Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Hcppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon,
Miller Succeeds
Ely As Director
In District No. 35
By Flossie Coats
Robert Miller, extensive potato;
grower oi Boardman. w-.s elected
school director fur a throe yonr j m.in. was the ce:vir.-.i:iee in
term at the annual school moot- jchar.ce and M-ivnt I'.w lunch.
ing Monday evening Hivin Ely. i'i;-t Atteberry and son Frank
who has sorvod for the past three juiih two boy fnonds of Taeonm.
years, and as chairman the past Wash.. hrtsci at the Itotv.o of
year, is the retiring mornlw. j Cut's mother. Sirs. Olive At!o
Mrs. Herbert Crockett and b.,hy , berry Wod-ic-day mid remained
of Portland arrived to spend some until Saturday, taking M:s. Alte
time visiting with Mrs. Crocket! s berry hor-.e with bi"i to remain
I? I I
meuica. ana
for Oregon residents ul
tneir fsniiiigs
reasonable eost...c:j
Hundreds of thousands of Oregon
workers now may obtain modest cost medical and hospital
protection through Oregon Physicians' Service. Two new plans
for individuals and families are ottered. Both have the spon
orship and approval of the Oregon State Medical Society.
Wide Choice of Doctors and Hospitals
Through membership you and your family have a wide choice
rDlm 1
AW HOSPITAL cowog for tfc m
pvrmi Individ wot $3.50 pr menlh.
HOiftTAi CevrtJ9 for fcreiuM
dovm, 12.00 pr wctrfr".; lit child,
$1 J5 pw Konth; 2nd eh: id, 75 cert
pw nofrtrii 3rd child, 50 cnis pr
Month) dditienal chi)dro no
Plan 2.
far tk mptcrd individual 52.25
par or-rk.
HOSPITAL vwa0 fof hsniiii
MM CM Pica 1.
Mt loutw iftccma tio not 9zd
trl'S.W.ttt An., Portland 4 4J5 Itrry Jrrtet.klem tti Kdronl !lds.,sd!or
Fioast moil litercturt and cppilcatton blank.
Mail to O.P.S. at Portland,
jit4 m -
that's why
if Iry rji- More value more motoring en'oy
jiiaf menj fQr yOUJ. moneyj
That's what you get in this smarter, smoother
riding, more dependable end more economical
You get more value in its style-leading Body by
Fisher; more value in its road -smoothing Unitized
Knee-Action Ride; more value in the thrilling per
formance of its Valve-in-Head engine and in the
stopping-power of its Positive-Action Hydraulic
Brakes all exclusive to Chevrolet at lowest prices
FIRST in oil-round value. That's why more people
buy it ond more people drive it than ony other make!
Hodge Chevrolet Co.
Main and May
k i ' l.itm.y, Mr. nml
i ; . !: :? w .. o. Ytf.-.te and
;i: ii.sim u.t- I' K.W. ivnu-.Ti.m in
i . r.i;Sfi.m i.sM t k. Mrs. Eva
.Viiwvci of V,.v.,i.t.ee. Oregon,
utivr. i;r.uii V.r. hittg.
I ..!!( Ai'1 m. . i ; . o heme of
M s. i i uv,s Wednesday af
;'T,;i:r wtli many ladies pro-
jwhuh M;. Ci;s. rUia is chaii-
si . , .
nosnmi mm
dyasldblg aid
of service. Some 900 physi
cians ar.d surgeons belong to
CP S. This is in excess cf
90c of medical society a:5Ii
sued doctors in Oregon.
If you want medical and
hospital protection at modest
cost backed by the experi
ence and professional respon
sibility of the Oregon State
Medical Society write for
literature and application
blank Please use the coupon.
Note: O.P.S. group cevtrag h
still available. If you and fellow
employes wish the savings that
em possible under a group poft
ey wt will furnish Information
Ss'em or t'
L1 ImvJS
I her
Jk v, wu A3 &d
OHM !ifevrolet
Phone 403
June 24, 1948
-cveial weeks. Chet Atteberry,
Mrs. t,Moe Atteberry. Mrs. Z. J.
i,:.:0.-; ie and son Lynn. Mrs. An
ita I'rataer and Mrs. Claud Coats
motored to Pendleton Thursday.
Mrs. John Yonger, who has
tH-on ill for many weeks was tak
en to the hospital Thursday for
.in on ornight stay, where she had
a cheek-up. Her sister. Mrs. Y.
P. Barnes of Christine, Texas, ar
rived Sunday to help care for her
Many youngsters were made
happy when they gathered at the
itorae of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
Thorpe to help Larry Thorpe cel
ebrate his llitli birthday. Those
attending were Lynn Gillespie.
Carol Hamilton. Jackie and Rich
ard Mulligan, Nanoy Califf, Wil
iii.i Hug. Sharon Fussell, and Bil
lie Thorpe. Mrs. Cecil Hamilton
and Face Anderson assisted Mrs.
Thorpe with the serving.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen
wore week-end guests at the
home of Clayton's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Allen. Both
Ciayton and his wife are employ
ed in the pea harvest at Milton.
Mrs. George Daniels spent the
week end in Portland.
A shower for the Abe Westland
family who were flooded out in
Vanport and lost all their belong
ings, was held at the grange hall
Tuesday night. The family re
ceived many useful gifts. Mrs.
Westland is the daughter of Mr.
ami Mrs. Wm. Xiekerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Baron of In
gievvood, Calif., were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Allen. Mrs. Baron is
Mrs.. Allen's aunt.
Lcs Carter of Kinzua is visit
ing indefinitely at the Algy Tay
lor home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner mo
tored to Heppner Sunday and
were dinner guests at the home
of Mrs. Fortner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Lucas. The Fortner's
grandson, Tommy Driscoll, re
turned to Boardman for a couple
of w eeks visit.
Donald Knott of Portland vis
ited Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Allen. Knott is
Mrs. Allen's nephew.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Colclessor and
son Harold and the Eb Beaver
family left Sunday for Hood Riv
er and The Dalles where they
will be employed during the cher
ry harvest All those having or
ders for the Avon product of
which Mrs. Beaver is agent,
please call at Mrs. Fred Smith's
after July 4.
County Health Officer Dr. A.
D. McMurdo and County Health
Xurse, Miss Margaret Gillis,
were in Boardman Friday giving
typhoid shots and will return on
Wednesday to give the second
shot. These are given in the li
brary at the school house.
Little Jackie Mulligan had the
misfortune to have the front
wheel of his bicycle run over by
a truck in front of his home last
week. The lad was unhurt. The
wreck was caused by the dog
running against the bike.
Mrs. Ed Kunze and daughter,
Mrs. Mary Deulan, returned from
Portland Saturday, where Mrs.
Deulan had been receiving med
ical attention, and was taken on
to Pendleton Sunday where she
will receive further medical aid.
Mrs. Eva Maxwell, her daugh
ter and two granddaughters of
Milwaukee were week-end guests
at the home of Earl Briggs.
Guests at the home of Arthur
Allen this week end were Mr. and
on Wide-Rim 15-Inch Wheels
(244b. prtiswre onlyal! aroued
Chevrolet offers you the fire of Hrei for easy,
restful riding. Remarkable new extra-low
prnure tires that give a much safer, more
comfortable ride; absorb road shocks Instead
of transmitting them to you and your cor
provide safer stopping, greater blow-out
protection, and long, more luxurious mile
age. All due to larger tire-body, more air
at lower pressure, advanced tire design.
Optional at sfltolt extra cost,
Heppner, Ore.
Kinzua American
Legion Auxiliary
Initiates 5 Members
By Elsa M. Leathers
The American Legion auxiliary
met for the last meeting until
September on Monday evening
and initiated five members. At
this time the beautiful auxiliary
bronze Libery Bell presented to
the post by Mrs Merton White
was used. This auxiliary spon
sored the going to summer school
for Letrice Collins, now in Corval
lis. It was also noted that a
member, Mrs. Joe Schott, was in
itiated in 1925 at Wenatchee, Wn..
and was a delegate to Paris,
France in 1927. The new mem
bers who were iniated and receiv
ed their pins were Mrs. Bruce
Linsey, Mrs. 0. D. Baker, Mrs.
Lud Smith, Mrs. Owen H. Leath
ers Sr. and Lillian Schott. Re
freshments of pie a la mode, cof
fee and tea were served.
The Boy Scouts hid their reg
ular meeting in Jeffmore hall
Monday evening. Since it was
impossible for the scoutmaster,
Stewart Turner, to be present, the
assistant scoutmaster, Forrest
Graham, and Rev. Lewis W'etsel
met with the boys. It was to be
decided at this meeting how
many and who should go to sum
mer camp.
The baseball game between
Fossil and Kinzua last Sunday
was called because of conditions
of both fields. Kinzua plays Hepp
ner at Heppner Sunday, June 27,
if summer weather continues
through the week.
Mrs. Frank Riley returned to
her home here after spending
three weeks at Eugene with her
daughter. Mr. Riley went to Ar
lington to meet her Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sterratt and
son Jim were week-end visitors
at the Lester Halverson home
from Portland. They returned to
their home Monday. Mrs. Ster
ratt and Mrs. Halverson are sis
ters. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jobe spent
the week end in Condon at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Ar
chie Gubser.
Miss Dottie Hoover enrolled
last week in the Marinello Beau
ty academy in Portland where
she will take the course. Helen
Humphreys of Fossil also enroll
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Claud England
went to The Dalles Friday eve
ning where Mrs. England receiv
ed medical attention. They were
detoured at Stiles on the Des
chutes. However, Sunday the
highway was opened on the Col
umbia river road.
Owen Leathers Jr. was pain
fully injured Wednesday when
his hand was caught between a
gas barrel and the boom on the
jammer. Several clamps were
used to close the wound in the
palm and back of his hand.
Harve Boyer left Sunday to
consult a physician at Portland
for ari injury he had in a leg.
Jack Owens took him to Arling
ton where he lfet by bus.
Layton Tripp dislocated his
knee this week when he fell as
he was dodging a large falling
timber that the hooks had come
out of. He had to be absent on
crutches for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adams and
daughter visited the Oscar Ad
ams Sr. home in Spray over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reeser
moved with their household
goods to Prineville Sunday, where
they recently purchased a small
acreage and plan to build a
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rood went
to Heppner and Stanfield Sunday.
Joan Adams accompanied them
and will remain for a week vis
iting her grandfather, J. B. Ad
ams and at her aunt's, Mrs. Vic
tor Lovgren's, ranch on Eight
Mr. and Mrs. Don Shanafelt and
Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sha-
naieit ana children of Hermlston
were visiting at the home of their
mother, Mrs. O. D. Baker, and
their sister, Mrs. Ed Wham, over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brisbois
and children spent Father's day
at the Art Williams home In
Mark Jellick and Leonard Sam-
pies went to Prineville the first
of the week where they have
work on a ranch. Miss Carla
Pierson took Mark's place as
usher at the theater and Dick
Graham Is ticket taker in Arthur
Allen and Williams worn r.M
school chums and enjoyed rem-
Mrs. Algy Taylor has as guests
for an indefinite stay her daugh
ter Mary and granddaughter To
ni of Portland.
Postmaster Florence Root be
gan a weeks vacation Monday.
Her place Is belnp- filled hv tki
Claud Coats. Mrs. Root has made
no statement as to where she will
Mrs. Chas. Andoregg and
dauchter Barha
day from Sacramento, Cal., where
they had been the past month
visiting relatives. Her sister, Mrs.
Les Oswald and son Leslie re
turned wtn them for an extended
Mrs. Roy Ball Jr. hag as house
guests this week her sister, Elsie
O'Day of Portland, and a friend,
Mrs. Ira Hood, and daughter of
Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root, Mrs.
Bert Montague and Mrs. Arthur
Allen were ppnftietnn nhnrr.
Miss Ltta Joneu In conflnorl tn
her homo with some harl vorio.
brae In her back, and will return
to Walla Walla for a IrAitnnM
on Wednesday.
Mrs, Leslie Williams of Portland.
Thomas' place while he is pick
ing berries near Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis left
Saturday for their ranch near
Lonerock where they plan to stay
the next month, putting up the
large crop of hay they have this
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Sam McDaniel Jr. of Heppner
were visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harlan Adams on Sun
day, also visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Leathers.
Mrs. George Smith and Mrs.
Lud Smth attended the wedding
Saturday at Condon of Art Robin
son to Evelyn Schomp, also the
reception held Immediately fol
lowing the ceremony at the I. O.
O. F. hall at Mayville.
Mr. and Mrs Joe Schott and
daughter Lillian were attending
to business in Condon Saturday.
Mrs. Ed Wham was assisting
Mrs. Claud England at the con
fectionery Friday and Saturday
in Mrs. Green's place. Mr. and
Mrs. Green took their small
daughter to The Dalles where
they found she was suffering
from a throat infecton. She was
kept at the hospital several days
before returning home.
Miss Carolyn Coleman of Oro
ville, Calif., and Jack Fatland of
Condon were dinner guests at the
Joe Schott home on Monday eve
ning. Miss Coleman is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Coleman, formerly of Kinzua. Mr.
Fatland is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Fatland of Condon.
No angling license is necessary
to fish in Oregon's Crater Lake,
the nation's deepest lake, 2000
feet. Fish are stocked in the blue
Keep the sun's heat and flare out of
your home! Top quality custom made
awnings direct to you&at low cost!
Easily Installed. We also furnish patio
ana terrace covers ana all types oi gar
den furniture recovers. Write for infor
mation and free samples, state oohir
choice, to Dept. C, Box 344. iDEAItTB
Bonayraie, ituu.
I Am Dealer for
Saws and parts and
Magnesium .
in stock
Simpson Grocery
v Spray, Oregon
Heppner, Oregon
waters by the National Park Ser
vice, which has also introduced
food sources into the crystal clear
waters resting in the caldera of
a pre-historic volcano.
Vacation Specials
1 Lastex Contour Control
1 Boys 14 to 18 -1.95
Mens 28 to 38 -4.95
1 Finest two-ply combed yarn n
Hold their shape--2.95
1 Other Tee Shirts 95c 1.1 5
" Cool - Comfortable
1 1.95 to 7.50
1 Cool, Ventilated SHOES
I 9.95
Light Weight 3.95 to 7.50
H Gabardine SLACKS H
. 8.95 to 19.50
tZnjoij Jjout Vacation
Wilsons Men's Wear
1 - The Store of Permal Service
Get Acquainted Offer
1 week only June 28 to July 3
That's right--a 1c Sale. Here's how it works: Out of
every DRY CLEAN ING order you bring us we will clean
for you any garment you choose for the next-to-noth-ing
charge of
So why hesitate? You have all to gain and little to
lose. . .
Bring 'em in while the offer lasts!
The smallest state park in the
United States covers only 25
square feet along U. S. Highway
50 at Government Camp on me
slopes of Mt. Hood. It was set
Its First
aside to preserve a monument
erected to the memory of Sam
Barlow, who built the first rond
around Mt. Hood for covered wa
gons a century ago.
Phone 2632