Hiway Department Diking Roadbed In Boardman Vicinity By Flossie Coals The slate hlKhway department started Monday noon to dikine and adding layers of gravel to Ihe highway wst of town, which has been under water for Ihe past two weeks, and travel will he resumed shortly. R. B. Rands has also started pumping seepage water from his lot east of the highway sheds to halt the water fiorn flooding the highway at that point. The water has already reached the highway and the highway sheds. Basements are seeping full in the west end of town, and others are showing signs of filling. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVELGAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company James Healy Phone 2322 Heppner sums QBQ3EEKIG i tutM) Pon" Lua teg I .T.,,n I - I S3-- Before you buy any automatic washer, com pare it with thii amazing General Electric All Automatic Washer. You'll marvel at this timesaving, worksaving washer lhat gives you an automatic soak. Activator washing action, deep-water rinsing, and high-speed damp-drying so thor ough, that it gets many pieces dry enough to iron! This washer is completely flexible, too. Stop it when you want start it where you want. And you can skip or repeat any operation in the entire cycle. Ask to see this All-Automatic washer in action! It's being demonstrated today every day to show you "automatic washing at its finest." Price $3ZlQ J $ Trade mark Reg U, 8 Pit. Off. HEPPNER HARDWARE and ELECTRIC CO. Guests al the Lee Pearson home this week was Mr. Pearson's cousin, Mrs. Kllenn Bass of Port land, on her way to Walla Walla lo see her daughter Doris grad uate from school; and Mrs. Millie Fletcher of Goldendale, Wn., and Mrs. Ella Brown .of Pendleton, and George Pearson of Hermis ton. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rippee mo tored to Heppner Sunday to at tend the wedding of their grand son, Roger Connor, to Miss Yvonne Hastings. Robert Fortner, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner, returned to Kinzua with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindsay and will remain for some time. Ray Brown, who sprained his ankle some time ago Is able to walk now without the aid of crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Case Spagle of Biggs spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bish op. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Moore re turned home Saturday from The Dalles where Mrs Moore had been in the hospital for several weeks recovering from an oper ation. Elmer Sullivan and daughters Gail and Patricia returned to Sa lem Monday. The Sullivans arriv ed last week and the girls spent the time with Mary Ann and Nancy Rands, while-Mr. Sullivan attended the livestock show in Union. Boardman residents are hunt Ing the shade and cooler spots the past few days. The tempera ture soared up to 100 degrees ai the Tjostoffice. A cool breeze would be appreciated. Mrs. Florence Root and Mrs Flossie Coats attended the post masters convention in Pendleton Friday. Beverly and Pat Petteys of Pendleton are spending some time with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber. Mrs. Cecil Hamliton and daughters Carol and Lorieli re turned home Saturday from a two weeks visit in Bellingham and Bremerton. In Bellingham they visited Mr. Hamilton's fa ther, Leo Hamilton. Cecil drove over this week end to bring the family home. Due to no stage travel from Boardman Mrs. Cole was unable to attend state grange conven lion to which she was elected delegate. Boardman friends are glad to hear Mr. and Mrs Dave Johnson were not residents of Vanport as was first reported. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Westlund lost all their be longings but the family got out. Their two sons, Dick and Bob, were with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nickerson, here. Mr. and Mrs. Oveson of Mur ray, Utah, arrived Monday for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Black. . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Partlow motored to the county seat Tues day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and Mr. and Mrs. Lieuallen of Pen dleton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown one day last week. For many years Mr. Mead was U.P. agent at Messner. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gustin and son of Portland were guests at the home of Gustin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gustin. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 10, 1948-3 Ho NOW! Medical nd YOU and YOUR PLAN 1 , MEDICAL, SURGI CAL AND HOSPITAL coverage lor tht employed Individual $3.50 pr month. SUSGICAL, LIMITED MEDICAL and HOSPITAL coverage for familiei ipout, $2.00 per month) lit cliild, $1.35 per monlhj 2nd child, 75 csnti per month; 3rd child, 50 centt per monlhj no charge for additional children. FLAM . SURGICAL, LIMIT ID MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL cov erage for the employed Individual $2.25 per month. SURGICAL, LIMITED MEDICAL and HOSPITAL coverage for familiei iamt oi Plan 1. Thete plant are available in moil Oregon counties to employed indi vidual! whote net taiable Income doei nol exceed $6,000 pet year. OREGON m2$ 1 FPJYSICIANS' 1214 I. W.4th A v.., rorllond 4, Or. 451 Parry Strati, Solm,Or. 22S M.dforJ ldgMdtr4,Or. spital Protection for ...at modest cost Oregon Physicians' Service now offers employed persons In Oregon prepaid medical and hospital protection at reasonable rates on an individual basis, or on an wtliritludl and family basis. There is a choice of two plans and a w ide selection of cooperating physicians, surgeons and hospitals. Sponsored and Approved by Oregon State Medical Society More than 900 physicians and surgeons belong to O.P.S. For years their services have been of benefit to the 70,000 Ore gnnians who participate in O.P.S. membership through em ploye group contracts. Now modest cost protection is also avail ible to you and to your family. For full information and application blank, write to your nearest O.P.S. office. Note; O.P.S. group coverage Is itill available. If you and fellow employes with the savings that are possible under a group policy we will furnish Information gladly. OREGON PHYSICIANS"SIRVICI Pleatt mail literature and application blank, I I I City 1 OUR DEMOCRACY- -byMat WHAT MAKES AMERICA TICK? WE TAKE FOR GRANTED, OTHERS MARVEL AT .THIS COUNTRY OF OURS-ITS TREMENDOUS PRODUCTIVITV THE LIVING STANDARDS AND THE FREEDOMS OUR PEOPLE ENJOY. HOW HAVE WE ACHIEVED THESE . THINGS ? HOW DO WE KEEP SOWS FORWARD 7 The answer lies, not alone in our natural resources nor in our geographic location, though these have helped. .I'il. II ,.l .. . -AMlWki'lllliui. Mi W "I "', v '"r'ejrrrir-s--. mi I rflil II tJ7i iini iiiiii -RATHER IT IS IN THE CHARACTER OF OUR PEOPLE THEIR INDUSTRV, THEIR INITIATIVE AND SELF-RELIANCE AND IN THE FORM OF OUR GOVERNMENT, WHICH HAS ENCOURAGED, NOT HAMPERED, THE FREE PLAY OF THESE OUALITIES OVER THE LIFETIME OF OUR REPUBLIC. CONSISTENTLY, WE HAVE PROVIDED INCENTIVE AND REWARD FOR INDIVIDUAL EFFORT- HAVE FOSTERED VOLUNTARY THRIFT FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE PEOPLE AND THE NATION. Irrigon Students Return Home For Summer Vacations By Grace Shoun Mrs. Bessie Paul is nut from Kansas, arriving Tuesday to vis it ner daughter-in-law, Mrs. Joe Paul, and eranddauphter Sharon This is her first trip to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thomnsnn and son Ronald went to Spokane to visit relatives there and at way points. Those who have rinished school for the vear and rpturneri hnmp are Robert Brown. Delnss Kninht. en of EOC Eat LaGrande. They have comDleted the first vpar Clara Ellen Fraser has finished the second year there. Joe Wil son has completed one year at Lewis and Clark college in Port land and is home. Deloha Markham has mmnlpt. ed her course at the Northwest Bible institute. She graduated last Wednesday. Owing to high water and bad roads the Mark. hams did not get over there for the commencement exerrisps Sh is helping with the Assembly of t-ioa vacation Dime school which began Monday. The W. B. Dextprs arp having a set of family reunions as Vallis uexter ot LaGrande has been here. Thev have eone on tn thp coast to return here soon. Their granddaughter Dixie Dexter of Clatskanie came over Sunday. She is accomDaniprl hv hor mn. ther, Mrs. Robert Neimalie and family. The Floyd Hobbs and Don Hill families are here. Mrs ORoark of "LaGrande is visiting her daughter, Mrs. War ren McCoy and family. Mrs. John Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Losness attended a Boy Scout banquet in Pendleton Sun day afternoon. Ray Brown of Hollywood and son, Robert Brown, are visiting in the Irrigon community. They went to Walla Walla Monday. Robert spends his summers in California with his sister Jeanne and father. Supt. Alf Salwold of Freewater came down Monday. Rev. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and children and Dean Fager strom left for their homes at Council, Idaho, Saturday. They had been visiting Mr. Wilson's mother. Mrs. Nora Wilson and family since Wednesday, also looking after property interests nere. Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Warner entertained them with dinner and social hour Friday evening. Billy Wilson and Joe Stephens are up Willow creek helping put up hay. Mrs. Ruth Umiker had a sur prise birthday party honoring her daughter Sammie on her 7th birthdav. with camps and ro. freshments of ice cream, cake and cool ade. Carl Brownell and Don Stevprs of Pendleton spent Sunday with the Gravbeal. McCov and MpRall families. Patterson ferry has been a real ly busy place with as hieh as 100 cars and more on each side wait ing to be ferried across. Mr. and Mrs. Billv Fnrtman and niece, Loretta Davis of Board- man, were Irrigon visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Heibert and children of Cottage Grove have moved DacK to their farm to har vest their strawberry crop. Maynaro Hoagland of Stanfield to the music of -Jute- Ma II re O.f.l. at Portland, Salem er Medferd. Jimmy iiWhetmore and His Orchestra Saturday Evening June 12 IONE American Legion Hall $2 per Person, tax included EXAMINER COMING A drivers license examiner will be on duty In Heppner Tu esday, June 15 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Persons wishing licenses or permits to drive are asked to get in touch with the examiner at the court house well ahead of the sched uled closing hour in order to as sure completion of their applica tions with a minimum of delay. It Is pretty certain that the race for the GOP nomination will be a wide open one. Nobody knows what will happen when all the expendable favorite sons have been expended. Howard Brubak er in New Yorker. . We won't know Just how badly old man inflation has got his tentacles Into us until we see haw high the Pendergast mach ine has to raise the price of votes in Missouri this year. Waterloo (Ind.) Press. The recognition of the Jewish State Immediately after its for mation will, in the opinion of Truman's advisers help stop the Democratic revolt against him In the Northern cities. Jiewsweek, May 24, 1948. The nearest approach to Im mortality on earth is a govern ment bureau. Former Sec'y of State Byrnes. spent the week end in Portland, returning home Sunday morning. He was accompanied home by Joe Wilson and Mrs. Land. They got to Patterson ferry Saturday night but could not get across the J ferry until Sunday morning. Mrs. .' Roberts and Mrs. Joe Cosner have a hamburger stand to feed the people who have to wait so long. Mrs. Lois Land is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nora Wilson. Mr and Mrs. Russell McCoy of Kennewick stopped at the J. E. McCoy place to get their children and on down to Paulsbo to fish as the water is so high at Kenne wick that they cannot work. Both churches are having va cation bible school classes in the forenoon with the ministers and wives and local help. The Baptist Community church will have Rex Haslem next. The junior class of the Assem bly of God church are making baby gowns for the flood victims. Mrs. Harvey Warner is the tea cher. The Adventlsts are to begin gathering at College Place Sat urday. Among those going are the E. S. Pelton family to attend the camp meeting there. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Minnick and baby came back from San- tlam Saturday and have moved into the Davis duplex. The last week has been melon weather and the melon men are trying to make up for lost time as much as possible. SERVEL Kerosene Refrigeration MARTIN BAUERNFEIND Morgan, Oregon THE FACT IS 8V6ENERAL ELECTRIC Your Sunday Dinner Problem Is Solved Drive down to the Vcitory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome CHICKEN DINNER or your choice from the menu. Good Food Courteous Service You are always welcome at the Victory Cofe Roy and Betty Lieuallen lone, Oregon USHTIH6 DAWJONE LULSCKl NEW LAMP BULB DEVELOPED BV ELECTRIC LI6HTIN6 EXPERTS WILL WfTHSTAND PRESSURES OFMCDERH PEEP-SEA PMNfi (TSTtfiyS L16HTED 700 FEET DOWN! I l-t Li o us tr PRIVATE ROOM for BUTTER. SPECIAL COMPARTMENT IN G-E QE LUXE REFRIGERATORS KEEPS BUTTER FROM 6ETTING TOO HARP ANOTHER OF THE THOUGHTFUL EXTRAS IN G-E PRODUCTS. 20-VEPR veterans! G-E PUMP MOTORS ON GWC0NE BROTHERS' CALIFORNIA FARfA HAVE GIVEN 20 YEARS' STEADY SERVICE. Vou can put your confidence m GENERAL ELECTRIC Hear fW hW Mrarfne Show ... NBC Network MWoy Nigtrf ... Coatf I Ceatf First in quality and 1UEST-MBCE1 ILIIRJE in its field! jggg Today, when rea value any way you figure1 it. That's why means most to every more people boy Chevrolets and more American family, Chevrolet continues to people drive Chevrolets than any other offer the owed-priced line of passenger make of car. That's why we believe you, cars in its field as well as the only line too, will agree that CHEVROLET AND of cars giving BIG-CAR QUALITY AT ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in dollar LOWEST COSTI Yes, Chevrolet gives value as it's first in registrations, more volue, any way you look ot it, I SPECIAL EXTRA-LOW mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm PRESSURE TIRES' ...; ..::. ! . .OB Wid.-Rim 15-liuh Whxlt 124. lb prttiure r all arovnd). Chevrolet offan OTETOOILET . . mor comfortabl rid; mggMf obiorb rood shocks insUad andOMY TTQ TT7TOP CgJlTTl I h,m y Chevrolet" JUiN) Jl 1n) 21 K""MH " "" "" Hodge Chevrolet Co. Mam and May Phone 403 Heppner, Ore.