8-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 27, 194S Lexington School Closed Year's Work Friday Evening By Mrs. Cecil Jones TIip Lexington commpnoomrnt exorcises wore held Friday nipht at 8 p.m. in the school auditor ium. Rpccssional, "Coronation," was played by Mrs. C. C. Carmi chael. The hich school graduates accompanied by the eighth grade graduates, came forward up the middle of the auditorium, follow ed by Orris Padhcrg and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Hie four high school teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers, and the eighth grade teacher, Mrs. Maye Davis, and Mrs. Palmer Sorlien, first and second grade teacher. Invocation was by Rev. Hatch. Eighth grade class history was read by Edna Key and class will and prophecy by Elizabeth Griffin. These girls were dressed in lovely forma Is. Edna's being pink lace and Eliz abeth's white. A piano solo, "Stars over Normandy," and a clarinet solo, "0, Sole Mio," by Betty Lou Messenger. Senior class history was given by Char les Buchanan, senior class pro phecy by Robert Buchanan, sen ior class will bv James Bloods. worth. A trio consisting of Majo Mugnes, Kena Marquardt and La Vonne McMillan sane "Moon. beams." Senior class president's address and nresentation of rlacc gift, a beautiful bronze plaque wnn tne names 01 tne Lexington boys who lost their lives in World War II. These boys were Ken neth Warner. Stanley Way and Clyde Edwards. The commence ment address was given by Dr. Ernest Anderson of Eastern Ore gon College of Education, title. "Golden Days." Vocal solos "Dicky Bird Sone.' and "The Girl with the Curl," were sung rjy Kutn Ann Acklen. Presenta tion Of eiehth Tarie rlinlnmae hv Mrs. Lucy Rodgers. Announce ment of awards by Mr. Feathers, with each senior getting a special awara. Iris Bloodsworth, the mu sic award; Jim Bloodsworth, cit izenship; Charles Buchanan, ac tivity; Pvobert Buchanan, athletic. The Beach citizenship cup, which was presented to the school by L. Edwin Beach in 1935 for the outstanding citizen was this year given to Charles Buchanan, sen ior this year, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buchanan. Charles is a returned veteran, coming home last summer from Japan and a time spent in the hospital in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The scholarship award was given to Iris and James Bloodsworth to gether, children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bloodsworth of this city who came here from Touchet, Wash., two years ago. The high school diplomas were given out by Orris Padberg and benediction was then given by Mr. Hatch. Re cessional by Mrs. C. C. Carmich ael. Iris was beautiful in white nylon cloth formal. The stage was decorated in spring flowers by Jo McMillan and Franklin Messenger. The Junior-Senior banquet was given at the W. t McMillan home last Wednesday. The din ing room was beautifully decora ted by Jo McMillan with pink streamers and pink and white flowers. The table was attractive with a white lace cloth, center piece of pink and white tulips, and pink candles and blue dish es. The place cards were made by Jo McMillan and were pink roses drawn and colored. The me nu consisted of tomato cocktail, candle salad, potatoes and gravy, carrot cups, fried chicken, pie a la mode and coffee. Prayer was given by Mrs Joe Feathers, open ing speech by Franklin Messen ger, and dinner talk by Mr. Fea thers, with the thank you by James Bloodsworth. After the banquet the children went to Heppner to the show. The din ner was cooked by Mrs. Truman Messenger and Mrs. W. E. McMil lan, and serving were Mrs. Alon zo Henderson and Mrs. C. C. Jon es. Ernest SrAith who is now a bar ber was renewing acquaintances in Lexington Monday and Tues day from Portland, spending the night Monday with the W. E. McMillan family. Mrs. C. C. Carmichael spent Monday in Walla Walla. She was accompanied by Mrs. Ladd Sher man from Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Jones spent Sunday in Walla Walla, where Mrs. Jones attended a meeting of the Whitman area council of Camp Fire Girls. Elmer Hunt was a Portland visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and daughters motored to Steph ens college in Columbia, Mo., to attend the graduation of their daughter Dorothy from the col. lege there. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding spent Sunday in Pendleton vis iting. Don Smith and Harold Yeager of Walla Walla were visiting at the Merle Carmichael home last week. Mr. Smith is a nephew of miss carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner are visiting at the Earl Warner home this week. The Amicitia club met at the home of Mrs. Jessie Yarnell on Wednesday night with Mrs. El don Padberg as hostess The eve ning was spent playing pinochle with prizes being won, high, Mrs. Ed Grant, and low, Mrs. Clifford Yarnell. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Christoph erson and family spent Sunday in Boardman with relatives. The Lexington high school went on the annual picnic at Joa quin Miller park on Tuesday. Charles Buchanan spent Mon day in La Grande taking his en trance exams to Eastern Oregon college there. Mrs. George Graves and Mrs. Eh-oy Martin spent Monday in The Dalles. Morris Groves is doing some remodeling at the Buschke home near Hardman. The Fourth of July committee Boardman 7th-8lh Grade Boys Leave For Oregon Coast Bv Flossie Coats George Jaros, the 7th and Sth grade teacher, left with six of the grade boys Wednesday morning for a three-day motor trip to the coast as far south as Coos Bay. Each year Mr. Jaros takes a group which are picked as to their marks of merit throughout, the school year. Those going were Max Fussell, Peter Cassidy, Don ald Gillespie. Wilbur Piatt, Rob ert Fortner and Franklin Delano. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jackson and family left Thursday for Monument to spend a couple of days with relatives. They expect to return Saturday and will leave Monday for their home in Weiser. Idaho. Mrs. Jackson has taught the 5th and 6th grades this past year. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller re turned from Portland Thursday where they spent a few days. Ladies Aid Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. Russell Miller Wednesday afternoon. Many ladies were present and several musical numbers played by Miss Mildred Miller were en joyed. School closed Friday, May 21. with the following program for the senior class: A trio of girls, Mary Ann Rands, Ora Ely and Anna Lou Beaver, sang "Just A Memory" and "Now Is the Hour." The evening speaker was Dr. Al vin Kaiser, head of speech and dramatics at E.O.C.E. Stanley Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Simmons, with his friend, Ed Pynchon, left Wednes day for Miami, Fla., where they will work this summer. This fall they will enter college at Ains- worth, Florida. Friends are pleased to see Ron ald Black up and around again Mr. Black returned from the St. Anthony's hospital Friday, where he had been confined two weeks with illness. The young infant son of Mr and Mrs. Edward Skoubo passed away in St. Anthony's hospital Saturday, May 22. Roger Edward was born May 12, 1948. The fun eral was held Wednesday after noon at 2:30 p.m. with the Rev. Chas. Eble officiating. Singers were Shirley Peck and Sally French, and Johann Cup of Pen dleton. Pallbearers were Delrois Zivney, Grace Miller, Marlene Fisk and Ora Ely. Boardman residents were very happy to have their candidate, Russell Miller, for commissioner on the republican ticket, win the nomination with such a large margin. This is the first time the north end of the county has been represented in an election. We feel quite confident of the win in the general election this Novem ber. Mrs. Lowell Shattuck and young son Douglass are spending this week in Goldendale, Wash., with her father, Mr. Faulkner, who is ill. Mrs. Faulkner will spend this week on vacation In Bremerton, Wash., while Mrs. Shattuck is home. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill and Mrs. Art Allen motored to Union Saturday where they spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lilly. They returned to LaGrande Sunday, where Mr. Tannehill at tended the Eastern Oregon Rural Mail Carriers convention. Mrs. Allen visited her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and son of lone, Mrs. Dean Ekleberry of Hermiston were here Friday night to attend the graduating exer cises of the seniors. Mrs. Toivo Simila and young son of Portland arrived Friday to spend a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skoubo. Maxine Ely, Mary Ann and Nancy Rands left Saturday for Portland where they will spend a few days shopping and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robertson and two small daughters, Erma and Helen, left Saturday for Hel ena, Mont., where Robertson will shear sheep. Anna June Robert son will stay with her grandmo ther, Mrs. Edna Garrett, of Ken- newick, while Carol will remain with her grandmother, Mrs. Effie Robertson of Pendleton. Mrs. Chas. Anderegg and daughter Barbara left for Port land Tuesday and will leave from there by plane for southern California where they will visit a month with relatives and friends. Earl Briggs spent the week end in Portland. Mr. an dMrs. P. H. Cosner of Ir rigon and Mrs. Jack Mulligan motored to Glendale, Wash., Tu esday and were dinner guests at the Cosner's son and daughter-in-law's. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blann of Hermiston, who have purchased the Dee Fairchild farm, have tak en possession. The Fairchilds left on vacation and will later settle in Missouri. o HORSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION TO HOLD FIRST ANNUAL MEETING AT REDMOND The Oregon State Horsemen's association will hold its first an nual meeting at the Redmond ho tel in Redmond, Sunday, June 6, it is announced by Pers Crowell, temporary secretary of the asso ciation. The annual meeting, scheduled to begin at 10 a.m., is expected to attract horse lov ers from all parts of the state. The Oregon association, pat terned after similar associations in Washington and California, was formed at Portland on No vember 23 last fall. Its announc ed program is "to work for the general improvement of horse ac tivity generally, to promote rid ing trails, to assist agricultural development, and to further all worthy projects designed to In crease interest in horses and horsemanship." Crowell urges all horsemen In Oregon to attend the June 6 meeting at Redmond. The pri mary purpose of the meeting, he says, is to elect permanent offi cers and to discuss a program for the ensuing year. o Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Cllne of Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting in Heppner at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Louis Gilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Cline of McMinnville brot them to Heppner early In the week. held their meeting Monday night in the city hall with Chairman Ed Grant in charge. It was an nounced that the dance would be held the night of the third. There will be a parade, an air show, ball game and fireworks. FOR SALE One Thor electric washing machine, equipped with electric pump. Phone 2382, Mrs. Chris Brown. 10c FOR SALE One electric wash ing machine in excellent con dition, $65. Mrs. Chris Brown, phone 2382. 10c JUST ARRIVED! for our final week 75 Wfti'lcrjul Selections! All Size! SUMMER DRESSES 8.90 Moke your choice now! Lovely rayon hembergs with dainty scalloped peplurnsl Handsome two-tone linen-like ipun rayons I Fine chambrays. frosted with white pique. All beautifully fashioned, sizes 9-44. Be Smart, Stay Cool! SOLAR STRAWS' 1-98 2.98 Here's the breezy touch your Summer outfit needs. Carribean Palm Braids, Open Mesh Rayons Cool, Handsome Pinhole Mesh Rayons! . . , Sea. U. S. Prt. Ot News From C. A. Office Blame the weatherman for gar den crops that have an anemic appearance for this time of year because chances are good that continual rain has leached away the nitrogen supply, states Arthur S King, O.S.C. solis specialist. Continued rains wash the av ailable nitrogen supply from the soil and cold weather prevents soil bacteria from manufacturing new nitrogen, King explains. Con sequently, many gardens can be "pepped up" with a side dressing of nitrogen fertilizer. For a row crop, apply one-half to one pound of ammonium sul phate per 100 feet of row. Am monium sulphate or any other form of nitrogen fertilizer will serve the purpose. If straight ni trogen fertilizers are not avail able, however, use a complete fertilizer stepping up the appli cation. King states that fertilizer side dressings should be placed in a shallow trench' that is dug so the fertilizer material will lie within two or three inches of the plants, Most obvious signs of a short age of nitrogen, according to King, are the absence of vigorous plant growth and poor color. Sus pect a shortage of nitrogen, King advises, in gardens where growth is poor but where in other years bumper crops have grown. Leaf yellowing is also an indicator of nitrogen lack. To tell the nitrogen content of a fertilizer, King offers this sug gestion: Commercial fertilizers are frequently spoken of, for ex ample, as 6-10-4. The first num ber in all cases is the percentage of nitrogen contained in the mix ture. The second and third num bers are phosphate and potash content, respectively. Oregon fer tilizer labeling laws require that the amounts of all three ingre dients be plainly marked on al bags. Late planted gardens may also be disappointing on soil- that is naturally fertile and- which or dinarily produces good gardens without fertilizer. The natural supply of nitrogen has not had a chance to become available in many of these cases. A dose of fertilizer at planting time in ad dition to a side-dressing later will prove helpful. 4-H Club News . . . At a meeting of the county 4-H council on Monday evening, May 24, officers were elected for the year. Mrs. L. A. McCabe, lone was elected chairman; John Gra ves, Heppner, vice chairman, and Carletta Olden, secretary. Merle Becket, Heppner, was selected as treasurer. Other members are Mrs. Walter Wright, Mrs. John Graves, Mrs. Harold Becket. El mer Palmer, E. M. Baker, Louis Carlson, Betty Graves, and Henry letz. Among the business of the eve ning was the selection of dele gates to 4-H summer school which will be held on the Oregon State college oanipus June 15-25. Committees were chosen for Home Economics and Agricultur al awards and contests for the County Fair. The Home Econom ics committee consists of Mrs. John Graves, chairman; Mrs. Harold Becket, Mrs. Victor' Riet mann, Mrs. Walter Wright, Mrs L. A. McCabe and Mrs. Lucy Kodgers. The Agricultural committee consists of John Graves, chair man; E. M. Baker, Elmer Palmer, Louis Carlson and W. E. Hughes. A committee to make arrange ments for operation of the ham burger stand was appointed as ollows: John Graves, Mrs. G. Her mann, Mrs. E. M. Baker, and Mrs. William Seehafer. N. C. Anderson, county agent will act as a member of each of these committees. H. C. Seymour, 4-H club con sultant with the Triangle Mi ing company, Portland, long-time Oregon state 4-H club leader, was the main speaker at a 4-H pro gram put on at lone on May 19. This was the regular meeting of the lone P-TA, the program being put on by 4-H club members. Musical numbers, demonstra tions, club reports, exhibits, 4-H sound film, exhibits and the can die lighting ceremony made up the program. The county agent gave a report on 4-H club work in Morrow county and outlined accomplishments of some of the club work here. The new 16 mm. projector pur chased cooperatively by the 4-H clubs and farm organizations In Morrow county was used for the showing of "Tomorrow's Lead ers," a 4-H club sound film. This was the first showing of the new projector. A fine program was put on by the leaders and club members, and all taking part should be congratulated. Senior and Junior 4-H Livestock club members are all prepared to take part In the 4-H club tour to be held on Saturday, May 29. All 4-H club members' homes and projects will be visited during the day. The schedule of the tour is as follows: Arrive Leave 6:30 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:55 7:10 7:25 7:40 8:35 8:50 9:05 9:20 9:20 9:35 10:50 Baker's 3:45 4:00 Carlson's '. 4:30 4:45 Palmer's 5:00 5:15 Chapel's 5:45 6:00 Beamer's ... 6:30 6:45 Wightman's Green's Sherman's . Brosnan's Eb Hughes' . Currin's John Graves' 10:35 Howton's Noon lunch 11:05 Cutsforth's 1:30 Hermann's 2:00 Seehafer'g 3:00 1:00 p.m. 1:45 2:15 3:13 4-H summer school delegates selected for outstanding work in the past year were selected re cently. These delegates are sent to 4-H summer school with ex penses paid by scholarships don ated by interested persons and organizations. Delegates to the 19-18 summer school to be held at Oregon State college during June la-25 and the scholarship donor, where selected, are: Ingrid Hermann, lone, Safeway Stores; Carletta Olden, lone, Standard Oil Co. of lone; Jane Seehafer, lone Willows Grange; Ruby Ann Rietmann, lone, lone P-TA; Lola Ann McCabe, lone, Garland Swanson; Patricia Drake, lone, lone merchants; ' Rieta Graves, Heppner, Lexing ton Grange; Betty Graves, Hepp ner, Morrow County Farm Bu reau; Lorene Mitchell, Heppner, J. C. Penney Co.; Ida Lee Chapel, Hardman, Rhea Creek Grange; Nancy Rands, Boardman, Hepp ner Gazette Times; Gracia Veelle, Boardman, Pomona Grange; Ronald Baker, lone, Lexington Oil Cooperative; Louis Carlson, lone, Carlson & O'Connor; Orville Cutsforth Jr., Lexington, Lexing ton Grange. Delegates selected to attend for which scholarships have been promised but not yet received are Allen Hughes, Heppner; Eleanor Earvvood, Boardman; Ora Ely, Boardman; Barbara Sherman, Heppner; Delores Zivney, Board man; Delores Drake, lone; June Van Winkle, Lexington. AG HONORARY INITIATES Gene F. Empey and Alfred E. Van Winkle of Lexington were two of the 23 men intiated into Oregon chapter of Alpha Zeta, national honorary fraternity in agriculture, at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 18, at Corvallis. To qualify for membership a student must have completed two years of his four year course in the school of agriculture, be in the upper two-fifths of his class, and be possessed of those quali ties of leadership and character as to make him of future value to agriculture. A banquet, attended by 50 men, was held after the initiation in honor of the new members. the Week. During her stay In Heppner, she was a guest of Mr and Mrs. Bert Bleakman. Mrs. Bleakman Is the postmistress n Monument. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatfield re turned Sunday evening from a honeymoon trip to San Francisco and Reno. They are at home in the Case apartments. Pat Dubey of Seattle was a business visitor In Heppner the first of the week. Clayton Ayers was over from Butter creek Tuesday attending to business matters in Heppner. William Hess of Camp 5 frac tured his left foot Sunday while playing baseball with the Kin zua team. Mr Hess attempted to make a base by sliding in and in so doing injured his foot. Mrs. W. W. Weatherford of Eightmile and her mother, Mrs. Margaret Madsen of Wisconsin, were looking after business mat ters in Heppner Monday. Mrs. Madsen is visiting for a time Willi her daughter. Mrs. Harvey Harshman was honoree at a surprise birthday party at her home in north Hepp ner Monday afternoon. Mrs. Lo rena Cole and Mrs. Roy Thomas were hostesses for the occasion. Present were Mesdames George Bleakman, William Furlong, Blaine Chapel, Bert Bleakman, Lucy Wright, Frank Ayers, Ever ett Harshman, J. L. Hamlin, Lloyd Harshman, Buhl Harshman, Wal ter Farrens, Tom Fraters and Charles Stout. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson and daugters of Wepe, Idaho, ar rived in Heppner Monday eve ning to visit for a few days at the home of Mrs. Johnson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck et. The grandchildren will re-' News About Town . . . Mrs .Fred Parrish entertained the Bookworms club on Jones street Tuesday evening. The book "We Call It Culture" by Victoria Case and Richard Ormond Case was reviewed by Mrs. Cornett Green. Refreshments were serv ed. Twelve members were pre sent. This is the last meeting of the club for the current year. Mr. and Mrs. Orvillp Cutsforth and daughters, Fay and Vesta, left Thursday by plane for Col umbia, Mo., where they will at tend the graduation exercises of another daughter, Dorothy, from Stephens college. Mrs. George Bleakman was over from Monument the first of main for the summer with Mrs. Becket. Stanley Robison and daughter Dorris were in from Hardman on Monday, shopping and looking after business matters. Marvin Rlgsby of Klickitat, Wn., and E. H. Walkins of Gol dendale, Wn., were business vis itors in Heppner Monday. Mis. Harry Nelson and daugh ters of Portland are visiting here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parker. Mrs. Robeit White of Mill City and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elder and children Richard and Mich ael of Pendleton came Wednes day to attend the .graduation of Mrs. White's grandson, Gene Miller, from the tleppncr eighth grade. During their stay they were houseguesls of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller. Mrs. Florence Hughes returned home Saturdav eveninc from an extended visit to Portland and Centralia, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pratt hrnucrht Mrs. Huehes from Centralia where she spent the past few weeks with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. IJ. S. Pratt. Durine her ab sence, Mrs. Hughes and the Pratls visited in Sacramento with an other brother, C. P. Hoffman. COOL - COLORFUL MODERN AWN I N GS Keep the sut;'s heat and glara nut of your home! Top ijuiilily rutniii miule uwniriKS ill re t lo ymi&at low contl Kiwily instulU'il. We nUo fununh putiu and terrace rovers and ail types uf giir den furniture i eruvei s. Write fur Jtitr nuitiuii uud free sample, Htute mlor rliuire. to Dipt H.x 344. tDEALliS 1NQUIBIE3 INVITED.) CALIFORNIA TENT ft AWNINO CO., Sunnyvale, Calif. SERVEL Kerosene Refrigeration MARTIN BAUERNFEIND Morgan, Oregon CLIPTHISAD It will save you money on MEN'S LEATHER GLOVES Regular price 2.79 NOW 1.99 Regular price 2.25 NOW 1.75 STEP-ON CANS, Reg.'2.49 NOW 1.99 . t Pestmaster garden sprays, sprayers and garden tools Remember-Your dollar buys more at your Marshall-Wells Store. OWENS HARDWARE Neatness Pays Dividends A good appearance, socially or in a business way, greatly enhances one's chances of success. And a good appear ance depends largely upon the condition of one's clothes. Your clothes will not remain in good condition for long if they are not cleaned and pressed regularly-and they will wear out just abut 50 percent faster. You can always make a neat appearance even in your older garments by having them recondition ed the Heppner Cleaners way. More and more people are laming this fact every week. HEPPNER CLEANERS STAR LTD REPORTER Admiiilon prlcei afternoon and eevninff, anleaa ape ciflcally advertiaed to be otherwlaei Children i Bat Price .17, Fed, Tax .03, Total 20o; Orade and Kiffh School Student i IS years and oven Eit. Frio 40. Fed. Tax .10, Total BOo; Adultit Ert. Prole .60, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60a Every child occupying a teat mait have a ticket. Sunday ahowa continuous itartlnff at 1 p.m. Batnr. day evening ahowi atari at 7 p.m. All other evening show start at 7:30 p.m. Boxoffloe open evening! until 9 p.m. Friday-Saturday, May 28-29 T-MEN Dennis O'Keefe, Mary Meade, Alfred Byder, WaJ ly Ford, Jane Lockhart, Jan Randolph Red-blooded, hurd-builed drama delivers amaHh Ing entertainment. Bated on a tactual cnae, the daredevil anents from the U. 8. Treasury Depart ment move in for the cleanup. PLUS GUN LAW A re-releaaed wenlern starring former cowboy George O'Brien. Sunday-Monday, May 30-31 CASS TIMBERLANE 8penoer Traoy, Lane. Tnrner, lachary goott, Tom brake, Mary Aator, Albert Dakkar, Maiflnt Llndaay. HlK-tlrne production of Sinclair Lawli' bnnt-xiller thftt pucka humor and humanity, luxury, love and laughter Into a warmly appealing romance. The SECURITY LOAN DRIVE continues through June. Check your budget... buy that extra bond. America's security is your security. Tuesday, Jun,e 1 THE LONG NIGHT Henry Fonda, Barbara Bel Ooddai, Vincent Price, Ann Dvorak A Kood drama with excnllcnt performance. PLUS Fight of the Wild Stallions Agalnut the rare iwenic beauty of Wyoming' a Ke.il Desert country, a herd of wild hormw ronlHla capture. Wed.-Thura., June 2-3 BUFFALO BILL Brought back to thrill you hkuIh Ih Ihlw Techni color adventure and action film with Joel McOrea, Ltnda Darnell, Manreen O'Hara, Thorn aa Mitchell.