Baccalaureate At lone Opens Week Of Commencement Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 27, 1948-3 By Echo Palmateer tj.. i . . ijnimKiureaie services were held for the class of 1918 at the cooperative church Sunday morn ing wllh Rev. Alfred Shirley, pas tor, delivering the sermon. The program was as follows: Prelude Mrs. E. M. Baker; processional! Mrs. Cleo Drake; invocation; hymn, "America, The Beautiful," all; scripture reading; anthem, "Thy Word is Like a Garden," hy the choir; sermon, "The Issues of Life," Rev. Shirley; hymn "Fight the Good Eight," all; re cessional, Mrs. t'leo Drake. The graduates are Betty Ball, Eugene Bauemfeind, Thomas Bristow, Louis Carlson, Ross Uoherty Francine Ely, Lillian Hubbard! Robert Jepsen, Eugene Pettyjohn, and Gaylord Salter. GRAVESIDE SERVICES Graveside military funeral ser vices were held for Pvt. I'aul Vor uz Rletmann at the lone I.O.O.F. cemetery on Sunday, May 23, at Paul gave his life for his coun try July 10, 1911 when serving with the Tilth division, 311 infan try in France. The services were conducled by the lone post American Legion, assisted by Rev. A. Shirley of lone and Sergeant Peake of the Memorial dvision of the U. S. Ar my. Hymns were sung by Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Smouse. Pallbearers were Ted Palma teer, Joel Engelman, Earl Me C'abe, Tom Huston, Ernest Mc Cabe and James Bamett. Paul is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann, and brothers Gene and Larry of AREA 4-1 1 SHOW AT THE DALLES .?l2"-w K. SUPPORTED r ' ; '11-1'-- I DATES TO REMEMBER I May 29 Social meeting of Top ic club at Mrs. John Ransier's. May 30 Program at the Legion hall. May 31 Beginning Vacation Bible school at 9 a.m. June 1 Auxiliary meeting In the afternoon and Legion meet ing in the evening. June 2 Meeting of Eastern Star Social club at the hall. June 4-The HEC of Willows grange and friends are invited to po to the Peter Timm home at Pendleton. This year at the second annual Eastern Oregon Wheat League 4-11 show in The Dalles another irrand champion baby beef will be chosen, along with top-ranking nogs and lambs fattened with wheat, bhown here with Merle Eakin of Grass Valley and his 1947 grand champion are, left to right, Fred W. Mauser, The Dalles, who purchased the animal at auction for $2 a pound, Commander D. S. Elwood and Adjutant Percy N. Larson of The Dalles American Legion post. Mauser donated the beef to the Legion, which in turn gave it ; the Portland Veterans' hospital. This year's show will be June 7, 8 and 9. lone, and his grandmother, Mrs. Inez V. Freeland of Portland. We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our many friends and relatives for the kindness and sympathy extended and for the beautiful flowers at the ser vices for our son and brother, Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased e tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phoner702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Gene and Larry, The lone P-TA held their last meeting of the year Wednesday evening, May 19. Mrs. B. C. For sythe, the retiring president, told of the work carried out during her two years in the office. She paid tribute to the founders, the national president and the state president by lighting candles for each and paid tribute to her help- j ers by placing a tulip in a bowl I and saying a word of praise for , each. Mrs. Forsythe has been a very successful and capable pres ident during her term of office and much has been accomplish ed. The following officers were in stalled by Mrs. Forsythe and each presented with a corsage; Pres ident, Mrs. Omar Rietmann; vice president, Mrs. Markham Baker; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Francis Ely. A program was given by the 4-H club conducted by one of FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company James Healy Phone 2322 Heppner KELP YOUR COL. .IT... HELP YOURStLFI There is mt til a very real need for every ounce of used fat we can salvoRe. The world-wide shortage is greater today than ever before. Please . . . keep saving and turning in your used kitchen fats. P. S. Yea I you do get paid for them . . . and you know how ready cash counts today. Keep Turning in Used Fats! AmcrkiB Fat I a In ft Coimttn, Ik. regon Stare Medical Society Announces New Mediccl and Hospital Protection Plans at Modest Cost Through O.P.S. PLAN 1. MEDICAL, SUROI- CAL AND HOSPITAL cove rags for th mploytd Individual $3.50 par month, SURGICAL, LIMITED MEDICAL and HOSPITAL covarogt for familial ipoutt, $2.00 par month j 1 at child, $1.35 par monthf 2nd child, 75 canli par month) 3rd child, 50 canti par month; no charga for additional children. PLAN 2 . SURGICAL, LIMIT ID MCDICAL AND HOSPITAL cov ragt for th mployd Individual $2.23 ptr month. SURGICAL. LIMITED MEDICAL and HOSPITAL mvtrogo for familial will Ol Plan 1. Thai plant ara avallabla In moit Oragon counllai fo amployad Indi vidual! whoio nal toxabla incoma doai not axcaad $6,000 par yaar. OREGON NJlijri'irVSICIANS' HMI.W.tlh Ao. .Portland 4, Ora. 411 Parry ttraat,lalam,Ora. Ml Madfard lldg .Madford.Ora. Here is the protection you have wanted for yourself and family prepaid medical and hospital coverage at reasonable cost. You have a choice of two plans. They are offered through Oregon Physicians' Service, with the sponsorship and approval of the Oregon State Medical Society. Wide Choice of Doctors and Hospitals Through membership you and your family have a wide choice of service. Afore than 900 physicians, surgeons, and consulting specialists belong to O.P.S. Some 70,000 Orcgonians already have O.P.S. protection under employe group contracts. New individual and family plans now greatly extend availability of O.P.S. service. ... If you arc employed, s resident of Oregon, and desire modes! cost medical and hospital protection, write for detailed infor mation and application blank. Nora.- O.P.S. group covaraga It it III available. M you and fallow employai wli the tavlngt that are pouible under a group policy wi will furnlih Information gladly. j OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE j Plaoia moll liloralure and application blank. I M"" I City I, -Stata Mali lo O.P.S. at Portland, Salem or M.chV-d. their leaders, Mrs. Ruth McCabe, which consisted of the flag sal ute, 4-H salute, song by all, "The Star Spangled Banner"; health club history, Leslie Aldrich; dem onstration of making a bed by Joan Coleman, Barbara Jackson and Delores Drake; musical duet by Ronald and Duane Baker; demonstration of cutting out a dress by Jane Seehafer and In grid Hermann; report on the beef club by Louis Carlson; talk by Harry Seymour, former leader of 4-H work in the state. Nelson An derson showed pictures and gave a talk and presented Louis Carl son a scholarship from the Union Pacific railroad for $100 to the Oregon State college for being the outstanding 4-H member of Mor row county The prgoram closed with a song by the 4-H girls and a candle lighting ceremony. There were several articles made by the members on display, also some of the girls modeled their dresses. Refreshments of cake and coffee were served by Mrs Carl Bergstrom, Mrs. Edmond Bristow, Mrs. Berl Akers and Mrs. Wm. Bergstrom. Out-of-town visitors at the lone P-TA meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seymour of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Anderson of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. John Graves of Lexington. A bridal shower was given at the Legion hall May 22 in honor of Mrs. Jack Healy of Rockaway. She received many lovely gifts. Cake and coffee were served by the following hostesses: Mrs. Vic tor Rietmann, Mrs. Marion Pal mer, Mrs. James Lindsay, Mrs. Gary Tullis, Mrs. Darrell Padberg, Mrs. Raymond Lundell, Mrs. Ed mond Bristow, Mrs. Earl McCabe and Mrs. Ernest McCabe. Those attending the shower from a dis tance were Mrs. John Healy and daughter Rosetta, Mrs. James Farley, Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Sr., Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Jr., Mrs. Chas. Hodge and Mrs. Wm. Buck num of Heppner. The Three Links club of the Rebekahs served dinner at their hall election day and held a short meeting in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and family of Boardman were Ior.e visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Driscoll and family of, Heppner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Huit Sunday. Thursday, May 27, is Poppy day here. A window has been decor ated in Swanson's store by the poppy committee of the auxiliary of which Mrs. Richard Lundell is the chairman. The display has a white cross, the memorial plaque, the American flag and the Legion colors. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Frank Engelman went to The Dalles Monday. Mrs. Harold Martin of Pendle ton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy and family have moved from La Grande to Kennewick. Wash., where they are building a home. Mr. and Mrs. Elwayne Lieual len and son of Monmouth visited his -father, Roy Lieuallen, this' week. ,f . A birthday party was held at the Ladies Aid meeting at the Congregational church Thursday afternoon of last week in honor of the following: Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mrs. John Bryson, Mrs. M. Sigado, Mrs. Oscar Lundell and Mrs. Henry Clark. Cake, jel lo and coffee were served. The lone Masons were host to the Fossil lodge Saturday eve ning when Fossil put on the de gree work. Heppner and Condon also had representatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker returned from Portland last week where they visited relatives. They also visited Claude Devine oi North Bonneville. The following officers were el ected at the Legion meeting of post 95, May 18: Commander, James' Bamett; vice commander, Walter Corley; finance officer, Donald McElligott; chaplain. Er nest McCabe; adjutant, Eldon Padberg; sergeant-at-arms, Ralph Heath; historian, Lyk. Alle .: ... ecutive committee, Jack Bailey, Eugene Normoyle, Harry Ring, Ted Palmateer. The school district has purch ased a power lawn mower for their turfed football field. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke and Ernest Heliker went fishing on Hock creek Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Devin and family of Condon and Mrs. Lana Padberg attended Rev. Joe Jew- ett's farewell sermon at the Chris tian church in Heppner Sunday. Mrs. vernice Crawford and chil dren of Dufur were visitors here Sunday. I itoy Lieuanen had the misfor tune to cut his wrist quite badly last week. Cleo Drake is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy of Rockaway and Mrs. Rodney Craw ford Jr. of Portland were week end visitors at the Ida Coleman home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorger and family of Pendleton were lone visitors Sunday. Mrs. Carl Bergstrom and son Norman left for Portland Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson and family returned home last week from McPherson, Kans., and Minneapolis where they vis ited relatives. Rev. and Mrs Alfred Shirley left Monday for Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell vis ited at the homes of Clarence Dossier and Grover Curtiss Sun day. Mrs. E. R. Lundell returned from Eugene Friday morning of last week where she attended Rebekah assembly. She reported a successful session. Out-of-town relatives attending the funeral services of Paul Riet mann Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger of White Salmon, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson of The Dalles, Ed Rietmann, Con don, and Mr. and Mrs. William King of Redmond. Mrs. King is a sister of Mrs. Omar Rietmann. The lone school held their an nual picnics Monday. The high school went to the mountains near Parkers Mill. The 7th and 8th grades went to Rock creek, the 5th and 6th to the Franklin Ely farm at Morgan, and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades to Grant Olden's. The electric storm here last week struck Milton Morgan's gar-1 age ana Durnea a large noie in It but went out of its own accord. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and family Were The Dalles visitors last week. Several from here went to Pen dleton Monday evening to hear Charlie Spivak's orchestra. o FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Balsiger of White Salmon, Wash., were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson. On Sunday morning they all attend ed the baccalaureate services Bt lone, and in the afternoon ar tended the funeral services fo Pvt. Paul Rietmann whose body was brought over from Franc for burial here. Mr. Balsiger for merly owned the hardware nd implement business now operat ed by Omar Rietmann at lone. Humphreys Drug Co. Heppner, Oregon DANCE RHEA CREEK GRANGE HALL May 29 Music by RIM ROCKERS ORCHESTRA Call For Bids For Buildings Notice is hereby given that the undersigned MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC.,. will receive sealed bids in its mail office at Lexington, Oregon on June 1, 1 948 until the hour of two o'clock p.m. of the said day for the following buildings: One frame grain warehouse, size approximately 1 70 feet by 80 feet, located at lone, Oregon, and One frame builgind known as the "Old Feed Mill"' located at Lexington, Oregon. All bids must be mailed or presented to the undersign ed Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc., at Lexington, Oregon not later than two o'clock p.m., June 1 , 1 948. Dated this 6th day of May, 1 948. MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC., By Werner Rietmann, Secretary. A jtini 'Pcuf LOAM PAINTED OUR HOUSE Photographs are our Specialty Town or Country Come in and see us about your wedding pictures Louis Lyons Ph. 2772 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO ( ' tit:'- Th, best way to keep a household budget in H$ poc and still keep your home in good condition Is with a FIRST NATIONAL THRIFTY PAY LOAN. Our point dealer arranged a Thrifty Pay Loan for us and now we can take three year, if we wish to pay for this real improvement to our horn: In fact, you know nearly any permanent improvement to your home or yard may be financed on the First National's THRIFTY PAY PLAN with 3 years to pay... a new roof, a garage, decorating, landscaping, or any an of many home Improvements. Why don't you ask your building material dealer or contractor or see the nearest branch of the First National Bank about a Thrifty Pay toon FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland mimiii hoiiai eirom iniinci comohtiok