C Heppner Gozette Ti Copitol Parade . . . rtfntirtuM from KirM re round some triple cornrrpd cor ner Btter riilp the following pHjajrraph In your hat if you ex frl 1o bp doing business with any of the m-wn state dopart mrntjs that will bp locatod in the new state office building. The board of control, purchas- mes, ing department, civil service com mission and the state police de partment will occupy the first floor. The public utilities com missioner and his large staff will occupy the entire second floor. The top three floors will be used by the unemployment compensa tion commission and the state accident commission. SERVEL Kerosene Refrigeration MARTIN BAUERNFEIND Morgan, Oregon IF Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness . . . Don't Give the Devil a Chance! Just call 2632 Morrow County Cleaners AT PIIFS swim surre Swimaway', the suit fc sleek besty, IUt fit! Shiny lastex in A QQ 6 color. 32-3. SJ GIRLS' SWIM SUITS Gleaming lutes I pteea ia uses 8-14. ZSS awn tDUflJ Multi-colored Beach Towels 40"x72" 2.49 Rayon Twill Trunks, Solid colon. 2 98 Boys' Swim Trunks. Print cotton. 8-16. Boys' Trunks. Rayon-cotton-lastex. 8-16. 49 Juniors' Swim Trunks. Print cotton. 4-8. 2 49 Junior Boys Sun Suits. Sizes 26 1.49 NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of June, 1948. at the hour of 7:30 P. M. of said day, at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, Oregon, the tax levying board of said city will meet for the purpose of discussing and considering the tax budget herein after set forth of said city for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1948 and ending June 30. 1949, any taxpayer of said city may at said time and place appear and be heard for or in opposition to said tax levy as set forth or any item thereof. Kinzua On Daylight Saying Time Since ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Classification 6- 30-45 to 7- 1-46 6- 30-46 to 7- 1-47 6- 30-47 to 7- 1-48 6- 30-48 to 7- 1-49 PERSONAL SERVICE City Superintendent .. $ 1,500.00 City Police ... 1,500.00 City Recorder 300.00 City Attorney 300.00 City Treasurer 300.00 Fire Boys' Salary 350.00 2.400.00 2.000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 3.000.00 3,000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 3.6O0.00 3,000.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 500.00 $ 4.250.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES State Insurance $ 100.00 Bond Premiums 100.00 Fire Equipment 500.00 Printing & Advertising 150.00 Auditing 200.00 $ 5.650.00 $ 7,250.00 $ 8,180.00 100.00 100.00 500.001 150.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 2,000.00 200.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 500.00 250.00 500.00 $ 1,050.00 PUBLIC PROPERTIES Light $ 1,400.00 Steets and Bridges 2,500.00 Swimming Tank 600.00 Fire Insurance 150.00 Garbage Disposal 180.00 Building Repairs Shop Equipment $ 1,050.00 $ 2,750.00 $ 1,550.00 $ 1,400.00 2,500.00 600.00 250.00 200.00 900.00 $ 1,500.00 1,000.00 600.00 250.00 5,400.00 900.00 $ 1.500.00 20,000.00 600.00 575.00 5,500.00 900.0o 600.00 J 4,830.00 BOND REDEMPTION Bonds $ 7,000.00 Bond Interest 500.00 $ 5,850.00 $ 9,650.00 $29,675.00 $ 4,000.00 250.00 $ 3,000.00 80.00 $ 2.000.00 1,532.50 S 7,500.00 DONATIONS Library $ 200.00 Others 300.00 $ 4,250.00 $ 3,080.00 $ 3,532.50 $ 200.00 300.00 $ 600.00 300.00 $ 600.00 300.00 $ 500.00 WATER DEPARTMENT Bookkeeper $ 400.00 Asst Superintendent.. 1,800.00 Labor, supplies, etc 2.000.00 Replacements and Improvements 4,500.00 $ 500.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 400.00 2,400.00 4,000.00 $ 500.00 2.700.00 4,000.00 $ 500.00 3.300.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 PARK FUND EMERGENCY FUND $ 8,700.00 S 3,000.00 $12,800.00 $ 3,000.00 $13,200.00 $ 3,000.00 $13,800.00 $ 500.00 $ 3,000.00 TOTAL EXP'NDITURES $29,830.00 $33,100.00 $39,830.00 $61,137.50 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Water Department $ 16.000.00 County Road Tax Refund 6.500.00 License and Liquor Revenues 2,000.00 Swimming Tank 500.00 Fines 600.00 Estmated Carryover 5000.0o City share of gas tax 7,000.00 Garbage Disposal 5,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 43,100.00 Subject to 6 limitation $ 14.505.00 Outside 6 limitation 3,532.50 Amount to be raised by taxation 18,037.50 Amount over 6 limitation to be voted on by the people of Heppner 8,092.00 Outstanding bonded Indebtedness $ 77,000.00 Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd day of June, 1948. BUDGET COMMITTEE AND LEVYING BOARD, By: P. W. Mahoney, Chairman, Walter Barger, Jr., Clerk of Board. Gifts Galore that JUNE BRIDES ore: Pressure Cookers $1 2.50 to $1 3.95 Presto Mirromatic Weorerer Ekco Revere Ware $4.75 to $9.00 Skillets Sauce Pots Double Boilers Teakettles Coffee Makers Waffle Irons Ironers Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. 0 Heppner, Oregon By Elsa M. Leathers Kinzua went on daylight sav ing time Monday at noon. Mon day was a given holiday and all departments were down. Work was resumed Tuesday afternoon, starting at the new time. Mrs. George Smith was selling the poppy Wednesday evening at the store, and Mrs. Jerry Rood at the theater. Freddie Beard, scout master, took the boys on a hike Monday. lone played ball here Sunday, losing the game to Kinzua, the final score being 4 to 11. To date Kinzua has lost two games, to Wasco and Heppner. Kinzua plays Condon at Condon Sunday. June 6. Maurice Brown, George Close. Clay Phillips, Joe Hays and Jim my Walker attended the Masonic convocation at Portland over the week end, going down on Friday. Clay Phillips took his Shriner de gree. Andy Staig, Kinzua time keeper of Fossil, also Bill Stev ens and George Dukek also went down. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pelkey are vis iting at the home of Mr. Pelkey's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Preston from Bremerton, Wash. The young couple are newlyweds. Mrs. Charles Elliott of The Dal les was spending Memorial day at the home of her sister, Mrs. Warren Jobe. Mr. and Mrs. Al Disney were in Kinzua, coming up from Vanport on Saturday to get Mrs. Disney's small daughter, Betty Jo, who was attending school here, and bringing the older daughter, Barbara, to spend the summer vacation. It is believed by friends that the Disneys lost their home in the flood while here at Kin zua. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denton and son were shopping and attend ing to business in Pendleton on Tuesday. Mrs. Earl Swanson, Mrs. Denton's mother, returned to Pendleton with them, returning to her home at Freewater after visiting here for some time. Mrs. F. M. Harrison returned home the last of the week from La Grande where she had been doctoring. She vsited also at Hermlston. Sammy Mattison received word he has a 7 12 pound baby daugh ter at San Diego, Cal. The young lady was named Helen Lorraine. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bird spent the holday vacation at Baker City. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Reeser were over from Prineville during the holiday vacation. Mrs. Clair Ree ser and daughter also came and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Baker, Mrs. Ed Wham and Lillian Schott mo tored to Bend Friday to see Betty Lewis graduate from high school. Miss Lewis is a niece of Mrs. Baker's and lived at Kinzua prior to Bend. She returned home with Lillian Schott and Is visiting here for a few days. George Taylor came over from Redmond Saturday, bringing his aged father who s 90 years old to visit a brother and son, Roy Taylor. They returned to their home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Neal and children went to Lewiston, Idaho, Wednesday to visit a week, but flood conditions on the trip forc ed them to return on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Zolan Tripp went to The Dalles on Thursday, re turning Saturday. Due to the high water on the Columbia riv er highway they were detoured through Maupin, Grass Valley and home. Mr. Anri Mrs Ptnlrtu TToaIou were in Kinzua Sunday visiting from Camp 5, and also saw the ball game. Mrs. Frank Galyean began work in the pnnfpptinnerv talc. ing Mrs Skip Wright's place. Mrs. Wright has worked there for a number of years. Marvin Jackson and Ralph Moore were attending to business in Heppner Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Art Preston left for Seattle on Friday to make their home. Mr. Preston will re turn later for their household goods, Mrs. Fred Beard is ill at her home. STAR nn REPORTER JkdmiMioB priooi iftonooi aad WTnlaf, awloio p- Tu .la, Total soo. Bray fcna oiiapyliif mM eltlcaUy adrartlool to bo othorwlMI Chudrui Bat. araat aaro ft tl.kot. Mm .17. FkL Tax M, Total SOej 0ra4o aad MHth Stem&ty skow oosttaaou rtarttaf it 1 bjb. Satar. a...... m a mmlnf akowo atait at r pa. All other milu .. . ' , . them atari M T p.m. Boxoinoo ojw oronlnc. rod. Tax -1A. Total GOc! A.dnltal Eot Vralo JA. Pod. ..mi m Friday-Saturday, June 4-S Riders of the Lone Star Smllov BurnoCU and Charloo Suirott In another uf the popular Doraafo Kid weotertu. RIFF-RAFF F4 O'Brtw. Walter Sleuk. Ann Jeffreys, Twvf KJJbxid. Jmrom Cowu Kuich, rowdy and rvrkleas adventure. Di7 Cartooa la Technicolor Sunday-Monday, June 6-7 UNCONQUERED Gary Cooper, PaaUtU Ooddard, Howard ScAUra, Boris Xarloff, CoU XaUawaj, Ward Bomd Hkd on (Wall M. wanaoa'a novel of the fear leas men and women whoa darhif drew th map of America arroMi the wllUemeas. Tuesday Ju&v 8 They Won't Believe Me Bobort Yoaaf, Suu KaywarA, Jano Oroor, Blta Jobjuom They wouldn't believe thia atory ... would you? Drama with an unpredictable climax. Wed.-Thura June 9-10 ALWAYS TOGETHER ftobert Xnttoa, J 07 oo Boyaolda, Snoot Tin ox, O00U KoUaway lfou'11 have more gosh -darned fun watching this wholeaomo comedy, not to mention the HOME TALENT PROGRAM On the Stag Sponeored by the Soroptlnlst Club. All the home follu who know beat how to keep the ehow hum ming right along, will be on hand with all klnda of entertainment. And there will be prizes, too! COOL COLORFUL MODERN AWN I NGS Keep the sun's heat and Blue out u' your nume: lop quality custom nwle awnings direct to you&at low ooett rCaflily in nulled. We also furnish patio uiu icnrw;t! cuvcrn ana an types Oi K'r ien furniture recovers. Write for tnfur. mation and free samples, state color hoice, to Dept. C, Box 344. (CEAXER INQUrRIES INVITED.) CALIFORNIA TENT k AWNING CO., Bannyvaia, Calif. Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 8W Eiorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Mrs. Owen Leathers was at tending to buslress at Heppner Friday and Saturday, also going to Hardman cemetery Memorial day. While there she attended the high school graduation exer cises. Due to the injured ankle Bill Hess received playing Wasco he was unable to play ball Sunday. His foot is in a cast. , r . BACKGROUND TO HOSPITALITY! TIER TABLES Tobies make a house a home! Tables to serve you, your family, your friends, END TABLES where they are needed will make your house a comfortable home, COFFEE TABLES Friends that do not have to hold ash trays on their laps will know you have DRUM TABLES planned welK . . you have a table for every purpose! See our varied groups OCCASIONAL AND MAGAZINE TABLES in traditional and modern! low-priced! All Case Furniture Co. Keep These Dates In Mind June HO and 24 Auction Sales Days at Heppner Sales Yard Bring in the stuff you want to sell. This is the best Livestock and Farm Equipment Market in the district. Heppner Sales Yard JOHN VARNER HAROLD ERWIN HARRY DINGES Auctioneer Operator Clerk Home Talent Nights June 9-10 at STAR THEATER With "Always Together" On The Screen S KITS--SO N 6S-MYSTE RY Fun For Everybody Prizes Galore Regular Prices Sponsored by the Heppner Soroptimist Club