Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 03, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 3, 1948-3
High School And
Grades Close Work
At lone Thursday
May 31 Daily Vacation Bible
School started and lasts for two
June 9 Maranathas.
June 9 I.M.I.A. meeting at Le
gion hall at 8 o'clock.
June 11 Topic club study
June 12 Dance at Legion hall
with Jimmy Whetmore's orchestra.
Graduation exercises were held
for the class of 1948 Thursday
evening, May 27, in the school
gym. The following program
was given: Processional, Mrs.
Cleo Drake; invocation, Rev. Al
fred Shirley; presentation of eigh
th grade diplomas, Mrs. Lucy E.
Rodgers; vocal solo, Delight Bid
die; salutatory address, Louis
Carlson; songs, high school glee
. club, "A Perfect Day" and "By
the Bond of the River"; presenta
tion of awards by B. C. Forsylhe:
Citizenship cup to the class of
1948; Citizenship plaque to Ross
Doherty and Louis Carlson; schol
arship to Ronald Baker, journal
ism to Carletta Olden, athletics to
Robert Jepsen, sportsmanship to
Mary lloltz, coach trophies to
Robert Peterson and Carletta Ol
den; vocal solo, Miss Patricia
Drake accompunied by Mrs. Cleo
Drake; valedictory address, Ross
Doherty; instrumental music, by
Louis Carlson and Gene Riet
mann; commencement address
by Frank Bennett, superintendent
of schools, Salem, subject "Com
mencements"; presentation of the
class of 1948 by B. C Forsythe;
presentation of diplomas, Omar
Rietmann, chairman of the school
board; benediction, Rev. Shirley;
recessional, Mrs. Drake. The
graduates were Betty Jean Ball,
Martin Gene Bauernfeind, Ed
mond Thomas Brlstow, Louis An
drew Carlson, William Ross Do
herty, Francine Mae Ely, Lillian
Nadine Hubbard, Robert Howard
Jepsen, Ernest Eugene Pettyjohn,
Gaylord Hugh Salter.
Eighth grade graduates were
Dolores Drake, Fern Jones. Wilma
Dalzell, Elise Bauernfeind, Lila
Botts, Barbara Jackson, Mary Jep
sen, Donald Eubanks, LeRoy
Brenner and Allen Ely.
The gym was decorated in the
class colors, blue and white
Punch and cake were served by
the P-TA after the exercises.
The following books were add
rd to the lone public library
. "Sharon Valley" by Sophia Edith
Igo, "Caddie Woodlawn" by Carol
Brink and "Paul Bunyan" by Ida
Virginia Turney.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kitchlng
of Salem are visiting at the Mar
tin Bauernfeind home at Morgan.
The Kitchlngs are former resi
dents of Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Esteb and
"fjft - --z-
The Navy's role In the sssaults of American forcei on the shores and beaches of enemy territory haa been
Indispensable throughout Its history, although the Invasion methods have changed radically with each
conflict. Above photo of an old print depicts the landing of American forcei under General Bcott at Vera
Crui in 1847 amphibious operation, Mexican War style. Below Is a scene from World War II, taken
nearly a century later, aa Marines stormed the black beach of Iwo Jima beneath scowling Mt. Surlbacbi
In the landing craft of a acientlflo age. (Official Navy Photograph!
daughters of Eugene spent one
day last week at the home of
his father, Sam Esteb.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe en
tertained the teachers at a lun
cheon at their home Monday
Mrs. Arthur Faranse of Walla
Walla and Mrs. Phil Higgins of
Heppner were guests of Mrs. Rose
Doherty last week.
Mrs. Wallace Matthews leu ior
Roseburg last week.
Funeral services for Ralph Ak-
ers were conducted Tuesday, June
1, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the Coop
erative church. Rev. Cecil War
ner of The Dalles conducted the
services. Mr. Akers passed away
at The Dalles Friday, May 28.
Among baseball fans attending
the gam eat Kinzua last Sunday
wore Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mr.
and Mrs. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mor
gan, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mor
gan, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice,
Mike Matthews.
Word was received recently of
the death of Winnie Brown in the
Veterans hospilal in Portland
early in May. Winnie was the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown,
former lone residents. Mr. Brown
was principal of the lone grade
The Maranathas will meet at
the home of Mrs. Kenneth Smouse
Wednesday afternoon, June 9.
Fred Buchanan left last Friday
on a business trip to Portland.
Last Sunday many lone peo
ple drove to the Columbia at var
ious points to see the flood at Its
The first and second graders
and their parents gave a party
at the school house Friday after
noon of last week in honor of
Mrs. Ada Emert, first and second
grade teacher, who is leaving
soon for Tennessee.
Mrs. Pauline Boyer of Seattle
is a guest of Mrs. Delia Corson.
The first annual 4-H Livestock
tour was held on Saturday, May
29, with much Interest shown and
a good time by all. Club mem
bers Jim and Peggy Wightman,
Jim Green, Barbara and Nancy
Sherman, Neil Beamer, Eddie
and Johnnie Brosnan, Allen
Hughes, Ronald Currin, Betty,
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
to the music of
and His Orchestra
Saturday Evening
June 12
American Legion Hall
$2 per Person, tax included
4-H Session at
0. S. C. Planned For
1800 June 15-25
Plans are set for the 34th an
nual 4-H club summer school on
the Oregon State college campus
June 15 to 25 with an assured en
rollment of 1800 young club
members representing every
county in the state, L. J. Allen,
state club leader, has announc
ed. In addition to the club mem
bers a group of volunteer local
4 11 club leaders and county ex
tension agents will be on hand
to instruct and supervise activ
ities. Allen points out that all
club members attending summe
school this year will be present
on scholarships provided by
county, state, private and public
organizations. The scholarships
provide all or partial expenses',
he adds.
Through a county quota sys
tem based on the number of
completed '4-H club projects the
summer school enrollment is
limited to 1800. Otherwise, he
says, the attendance would be
several times that many. FaciU
ities are not available to nanaie
Approximately 28 college fra
ternity and sorority houses in ad
dition to the regular college dor
mitories and co-operative living
groups are being made available
to the 4-H summer school stu
dents. Girls living groups will
each be chaperoned by two wo
men; boys organizations by at
least one man. Allen states that
most of the chaperortes are regu
lar O.S.C. college students, many
of whom are former 4-H club
To provide medical service, fa
cilities of the college infirmary
staffed with doctors and nurses
will be available during the 10
day 4-H session.
All 4-H summer school students
will have received, prior to leav
ing home, official nolification of
Hie name and address of the liv
ing organizations to which tlu-y
have been assigned. Thus, the
youngsl ers will report directly
to these organisations upon arriv
al in Corvallis, Allen explains.
First official meeting will be a
get-together party Tuesday eve
ning, June 15. As in previous
years, classwork will occupy the
morning hours, with assemblies
and recreation making up the af
ternoon aud evening programs.
Morrow county is represented
by four students in the 1948
graduating class of 1178 who
completed requirements for de
grees awarded at the seventy
ninth annual commencement al
Oregon State college, June 7. Mor
row county graduates Include
June Janet Griffith from Morgan,
Betty Jane Adams, Helen Jose
phine Blake, and Marjorie Helen
I Sims from Heppner.
Former Lexington
People Reported
Safe At Vanport
By Delpha Jones
Word has been received in Lex
ington that Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Way, who since their wedding
have been living in Vanport city,
are all okay. They do not know
the extent of the damage to their
belongings as they were away
from home at the time of the disaster.
to Prineville where she will spend
several days with Mr. and Mrs.
Billl Hicks and family.
Richard Schoonover returned
Monday from Wenatehee where
he had gone for his family, on
account of the floods.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks and
Ben Grant were Monday visitors
Glenn Griffith is confined to
his home with illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and
family have gone to Forc.it Cro.e
where they will visit at the Kel
logg home, parents of Mrs. Fea
thers. Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and
family have gone to the moun
tains for a few days vacation at
the cabin of Mrs. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding,
W. E. McMillan and daughters
Pat and Jo, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lonnie Henderson motored to the
river Monday to see the condi
tion of the river.
Joann Breeding has gone to
Pendleton to visit at the home of
her sister, Freda Mathews, for the
Rieta and Dean Graves, Janet
Howton, Ingrid Hermann, Jane
Seehafer, Ronald and Duane Bak
er, Louis Carlson, Rodger and
Sally Palmer attended the tour.
Most of the parent and younger
brothers and sisters took part In
the tour. Leaders E. M. Baker,
Elmer Palmer and John Graves
were in charge.
Fifteen club members' homes
were visited and 4-H projects in
spected. Noon lunch wag served,
on the lawn at the L. L. Howton
farm with plenty of punch and
ice cream for all. Ice cream, cake
and cookies were served during
the afternoon by Mrs. Leonard
Carlson and Mrs G. Hermann. All
club members are looking for
ward to another tour next year.
Plans are all set for the 34th
annual 4-H summer school on the
Oregon State College campus
June 15 to 25 with an assured
enrolment of 1.800 young club
members representing every
county in the state. Morrow coun
ty will send 23 delegates and a
chaperone. The county agent will
take part In the second week of
summer school to assist in in
struction and supervise activities.
All club members attending
summer school this year will be
present on scholarships provided
by county, state private and pub
lic organizations.
Approximately 28 college fra
ternity and sorority housM In ad
dition to the regular college dor
mitories and cooperative living
groups are being made available
to the 4-H summer school stud
ents. Chaperones are furnished
for both girls and boys.
To provide medical service, fa
cilities of the college infirmary,
staffed with doctors and nurses,
will be available during the 10
day 4-H session.
First official meeting will be
a get-together party Tuesday eve
ning, June 15. As in previous
years, class work will occupy the
morning hours, with assemblies
and recreation making up the
afternoon and evening programs.
Those from Lexington attend
ing the graduation exercises In
lone Friday night were Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Christopherson, Mrs. C. C. Caf
michael and Betty Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Green
are the proud parents of a daugh
ter born at St. Anthony's hospital
in Pendleton. This is the Green's
fourth child and their first
M. and Mrs. Art Hunt spent
several days last week in Port
C. C. Jones made a business
trio to Walla Walla on jriaay.
Mr. and Mrs. K. k. warsnau
and Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter were
Pendleton visitors one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra
snent the week end in wana
Walla and Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner
and family have returned to their
home in Portland after a visit
days at the h ome of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dunford
and family returned to their
home in Portland after a visti
at the Glenn Griffith home over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Munkers
and Ed Grant were visitors in The
Dalles one day last week.
Visitors in Spray Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Breed
ing and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Breeding and Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Steagall.
Mrs. Vernon Christopherson
and Mrs. Elsie Peterson attended
the Birthday club meeting in lone
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Waller Corley.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and
family and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
and Wayne Papineau were vis
itors in La Grande and Cove over
the week end. John Spcnce, bro
ther of Mrs. McMillan, returned
home with them and will visit at
the McMillan home. Mr. Spcnce
is from North Powder.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grant and
family spent the week end in
The Dalles. Doris Grant went on
Five beautiful Servel models to fit
your family needs.
Northwest Liquefied Gas Company
James Healy
Phone 2322 Heppner
are our
Town or Country
Come in and see
us about your
wedding pictures
Louis Lyons
Ph. 2772
It's Time To Think of
8 x 10 ft. Two Zone
A Hotpoint Electric
Dishwasher will
make the Harvest
Cook happy.
Everybody's Pointing To Hotpoint
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Heppner, Oregon
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1 946 Chevrolet 2-ton Truck 1 940 Dodge Tank Truck
1941 International 1 Vi ton Truck 1939 Chevrolet Vi ton Panel
1941 International Vi ton Pickup
Used Car Lot open Daily 9:00 to 6:00, including Saturdays. Sunday, open 12:00
to 4:00. After hours call Carl Comini, Dial 2662, or Byron Kinsley, Dial 2944.
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