Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 17, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    6--Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 17, 194S
Flash Flood Does
Heavy Damage To
Property In Kinzua
By Kisa M. Ixathi rs
The storm Thursday evening
that ild wi murh daman' in sev
eral oouniies didn't pass Kinzua
up The flash flood came from
off the north mils. Only one)
home, that of Frank Wilson, was
damaged to any extent when the
water ran through it about three
and a half feet deep. The Roy
Woods "furniture was removed
from their house near tlte Wilson
home, The pastime, Jeffmore hall
and the ladies' club kitchen had
more rock, mud and water than
any other place. Debris was
about two feet deep in the kit
chen and an estimate of two feet
of water in the hall and kitchen.
Pastime stock room and motors
were badly damaged. The post
office also had its share of about
two feet.
The mercantile store lost con
siderable merchandise that was
stored in the basement w here the
water got several feet deep.
The factory and planer had
greater loss. The flood washed
away foundations letting the
floor and valuable materials go
into the main creek channel.
Men cfpws worked all night to no
avail. The mill had only minor
damage, with about one foot of
Several bridges and any num
ber of miles of roadbeds were
washed away. A large crew of
Carl Coleman's men from Camp
5 have been working long hours
to rebuild It
Only the mill is operating. No
time has yet been set to begin
work at the plant.
Considerable damage was done
to yards and gardens and roads.
The mail and freight is being
brought to Kinzua by truck. How
ever, very little shortage has
been experienced as yet.
New 1949 Ford Makes Appearance Friday
son Charles were drowned at
their ranch home about five
miles below Kinzua on Thirty
Mile creek. A daughter Mary and
another son, Bob, .held on to a
board fence or they would have
been washed away. too. Mrs.
Rhetta was well known in Mor
row county and was an extensive
land owner in Wheeler and Gil
liam counties. The funerals were
in Fossil Monday afternoon and
interment was in the Fossil cem
etery. -
Mrs. Crow returned to her home
near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on
Thursday after visiting her
daughter and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Cook, for the Dast !
Mrs. Marion Wright and Mrs.
Ethel Mitchell and son LeRoy,
went to Salem Friday where they
took a plane to Los Angeles. Mrs.
Wright will visit her parents and
sister and Mrs. Mitchell has three
sisters in Los Angeles. The party
was taken to Salem by Joe Hayes.
Miss Dottie Hoover is assisting
It was in this same storm and jner father Bert at the postoffice.
flood that Mrs. Wm. -Rhetta and
I Am Dealer for
Saws and parts and
in stock
Simpson Grocery
Spray, Oregon
Mrs. Forrest Graham took the
4-H club girls to Fossil Tue day
morning from where they v. e; t on
to Contion to join another group
of girls and toys before si "ting
to Corvallis for simmer school.
Keep the pun'a heat p id :-t of
your home: T j quaiity cu i .r:i made
awnings direct to you-at 1j-.c ostl
Easily installed. We als- tun....; patio
and terrace covers r.,.d ail t.1 pe. of gar
den furniture reccera. Writ- for infor
mation and free sample . gtate color
ch-ice to Der'. Box E44. itit!T.7n
Suulyrale, Ca.il.
They were Clara Loomis, Ginger
Hines, Barbara Graham and Le
trice Collins.
Kinzua plays ball at Fossil,
weather permitting, in the sched
uled Wheat league game, June
Bob Zcllars, Kinzua, won the
Palomino horse at the Condon
Due to the unsettled conditions
of the Kinzua people, Bible school
that was scheduled to open June
14 was postponed until July 13.
The teachers who came on Sat
urday will return on that date.
Some friends here received in
vitations to the wedding Satur
day, June 19, at Condon of Evelyn
Schomp of Fossil to Art Robinson.
Boardman. Art will be remember
ed as the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Robinson, formerly of Kin
zua, now of Boardman, and is
the grandson of Mrs. Alex War
ren of Condon. Miss Schomp is
the daughter of a well known
Wheeler county family, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert R. Schomp. Both Art
and Evelyn are graduates of the
Fossil high school and have
many friends in Kinzua.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilliam and
son of St. Helens were visiting
several days with Mr. and Mis.
W. A. Gilliam this week.
Mrs. Glen Hadley had the mis
fortune to slip and fall in her
home at Camp 5, dislocating her
knee. Due to the road conditions
Mr. Hadley had to take her thru
Hardman and Condon to their
home in Fossil, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Graham
and children went to Pendleton
Saturday. They purchased a new
car while, there. On the return
home they were delayed three
hours at Condon because of the
flood at Mayvlle earlier in the
afternoon that washed away
some bridges and portions of
Admission prices ifteraoon ud e ruing1, nnls spe
cifically Rlvertiaed to b otherwise: Children: E t.
Prio .17, Fed. Iu .03, Total 20c; Grade aad Kigh
Bchoo Student! 11 jeart and over: Est. Pries .40.
red. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adults: Est. Frcia .50, Fed.
Ta- .1 Total 60c Every child occupying a seat
mutt hwe a ticket.
Sr.ncH-- shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. Satur
day Y .jung shows start at T p.m. All other evening
the stvrt at 7:30 -p.au. Boxoffice open evenings
unt.: 9 p :i.
Friday -Saturday, Jnne 18-19
Kin Tin Tin XXX,
Claudia Drake
Donald Woods, Bobby riake.
A boy-and-his-d
ural color.
t outdoor drama filmed in rmt-
A Cisco Kid adventure m!th Gilbert Bol&nd, Chris
Pu Martin.
Sunday-Monday, June 20-21
Green Grass of Wyoming
Sy Cnmmioi, Chvle Co burn, Bobert Arthnr,
Lloyd Holaa
Bonutiful, thoroughbred horse; breathtaking
grandeur of rugged western scenery, a tender
young M'try . . . with Technicolor photography. A
proud suet fM(or to " Flick " and "Thnnderhe&d'
by Mary O'Hara.
Tucci y. Jnue 22
A Ceorge O'Brien re-issue with Xaraine Johnson
and Say Whitley in the cast.
Dick Tracy's Dilemma
Chester Gould's Indomitable cartoon strip hero
brings an episode that hia followers will love and
cln t enough action, suspense and excitement to
p!cr :e those amazing people who do not head the
WecL-Thurs., June 23-24
Bay BUUand, Marlene Dietrich, Dennis Hoey,
Quentiir Bayuolds
He'll never forget those Golden Earrings and
the heart-pounding adventures they plunged" him
into... and neither will you!
Remember This Date
Auction Sales Day
at Heppner Sales Yard
Bring in the stuff you want to sell.
This is the best Livestock and Farm
Equipment Market in the district.
Heppner Sales Yard
Auctioneer Operator Clerk
Trains Run Late
But Keep Service
Going At Irrigon
By Grace Shoun
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand are
to get their son David from Wal-
Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Lathrop and
small son took Barbara June
Voile back to Walla Walla Satur
day. Loretta White accompanied
Marshall Markham is working
on the railroad at Hood River
during the high water, He spent
Sunday with his family, return
ing Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Graybeal of
Elgin arrived Saturday to visit
his mnthpr Trc TncAnhinn Clryr
la Walla Wednesday evening. He bea, sjste;s Mrs R M McCJv
i and Mrs. J. E. McCoy, and other
relatives. They are former resi-
has finished the first year at
Mrs. Jack McFall and two chil
dren and Patricia Guerin went to
Spokane Saturday to visit rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Vallis Dexter and
son Gerry left for home after vis
iting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Dexter. They also took a
trip to the Oregon coast in spite
of high water.
The trains have been from 3 12
to 7 or 8 hours late but have not
failed to come in daily. Tuesday,
the Portland train that should
get here at 1:30 a.m. got here at
4 a.m.
Mrs. Dave Steagall of Portland
came up Thursday to get her
small daughter Judy. She had
been with her father, Don Kenny,
and family. She brought Billy
Steagall up with her. He had
been visiting his father, Dave
Steagall, and family. She took
her son, James Kenny, back for
a visit and also Mrs. James Umi
ker and daughters back with her.
They went on to Aurora to visit
her sister, Mrs. Nellie Netter,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swaren
left Monday for the Weston area
to help in the pea harvest
Miss Betty Acock is spending
Wednesday with the C. W. Acock
Ross Clemmons returned to
Kinzua this week to work on the
forest He worked here last year.
His parents moved to Prineville
to make their home. Ross has
been a student at Oregon State.
Miss Ramona McDaniel went to
Heppner Friday where she will
begin work in the telephone of
fice. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Taylor and
son and Tom Hack left Friday for i
their home in Macks Creek, Mo.
Helen Marlene accompanied
them to her home at Cassville,
Miss. She has been a sophomore j
in high school here the past year,
staying at the home of friends, I
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woods.
' Joe Morgan returned to his ,
home here this week end from !
Prairie City hospital, after spend- !
ing two weeks there. Mr. Mor
gan will be admitted to a Port
land hospital in a couple of
weeks, where he will undergo a
major operation. '
Mrs. Emma Painer of Saniquin.
Utah, is visiting at the home of
her brother Dave Peterson and
Mrs. Peterson. Her stay is some
what extended due to the flood
conditions of the highways.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Halverson
and son Arthur are spending sev
erat days in Portland visiting
Mrs. Halverson s parents and oth
er relatives. While Arthur is
away Dick Graham is taking his
place at the theater.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Brisbois
and family were visiting at Spray
with Mr. and Mrs. Pence Brisbois
and Mr. and Mrs. Art Williams
over the week end, going over af
ter Randy Richards who has
spent two weeks at spray visits
ing. The Brisbois' encountered
bad roads down Service creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Zolan Tripp went
to John Day Saturday on busi
ness. Along the river and Ser
vice creek they could see the
damage by high water where
roads are out and fields washpH
so badly.
Delvin McDaniel took Mrs. Mc
Daniel to La Grande this wwb
where she will enter summer
school preparing for the fall term
here where she is contracted to
Mr. and Mrs tt:irr,M Cith
daughter Alice left Saturday for
Indiana where thev exnprted tn
visit the next month. They also
will visit at Denver. Coin Mr
Mrs. Kred Beard went an f:ir
Salt Lake City where they will
usu ana Mrs. Manlev Anrlpronn
also accompanied them as far as
Indiana and will go to Chicago
to visit her parents. All will re
turn some time in July.
Mr. and Mrs. Zolan Tripp and
Mrs. Betty Shell went to Pendle
ton on Monday for medical
treatment for Mr. Tripp.
Mrs. Herb Wright returned to
her home Sunday afternoon fm
The Dalles where she had been
in a nospital for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Knowles of
Seneca are visiting at the Lee
Neth home this week. I
Mr. and Mrs. Albert ir1Hu .
dents here
Mr and Mrs. Andrew Shoun
and son Steven of Walla Walla
were Sunday vistors with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCoy
and children returned Sunday
from Paulsbo. Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Coy went to Kennewick, leaving
the children with their grandpar
ent, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCoy, as
their home is in the flooded area.
Roy Minnick of Boardman
spent Monday evening with the
Ralph Minnick and Hall famil
Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Lathrop and
small son and Pattie Minnick and
baby went to Pendleton Tuesday.
The Assembly of God vacation
Bible school will close Sunday
night with a program to show
what the children have learned.
The Community Baptist church
vacation Bible school closes on
Friday evening with their pro
gram. The Assembly of God carpen
ters consisting of Rev. Turner,
Warner and Agee, worked on the
forms for the parsonage base
ment Saturday.
Rev. Haslem spent a few hour
with the Community Baptist va
cation Bible school children on
Tuesday afternoon.
(Continued from First Page)
able. The Alfsons are on vaca
tion and will go as far east as
New York before returning to Al
aska. Tommy Beaver and Bill Califf
left this week for Milton where
they will work during pea har
vest. The east school yard Is under
renovaton this week. Space large
enough for playground and a ball
diamond is being leveled. The
work is being done by Crum Bro
thers of lone. The ground will
all be seeded to grass when com
pleted. Ray Conyers and helpers
are starting Wednesday to re
move all the broken plaster in
the school buildng preparatory
to being plastered later by others.
Guests at the C. W. Barlow and
Robert Walker homes this week
are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner
of Central Point. Mr. Warner has
just completed a term as coach
at the Centrar Point high school.
Mrs. Warner is the former Marie
Barlow. m
Everett Greenup, son of Mrs.
Margaret Greenup, has returned
from St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton where he was treated
for two weeks for heart trouble.
Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Huston re
turned home Wednesday evening
from The Dalles where they spent
several weeks while Mr. Huston
underwent surgical treatment.
Mr. Huston will remain in bed a
day or two to rest up from the
trip home, after which he hopes
to be able to greet his friends-
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rucker of
Arlington spent Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Russell, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Miss Joan Morgan of Vancou
ver arrived Tuesday morning to
spent the week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Reese Morgan. This
is her first trip here as the Mor
gans have been here just a few
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pelton and
family and the Rolland Otto
stroms are attending camp meet
ing at College Place. They went
up there Saturday.
Rev. A. B. Turner and son Jerry
went to Olympia, Wash., Tuesday
upon receipt of the news that his
sLster, Edna Bliss, had died after
a long illness.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hall and
three children of Gates came up
Tuesday to visit her brother,
Ralph Mininck. and family.
By Advertising In
Thii Newspaper
in his home. Mrs. Huston suffer
ed a knee Injury while In The
Dalles which has necessitated her
using a crutch. Alex Green met
the Hustons at Arlington yester
day, they having come that far
by train, and brought them home
by car.
We wish to thank our many
friends for the many remem
brances flowers, .cards, letters,
messages, and gifts during the
time we were In The Dalles. There
was not a lonely moment and
we think you are all Just grand.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston.
FOR SALE-1200 feet well used
1-inch black iron pipe Take all
for $150. Bill Barratt, phone
16F2. 13c
SURANCE! Turner, Van Marter
& Co.
Popular with Dad and the Boys!
Western Styled
Men'i Size
Summer means picnics, trips to the
country, sports ... all the fun un
der the Bun! It means, too, that
denims will be your best pal. Nat
urally, like all your other clothing
needs, they'll come from Penney 's.
Sites for the whole family.
lion Sisp$
For Mom and The Girls!
MISSES' JEANS. Blue denim ie a 118 go
everywhere! These have orange stitching,
fitted waists, four pockets! Sizes 12 to 20.
GIRLS' JEANS. Styled like your brok
ers' in blue and redl Neat fitting slide
fastener. Sanforized t. Sites 7 to 14.
rShrioUn M imJ 1.
Citizens & Taxpayers
The Budget Election will be held Monday, June 28, at which time
you will have the privilege of giving or not giving your approval
to the city's improvement program. Because of the poor condition
of the streets, the budget committee found it necessary to provide
funds outside of the 6 limitation to make it possible to carry on
a reasonable amount of repair work this year.
We urge your earnest consideration of the'
budget and the improvement program. Any
member of the City Council or the Budget
Committee will be glad to explain features of
the budget you may not understand. If you
are well informed we are sure you will vote
for a
Bigger and Better Heppner
By Conley Lanham, Mayor
the parents of a hahv g in
born at Condon on June 14,