor row, State of Oreeon. and that It be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners In fee simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or tile you may claim to have In said real property Is null and void and that von .u,.h and all of you and all persons or par- i.on imu,iiiiK uy, mruuKn or unuer yOU be forever barred and nalruiw.aA of and from all claim, right, title and imereni in anu 10 said real properly and every part thereof, and for such other and further relief as inav be lust and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks In the Hepp ner UoZette Times, a newimunnr nt general airculatlon published in Mor row ouiuy, uregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Bert Johnson. Judge of the County Court for Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, which order Is dated June 7th, IMS and the date of the first pub lication of this summons is June 10, 1M8. JOS. J, NYS. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence and Pout Office Address. Heppner. Oregon. 12-16. FRYERS FOR SALE Leave orders at Alice's Beauty Shop or phone 37F14. Mrs. G. Hermann. 1214p FRYERS Dressed or alive. Pbone 34F3, Lexington. Mrs. Julian Rauch. 12-14p ALTERATIONS Call 1013. I will call and deliver. 110 Church st reet , Hpppner. 12-15p CUSTOM hay binding. See or write Bill Seehafer, lone, Ore. 1214c Would like good wheat hauling Jobs with late model trucks. Call or write Heppner Gazette Times. lltfc FOR RENT New concrete mixer and rubber tired wheelbarrow. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. lOtfc PRINTS, RAYONS-60 attractive patterns to choose from. Rib bons, aprons, ready-made house dresses, ladles and mens hosi ery, towels and notions. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. lOtfc I REPAIR, buy and sell tele phones. W. L. McCaleb, Hepp ner. ll-14p WE HAVE a fine line of all kinds of good candies. O. M. Yeager's Service Stor:. lltfc ICE CREAM, soft drinks of all kinds. Order your soft drinks by the case If you wish, at O. M Yeager's Service Store, lltfc MADE-TO-MEASURE DRESS, sport, work and riding clothes for men and women. Ernest Ghormley, 516 Main St., Her- mlston, phone 3091. 11 14p PICTURES make nice gifts! You will find many nicely framed pictures In our stock. Between 60 and 70 patterns of picture mouldings to choose from. Let us do your picture framing. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. lOtfc A KEEN SAW spells better work manship. Have your filing done at O. M. Yeager's Service Store lOtfc FOR SALE Four-room house on First St in lone. Gas range with trash burner, Flamo hot water and bath, small base ment: nice cabin with stove on same lot. Price $2500. Turner, Van Marter Co. 9tfc TIME FOR SCREENS Doors and windows. Let N. D. Bailey make them. They will last Reeular orlces. Phone 1485. 8tfc SAW FILING and Picture Fram ing. O. M. Yeager's Service Slore. 8tfc N Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 24, 1 948-7 ews hrom w SUMMONS Equity Ho, 3754 IN TKH CIRCUIT COURT OF THJfi d i a i Ei ur uitcAiUiN f or ihe uouniy of Morrow. CLAUD F. WORDEN and JESSIE F. u WOK DEN, huBband and wife, Plaintiff!, VB. MATTIE THOMAS and JOHN DOE THOMAS, whose true name la un known to plaintiffs, MILTON D. SHANE, and all the unknown heirs of Mattle Thomaa, if deceased, and all the unknown heirs of J. M. DOU GLAS, deceased. Alao all other per sona or parties unknown clalmlflg any right title, estate, lien or inter est in the real estate described In the complaint herein. Defendants. TO The above defendants and each and all or you: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are here- y required 10 appear and answer aintlffs' complaint filed against you n the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiffs will uply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in their complaint. to-wit: For a decree nuletlne title to the ullowlnir described real property, lit uiite in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, lo-wit: Tne west nan or tne soutnwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-four (24) in Township four (4) north of Range twenty-four (24) East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Morrow County, OreKon. and that it be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners In fee simple of said real property and that whatever Interest or title you may claim to have in said real property is null and vma and inai eacn ana ail oi ou and all persons or parties claiming iv through or under vou be forever barred and restrained of and from all claim. riirhL title and interest in and to said real property and every pari thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons IS served uoon VOU ay mbllcatlon thereof once a week for uiir successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Timea. a .newspaper of general Hft'ulfttion miblished in Morrow Coun ty, Oregon pursuant to an orner or me Hnn. Hert Johnson. Judire of the Coun v rrnirt for Morrow countv. Oregon. which order is dated June 9th, IMS and the date of the first publication of this summons is June 10, 1948. JOM. J. INI a. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Residence and Post Office Address. H winner. Oregon. 12-16 Legal Advertising nvrni "rn mH!HITO&S Notice is hereby given thnt the un Aawmivniui ha. Keen ilulv BDDolnted ad h .Inlnr rl. ftf ttlA fWtste Of Win. lireener. by the Probate Court of the State ot Oregon lor me 1,011111 u. mm -row, and has acrepted aurh trust All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same to the administrator at the ofrice of J. Q. Turner In Heppner. Oregon, within sl months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 2uth day of May, 1M8. BDW. H. FKKUDKNTIIAL, B.ia Administrator c.t.a citation no. lias IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF UKEUUIN for me vjoumy nf Mnrmw. In the Matter of the Guardianship of the person and estate 01 juai tui.r. MAN. SUE COLEMAN and ANN BELLE COLEMAN. Minors. TO ALL OTHERS WHOM IT MAX CONCERN : You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear before the above en titled court at tne toun nuuw llpnnnor Morrow Countv. OreRon. 01 the 2th day of June, 1948, at the hour tan nVlnlt In tin. fnrnnoon of said day to show cause wny an order snouiu not ne maae auinonzing 111a wrimiau,. tt. lt.mil auarrilan of the above named mlnnt-M to rpII the undivided one-sixth Interest of said minors in ana 10 me following described real property, to- wlt : ...... The south nan ot tne souin nan 01 Section one (1) the north half nf the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twelve (12 less the right of way. In Township one (1) south. Range twenty-two (22) East of the Willamette Meridian In Gilliam County. Oregon; ALSO: The northwest quarter and the north half of the north half of the southwest quarter of Section seven (7) In Township one (1) south Range twenty-three (23) East of the Willamette Meridian, In Morrow Pmiiitv Oreiriin. W1TNKSS the Honorable Bert John ...ti .to. I.ra nf th shove entitled Court and seal of said Court affixed, this 24th day of May. 14. C. W. BARLOW, County Clerk. (SEAL) 1mm .1 NYS. Hennner. Oregon. Attorney for Guardian. 10-14 July : n the NOTICE OF SPECIAL EltECTlOK NOTICE IS HERBBY GIVEN that pursuant to Ordinance 818 passed by the Common Council of the City of Heppner, Oregon and approved py the Mayor on the 7lh day of June. 1948, a special election of the legal voters o( the City of Heppner, Oregon will be held on Monday, the 28th day of June, l'MS at the Council Chambers In said Cltv which election Is called for the DurDOse in uh-iwihim h, n e amount of eight thousand ninety two dollars (8,092,00) In excess of tni six percent limitation allowed ny am cle XI. Section 11 of the Constitution of the Stale of Oregon, aald Increase Is for the pupose of constructing, main taining and repairing of streets and bridges In said City. The polls will be open at 8 o'clock A M of said day apnd remain opon until 6 o'clock P. M. of said day. By order of the Common Council. WALTER UARGER. JR.. 52-14 City Recorder. ,irf Cltv for the fiscal year, oegmiuni nnninn nmilt sTn. 3781 IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON For the County nt U,.f..nur WARHKN H, Mr.COY and FRANCES nirTTT MrCnv liushaiid and wife, plBlnUf(li vs. nnnA MILLER and JOHN DOB MILL KR, her husband whose true name Is unknown to plaintiffs, EDITH E. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is herebv slven that the un derslgned was duly appointed by the Probate Court ot tne state 01 urcgon for Morrow County tho Administrator of the estate of LOLA E. McCABE, deceased, and all persons having claims agalna the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to presnt the same duly verified wtin proper vou chers to the undersigned Administra tor at lone. Oregon or at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. Heppner. Oregon with in six months from the data nartof. Dated and Ilrst published una i(in day of June. 1948. BiAliu TKAllllo mcvnni, Administrator. Jos. J. Nys, Attorney for Administrator. 18-18 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITrJL STATCS V UK XtiOi UIO TRICT OF OREGON. Tt. BanVmnLw KTo. In the matter or kiciiauu rjuuenn, SCHOONOVKK, Hannrupi. NOTICE OP FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS fo the eredltors of Richard Eugene Schoonover, of Lexington ft Hoppner, fli-nu-itti n hntiltrlltit wnn-ii'lil t4 t-lfc'.WW'.RV fllVF.N that said Richard Eugene Schoonover has hAon riulv sdiuritfed a ImllKrunt on petition filed by (or against) him on February lilt). 1948. and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Referee a Office. In I Grande, Oregon, on lnlv and 11148 nt 111 o'clock a.m., at which place and time the said creditors may nlletul. prove ineir cihuiis. hoiioom a trustee, appoint a committee of crea. it.. an,ii,n tba liAiikrutit. and trans. act such other business n may properly r.,.mn hafniW SIllH TllCntlllg. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, June 19th" 19"8- If, B. PIXON. 14. Referee In Bankruptcy. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY BY ADMINISTRATOR. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF JHJ STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In th Matter of tin ESTATE ol C A: Office 'County Agent Nelson- Ander son la attending , 4-H summer school on the Oregon State Col lege campus at , Corvallis , this week, where he in assisting with classes and recreation of the 1800 4-H club members gathered there for the past two weeks. .... . Morrow county has a delega tion of 22 4-H club members and two leaders who will return to day, All citizens of the country share the responsibility of con serving the nation's soil and wa ter resources, because many- far mers are not able to finance the needed conservation work on their farms, says E. Harvey Mill er, chairman of the Oregon state PMA committee. Even in 1944, he points out, nearly a third of the nation's farms each grew less than $1,000 worth of products. Nearly 60 per cent turned out less than $2,000 worth of products. Nearly three fourths grew less than $3,000 worth of products. The operators of these farms took in much less cash than these indicated figures and still had to pay their pro duction costs. In 1944, the crops of more than 385000 farmers fail ed on 10,297,172 acres. The fig ures are from the 1945 census. On a small farm, the Farmers Home Adminstration estimates a farm family needs about $1,500 gross farm income (including the value of products that are used at home and the rental value of the house) to meet expenses. This is based on studies made in 1947. This gross farm income might in clude about $908 in cash and about $558 worth of products grown for home use. The $908 would go to pay farm operating costs of $476 and cash family liv ing costs of $432. A recent survey also shows that farmers do not carry out conser vation practices under the Agri cultural Conservation Program because they are not able to bear the financial burden of their share of the cost. Minerals and better breeding may play a new role in cheaper beefsteak production. That's the opinion of Harry Lindgren, O.S.C. extension animal husbandman, who has recently reviewed results of mineral feed ing experiments conducted by the Malheur branch experimental area at Ontario. Tests carried out here indicate steers fatten faster and more cheaply on a ration containing a mineral though Lindgren points out that no hard nd fast rule may be drawn from one test. Difference in breeding showed up in differences in rate of gain of animals on the same ration. In the Malheur feeding experi ment carried on by Neil Hoffman, station superintendent, and Char les Custer, feeder, four pens of eight Hereford steers each were fed the following rations: Pen one was fed chopped alfalfa, corn and bone meal. Pen two received the same without the bone meal. Pen three was fed chopped alfalfa barley and bone meal, and pen four received the same without the mineral. Pen three fed chopped alfalfa, barley and the mineral supple ment, bone meal made the lar gest dally gain as well as the lowest cost per pound of gain, at 20 cents. Entering the feed lot, the 32 steers included in the test aver aged 880 pounds each; they weighed out at an average of 1125 pounds each, or an average gain of 245 pounds. In the top pen, number three, the lowest weight gain was put on by an animal that gained 215 pounds. The top animal gained 315 pounds. The top and bottom weight gains tn pen one were 180 and 325; pen two, 135 and 280 pounds; and pen four, 160 and 280 pounds. Lindgren points out that the difference in gain between the high and low animals indicated difference in production efficien cy. Animals inherit these charac teristics, hence it will pay live stock producers to spot bulls that sire the steers that make the highest and most economical feed gains. Progeny testing work with beef animals is now being carried on at the Union, Squaw Butte, North rup Creek and branches at the central O.S.C. experiment sta tions. e After the top soil is gone is too late to begin thinking about saving the soil, says Henry Baker, chairman of the Morrow County Agricultural Conservation com mittee. He points out that wait ing for crop yields to drop and gullies to appear before carrying out conservation practices to con serve soil and water is about like calling the fire department after the house has burned to the ground. Some land has not been ser- CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST John D. Runyan, minister, phone 2615. ; " r Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; C. W. Barlow, supt. senior deptf Bever ly Yocprrf, supt. Junior dept. ' Morning worship, 1,1 a.m. Ser mon subject, ."Happy Preacher, Happy Church." pvenlng service,, 8 o'clock. Ser mon subject, "The Promises of iously damaged by erosion or de, pletioribut now is the time to keep It that way. Keep yields high and the land will help to bear the expense of keeping up the fertility. But let the topsoil get away and with it the soil fertility, and the expense of re building Is expensive and the damaged land is not in condition to help bear the cost. Conservation farming every year Is the most economical and most effective farming, says the county chairman. It is like lock ing the barn door before the horse is stolen. Conservation farming year in and year out will help the land carry Its own conserva tion costs. ' God." This will be a sermon deal- king with prophecy. -hoi rehearsal Thursday eve ning at 7 o'clock. Bible study, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock," ' It is planned to have Paul Rathbum of the. College of The Bible, Eagle Pass, Texas, with us this Thursday evening.. He will be accompanied by three Mexi can young ladies who will sing and give their impressions of the Christian work In Mexico. , . . LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school at 10 a.m. Worship and communion service at 11 o' clock. Morning sermon subject, "The Purpose in Life." Evening sermon subject, "In the Footsteps of Jesus." 1 ASSEMBLY OF COD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday school; Mrs. Ora Wyland, supt. 11 a.m., worship hour. ' ; 7 p.m., Youth for Christ ser vice, also story hour for all the boys and girls. 8 p.m., evangelistic service. Thursday, 7:45 p.m., Bible study Committeemen Go To FCI Meeting The Morrow County ACA com mittee, composed of Henry Baker, R. fv Thompson, Don Heliker and Bill Padberg, attended a Federal and prayer meeting. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Wednesdays, holy communion, In a.m. . ST. PATRICE'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 ajn.; 10:30 Mass in. lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass. on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 ajn. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30, Crop Insurance meeting at Pen dleton Monday and Tuesday of this week. This was a meeting of crop Insurance representatives from Oregon, Washington and Idaho, with the Federal Crop In surance corporation manager, G. F. Geissler from Washington, D. C. This meeting was for the pur pose of discussing the provisions of the 1949 crop insurance con tract now being offered to wheat farmers and to set up plans for carrying out sales campaigns for selling crop insurance in the counties. If you are Interested In federal crop insurance contact the coun ty office. First evidence of white men In Oregon is the salt cairn built on the northern Oregon coast dur. ing the winter of. 1805 and 1806 when the Oregon country was ex plored by the famous pathfinders, Lewis and Clark. The cairn, built to extract salt from ocean water, is now an historic site at the well known resort city of Seaside, 80 miles from Portland. Left over from the Lewis and Clark exposition of 1905 at Port- OEORGE CARKHUFF, Deceased. Notice is herehy given, that pursuant to an order, made and entered In anid court, on the 11th day of June, 1948, authorizing afld directing said adminis trator to sell real properly of the estate of Ceorne Carkhuff, the administrator of said estate, the undersigned J. o. Turner, will, on the 17th day of July, IMS, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M., at the site of the hereinafter described properly, in the City of lone. Morrow County, OreRon, offer for snle and sell to the highest hldder for cash In hand, at public auction, the following describ ed real property, to-wlt: The North Fifty (50) feet of the East half of Hlock Three (3) of Hnerry's 3rd Addition to the City of Ions, Morrow County, Oregon. The administrator reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. O. TURNER, Administrator of the Estate of Oeorge Carkhuff, deceased. First published this 17th day of June, IMS. 18-17 land, Ore., the forestry Wkilrvg is today the world's Jargft loi building, still caUiag panfrM to Oregon s leading crfransrry. lumbering. The struqture Js 2Dj feet long, 102 feet widH nn 71 feet high. Fifty twe 'imfpttMM six feet In diameter, support hf gallery and roof. ) r. j Q Vj There are eleven high water falls within a 11-mlle section of the Columbia river highways a short distance east ot Portland, Oregon, along U. S. Route 30. Trui highest of these 1 the Multno mah Falls, Vvhich tumbles tU) feet over basaltic cliffs of ancient volcanic origin, -. . , , i t ml O ' 1 7 Oregon has more than 29 mi). lion acres of forest lands, lnolud lng lake and stream surfaces, of-i fering innumerable playlands for vacationists, according , to thf Oregon state highway commis sion travel Information departp ment. .- i,,i-i O , -vi When U. S. Navy ships recent ly visited Dublin, Eire, or a goqdr will tour, over 95,100 sightseers boarded them during public vis iting hours. :-::,.' !;::! Af. Come to APPLIANGE'Ga HEPPNER Dealers For Frigidaire Products 10 and Zenith Radios See a Beautiful Display of the Thrilling New Refrigerators and Other Frigidaire Appliances Available for Immediate Delivery: FRIGIDAIRE RANGES all models Wok Water HEATERS FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators POP-UP Toasters; Double and Single Element WAFFLE IRONS: Combination Grill and Waffle Irons; Coffee Makers; Electric Clocks, Fans and Heaters-large and small; Light Fixtures Also Many Other Electrical Appliances for Your Home and A , i ni ii ii ii ii ii 4L0NG DISTANCE RID. U.S. MX. OFF. Many Models to Choose From Our Service Department Offers Complete Repair on All Makes of Radios and Electrical Appliances Our Service Man formerly with Sherman & Clay in Portland is now on the job ready to handle any of your service problems. Heppner Appliance Co. Next Door to Turner, Van Marter & Co. Heppner, Oregon