8-Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Moy 20, 194S Ten 8th Graders At Kinzua Given Diplomas Thursday By F.hz M. Lraltvrs Klnmas pradc M ruir.l held its rrf"lp vraiiuntinR exercises on Tliursilay even inc. Ton boys and fifl wro presented diplo mas by L.i la Scarry. One girl was fiiim Crimp 5. Also her tea cher was present. Goorpe Close Slate of Orepon, to levy a tax in pave the rlass address, which was enjoyed by all. Shriners from Heppner. Con don, Arlinplon, lone and Fossil met here Saturday p.m. The aux iliary served the banquet at Jeff- ( more hall. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom of Pendleton were also present. The plee club hold a stag party with only members present Sat urday evening. The American Legion and aux iliary met on Monday evening with several state officers pre sent when the charter was pre sented to this post. Membership pins were presented also at this time to all members present Re freshments were served at the close of the business mooting. A large number of the Kinzua ball fans motored to Arlington Sunday to see their team score , an easy victory over their oppon- j ents. score 20-4. Condon played at Fossil. Score, Fossil 8, Con don 5. Slip Wright made a business trip to Bend and Prineville thru the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. England spent several days in Portland the past week attending to bus iness there, returning on Friday. Mel Wham and Mrs. Goo Green managed the pastime and con foctionery while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. John Green and Fred Samples came to Kinzua from Prineville to spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Samples and family. They also attended the ball game at Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Hendrix and sons of John Day were week-end visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Falston's home. Louie Canick is visiting at the home of his sister. Mrs. Matt Jur ick. from Hood River. J. D. Weed of Condon was vis iting friends here on Wednesday evening. Lynn Miller accompanied the Frank Dentons to Freewater to spend the summer with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed win March. Miss Grace Sargent was the house guest of Lillian Schott this week end from Weiser, Idaho. She lived in Kinzua for several years i A 4 IP .i All Setc Styles! ) DRESSES M 8.90 f If r.1 Cool Beinbergs Spun Rajons Crisp Cottons Smart one and two-piece style : summer -cool bem bergs, bright chambrays and spruce linen -like ray ons! Choose gay prints, and pastel, dark. or bright solids. Size 9 lu32. and attended school here and at Fossil. Miss Sargent returned to her home on Monday. Chas Johnson went to Spokane Friday to bring Mrs. Johnson home. She has been a patient at a hospital there. They returned Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Mills and Chas. Litchenberg motored to Bend on Friday evening to attend the A. F. of L. meetings there this week end. Mr. Thomas is the lo cal's president, Mills, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan, Kenneth and Frank Denton were visiting at Condon Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher of New berg. Mrs. Fisher is the sister of the Denton boys. Mrs. Ted Bothum and daughter Nancy motored to Pendleton on Tuesday, returning on Wednesday. Mr. and went to reunion dinner held at Mrs. Den ton's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright ami son. John Asher and son Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Kee- ney and family, both of John Day, were dinner guests at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ash er near Kimberley. Messrs. rignt Alien and Keeney are daughters of John Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Tripp went to John Day on Friday eve ning, returning Saturday, going up to consult a doctor, o E. R. Huston, who has been ill for some time at his home, was taken to the Mid-Columbia hospital at The Dalles today for medical treatment. Mrs. Huston's brother came from Albany to as sist in moving Mr. Huston. Work Clothes Values! Neat, Practical and Durable MATCHED SETS UNIFORM SHIRTS pi 2.69 Sanforized f tan cotton twill in a good serviceable weight Dress-shirt type coU lar and trim flap pockeU. Full range of sizes. UNIFORM PANTS 2.98 Matching pants in a heavier' weight Sanforized tan cot ton twill. Cuffed bottoms,' anchored belt loops. Full range of sizes. Dungaree . ..rmrt 1-98 Work Shirts 1.69 Work Pants 2.98 Formost Overalls 2.49 Pay Day Overalls .2.98 Shrinkage wilt not ezceei 1' Be. U. S. Pit. 00. IRRIGON . . . Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Robinson and daughter are spending some time at the Lee Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht and children and Sam Umiker spent Sunday at the I'miker home. Mrs. Marion Evans returned home from Portland Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams are the parents of a son, Terry Lee, born in the Pendleton hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Rea and daughter Helen Maxine visited Mrs. Williams and small son Sunday. The high school had a moving picture and pie social for the benefit of little Jackie Burnett whose arm was badly broken at school last week. Returns from the social and sale of pies am ounted to $100. t 1 Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Turner and Mrs. rranit uemon jnim,i.j,. d Freewater to a family ,, a r.., THESE EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Can help you get the hair appearance you want for new spring hats and new spring and summer styles. MAR YETHEL HARRIS MARY ETHEL LE TRACE TELEPHONE 1203 LOIS'S Beauty Shop went to a Sunday school confer ence in Walla Walla Monday Mr. Turner also attended the con ference on Tuesday. Frank W. Turner, Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter and Garnet Barratt of Heppner were business visitors in Irrigon Saturday. Mrs. Powers of the E. L. Rucker camp is in the Pendleton hospital recuperating after an operation She is to be home Wednesday. The Christ Ambassadors of Ir rigon met at the Marshall Mark ham home Friday evening. They were joined by the Hermiston and Stanfield young people. The Irrigon teachers joined the Morrow county teachers at a ban quet and teachers meeting in lone Tuesday night. The high school students held a banquet at the school house Wednesday evening. The teach ers and husbands were guests. Mrs. Reese Morgan returned on Monday from a three weeks stay at Vancouver. They purchased the Mart Abken place south of town and are still movng. Bil Allen and Billy Acock spent the week end on Rock creek fishing They caught a few. Mrs. Margaret White spent Fri day in Walla Walla. 0 OBITUARY Lily May Donohue was born in Owensvule, Beth county, Ky November 12, 1879, and was 68 years, five months and 23 days old at the time of her passing. She came to McMinnville, Ore gon, at the age of nine. At the age of 16 she was united in mar riage with A. Aaron Agee. To this union seven children were born, two boys and five girls. In 1902 she moved to lone with her husband and three children an homesteaded north of that place where they lived until 1925, mai ing their home in Boardman since. Surviving besides the husband are six children: Jess Agee, Cor nelius; Ada Christopherson, Au rora; Dorothy Schaefer, Mikkalo Ethel Feller, Aurora; Irene Hub bell, Stanfield; Emma Gililland College Place, Wash.; three bro thers and two sisters living in the east, ten grandchildren and five great grandchildren. News About Town . . . Bill Gentry escaped serious in jury in a Ireak accident triaay hile at work on the Hinton creek telephone line. Mr. Gentry as riding atop a load of 50 lephone poles when the side of he truck gave way. He Jumped ff the truck in an attempt to lear the poles but was caught he fence along the roadside nd was completely buried by the poles. He was brought to town to a physician to be treat ed for minor cuts and abrasions nd was able to return to work he first of the week, according to Tim Wood, manager of Mich- i's Electric service of Hermiston, ho are constructing the line. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mover mo tored to Portland Saturday, tak- ng their daughter, Peggy Sue, to he'eity for medical attention. Mrs. Emory Moore and daugh- er, wita.were over irom Monu ment the first of the week. Miss Nita is graduating from the eigh th grade this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston mo- troed to Portland Thursday. Mr. Huston will enter a hospital there according to reports. Edward Freudenthal of Hills- boro was transacting business in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. Freuden thal is administrator of the Wil- iam Greener estate. The Womens Auxiliary of AU Saints Episcopal church will en tertain on Wednesday, May 26. Following the luncheon, the mis sionary meeting of the auxiliary will be held, at which time Mrs. Lucy Peterson will complete the review of the book the society has been studying this past season. Plans are.being made for the an nual auxiliary birthday party to be held June 3, 1948. Nelson A. Brown of Arlington was a business visitor in Heppner Tuesday. VOTE FOR H. C. Vogler, Jr. COUNTY COMMISSIONER I. A successful farmer. 2. Experience in public office. (4 years as Commissioner of Frank lin County, Washington) 3. Experienced in road building. (Paid advertisement by VOGLER FOR COMMISSIONER COMMITTEE, Luke Bibby, Chairman.) A WORD OF APPRECIATION I City Recorder at Heppner. Ore I take this means of expressing eon, not later than 7:30 p.m. on my deep appreciation to my friends for their many kindnesses during my illness. The many beautiful flowers, the cards and other remembrances have been a source of great comfort and plea sure to me. Mrs. V. R. Runnlon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Noth-e Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad inimtrator c.t.a. of the estate of Wtn. Ureener. by the Probate Court of the State of OreKon for the County of Mor row, and has accepted such trust. All persons having; claims against said es tate are hereby required to present the same to ttie administrator at the office of J.. O. Turner in Heppner. Oregon. within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published thiB SUth day of May, 1W8. EDW. 11. KKKUDENTHAL. 9-13 Administrator ct.a June 7, 1948. Said bids will be opened by me Common Council on June 7, 1918 at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Cham bers and the Council reserves tne right to reject any and all bids. CITY OF HEPPNER, . By Walter Barger, Jr., 811 City Recorder. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that the undersiened City of Heppner will on June 7, 1948 at the hour of 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers at HeDDner. Oregon, receive scaled bids for the following real pro perty: Lot six (6) in Block six (6) of Ayer's Fourth (4) Addition to the City of Heppner, Oregon. All bids to be mailed or deliv ered to Walter Barger, Jr., City Recorder at Heppner, Oregon, not later than 7:30 p.m. on June 7, 1948. Said bids will be opened by the Common Council June 7, 1948 at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Cham bers. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. CITY OF HEPPNER! By Walter Barger, Jr., 8.11 City Recorder. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS FOR BUILDING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned City of Heppner will on the 7th day of June, 1948 at 7:30 p.m of said day at the Coun cil chambers at Heppner, Oregon, receive sealed bids for the fol lowing building: That certain large building directly north of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company at Heppner, Oregon and gener ally known as the County Shed. The purchaser of said building must have the building removed from its present site sixty days after purchase thereof. All bids are to be mailed or de livered to Walter Barger Jr., Where Prices Spell Savings Twin Waffle Irons $16.70 Plastic Cake Covers 2.65 New and attractive Water Sets-7-piece , 4.49 Automatic Oventype Toaster, 14.19 See our new BASEBALL GLOVES Your Friendly Marshall-Wells Store OWENS HARDWARE WANTED Light work, sewing, caring for children, etc. See Ada Cannon, 103 Aiken St., phone G65. 9p FOR SALE Four-room house on First St in lone. Gas range with trash burner, Flamo hot water and bath, small base ment; nice cabin with stove on same lot. Price $2500. Turner, Van Marter Co. 9tfc fell Heft Fridays The Pay! Do Your Patriotic Duty go to the Polls and Vote your preference. V T Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce , but '!if ''i;-'ii i'iii7i"F'l"!W.i'!'' m'ii' !'! " 3 PENDLETON i 8 THEATRE S.W. Pendleton on Tutuilla Road Box Office Time, 7 to 10 p.m. We Warm the Baby's Bottle FRIDAY-SATURDAY, May 21-22: MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET starring Maureen O'Harra, John Payne, Gene Lockhart News and Tech. Cartoon SUNDAY-MONDAY: BOB, SON OF BATTLE . Full Technicolor Newest News in the Nation, Cartoon ' and Comedy Compelte change of program 3 times weekly - Show every night-No charge for children under 8 years of age. EARL T. NEWBRY roR Secretary of State Erl T. Newbry'j past record u a legislator reveals that h works just hard at the public'l business at he has at his own. He works just as hard to product the maximum from the public's dol lars as he did in making a record as successful orchardist, business and cMc leader. For hum tovmtmtnft ukt, keep Btrl T. Ntwbry Stcretary of Stmt. W. tor by "Ntwbry for Secretory o $ot CommittM", Gtna Rosimon, Chm., 1135 S.W Yomhill, Portlond 5, 0rgon STAR na REPORTER Admiiilon prices afternoon and MTOiaf , nnleaa pe ciitcally advertised to be othenrlaal Children i -Bit. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total S0o; Ormde and High School Students 12 years and over! Est. Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c; Adults Ert. Frcla .60, Fed. Friday-Saturday, May 21-22 BLACK GOLD Anthony Qninn. Katheiina DeMUle, Elyn Knox An Indian, a Boy and their colt "Black Gold'' with the great fighting heart . . . follow them through adventure crammed with thrllla and dra ma. In Color. PLUS BOWERY BUCKAR00S Leo Oorcey and the Bowery Boya as the tougheHt tenderfcet on record in the rough, rUKKed west. Also. Charlie Horse in IT'S A OBAHD OLD SAO, a cartoon in color. Sunday-Monday. May 23-24 GONE WITH THE WIND Complete, intart. exactly as originally presented. Continuous showing on Sunday starting at 12 o'clock noon at our regular popular prices. David O. Selsnick's production of Margaret Mitchell's famous novel Is in Technicolor and stars Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard and Olivia DcHavllland. Tax .10, Total 0c Every ch id ooonpying a swat mnat have a ticket. . 8nnday shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. Satur day evening shows start at 7 p.m. All other evening shows start at Tl30 p-m. Boxoffloa open evenlnga until B p.m. Tuesday, May 25 DISHONORED LADY Hedy LaMarr, Dennli O'Ksofs, John Loder, Wil liam Laadlgan The daring utory of record run fltage hit. daring woman from the Wed.-Thurs., May 26-27 CARNEGIE HALL Practically every top name In the munlc field appears in this film as a nnMt . . . and tt will pleaae even the nnn-rnualcal who don't know a clarinet from a crescendo because familiar selec tions are u.ied. The concert stars appearing are: Conductors, Walter Damroich, Bruno Walter, Ar tnr Bodtinikl, Frits Reiner and Leopold Stokow. iki; the siriKers, Lily Pons, Bise Btevena, Jan Peerce andEaio Ptnia; the cellist. Oregor Platl forsky; the pianist, Artnr Hiblnstetn; the vlolin iHt, Jascha Helfeta. All thene. plus the New York Philharmonic and t he PhiUiarmonlo Quintette. Vaughn Monroe and his orcheHtra and Harry Jamee and his horn also appear in the film with Marsha Hunt, William Prince, Frank McHugh and Martha O'Driscoll to bind the st.try together. Graduation Gifts The Boys Look For And Want HICKOK BELTS $1.50 to $5.00 HICKOK INITIAL BELTS $4.00 HICKOK Tl E HOLDERS, $1 .00 to 2.50 HICKOK BILLFOLDS, $3.50 to 10.00 Arrow Handkerchiefs, initial and colored 65c SAMSON ITE LUGGAGE ARROW TIES $1.00, 1.50, 2.00 SWEATERS :...$6.95, 7.95 SPORT SHIRTS $3.95 to 7.50 COOPER'S HOSIERY 50c to $1.00 A lifetime gift, in the luxurious alligator brown finish; also plain finish OVERNIGHT CASE, $15.00 and 17.50 TWO-SUITER $21. 00 and 25.00 WILSONS MEN'S WEAR The Store of Personal Service A