r Teachers Honored At OEA Banquet In lone Tuesday Night By Echo Palmateer DATES TO REMEMBER May 21 Elect Day and dinner at the Rebekah hall at noon. May 22 Dance at the Grange hall. May 23 Baccalaureate at the Cooperative church at 11 a.m. May 25 Eastern Star meeting. May 27 Graduation exercises. Three Morrow county teachers long engaged in educational work and who are retiring this year, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, coun ty superintendent; Mrs. Eliza beth Dix, primary teacher in the Heppner school for 27 years, and torn where The missus who writes our Woman! Column In the Clarion under the name of "Nancy Gale" geta letters about recipes, advice on etiquette, home management, etc. One letter she got last week was about recipe she published for Welsh RSrcbit made with tart cheeae, Worcestershire, and a cup of sparkling tangy beer. "Turned out (treat," says her correspondent. "But you didn't mention what bev erage to serve with it. Should I serve beer? Cider? Iced tea?" The missus' answer was simply! tJMIOH Yes, when it's travel time, It's Union Pacific time f Whatever your eastern destination, go Union Pacific. Relax . . . enjoy air-conditioned comfort . . . restful nights . . . delicious meals comfortable coach seats , . . low coach fares . . . unsurpassed service. Daily Union Pacific Pmengwr Train Schadulei to tha East with Connections from Arlington Streamliner "City of Portland" "Portland Rom" "Idahaaa" Vv. Arlington Lv. Pendleton 9:43 p.m. Fox complect travel information, consult LOCAL AGENT union pacific RAILROAD ?frW tic Vcxtiy Sexcctm&HCU. Call For Bids For Buildings Notice is hereby given that the undersigned MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC., will receive sealed bids in its mail office at Lexington, Oregon on June 1, 1948 until the hour of two o'clock p.m. of the said day for the following buildings: One frame grain warehouse, size approximately 170 feet by 80 feet, located at lone, Oregon, and One frame builgind known as the "Old Feed Mill" located at Lexington, Oregon. All bids must be mailed or presented to the undersign ed Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc., at Lexington, Oregon not later than two o'clock p.m., June 1, 1948. Dated this 6th day of May, 1 948. MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC., By Werner Rietmann, Secretary. Mrs. Helena Estudillo, commer cial teacher in Heppner high school for several years and with a long record of teaching service prior to coming to Heppner, were honored by the Morrow county branch of the Oregon Education association Tuesday evening at a banquet served at the lone school house. Each of the honorees was presented with a gift from their co-workers. The tables were decorated with white candles and pink tulips. The lone a Prent -Teacher associa tion served the dinner. A program was given includ ing "A Bit of Nonsense" by E. S. Stultz; vocal solos, Delight Bld dle; instrumental music, Gene Rietmann; vocal solo, Patricia Drake; piano numbers, Mrs. Markham Baker; high school glee club; Gene Normoyle, and read ing, Rev. A. Shirley. Mrs. E. R. Lundell left Sunday for Eugene where she will attend the Rebekah assembly. I sit ... iy Joe Marsh Take Your Choice, Neighbor! "Any beverage your guests prefer. You don't hare to serve cider any more than you have to serve beer ...but it's often courteous to let guests have a choiee." From where I sit, that simple answer applies to more items than Welsh Rarebit In a world where everyone has different tastes and ideas we should recognize those difference! and never deny the right of "choice to anyone I PACIFIC 12:19 a.m. 11:30 a.m. (stage) 2:25 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Earl McCabe and Mrs. L. A. McCabe went to The Dalles Tuesday. Walter Dobyns has taken de livery on a new Pontiac car. The Junior-Senior banquet and prom was held in the school gymnasium Friday evening, May 14. The following program was given during the banquet with Helmuth Hermann as toastmas ter: Welcome, Walter Bergstrom; Seniors Today, Fayne Ely; Citi zens Tomorrow, Bruce Smith; Se nior Response, Thomas Bristow; Senior History, Betty Ball; Senior Prophecy, Francine Ely; Senior Will, Lillian Hubbard. The gym was decorated to represent a jungle with tropical flowers, palm trees, paper monkeys, ele phants and a grass hut. The idea was very clever-and artistic. The Girls Pep club from Echo fur nished the music for the prom and the lone P-TA served the banquet. The tables were decor ated with white candles and the flowers were white roses and blue Dutch iris. The following program was given at the grange meeting Sat urday night with Mrs. Bertha Sev erin in charge: Greeting, Julia Bailey; "In the Family," Bernita Harris; song, Maytime," Sue and Annabelle Coleman, Billy See hafer and Jean Ann Swanson; reading, "Sally to Pussy," Sally Bailey; song, 'That Wonderful Mother of Mine," Joan Coleman, Delores Drake and Barbara Jack son; reading, "No Occupation," Paul Wentworth; reading, Mil dred Seehafer; playlet, "Mother Saves the Day"; reading, Linda Halvorsen. At the grange meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker were elected to go to the state grange as dele gates at Astoria, and Miss Lil lian Hubbard was chosen as prin cess of the Heppner Rodeo. Re freshments of ice cream, cookies and coffee were served by Mrs. Walter Corley, Mrs. Larry Flet cher and Mrs. Donald Heliker. Mrs. L. A. McCabe, 4-H club leader, states the following have been given by lone organizations and individuals for the club members to go to summer school at Corvallis: One scholarship from Willows range, one from the lone P-TA, one from Garland Swanson, one-half scholarship from W. R. Wentworth, one-haLf from Carlson & O'Connor, S5 from E. W. Bristow, $5 from A. C. Swanson, $5 from Omar Riet mann $2 from Gordon White and a contribution from Roy Lieual len. Seven girls and two boys are eligible to attend the school from here. The Topic club held a study meeting at the John Ransier home Thursday, May 13. Mrs. Charles O'Connor reviewed the book, "We Shook the Family Tree," by Hildegarde Dolson. Lun- cheon was served by the hostess es, Mrs. Ransier, Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. O'Connor. Tommy Harris, son of Mrs. Lar ry Fletcher, won the prize in the Bruno Studio contest and will re ceive an oil painted picture. The Maranathas held their reg ular meeting at the Congrega tional church May 12, with Mrs. Noel Dobyns and Mrs. Walter Dobyns as hostesses. Refresh ments were served after the meet ing. Gene, son of Mrs. Rose Doherty, is home from the St. Anthony hospital at Pendleton where he underwent an eppendectomy re cently. Matt Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Doherty, underwent an appendectomy in Seattle last week. He is a student at the University of Washington. Mrs. Lana Padberg received word that Mrs. Augusta Freiend died in Portland Thursday, May 13. Mrs. Freiend stayed with the late Mrs. Cora Burroughs for sev eral years. Mrs. Harlan Devin and child ren of Condon spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lana Padberg. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wentworth at tended a Shrine club meeting and dinner at Klnzua Saturday night Eugene Normoyle, Ted Palma teer and Jimmy Barnett went to Walla Walla Friday of last week to a Legion meeting. Those maving over the week end: Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe moved into the Bert Mason house for the summer and the Herbert Ekstroms moved to their farm home below town. The Ekstrom house In town was sold to Fred rick Martin who plans to move this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bolman left for their home in Los Angeles last week after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hel iker. They were accompanied as far as Portland by the Helikers and flew from there to Los An geles. Mr. Bolman Is with Paci fic Printing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Stone of Selah, Wn., visited at the homes of Fred and H. O. Ely of Morgan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wilson of Los Angeles visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp of Grandview, Wash., and Mrs. Alta Sharp of Condon were visitors at the Ethel Stewart home last week. Mrs. Alta Sharp is a sis ter and John Sharp a nephew of Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker went to Pendleton one day last week and purchased a new Dodge truck. Mrs. Dale Ray spent a couple of weeks visiting her children, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich of Husum, Wn., and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Breshears of Lyle, Wash. Her daughter, Msis Gladys Bra shears of Los Angeles also visited there. A bridal shower and party were given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McElligott, Sunday eve ning at the Legion hall. Many lovely and useful gifts were re ceived. Cake, ice cream and cof fee were served by the following hostesses: Mrs. Garland Swan son, Mrs. Delbert Emert, Mrs. Eu gene Normoyle, Mrs. Clifford Carlson, Mrs. Louis Bergevin and Mrs. Richard McElligott. Miss Margie Hooker of Nampa, Idaho, was a week-end guest at the Edmond Bristow home and attended the junior-senior prom here. The lone high school girls lea gue sponsored a mother's tea in the gym Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4. Those attending received corsages and were served tea, cof fee and cake. The table was dec orated with flowers and candles with Mrs. Walter Jepsen and Mrs. Louis Ball pouring, and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe serving the cake. The program consisted of song, "Mo- FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company James Healy Phone 2322 Heppner Keep Morrow County's Representative on the job. VOTE (60) for Henry E.Peterson Republican Candidate to Succeed Hmself as Representative 22nd District Experienced - Capable A successful farmer who knows the prblems and needs of an agricultural district. (Paid Adv.) ELECT STATE j TREASURER A qualified young veteran Club lews 3 Plans for the county 4-H Live stock tour have been completed. The tour, to be held on Saturday, i May 29, will include visits to all I farm homes of the Junior and I Senior Livestock clubs. All club members, their parents and other interested persons, are invited to make the tour. The tour will begin at the Dick Wightman ranch at 6:30 a.m All members of the tour will bring a sack lunch which will be eaten at the L. L. Howton farm home at noon. Ice cream and pop will be provided by the 4-H county coun cil. A complete schedule of the tour will be given in the 4-H Club news next week. Scholarships for the 1948 sum- ther Machree" by Patricia Drake; recitation, "Ma's Almanac," by Ruby Ann Rietmann; songs, "Lit tle Old Lady" and "You'll Always Be the. One I Love," by the girls league. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely of Mor gan and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews, Mrs. Franklin Ely and daughter Francine and Delmar Crawford attended baccalaureate services at Boardman Sunday. The HEC of Willows grange meeting at Mrs. Marian Palmer's Friday, 21st, has been postponed. Representatives of the different churches met one night last week and made plans for the daily va cation bible school which begins May 13 and lasts two weeks at the Cooperative church. Oscar Peterson left last week for Kansas by airplane to join his family who are visiting there. Mr and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe heard Thomas E. Dewey talk in Pendleton last week. Clifford Carlson purchased a Hudson sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keene left for Ashland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers went to The Dalles Tuesday to visit his father, R. M. Akers who is a pa tient in a hospital there. UNANDER At Niel Allen CHANTS PASS Cfcolmon Unonder for Treowrer Com. Heppner Gazette VA TRAINING OFFICERS IN OREGON REDUCED In a statewide reduction of training offices, the Veterans Ad ministration will merge its Pen dleton unit with the La Grande center, effective May 14, Charles M. Cox, VA contact representa tive here, announced today. "Actual services will undergo little change," Cox gave assur ance. 'The contact office in the U. S. National Bank building is not affected at all, and the VA will continue its present duty of supervising all disabled veterans under public law 16." Leslie R. French will continue to supervise disabled trainees of this area, but will travel from the La Grande office. Over the state, the VA is cut ting its training offices down to six, those at Portland, Corvallis, Eugene, Medford, Klamath Falls and La Grande. Merging with these are the Salem, Astoria, Bend, The Dalles, Pendleton and Ontario offices. This action, Cox explained, fol lows the recent transfer .of all supervision over able-bodied vet erans in schools or job training under the G.I. bill, to the state department of education. The VA will concentrate its field work with the disabled. mer school are being received now by the county 4-H council. To date scholarships have been given by Safeway stores (1), Lex ington Oil Cooperative (1), Lex ington grange (2), Willows grange (1), Garland Swanson, lone (1), Carlson, O'Connor and Wentworth, lone (1), Cot Swan son, E. Bristow, Gordon White and Roy Lieuallen, lone (1). Morrow county has received a quota of 20 delegates to 4-H sum mer school. Additional scholar ships are needed if this quota is to be filled. The 4-H county council is meet ing Monday evening, May 24, to make final selection of the 1948 delegates. A list of delegates and the sponsoring scholaship donor will be given in the 4-H club news next week. Photographs are our Specialty Town or Country Come in and see us about your wedding pictures Louis Lyons Ph. 2772 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO "It's the Real Love-Gift" - S 1 im tw war strs mt nomi fey V WiiT V&if "i-,; F 'lJ !S i OlK.r ton. Ch.nt llt "i f t-" As Advcrtittd in LIFE and LOOK LANE CEDAR HOPE 3IST FREE MOTH INSURANCE POLICY, written by on LIBERAL Buy now on our con. of th world't larg.tl Inturanc companies, go with venianl payment plan, every lane Cedar Chett. TERMS Onlyafewdollartdown. Meheaeny lim.d Oak . " Mapl. f (Case Times, Heppner, Oregon, ! I;; f I . . - Proves Ability 1. Made the best record of all states for veterans and public housing. a. Made the best record of all industrial states for minimum percentage of strikes. 1. Reduced state personal in come tax 40; also raised exemptions. 4. Reduced state business excise taxes 25; both for corporate and unincorporated businesses. a. Fostered and protected small businessmen in New York State so that new firms increased 130,000. THOMAS FOR PRESIDENT ftid AdV. Ttouu E. Dmj lot Presideallldqm, 51J D.lnm Bid. lpk D. Moorea, Or. Su Mar After Graduation . . . J Take a Vacatio.i:.v Vi' J DJf L a ...lf.- hit imiiiiir' T tttta -' L .d What then? College? A job? Travel? Maybe you aren't thinking that far ahead. Maybe you'd like to relax and think . it over. . .We think that's a good idea. When school is out the road ahead is long and decisions are hard to make on such important matters as your career, further schooling and the sort of work you want to follow. That's why we say "relax . . . and think it over". And while you're "thinking it over" consider a career with the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force. Here are careers that offer excellent opportunities for training in dozens of fields, plus travel, recreation, regular advancement and excellent pay the pay of a PFC is equivalent to civilian pay $298.93 a month. Talk it over with the fellows in your nearest recruiting office . . . probably you know them. They'll give you all the details of careers with a future for you. U. S. Post Office Bldg., Pendleton, Ore. MMIa-aL: ... " ft' -T'.-nSf No. 2231. Breath-taking Waterfall design. American Walnut and exotic New Guinea and Zebra Woods. Hand -rubbed unLsh. Chttt 2216 and 2225 hown abovi) Furniture Co. Moy 20, 1 948-3 DEWEY'S 5 YEAR RECORD as a GOVERNOR and Leadership 4. Took office with the slate in the red financially; reduced state debt by 27; and now has a big surplus. 7. Put through best state pro gram for social welfare in the U .S. a. Practised modern forestry; carried out strong reforestation program. o. Developed a farm program to fight cattle and poultry diseases. 10. Social reforms and welfare for the common man coupled with economy and businesslike government. E. DEWEY v " Wanda Hendrix and Audie Murphy are real-hfe sweethearts starting their dream home with a Lane Hope Chest. Give vour sweetheart a Lane Cedar Hope Chest -the onlv tested AROMA TIGHT Cetlar Chest in the world! aayt with "start in hr v" tot WANDA HENDRIX AUDIE MURPHY Appvanna in Paramount f Amanea t Moif 'My Own True toy." D..,wi s.id.w Appearing in Paramount t "Btyond Glory" " " ' MWai t Mvhi. '" VCVf havi lanc'i patntd automatic tray.