2 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 10, 1948 EDITORIAL OIECWN )NUSI P0lllSMEIs4-9S(i The People Want To Know Citizens and taxpayers of the county have voted no less than three times on the hospital, pach time adding substantially to their tax burden In the hope that the way would be cleared for early construction. Added to the tax votes, a good many of our citizens have given generously to the special subscription campaign closed a few weeks ago when they were told that "this is is; when this fund is raised (the additional $20,000) every thing will be cleared for early construction." The people who sought the pledges in the dona tion campaign and the people who made the NATIONAL DITORIAI ASSOCIATION pledges did so in good faith. The money was sub scribed with the expectation that "Form No. 3" would be signed immediately and the way clear ed for the government to add its grant to the fund. At the recent primary election a majority of the voters gave their approval once more to the hospital. It has been several weeks since all the approving called for has been met by the people, yet apparently no official action has been taken. If we are properly informed the only action necessary is for one official to sign "Form No. 3." What the people want to know is, why hasn't the form been signed and what is all the stalling about? 30 YEARS AD From Heppner Gazette Times June 13, 1918 Mrs. Nira Page died suddenly at her home near Monument Wednesday night. May 29. The third Older Girls Confer ence of Central Oregon met at Heppner the past week, June 7-8-9 at the Christian church. Twenty-six girls were present from Sherman, Wasco, Gilliam and Morrow counties. W. T. McRoberts is making re pairs this week to that part of his livery stable recently damag ed by fire. Farm wages were fixed for eastern Oregon last week at a meeting in Pendleton by repre sentatives from eight grain grow ing counties of Oregon and two from Washington. Common la ter during haying and grain har vest will receive $350 a day; J stackers and loaders, $4.00; head er and harvest drivers, 5o; cooks, $3. As usual board is included in there wages. The proposal for a 10-hour day was defeated. Claude Devine, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Devine, left Lexington Tuesday morning for Portland to join the navy. The Christian church of Lex ington has taken over the prop erty of the Methodist church, South. Plans to remodel the church and the parsonage and paint it are under way. What is probably a record for sales of combines in this section for one season has been made by Gilliam & Bisbee To date they have sold 33 of these ma chines and a crew of men is al ready busy in various parts of the county setting them up for run ning order. Kinzua Folk Rush Aid To Portland Flood Victims By Elsa M Leathers The American Legion auxiliary made a drive for clothing, or any usable article which was sent immediately for the homeless veteran families in the flood area of Portland. Several boxes have already been dispatched and several are ready to be sent this week. The 4-H club girls had a food sale at the store Saturday morn ing, the proceeds to go to help send a member to summer school. All the food was donated. Mrs. Howard Bird, a 4-H club leader, and Mrs. George Smith assisted the girls. Kinzua played ball at Condon Sunday, Condon winning by one run. Final score, 11-12. Kinzua doesn't play Sunday, June 13. The following Sunday they go to Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Denton 1 came to Kinzua over the week By Charles L. Egenroad i end from chapin guard station. Washington, D. C The consis- i Mr. Denton is attending fire tency with which the State De-1 school at Prineville, also others partment and President Truman j attending are Don Kyle, Elwyn can be inconsistent is something Batchelor and Elton Costello. to behold. Other names not available. Mrs. Last week when Senator Homer Denton is visiting at the home of E. Capehart ripped the iron cur- her sister, Mrs. Frank Otto. Washington Week nltltllltlHIllltHIMIIIIIIIIIlMIIIMIIIIItMtlllHIIIlllMMHIIItlt IHMtlltlHtllimlll DEMOCRATIC HEAVYWEIGHT HERE Big Jim Farley, retired demo cratic wheelhorse and postmaster general in Roosevelt's adminis tration for seven years was in Sa lem Friday. He now is top hand on the Cocoa Cola Export board but keenly interested in poli tics and sticking to "Jim Farley's Story," book under his arm when interviewed. He believes Stassen lost the nomination when he tackled Dewey for a debate and conse-, gates Wants to see the West grow. Apprehends a big vote for Wallace if there is a war phobia next November Wallace is too much of an idealist. OREGON IN OIL The state land board has grant ed an option to lease 7.&40 acres of grazing land in Harney county to an oil company for drilling. The annual rental will be 15 cents an acre. If oil is found in commercial quantities the state I will get a royalty of 12 12 per cent. The board also gave a 2-year lease to L. M. Peden to mine for gold near Umatilla rapids. If gold is found in commercial quantities the state's cut will be 5 per cent. Governor Hall and Secretary of State Newbry voted for the leases. Treasurer Scott voted "No" on both proposals. JAB AT RACE BETS A preliminary petition for an initiative measure that would make all forms of betting on horse races illegal in Oregon was filed with the state department of elections this week by George Gordon, Aloha. All forms of wa gering, including pari-rr.utuels would be outlawed in this state by the measure if the required 18.969 signatures of regisiered voters are obtained before July 1 and adopted by voters ai the general election November 2. NEW STATE HOSPITAL HEAD Dr. Charles E. Bates is to suc ceed Dr. John C. Evans c.s super intendent of the Oregon Elate hospital at Salem. The appoint ment will become effective at the termination of a six months sick leave which Dr. Evans requested some weeks ago. However, lie will remain as a consultant un til the termination of his leave. Dr. Evans hr.s been connected with the hospital staff for 40 years and has been superintend ent for the past 11 years. LOAN FOR WELFARE i tJNDS The state is borrowing money again. There are a great many people who can't see w!iy, with idle millions, the stato is forever getting into the red. The state treasurer Friday borrowed $477, 632 to carry on welfare worl: until June 14. The money was obtained from Portland bankers. at 1 14 per cent interest and was secur ed by state liquor inventories. The sum will be repaid with li quor sales profits. State officials are planning to ask the next legislature to double the emer gency fund and the state restora tion fund. The emergency fund now is $500,000 and the restora tion fund $203,000 per biennium. NEED A BUTLER? If your bualer has walked out on you think nothing of it. Here's your chance to get a genuine im ported French butler. Rene Per chais is your man. Address: care William Turfin, headmaster Vau- chall hall, Saint Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands. His offer has just been received by the Salem chamber of commerce and turned over to the state agricultural em ployment service. tain off the Voice of America broadcasts Mr. Truman hurried ly commented at a press confer ence that the broadcasts were un der contract to a private broad casting firm, thereby indicating the State Department was not re sponsible for the fiasco. At almost the same moment Mr. Truman sought to absolve the State Department of any blame in the matter, the ranking Demo crat member of the important Senate Foreign Relations Com mittee, Texas' Senator Tom Con- nally, was engaging in the fol lowing debate on the Senate floor over the proper assignment of the investigation of broadcasts: SENATOR CAPEHART: "I again say that the State Depart ment is taking the position that they contracted for this work with the broadcasting companies and that they have no responsi bility concerning it. If that be true, then it is a domestic affair." SENATOR CONNALLY: ;'If that is the attitude of the State De partment, the State Department is WTong. If I have an option to do or not to do something, and I make a contract with someone else to do it, he is doing it for me and I am responsible. THE STATE DEPARTMENT CANNOT WASH ITS HANDS OF RESPONSIBIL ITY." Later in the floor debate mater ial was introduced into the rec ord as provided by one of the contracting .broadcasting com panies showing the background of Rene Borgia, writer of the "WHOOP-IE" Ye Old Time Celebration Lexington, Ore. JULY4tti Come For Breakfast -STAY ALL DAY Mrs. Atwood and granddaugh ter, Teresa Kuykendall, arrived here Friday from Creswell where Teresa graduated from high school recently. A friend, Gene Anderson, accompanied the lad ies to Kinzua and began work at the factory Monday morning. Due to bad roads the funeral procession of Margaret Arns came through Kinzua Saturday en route to Winlock where inter ment was made. Mrs. Arns has relatives both at Heppner and ' Hardman. j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore spent a short time at Lonerock Sunday evening, bringing their daughter Lavelle home with them for the week. She plans to stay through the vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers. Mrs. Herb Wright was taken seriously ill Saturday noon and rushed to a hospital at The Dal les. If she continues to improve she will leave the hospital on RUSH VANPORT REPAIRS State Highway Engineer R. H. Baldock said Monday that three shifts of emergency workers will start immediately repairing flood breaks in Denver and Union av enues, Portland. The streets which were damaged by the Vanport City flood will probably be reopened in ten days if the workers are not interrupted by flood waters. CAPITAL ROULADE Salem's McNary field United Airline flights now are third in the nation, topped only by Chi cago and San Francisco. This wil maintain as long as flood waters of the Columbia are a threat... A picture of Rex Putnam, Ore gon's superintendent of public instruction, appears in the cur rent Issue of Life magazine with a group of prominent educators. . . . Former Governor Charles A. Sprague has been appointed to the regional royalty board of the 11th U. S. civil service region.. . . Phil Metschan, Portland, who liv ed in Salem when his father was state treasurer, has been elected chairman of the Oregon delega tion to the republican national convention. He has called on dej egates to "consider their pledge inviolate and to vote for Gover nor Dewey until he tells us to quit." Voice of America scripts which created the furor. In this material was the fol lowing statement: "He (Mr. Borgia) has never been employed by the Depart ment of State or any other agen cy of the Government." Three minutes later in the same debate Senator Capehart introduced into the record a copy of a letter written by Mr. Borgia to Congressman Taber in March in which he explained that he was not responsible for what had been written in the broadcast scripts. Mr. Borgia's letter contained the following statement: "I had worked for the State Department since Pearl Harbor and wrote over 300 programs, the best ever broadcast in Spanish." Here is a script for a real "who done it." Thursday. Mrs. Francis Woods i has been assisting at the shows and taking care of the small daughter Patty. Ed Wham has been running the show. Mr. Wright returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Lyle Ostrander Is the new Cub mother for den 2. Mrs. Al Rudd who was the Cub mother went to work at the factory. Art Watson, school teacher, is the new scoutmaster, taking Fred Beard's place, as Mr. Beard had to resign due to his wife's health. Imogene Schoolcraft and Glad ys Shamson were down from Camp 5 shopping on Monday and Mrs. Marie Rhotin was here on Thursday. Roland Harrison is visiting at the home of his uncle, Zepple Harrison, at Top. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Woods and daughters, Patsy and Dixie, were shopping in The Dalles on Thursday. Miss Ramona McDaniel return ed to her home here on Saturday from Monmouth where she had spent the last year at normal school. She was met at Arling ton by her brother, Delvin and Mrs. McDaniel. Misses Marlene Neth and Joan Otto left Saturday for Bakers field, Cal., to spend six weeks at summer school. They will stay with Miss Neth's aunt, Mrs. Hen ry Jocober. Mrs. Laurence Roba and daugh ter of Canyon City are visiting Mrs. Roba's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sasser. Friends here received an nouncement of a baby daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Camron Porter of Baker, June 5. She was named Donna Jean and tipped the scales at 6 pounds. The Por ters lived at Kinzua before go ing to Baker. Mr. Porter was timekeeper. Mrs. Porter is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Waters of Fossil. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison and Doris Rae of Hardman were in Kinzua on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rood were attendng to business at Heppner Saturday and went over to Stan field to see Mr. Rood's mother and family, Mrs. Helen Williams. Marjorie, the sister, returned to Kinzua to visit awhile. Robert Fortner of Boardman is visiting at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. Bruce Lindsey. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hadley of Camp 5 were visiting at the Hugh Samples home Saturday evening and also enjoying the show. Fred Morgan visited his father, Joe, at the hospital in Prairie City Saturday, where he was tak en on Monday a week ago. His condition has not improved. Mr. Morgan has been employed here for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Folston and daughter Eula Mae visited over Sunday at John Day with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Hendrix and family. Mr. and Mrs Jack Owens and daughter Opal and Mrs. Marion Wright were in Heppner Wed nesday evening to see a dentist. Mrs. Bert Hoover is taking her annual vacation from the Kinzua mercantile. Mrs. Frank Denton is clerking in her place. Mrs. George Hannon and daughter Marilyn of Myrtle creek visited Mrs John Petty a short time Thursday. Mrs. Han non has been visiting her moth er, Mrs. Tommy Anderson, at News From C. A. Office PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Main Insect pest of the week seems to be aphids attacking roses. At least a great many ot fice and phone calls were re ceived on this problem the part few days For those of you who have been watching the aphids suck the juices from the plants, ! causing leaves 10 tun aim nya to dwarf and die, it is time to give the bushes a good spraying. The old reliable tobacco solu tions are still recommended for aphis control The following for mula is used for spraying: 2 tablespoons 40 nicotine. 14 pound fish oil soap. 12 gallons of water. .. The soap dissolved in water and nicotine added. Do not spray blossoms. If you prefer dusting, a nico tine dust containing 2 percent free nicotine is best. This should be applied at weekly intervals as long as the pest Is found on the bushes. The county agent is attending the Pacific Northwest Crop Im provement association annual meeting at the Marcus Whitman hotel in Walla Walla on Friday, June 11. The speakers with sub jects for discussion on problems of wheat production, varieties, and breeding programs, selective sprays in weed control, and smut control. Here's a tip-off on another bug nuisance. This time it is the po tato flea beetle which is show ing up in Morrow county the past few days. The potato flea beetle is a small, black bug that hops around like a flea. It eats small round holes in the leaves of the plants This is not the real dam age, though, as it lays eggs in the soil around the potato plant. These eggs hatch into worms, and the worms feed on the grow ing potatoes. To control the potato flea bee tle, use a three to five percent DDT dust at the rate of 20 pounds per acre. To do a good job it is important to get the dust on be for the bug has a chance to lay its eggs. a Perennial weed control time is here again. Morning glory and Canada thistle are the main weeds that Morrow county farm ers will want to control by the use of 2,4-D. The best stage in Canada thistle growth to apply 2,4-D is when flower buds are beginning to show or swell. Morning glory is controlled best when growing actively. The college recommends two pounds of active 2,4-D per acre. Local stores selling 2,4-D can give J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Gooda Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Saw Filing Gr Picture Framing 0. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 27S2 J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Hepnper, Oregon Jack A. Woodhall Doctor of Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bank Bldg. Phone 2342 Heppnei Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician 4 Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 Heppner City Council A D McMurdo, M.D, Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis cussion, please bring before the Council Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building During the next few weeks we will close the FLOWER SHOP at 5 P. M. Store hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Flowers for every occasion The Flower Shop Father's Day is June 20th -It's something special for Dad when it's something from the Jewelers. Surprise him with that pleasing vgift you know he's always wanted but never would think of getting for him self. Choose your Father's Day Gift from our attractive selection-personal gifts for men. Come in and look over our men's gifts-Watches, Chains, Lighters, Pens and Pencils, Leather Goods. Something from the Jewelers is always something special Peterson's Jewelers Sp.-ay and stopped in Kinzua to say hello to her friends. The lannons lived here before mov ing to Myrtle Creek. Rev. Louis Wetzell went to Ar lington on Monday evening to meet his family Tuseday morn ing on their return from a vaca tion in Montana. Johnny and Joe Brown were visiting at the home of their ne phew, Maurice Brown, from Sweet Home this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Green visit ed at the homes of his brothers, George and Bill, and also the Hugh Samples home over the week end from Prineville. Bill Howell of Monument be gan work here this week. At pre sent he Is . staying with Esten Stevens. Morrow County Cleaners Box 82, Heppner. Ore. Phone 2632 Superior Dry Cleaning A Finishing N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for apointmeii' or call at shop. Heppner, Oregon PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN OHice No. 4 Center St House calls made Home Phone 2583 Office 2572 C. A. RUGGLES Representing Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 713 Heppner. Ore DR. J. D. PALMER DENTIST Office upstairs Rooms 11-12 First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 783. Home 932 Heppner, Oregon the percent 2,4-D per gallon or per pound of the particular 2,4-D they handle. Perhaps the most popular 2,4-D on the market here is 67 trlethylamine liquid which should be used at the rate of three pints per acre. This of course Is mixed in the water that your sprayer boom is set to ap ply. After an application is made this spring, follow up with an other similar application this fall. Another treatment will be necessary next spring. This heavy rate of application two pounds of 2,4-D per acre should not be used when these weeds are sprayed In another crop. A Senate Appropriations Sub committee learned that four out of every ten people receiving Federal relief in Washington, u. C. use taxi cabs to go to and from the office where they draw their relief benefits.-Rep. Clarence J. Brown, Ohio. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1S83. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, 52 50 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Summertime-- outdoor lime is And Summertime is the ideal time to enjoy your yard . . . EASY on the budget Comfortable for lolling Colorful to look at Jlavjn winitwiE, Hammock $49.50 Collapsible-rolls up, fits in small canvas sack. DeckChairs-$5.10 Steel Choirs-$7.25 Folding Choirs-$ 10.85 Chaise Lounge-$l 0.50 with canopy Lawn Swing Rocker-$28.25 GJase Fumiftuire Co.