s 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Hpppner Orcoon, June 10, 194S Death Comes To Mrs, Bassett After Lingering Illness V'; Newt About Town . . . Affording to word reoiived t her Mrpntn, Mr. nd Mrs. D. F. ItiFlun, Hrlrn Phrlan uniirrwt'nt a major oixTation at St. Francis hospital In San Francisco on Sat urday and is re-covering satisfac torily at the prcstnt time. A minor I ! nouns shower was given for Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Hoyt at the meeting ot the IV gree of Honor Tuesday evening t the Legion hall. Th.? Hoyt lost all of their household effects jt,.r business matters in Heppner. In the recent Vanport flood. Pre-1 H,.Ebert ix-hunk "who h.ts tx-en are sinndirg this M Count n he:ne ! !-: p:v i and Mrs. Krnk Wi.ksrsson. (.Shind is the Uvr.-er Y Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ka !.;vi W Athena spcr.t Sitml.tv u; IU -V ner visiting with her mother. V.:v William H.uper and Mr ii.:;v; and with her ,m in daughter. Mr. and Mrs lUrv'.d trt'iiin and family of rVvui Mrs. Bessie Jxvloy was over from Surav Mond.iv looking f- y,. V.vv : vr t Jv Hughes received word ay v-t the ileath of her mo Vrs. Olive IVivis Bassett, at Svu-h. I'ahf. Mrs. Hughes rvtutned frvm Long Beach re-vvn'-.y where she spent several vwvks at l he Nviside of her mo ther and the news was not unex pected. Bent were Mesdames Key yuacK enbush, Harold Beehet. Walter Barger, larl McDaniel. Add Moore, Roy Neiil, R. G. McMur try, Arthur Shamhlin, Eileen Harris. Ted Pierson. Archie Nich ols, Dick McAllster, Harold Hill. M. V. Nolan, George Gertson. J. J. O'Connor, John Bergstrom, Iwrward Tash and Misses Mar ilyn Bergstrom and Harriet Ball. Those from Heppner attending the funeral services in Condon Wednesday for the late Mrs. Mat tie Gates who died recently at her home in Battleground. Wash., were Mrs. Sophrona Thompson. Mrs. Lennie Loudon, Mrs. Elbert Cox and Mrs. Luke Bibby. Mrs. Gates will be remembered in Morrow county as the former j Mrs. Henry Keel, having resided ! in the Rock creek and Lonerock districts for a good many years. Jackson Holt who has been at tending school at Monmouth has returned to spend the summer in Heppner. Tim Wood of Hermiston was a business visitor in Heppner on Wednesday. Lynn Marie and Ralph Lee Benge of Condon spent the past week in Heppner visiting with their father, Terrel L. Benge and Mrs. Benge. The Past Noble Grand club of Pauline Rebekah lodge of Pen dleton entertained at 1 p.m. lun cheon Tuesday afternoon for the Past Noble Grands of San Souci Rebekah lodge of Heppner. Fol lowing the luncheon bingo was played with Mrs. J. Palmer Sor lien of Heppner receiving the highest number of prizes. Those going to Pendleton for the occa sion were Mesdames J. Palmer Sorlien. John Bergstrom, Lee Howell, George Gertson, Lester Doolittle, George Halden. Jos. J. Nys, Harold Hill. Sadie M. Sigs bee and Miss Merle Carmiehael. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore of Camp 5 were shopping in Hepp ner Saturday. The Moores for merly lived in Kinzua but moved to Camp 5 the last of the week. Mr and Mrs. William Furlong motored to Hermiston and Uma tilla Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Funeral services will be held .s-itiirdav morning in Hudson's attending school at Monmouth ; jior(u,trv in Now berg, with inter- returned the end of the week to spend the summer vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schunk. Miss Marie Healy of Portland spent the week end in Heppner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Healy. Among those from out-of-town here for the funeral services of the late James Carty Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore of Pendleton, William Kilkenny of Echo and Mr. and Mrs. John Bro&nan of Lena. o 4-H Club News . . . First club of the year to com plete its project and turn in rec ord books is the Healthy Teens Health Club of lone. The leader is Mrs. Bertha M. Severin. This club, the largest in the county, with twenty-two club members, completed their projects 1001c. A certificate of achievement has been received from the state 4-H club office to be presented to the group. Members enrolled in this club were Charles Aldrich, Leslie Adrich. Elise Bauernfeind, Rudy Bergstrom. Lila Botts, Leroy Brenner, Donald Bristow, Joan Coleman, Wilda Dalzell, Wilma Dalzell, Delores Drake, Herbert Ekstrom, Allen Ely. Donald Eu banks, Margaret Hubbard, Bar bara Jackson. Mary Jepsen, Fern Jones, Ralph Kincaid, Donna Mc Coy. James Morgan, Edward San ders. ment beside her husband. Mrs. Hughes left Wednesday evening to attend the services. Olive Davis Bassett was born December IT, in Washington. Pa. At the age of four she moved with her family to California, her father being a captain in the Un ion army during the Civil war. He took up a homestead near Dixon, that state. In 1S90 she entered Dixon academy and it was while attending school she became a member of the Baptist church. From that time on throughout her life she was active in church work. On April 13. 1S92 she was married to Glenn Otis Bassett. In 1S0S they moved to Oregon w here they made .their home until the death of Mr. Bassett vember 16. 1916. After her husband's death and her children became scattered in Oregon and Califor nia she made her home in Cali fornia most of the time. Mrs. Bassett was the matriar chal head of a family of 60, be ing the mother of seven daugh- CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Trinity III Holy communion, S a.m. ' Church school, 9:45 am. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Special offering for flood dis aster. Wednesday, Holy communion, 10 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST John D. Runyan, Minister Phone 2C15 Bible school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evening services: Young Peo ple's service, 7 p.m.; evening worship, 8 p.m.; choir rehearsal, Thursday, 7 p.m.; Bible study, Thursday, 8 p.m. Beginning this Sunday, June 13, we will start the evening wor ship at 8 o'clock. If we can ren der anv service of comfort or do so. We shall count it a priv ilege to be called whenever our assistance is needed. I have just started my ministry in Heppner and believe in a preacher work ing at his work just as much as any man works at his job. I will keep office hours In the pastor's study from 9 to 12 every morn ing. Other hours will be for call ing and personal counseling. In personal counseling the pastor deals with all kinds of problems where advice, encouragement and assistance might be given. If there are those who wish to talk to a minister, whether mem bers of a church or not, feel free to call me at any time day or night. LEXINGTON CHURCH Geo. H. Hatch, Minister Don Campbell, Supt. Bible school with classes for all ages begins at 10 a.m. Wor ship and communion services at -".it o'clock. At the worship hour the pastor will speak on the ques Meeting at the county agent's office on Tuesday afternoon were 4-H club leaders Mrs. John Graves. Mrs. Walter Wright. Mrs. L. A. McCabe. Mrs. Harold Beket, and Mrs. Norman Nelson, inter ested in club work, to consider premiums, contests, and a. ards for the 4-H home economics div ision of the Morrow countv fair. Outines were prepared on spe cial contests and awards sponsor ed by organizations interested in ciud worK. bince there are many details to work out which will necessitate many meetings and hours of work, the f!lD..ing Walter Oslund j committees were appointed to itiw" and daughter of Laramie, Wyo., I take charge of the many divi sions. Committees are: Clothing Mrs. John Graves, Mrs. Lloyd Kowton, J:rs. Leonard Rill, Mrs. Jasper Meyers. Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 33 Z'ff Lorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton Ore. Loyd's Saddle Shop Cooking Mrs. Harold Becket, Mrs. Victor Rietmann, Mrs. R. B Rice. Canning Mrs. Leonard Carl son. Mrs. George Currin, Mis. Or ville Cutsforth. Homemaking Mrs. L. A. Mc Cabe, Mrs. G. Hermann, Woodworking Mrs. Walter Wright, Mrs. Earl McKinney, Mrs. Barton Clark. Judging Contests Mrs. Nor man Nelson. Demonstration Contests Mrs. John Graves, Mrs. L. A. McCabe. Style Review Mrs. John Grav es, Mrs. Elmer Palmer. ... Final arrangements have been completed for Morrow County 4-H delegates attending the 1948 4-H summer school to be held at Cor vallis June 15-25. Twenty-three club members, a chaperone and a leader who win take the recre ation classes being offered this year, will leave irom Heppner Tuesday morning. Morrow county 4-H delegates will travel by bus with Umatilla, Gilliam and Wheeler county del egates. O. O. Felthouse, Hermis ton school bus operator, will transport the delegates in two large school busses. The Eastern Oregon Wheat League 4-H Stock show and sale committee has announced the postponement of the show until June 28, 29 and 30. The reason, of course, is the Columbia river flood. It will be held on these dates as the same show with the same rules as scheduled for this past week. ters and two sons. Surviving are Mrs. A. E. Williams, Portland; Mrs. Joseph J. Hughes, Heppner; Florence B. Correll, Santa Mon ica, Calif.; R. H. Bassett, Salem; Mrs. R. B. McKeown, Alameda, Calif.; Mrs. Horace Jones, Sacra mento, Calif.; Mrs. C. M. Hollings worth. Long Beach; Mrs. Arthur Piculell, Pomona, Cal. One sister, Mrs. Albert Bede, Sacramento, and one brother, W. H. Davis, Sacramento, 25 grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. During the second World War Mrs. Bassett had eight grandsons and one son in the service. Three of the grandsons made the su preme sacrifice. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tetz and son motored to Pendleton Satur day to spend the day shopping. Miss Maxine East spent Mon day in Pendleton shopping. tional service at 7:30 p.m. Women's Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. ... ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. Francis Cook, agricultural in structor at Heppner high school, is leaving this week end to at tend a three-weeks summer school session in- Smith-Hughes work at Oregon State college. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Cook who plans to visit relatives in Salem and friends in Corval- lis. The Cooks will return to Heppner July 5. M T). Clark arrived from Eu gene last night to spend about two weeks in Heppner. tie came at this time to visit with his daughter Mrs. Gordon Ridings, who, with Mr. Ridings arrived tion "What and Where ts Heav en?" The 8 o'clock ever'ng ser vices feature one half nour of singspiration, followed by a stu dy of "Prophetic Messages." The subject for this Sutiday night is 'The Jew and Prophecy. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Sunday, June 13: Morning wor ship and sermon at 11 a.m. Church school at 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, superintendent; Mr. Robert Owens, assistant superin tendent. Wednesday: Mid-week devo- NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of June, 1948, at the hour of 7:30 P. M. of said day, at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, Oregon, the tax levying board of said city will meet for the purpose of discussing and considering the tax budget herein after set forth of said city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1948 and ending June 30, 1949, any taxpayer of said city may at said time and place appear and be heard for or in opposition to said tax levy as set forth or any item thereof. Classification ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 6-30-45 to 7-1-46 6- 30-46 to 7- 1-47 6- 30-47 to 7- 1-48 6- 30-48 to 7- 1-49 PERSONAL SERVICE City Superintendent . $ 1,500.00 City Police 1,500.00 City Recorder 300.00 City Attorney 300.00 City Treasurer 300.00 Fire Boys' Salary 350.00 $ 2,400.00 2,000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 $ 3,000.00 3,000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 $ 3,600.00 3,000.00 300.00 360.00 360.00 500.00 COOL - COLORFUL - MODERN AWNINGS Keen the sun's heat and glare out of your home.' Tup quality custom made awnings direct to you&at low cost! Easily installed. We also turnish patio and terrace covers an all types of gar den furniture rex-overs. Write lor infor mation and free samples, state color choice, to Dept. C, B.,x 344. (DEALEB iuQtrrRiES htvited.) CALIFORNIA TENT ft AWNINO CO., Sunnyvale, Calif. ' $ 4.250.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES State Insurance $ 100.00 Bond Premiums 100.00 Fire Equipment ... 500.00 Printing & Advertising 150.00 Auditing 200.00 $ 5,650.00 $ 100.00 100.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 $ 7,250.00 $ 150.00 100.00 2,000.00 200.00 300.00 $ 8,180.00 $ 150.00 150.00 500.00 2.50.00 500.00 $ 1,050.00 PUBLIC PROPERTIES Light $ 1,400.00 Steets and Bridges 2,500.00 Swimming Tank 600.00 Fire Insurance 150.00 Garbage Disposal 180.00 Building Repairs Shop Equipment $ 1,050.00 $ 2,750.00 $ 1,550.00 $ $ 1.400.00 2.51X1.00 600.00 250.00 200.00 900.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 600.00 250.00 5,400.00 900.00 $ l,500.0n 20,000.00 600.00 575.00 5.500.00 900.(0 600.00 $ 4,830.00 $ 5,850.00 $ 9.650.00 $29,675.00 BOND REDEMPTION Bonds $ 7,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2.000.00 Bond Interest ... 500.00 250.00 80.00 1,532.50 $ 7,5(AJ.u0 $ 4,250.00 $ 3,080.00 $ 3,532.50 DONATIONS Library $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Others 300.00, 300.00 300.00 300.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 WATER DEPARTMENT Bookkeeper $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Asst. Superintendent. 1,800.00 2.400.00 2,700.00 3,300.00 Labor, supplies, etc. .... 2.000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 Replacements and Improvements 4,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 $ 8,700.00 $12,800.00 $13,200.00 $13,800.00 PARK FUND $ 500.00 EMERGENCY FUND $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,006.00 USED SERVEL- ELECTROLUX GAS and KEROSENE REFRIGERATORS L E. DICK - Phone 622 STAR G2 REPORTER dmladoB priatm afwraooa and ernla?, unlu ipa ctfieaUjr alwtlMd to b otfeerwlM! Children! Est. mom JT, Tt-A. Tax M, Total SOe; Orado and Hifh ftcnool tadsta 11 jroara and overt Est Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total Mc; AdalU! Ert. Prcle .60, red. Friday-Saturday. June 11-12 Marshall of Cripple Creek A ftud rder-Littlo Beaver western. PLUS HIGH CONQUEST Anna Ui, Ollbrt &uUnd, WarrM DcmU. Bea Uta Bon 41, Sir C. etabrvy BmJth, John Qaalvn TowfikiiK IlirilU tM'tuttJly filmed in lh towering Hwinn Alps. Sunday Monday, June 13-U THISTIMEFOR KEEPS Bather Willi uat, XtirlU Mulcholt-, J turn 7 Dur uit, JobuOs Jubuloa, Xarlw Cos and hi OrohMtr. Dam May Wblltjr, Sharon HcMutoi, MUM Mat-maids In luy iMjui.-r?vUi. A luimry, lUw-spiatiliwl Terhnirolor musical. Tax .10, Total 60c EYery child occupying a feat mart have a ticket. Ban day ahowi oontinaom ctarttng at 1 p.m. Satur day evening ehowt itart at 7 p.m. All other evening hows start at 7:30 p.m. Boxofflce open evenings until 9 p.m. Tuesday June 15 SIS HOPKINS Judy Canova. Eman Hajrward, Bob Croihy, Jerry Colonna are Iri the remmje of ritln evr-p'-pular ' Cftr.erly. Abu. a Carnival of SporU and Buffs Bunny, hth In Twlini'ol'jr. Wed.-Thura., June 1617 MONSIEURVERDOUX Charlea CUapUn, Martha Baye. Murder and fun (.ertilnly dun't Heetn compatible nut when pro-du'-d. directed, written and aHed by the Chaplin leernuH, It's notable! Thin film chonn by the Na '.loniii Hoard of Review an outstanding. TOTAL EXP'NDITUEES $29,830.00 $33,100.00 $39,830.00 $61,137.50 ESTIMATED BECEIPTS Water Department $ 16,000.00 County Road Tax Refund 6,500.00 License and Liquor Revenues 2,000.00 Swimming Tank 500.00 Vine 600.00 Estmated Carryover 5000.0o City share of gas tax 7,000.00 Garbage Disposal 5,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 43,100.00 Subject to 6 limitation $ 14,505.00 Outside 6 limitation 3,532.50 Amrmnt to he raised bv taxation io.uji.au Amnunt nvpr fW limitation tn he voted on bv the people of Heppner 4 Outslandine bonded indebtedness $ T7,000.(X) Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd day of June, 1948. BUDGET COMMITTEE AND LEVYING BOARD, By: P. W. Mahoney, Chairman, Walter Barger, Jr., Clerk of Board. You Can Now Buy Your Farmhand HYDRAULIC LOADER right here in Heppner I have secured the agency for this machine as well as the HEIL Twin Arm "Conversion Hoist" Four of the Hydraulic Farmhands are on the way to Heppner now. McClintock's Machine Shop Heppner, Oregon I Am Dealer for DISSTON POWER SAWS Saws and parts and Magnesium Wedges in stock Simpson Grocery Spray, Oregon from New York several days ear lier. Mr. Hidings has gone to Eugene to visit his jjeople and will be joined there by Mrs. Rid ings. Mr. Clark makes his homo with his other daughter, Mrs. Frank. Rlggs. Mrs. Alma Bnuman and daugh ter Patsy arrived Wednesday of last week from Coolidge, Ariz., to spend some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Krancis Nickerson. They are mother and sister of Mrs. Nickerson. Patsy spent some time here with the Niekersons last summer. 'rom where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Who is this Man? Now and then, in the pages of the Clarion, I run a biographical quiz, under the heading of "Who Is This Man?" For instance . . . "He was one of the earliest lov ers in American history... "And yet he was too shy to court a woman outright... "He came to the New World on the Mayflower... "A cooper to repair the beer bar rels accompanying the Pilgrims... "Who is this man?" I thought that everybody was stumped. But not Ma Hoskins, who returned the clipping to me with "John Aldcn" on it. She recognized all the clues including that refer ence to "beer" and "cooper." For Ma who's read her history, knows that beer as the bcveraRe of moderation, is as old in this land of ours as the never-ending Ameri can search for tolerance which brought the Pilgrims over to this country in the first place. Ann nntTHTni7'n r II II u ill ill ir 1 v II II W II III IHI II Yl I -V m ii b i' i ui i'i n-i PENNEY'S does it again ... A Major Break for Your Pocketbook! Come Tomorrow ...Prove to Yourself That Now,, More Than Ever, It Pays to Shop at Penney'8. Look What You Get at This Low Price! Solid Color End-to-Ends . ....s&fNow 2.98 Woven-ln Candy Stripes . .frXNow 2.98 Neat Cluster Stripes Now 2.98 Fine White Broadcloths 2.98 What an opportunity! You get the'ame high Towncraft 'quality at this new low pricel There's smartness, (comfort and durabilitypnckcd into every last shirt. SanforizedVor fit, mercerized for inoothnes8,;close woven for strength! Non-wilt Nu-craftfcollars! They're here. now by the hun dreds. Hurry in, tomorrow! Getyours! Sizes 14 to 17.t Sleeves 32 to 35. TOWNCRAFT TIES-New'SummeriColors:and Patterns 98 TOWNCRAFT SPORT SHIRTS-CoollRnyon Broadcloths . 3.98 RAYON GABARDINE SPORT, SHIRTS : 4.98 Reg. U.S. Pit. OS. tShrinlaewIlI not exceed Vti mmmmiimitmmmwii'imamimm