Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 03, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    2-Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, June 3, 1948
EDITORIAL . . . . .
P 6 B 1 1 S IfE R,? 4isIITI0l
Volue of Highway System Proved
Although the plans of the state highway com
mission for an interior route from Eastern Oregon
to Portland are only fairly befun. the wisdom of
a secondary system was plainly demonstrated
this weok w hen hundreds of motorists were divert
ed from Highway 30 over the Hormiston Lexing
ton Hrppner-Condun hookup due to water-blocked
utretches of the river highway. Time was, not so
many years ago, that motorists would have hes
itated to come through this way but now the
highway authorities can assure them that the
so-called secondary highways are that in name
only and the only handicap in detouring this
way is the additional mileage.
To many of the motorists passing through here
for the first time it must have been a pleasant
diversion. The country U at its best right now
and with a change of view at every turn of the
road and the turns are quite plentiful in this
hilly region there was excitement to aid in
checking the monotony of added mileage. It Is
safe to venture so far as to say that the highway,
between Heppner and Condon afforded them as
much thrill as any highway of similar length
they may have been over lately. It Is picturesque
country and if they thrill to spectacular routes
the Rock Creek grade has plenty of what it takes,
especially the first time over.
It is expected that within a few years the Was-co-Heppner
highway will be completed to Condon,
while another route has been studied that will
connect Fossil with some point along either the
Sherman highway or Highway 97 farther south.
These inland highways will not only take some
of the load off of the Columbia route but will
prove invaluable in times of blockades along the
route or in a case of military necessity. And they
will give countless thousands of tourists a better
Insight into what makes Oregon tick, for this is
the grassroots country where the things we eat,
where some of the materials for making the
things we wear, and many of the other comforts
of life are produced. Racing madly up and down
the Columbia along the northern borders of these
grassroots counties, the traveler has no idea what
lies back of those sand hills. Perhaps the flood
has been of some benefit to them in putting them
in closer touch with the real Eastern Oregon.
Why Not Make It General?
There is nothing to compel anybody or any mu
nicipality to change to daylight saving time, but
in view of the fact that much of the coast territory
Is now an hour ahead of us would it not be a
good thing to follow suit? Timetables are kind
of jumbled up and all Is confusion especially on
the radio.
It is not apparent to what extent the power sit
uation might be aided if Heppner should go on
daylight saving time. Possibly it would make
little difference in that respect. But most of us
could make better use of the daylight if we were
to get up an hour earlier, grind out our eight
hour shift and have a little more time for work
in the yard and garden or some of those extra
curricular duties coming under the heading of
civic activities.
Early morning in the summer is a glorious
period too many of us miss. Much of that glory-
has been robbed by the heat of the day before
most of us start out activities. If by moving the
clock ahead an hour we can catch some of this
gift from nature it will be worth while.
If the council votes to place Heppner on the
earlier schedule for the summer months there
will be little objection voiced in town. Nobody
suffered under the change Of time during the
war and since this is a voluntary measure it
should be accepted more cheerfully.
When Disaster Strikes
Sympathy is of little avail in times of crisis
unless that sympathy can be put to practical use,
yet in the case of the Vanport disaster there is
not too much that the outside world can do.
All that can be done is being accomplished thru
the efforts of the people of Portland and the relief
agencies centering there. Flood conditions, still
in a dangerous stage, make it next to impossible
for effective aid from upstate communities re
gardless of the desire to help. '
That is the situation as it stands at present but
there may be occasion for extendng aid In one
form or another later on and when that time
comes Heppner should be at the head of the list
in proffering assistance. Portland is absorbing
the burden of looking after the flood victims at
present. The city people have opened their homes
to the homeless and relief agencies are providing
food and clothing as far as possible for those who
were fortunate to get our with their lives.
It is a picture that recalls, vividly, the scene
that was enacted In Heppner 45 years ago, al
though the floods were of a different nature. Here
the water rushed through and left its wreckage
behind. Relief work started immediately and it
was possible to search for bodies within a few
hours after the flood had passed. It is a different
story at Vanport where flood conditions still pre-J
vail. Not until the water has subsided will it be
possible to get an estimate of the loss of life and
to recover the bodies of the victims.
Oregon's Many Roads to Seacoasti
Investigated by Motorlog Party
arUcta. wrntca ta thm torm f WW
Uaj 30. tte tertoc w&a fcr TIM
UncmIU ia m-nUm with U Ortfm
4aM M4r in i Tfc Irtlar-irtirM
va wMUr by AM S.IUvta. tuff writer
f TIM Orcfeima. to fear mcm an Mnl,
Mr. MS Ha rul Kaaca, OriM Ftrkl.
. D.
Dad tells me that you are
finally planning to sell your
house and move from North
Dakota winters to a milder cli
mate for your retirement. May
I put in a plug for Oregon? If
you had been with Chuck and
Wendy and me last week end
I wouldn't have to do any
If we onlv could show you
the greenness of our spring. It
even astonished us and we're
used to it all the vear around
Picture the ragged dark green
of heaw stands of Douglas lir,
with the pale new green froth
of the first leaves of the decid
uous trees against it.
Add the white of dogwood.
5 f&l
Latest Jewelry and Gift Good!
Watch. Clock. Diamond
Expert Watch & Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Veterans of Foreign
Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at
8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall
30 YEARS A(0
From Heppner Gazette Times
June 6. 1918
The public is hereby notified
that the speed limit is 15 miles
per hour. Anyone exceeding that
limit will be arrested and prose
cuted. W. W. Smead, mayor.
. ' '
A class of six girls and six
boys graduated from Heppner
high school on Friday last. They
are Norma Frederic, Neva Hayes,
Loa Briggs, Isabel Wilson, Anna
Doherty, Florence Ralston, Vaw
ter Crawford, Garnet Barratt,
Norton Winnard, Leo Nicholsorj.
Arthur Campbell and Earl Gor
M. D. Clark, local merchant
went to Portland Monday where
he took the Scottish Rite degree
in Masonry. He is a member of
the Liberty class inducted at this
Mr. and Mrs. Johannes Troed
son and daughter, Miss Anna, of
Morgan were in Heppner Mon-
time ago with a regiment of en
Peter Bauernfeind, well known
Morgan resident, made his first
trip to Lexington tnis ween in to
years. He was here to look after
some land matters in the Frank
Habelt estate.
Free Soo. a Chinese gardener
on the Alex Cornett place in the
lower end of town, died last Sat
urday after a brief illness.
Miss Isabel Wilson, a member
of the graduating class, has ac
cepted a position in the Heppner
Heppner Elks lodge will hold
Flag day exercises in their lodge
rooms Friday evening, June 11.
W. F. Barnett, Lexington mer
chant, transacted business in
Heppner Tuesday morning. He
and Mrs. Barnett and Miss Dona
returned last week from Port-
which they expect to erect in the
near future.
Washington Week
jasu Jul-
1 Noum I 1
it - 7
Th AAA motorlog car stop to writer and small daughter
can inspect imalliih redwood. Huge itandi of larger tree
re Tailable oa Myrtle Creek-Cretcent City id road.
t. n?twork cZ ten paved Ore
roa highways connects well
traveled U. S. S3 with coast.
the pink of old apple orchards
in full bloom, the crimson of
wild currant, thick marsh yel
low of skunk cabbage, solid
fields of wild blue iris blown
by the sea wind. Look closer
for buttercups, wild violets,
wtiole hillsides of wild straw
berries. Put on your sun glasses to
drive through the solid lanes
of Scotch broom, bright yellow
banks of it many times higher
than a man.
Watch bluejays and swallows
and humming birds and white
slender gulls. Listen to the re
peating beat of surf. Watch the
wriggling and astonishing mass
of silver smelt as they sweep in
on the high tide at Yachats to
spawn on their own special
Add a ferryboat ride, broad
bridges, ocean-going vessels in
harhrtre sun-hlpacheH nilines in
j rivers and bays.
Walk out to the farthest point
beyond a westward - warning
lighthouse. Steer an outboard
motor across a placid fresh
water lake, throw out a fly
j or an angleworm and catch a
I trout or a bluegill. Stop for a
! double-dirj ice cream cone.
Dig some ugly fringed kelp-
i worms from mussel beds at low
tide and catch sea perch and
mpybe a good-sized sea trout or
i cod on an incoming tide. Look
for agates in the sand.
Surnrise a auick-footed doe
on a mountain pathway. Shud
der with the amazement of iden
tifving the track of a cougar in
soft mud. Eat a New York cut
steak so thick you have to leave
some on your plate. Buy a fresh
cooked crab from a roadside
rtand. Stand silent before a red
wood growing before Columbus
ever thought of the New World.
That's only a sample of our
throday trip. This motoring
took us over 1001 miles of high-
way and to everything I listed
above and much more.
We drove to Roseburg after
work Friday night, to leave us
the rest of the long week end
for the coast routes. Saturday
morning was spent in orchard
country most of it in bloom
acres and acres of trees. In the
afternoon we drove from Grants
Pass to Crescent City just over
the California border.
We stopped in Crescent City
for the night, drove up the Ore
gon coast Sunday morning
gloried in the huge field of wild
iris atop cape seDasuan witn
miles of ocean vista to the north
and the south below us.
At Bandon we took a little
side trip up a poor road to Cape
Arago. There's a better on ia
from Coos Bay.
The country was pretty, me
Arago lighthouse clean and
white on its rocky promontory.
and the surf fishermen moat
We stopped at Lake Tahken
Itch long enough for an hour
of fresh-water fishing. In that
short time we got six fish,
perch and bluegills. Wendy, no
yet 4 years old. caught her first
fish, and was she tickled!
We stayed at Yachats. where
our fireplace-cabin overlooked
the bay. At the early morninc
low tide Monday. Chuck priea
off a few mussels to find ketp
worms for bait. We caught
nothing off the rocks, but other
did. mostly big perch.
We took turns to drive inland
along the beautiful Alsea river,
through rich old farmland,
across the Coast range.
We went back to the coast
to Newport via a similar road,
and up to Tillamook, with on
side trip to Pacific City and
Sand Lake.
It was then home via the
Wilson river cut-off and some
what sadly through the spectre
reaches of the great Tiuarnoolc
forest fire burn, but even
Is interesting to lootc at.
Saw Filing Gr
Picture Framing
Phone 27S2
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
Heppner, Oregon
General Insurance
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow Street Entrance
Turner, Von Marter
and Company
Jack A. Woodhall
Doctor of Dental Medicin
Office First Floor Bank Bldg.
Phone 2342 Heppnei
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Phelps Funeral Home
Licensed Funeral Directors
Phone 1332 Hepnper, Oregon
Physician & Surgeon ,
First National Bank Building
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
Heppner City Council A D McMurdo, M.D.
Meets First Monday Each Month
I Citizens having matters for dis-
mission, please bring .before
the Council
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in Peters Building
Morrow County
Box 82. Heppner. Ore.
Phone 2632
Superior Dry Cleaning
Synchronized department pro-1 estimated that Congress is $500 i MISSIONARY MEETING
day. Their son Carl is now in , land where they went to consia
France, having enlisted a short er plans for their new residence
Show Time-When darkness permits
Friday-Saturday, June 4-5:
Errol Flynn, Eleanor Parker, Ida
Warner News and Cartoon Comedy
Sunday-Monday, June 6-7:
Jack Carson, Martha Vickers, Janet
Paige (Miss Dam Site)
Color Cartoon-Short Subjects
-also News
Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., June 8-9-10:
Double Feature
Rory Calhoun and Paul Kelly
The Bowery Boys
Technicolor Cartoon
Washington, D. C The tax
pay's dollar has become the Pres
ident's pawn to block the success
of the 80th Congress in fulfilling
its 1946 election promise to the
Every effort of the 80th Con
eress to save dollars for the Am
erican taxpayer has been met
with a challenge that has ts roots
in the New Deal.
Proof of the pudding does not
come from Republican sources
but, strangely enough, from the
Democrats themselves begin
ning with President Truman's
comment a year or so ago when
he said: 'This is not the time for
a tax cut." Since then many
things have happened for the
good and the bad of the Amer
ican taxpayer.
Congress talked of cuts in gov
ernment expenditures, and actu
ally succeeded in slicing off more
than $2 billions last year. But
now it finds that, without Ad
ministrative contftil of budget
cuts, only services to the public
eet reduced, while bureaucratic
payrolls remain unaffected.
I million or more ahead in the re
duction contest, which is just
about $2.7 billions short of where
they should be that is S2.7 bil
lions short of making ends meet.
And there are still 2,000.000
government employees helping
to spend more than 5 times as
much money as the government
spent before the war WPA and
Mr. Truman may choose now to
keep payrollees rather than
maintaining services; but the
taxpayer may put in a veto in
4-H Club News . . .
The Wee Little Workers Sew
ing and Cooking club, led by
Daeanda machines went to wor
on every cut, to harp that budget i
reductions mean only a restnc-
tion of services. That payrolls'
remain the same is proved by
Democrat Senator Irarry Byrd s
Mr. Truman plays the rew
Deal game by tossing expensive,
pseudo-social proposals into tne
Congressional lap as fast as he
can think of them to create the
impression that the Republican
Congress gave tax relief unwise
With the aid of his State De
partment he plugs for greater Eu
ropean relief; he presents mount
ing national defense claims that
coom tnpnnsistpnt. VPt Which
serve to sharpen the horns of the 1 Mrs. John Graves, with Betty
Congressional dilemma. Now he .Graves and June Van Winkle as
digs deep into the Harry Hopkins! junior leaders met at the John
Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell
will be hosts at their home in
Gooseberry Sunday afternoon to
the Ladies Missionary society of
the Valby Lutheran church. The
group will accemble at 2:30 p.m
The meeting will be open to
members and friends.
Mrs. Will Morgan and Mrs.
ton Morgan were Heppner vis
itors Saturday from Monument.
They came to assist the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary in the an
nual Poppy Day campaign. Mrs
Will Morgan said her husband
is to return home this week from
the veterans hospital in Portland
where he had been several weeks
taking treatments and recuper
ating from a severe heart attack
bag for increased social security
and other such "relorms that all
sound wonderful, but have one
big common catch they all re
quire the taxpayer's dollar.
It all adds up to a Presidential
budget of more than $43 billions,
which threatens to wipe out our
new take-home pay increase for
many pay days to come.
That's Mr. Truman's position
today. Every dollar that Congress
tries to save in expenditures he
"balances" with a new expendi
ture plan for another cause any
cause. At the present time it is
Graves home on Saturday, May
22. Officers were elected at this
meeting: Janet Howton, presi
dent; Shirley Meyers, vice pres
ident; Judith Howton, secretary;
Marlene Griffith, reporter.
The junior members worked on
their needle cases during the af
ternoon. Lunch of salad and co
coa made by the club members
was served to the nine members
The next meeting of this club
will be held June 5 at the Jasper
Meyers farm on Butter creek.
Marlene Griffith, reporter.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1888. The Heppner
Times, established November
18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Cabinet Shop
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Sewing Machines Repaired
Phone 1485 for apointme
or call at shop.
Heppner, Oregon
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Dr. C. C. Dunham
Office No. 4 Center St
House calls made
Home Phone 2583 Office 2572
C. A. RUGGLES-Representing
Blaine E. Isom
Insurance Agency
Phone 723 Heppner, Ore
Office upstairs Rooms 11-12
First National Bank Bldg.
Phones: Office 783. Home 932
Heppner, Oregon
An old-fashioned American
was a fellow who thought noth
ing should cost more than five
times what It was worth. Cuba
(Mich.) News 4 Review.
Listening to Chairman Mc-
Grath's protests that Harry Is just
misunderstood brings to mind the
shrewi statement of a Southern
preacher, "Excuses am de skin ob
de trufe stuffed wid a lie.
If you axe us what we think of
the President's success In splint
ering the Democrat party we'll
remind you of the old saw: "He's
not the best carpenter that makes
the most chips."
With prices what they are to
day, when you call a man a ham
you are really inferring that he
Is worth a lot of money. Water
loo (Ind.) Press.
Bureaucrat: One who proceeds
In a straight line from an un
warranted assumption to a fore
gone conclusion.
Copper & Brass Ware
rust proof, lacquered, handspun
in Chinese Lanterns, Wishing Wells,
Scalls and Planter Lamps . . .
A shining addition to any room in the
Flowers, in and out of season
Flowers for any occasion.
The Flower Shop
FOUNTAIN DRINKS naturally suggest
Come on, have fun, buy yourself an ICE CREAM
SODA, SUNDAE, COKE, or your own special
favorite at our soda fountain.
Saagers Pharmacy