Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 20, 1948, Image 1

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Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, May 20, 1948
Volume 65, Number 9
Approval of Special Levies
Assures Road, Hospital Plans
Jaycees Choose Ed
Dick As President
For fnsuing Year
Young Groups To
Assist in Getting
Out Vote Friday
At I he annual meeting of the
Junior chamber of commerce
Wednesday evening, Ed Dick,
Standard Oil manager In the
Heppner district, was elected
president for the ensuing year.
Dick succeeds Bill Barratt who
was the club's first executive of
ficer and who will continue in
that capacity until July 1, begin
ning of the fiscal year.
Elected to serve with Dick were
Frank Davis and Bill Lobhart,
vice presidents; Louis Lyons, sec
retary; Edmond Gonty, treasur
er, and Tom Wilson and Jack
Estberg, directors.
' The election followed a potluck
supper enjoyed by the Jaycees
and the JayC-ettes at the Civic
Center club rooms.
The two clubs completed their
plans for getting out the vote in
Friday's primary election. The
program includes free transport
ation service for people unable to
get to the polls for one reason or
another and to make this service
available, all wishing transporta
tion or other asssitance, such as
baby sitters, are asked to call
In addition to this service, the
Jaycees will have their sound
wagon out to warn people of the
Town of Lexington
Laying Plans For
Annual Celebration
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
At the regular council meeting
last Tuesday evening it was de
cided to have a 4th of July cele
bration In Lexington. Another
meeting was held on Monday
night, when plans were outlined
and committees appointed. Work
is starting Immediately on plans.
A P-TA benefit performance
was put on at the school audi
torium Friday night. There was
a one-act play by the Horizon
club girls with an all-girl cast as
follows: Nancy Kent, Blue Jeans
Girl Jo McMillan; Jim Went
worth, definitely adolescent, Pat
Majeske; Jane Elliott, also adol
escent, Iris Bloodsworth; Joe,
Nancy's dog, Jo McMillan's dog;
Mrs. Kent, mother, Alta LaFran;
Elaine Kent, aspiring actress, Ed
na Ivey; Mr. Livingston, Holly
wood talent scout, Ida Buchanan.
Prompter and properties, Aileen
Shannon. Directors, Mrs. Joe
Feathers, English teacher of high
school, and Delpha Jones, girls'
guardian. Opening song was
"Hello" by Camp Fire girls. After
the one-act play, the Blue Birds'
guardian, Dorothy Christopher
son sang "Round and Round the
Village" with actions. Ruth Ann
Acklen sang two numbers, "All
Through the Night," and "Seren
ade of the Bells." There was a
skit, "Please Pass the Cream,"
with Charles Buchanan as Mr.
Smith and Betty Griffin as Mrs.
Smith. Piano solo, Janice Martin,
and last on the program were
several numbers by the Hilly
Billy Funnel Gang with the fol
lowing members of Band Boost
ers, all playing home-made In
struments: Dan Way, fiddler; Iva
Way, guitar; Leila Messenger,
Piano; Clarice McFadden, trom
bone; Florence McMillan, comb
'n bones; Laverne Henderson, tu
ba; Lola Breeding, cymbals; Os
car Breeding, mouth organ; Or
vllle Culsforth, kettles; Franklin
Messenger, bottles and Elba
Breeding, combs, with Charles
Buchanan, conductor. The band
played several numbers upon be
ing applauded back again and
Baccalaureale services were
held at the Christian church Sun
day evening at 8 p.m. with the
Rev. Mr. Hatch delivering the ser
vice. Processional music was
played by Mrs. C. C. Carmichael.
The seniors accompanied by (he
eighth grade marched to the
front from the back of the church,
followed by Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Feathers, principal and English
teacher of I he high school. Prayer
sextet and choir are to be at the
Assembly of God church in Irrl
gon Thursday. They will go from
here lo Pasco to appear at the
Assembly of God church Friday
Mrs. C. E. Chandler and son,
Stanley and Miss Dorrls Dyal of
Hormiston were transacting bus
iness In Heppner Monday,
Mrs. Werner Rlelmann of Iono
was shopping In Heppner Mon
Approval of the special levies
at Friday's primary election will
place the county in position to
get some much-needed road work
done and also remove a bottle
neck which has been holding
back construction of the hospital.
For the benefit of our readers who
may not have read the proposed
measures they are reprinted here
with from the ballot:
"A measure authorizing the
County Court to levy and collect
a ten mill tax which shall be
outside the limitation imposed by
Article XI, Section 11, of the con
stitution of the State of Oregon,
for the fiscal year starting July
1, 1918, and ending June 30,
1919, and each year thereafter for
a total period of five successive
years, the said funds to be used
to construct, improve, maintain,
replace and repair county roads."
Purpose: To authorize the
Counly Court of Morrow County,
State of Oregon to levy and col
lect a ten mill tax which shall
be outside the limitation Imposed
by Article XI, Section 11 of the
Constitution of the State of Ore
gon, on all taxable property, for
the fiscal year starting July 1,
1948, and ending June 30, 1949,
and each year thereafter for a
total period of five successive
years to more adequately pro
vide funds with which the coun
ty of Morrow can construct, im
prove, maintain, repair, and re
place County roads.
300 X Yes. I vote for the pro
posed tax.
A measure to allow the County
Court of the County of Morrow,
lion or other assistance, such as
the amount of $12,479.00 for the
Fiscal Year beginning July ' 1,
1948 and ending June 30, 1949,
both dates inclusive, over and
above the six per cent limitation
allowed by Article XI, Section 11,
of the Constitution of the State
of Oregon, for the reason that it
Is necessary to pay increased sal
aries of County Deputies and in
creased costs of operation and,
also, in order that a grant of
Federal money may be obtained
to assist in building the County
hospital, it is necessary that an
item be placed in the County
budget for the operation and
maintenance of said hospital.
302 X Yes. I vote for the pro
posed measure.
Graduation Of 8th
Grade Class Set '
For 8 p. m." May 26
Gradualion exercises for 35
Heppner eighth graders will be
held in the school gymnasium at
8 o'clock p.m. Wednesday, May
26, according to W. A. Jackson,
grade school principal, who adds
that an invitation has been ex
tended the public to attend.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county su
perintendent of schools, will be
guest speaker.
Mr. Jackson announces that the
program centers around a large
book handled by two first grad
ers, a boy and a girl, who will
be dressed in traditional school
fashion calico and pantaloons.
They will carry the book onto the
stage accompanied by a blast of
fanfare from the school band, di
rected by Mr. Cochell. There they
will open the book and direct the
program, concluding with the sig
natures of the class.
Class colors are maroon and
gray; class flower, gardenia, and
the motto is "Sailing onward to
Minister To Give
Farewell Sermon
Joe Jewett, pasfor of the Hepp
ner Church of Christ for the past
two years, will preach his fare
well sermon at the 11 o clock ser
vice Sunday morning. The public
has been extended a cordial In
vitation to attend the service and
to remain for the potluck dinner
which will follow at 12:30.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewett and family
will depart Tuesday for Baker
where he has accepted the pastor
ate of the Baker Church of t hrist
and where he has been serving
since his resignation here sev
eral weeks ago.
Minor traffic offenses led three
motor vehicle operators to the
court fo Justice J. O. Hager this
week with stale police officers
registering (he complaints.
Joe Ben Slandlfer, logger, was
charged wjth failure to observe
a stop sign on highway 207 In
Heppner. Hervol Ray Pettyjohn
had to appear before the judge
for driving a car without an op
erator's license, and Donald Mar
lon Daivle of Pilot Rock answer
ed to a charge of operating an
over height truck.
Fines were assessed in each
Word has been received of the
birth of a daughter, Susan Jo, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Olsen, Sunday
at St. Anthony's hospital In Pen
dleton. Mrs. Olsen will be re
membered locally as the former
Miss Helen Egan.
North Heppner Precinct
Braden Tractor and Equipment
company building.
South Heppner Precnict
Court House.
No change In polling places
in other seven precincts.
Heppner's Errors
Give Wasco First
Place In League
Locals Start Too
Late in Scoring
To Be Effective
A desperate ninth inning rally
that had the local fans in a fren
zy of excitement fell two runs
short at the Rodeo field Sunday
afternoon as the Heppner boys
bowed to the Wasco Warriors by
a score of 9 to 7. By winning Sun
day's game Wasco takes over un
disputed league leadership with
three wins and one loss.
Suffering from a bad case of
the jitters, Heppner committed
four errors in the field the first
Inning to give Wasco four runs.
From then on until the eighth in
ning both teams battled stub
bornly on even terms. Wasco add
ed two more runs in the eighth
and two more in the ninth to in
crease their lead to 9 to 2.
Coming to bat in the last half
of the ninth the Heppner bats
men went to work in earnest on
Jensen, Wasco hurler, who had
been very effective until tiring
the latter innings. Pounding out
four hits, Coupled with two Was
co errors, Heppner scored four
runs to knock Jensen off the
mound without a putout being
made Riskosky, Wasco relief pit
cher, then came in to put out the
fire, allowing only one more run
before retiring the side.
MeCurdy, Heppner chucker,
pitched the entire game, allow
ing ten hits.
The box score:
Heppner AB H
Bucknum, If 5 3
Groves, c 4 0
Massey, A., cf 5 1
Bergstrom, ss 4 1
Broadfoot, rf 5 1
Massey, R., 3 5 0
Boland, 2 4 1
Summerville, 1 4 3
MeCurdy, p 4 0
O Meara, s . 5 2
O'Meara, J. ef 5 1
Riskosky, ss-p 4 0-
Young, 3 5 2
Jensen, p-ss 4 2
Fridley, c 5 1
Richelderfer, rf 4 1
Richelderfer, 2 4 0
Ashbrooke, 1 1 0
Van Gilder, 1 2 1
Kinzucns Hosts To
Masonic Gathering
In the first meeting of the kind
ever held there, members of the
Masonic fraternity at Kinzua
were hosts to the Morrow county
Shrine club and auxiliary Satur
day evening, May 15. Refresh
ments and entertainment were
provided by the Kinzua members
and the visitors are now looking
forward to the next meeting with
the folks at the mill town.
Dinner, prepared and served
by the Kinzua American Legion
auxiliary, was served at 6:.u p.
m. This was followed by busi
ness meetings of the two cluos
after which the hosts presented
a program Including an original
puppet show, written and produc
ed by the Kinzua members, and
the showing of an old silent mo
tion picture comedy and several
short feature films.
Accommodations had been pro
vided for those who wished to
remain over night, but most of
the guests returned to their
homes at the conclusion of the
program. Over 50 members at
tended the dinner and program
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Coxen who
are leaving Heppner this week
for a so-far umielermniod nes
.mation, were honored with a
farewell party Sunday evening in
the parlors of the Church of
Christ. A short musical program
consisting of two solos by Mrs.
Willard Warren, duets by Mrs.
Joe Jewett and Robert Walker,
and Mrs. Robert Walker and C.
W. Barlow, and the singing of
"Auld Lang Syne" by those pre
sent, was followed by visiting
and a few guessing games.
A gift was presented the hon
ored guests by Mrs. Jewett on be
half of the church In remem
brance of the long and faithful
service In all of the work of the
Refreshments of cake and cof
fee were served and "good byes"
were said, all expressing the hope
(hat the Coxens would finally
come "home" to Heppner, but
wishing them success and hap
piness wherever they may lo
cate. Wilma Lee Bolhwell under
went a tonsllectomy at the office
of a local physician Tuesday.
Heavy Vote Looked
North End Entitled i
To Court Member,
Lunch Group Told
Representation on the county
court from the north end of the
county is not only desirable but
justified, members of the Hepp
ner chamber of commerce were
told at the Monday luncheon at
the Elkhorn restaurant, Speaking
to the group were Russell Miller
and Willard Baker of Boardman
and George Peck of Lexington.
The Boardman visitors were In
troduced by Garnet Barratt, it
being candidates' day at the lun
cheon. Miller said he was present at
the luncheon as a candidate for
county commissioner because the
people of the north end of the
county feel they are entitled to
representation and because they
feel that a better understanding
of county affairs can be reached
by having someone from that sec
tion to speak for them and parti
cipate in working out the coun
ty's problems. He asked consid
eration of his candidacy by those
present and extended a cordial
invitation to the people from this
part of the county to visit the pro
ject towns and acquaint them
selves with what is being done
and what is needed over there.
Willard Baker seconded Miller's
invitation and expressed the op
inion that lack of understanding
between the sections of the coun
ty accounts for the lack of unity.
George Peck, candidate for
county judge, said he has visited
the northern part of the county
frequently and he feels that a
representative on the court from
that section is both desirable and
justified. He also clarified some
points relative to county road
fund distribution.
Garnet Barratt refrained from
speech making, other than intro
ducing the guests in which he ex
pressed the sentiment that the
north end is entitled to and
should have representation on
the court.
Frank Turner introduced two
guests, Lee Hogan and Mrs. An
abel Allison, insurance represen
tatives from Portland. Henry Tetz
gave a brief report on the Hepp
ner school band's participation in
the Milton pea festival, stating
that the band did a good job of
marching in the parade.
Be Buried In lone
Cemetery Sunday
Graveside services will be held
at lone at 2:30 o'clock p.m. for
Paul V. Rietmann whose re
mains have been returned from
France where he lost his life on
July 10, 1944 while serving in the
U. S. armed forces. Rev. Alfred
Shirley, pastor of the lone Coop
erative church, will officiate and
the services will be under the
auspices of the lone post of the
American Legion.
Paul Voruz Rietmann was born
April 2, 1924 in Heppner. He at
tended the lone school and grad
uated from the high school with
the class of 1912. He was induct
ed into the armed forces Septem
ber 10, 1943 and after a brief
training period at Fort Benning.
Ga., and maneuvers in Texas was
sent overseas in April 1944. Ho
participated in the invasion of
France and was killed in action
on the Cherbourg peninsula. He
was buried in the Blosville mili
tary cemetery in France.
He is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann,
two brothers, Gene and Larry,
and his grandmother, Mrs. Inez
Freeland of Portland.
T- ft
Mrs. Ora Wyland recently dug up this old class picture from among her souvenirs and the staff of
The Hehisch. school paper, had acut made of it. There are many iamiliar faces of people seen here
every day. while some are gone. If any of our readers can identify all of the people in the picture
it will be appreciated. The teacher is Miss Hamilton, now living 1 n Pendleton.
Soroptimist Club Sponsoring Amateur
Talent Show Scheduled For June 9-10
By Ruth Payne
Plans are being made for an
amateur talent show to be pre
sented under the sponsorship of
the Soroptimist club of Heppner
at the Star theater, June 9 and
10, according to an announce
ment by Mrs. Olive Hughes,
chairman of the committee in
charge of arrangements. This
program will be given in con
junction with the movie, "Always
Together," and 'The March ot
Time." Mrs. Hughes sufget.s
that anyone desiring to partici
pate in the event may secure fur
ther information from either Mrs.
t iicic die lu uc uuui tl ica
and prizes for the best skit de
termined by audience applause.
Investiture ceremonies were
held Monday afternoon at the
meeting of the Brownie Girl Scout
troop No. 1 at All Saints parish
hall. Brownie pins were award
ed to 18 members of the group
by their leader, Mrs. Richard
Meador. Mothers of the troop
members were guests. Hostesses
for the afternoon were the troop
committee, Mesdames Albert
Massey, Alvin Casebeer,' Marvin
Wightman, Lucy PeteWm, Roy
Quackenbush and James Valen
tine. Refreshments of pie a la
mode and hot chocolate were
Mrs. Harold Evans and Mrs.
Howard Evans entertained Fri
day afternoon at the former's
country home with a stork show
er complimenting Mrs. Claude
Buschke. Present were Mesdames
Walter Becket, Ben Buschke, Ben
Anderson, Clive Huston, Harold
Becket, Charles Becket, Emma Ev
ans, Orian Wright, Harold Erwin,
Harley Anderson, Earl Evans, Ed
LeTrace, Dewey Britt, Lawrence
Becket, Bob Lowe, Gertrude Ap
plegate, Jack Lloyd, Don Evans,
F. E. Parker, Ray Wright and
Barton Clark. The two grandmothers-to-be,
Mrs. Walter Becket
and Mrs. Ben Buschke, poured.
A bouquet of pnk sweet peas and
pink candles formed the center
piece for the tea table. Baskets
of pink gladioli, white snapdrag
ons and yellow tulips were used
about the rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meador
.were hosts for a dinner party at
their home in the Devine apart
ments Sunday evening, the occa
sion being their wedding anni
versary and Mr. Meador's birth
day. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Wilson and Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Gilliam.
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo and Mrs.
W. H. Cleveland motored to Wal
la Walla Friday to spend the day
shopping and visiting friends.
William Bucknum, who recent
ly underwent a major operation
at St. Anthony's hospital in Pen
dleton, has returned to his home.
Mrs. William McCaleb Jr. and
daughter returned to Heppner
Friday from Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
where she had been visiting for
the past several weeks with her
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. O. George were her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Sigsbee of Yakima, Wash.
Miss Anne McNamee returned
to her home in Seattle Thursday
following a brief visit here with
her mother, Mrs. Anna McNamee,
and other relatives.
Miss Leila Tolleson of Walla
Walla was a week-end guest at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Tolleson. Miss Tolle
son is a nurse at the veterans
hospital in Walla Walla and fol
lowing her brief vacation will be
on duty at the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pate and
daughter Karen motored to Port-
land Friday to spend the week
Mr. and Mrs. William Furlong
motored to John Day Saturday
afternoon to spend the week end
with relatives.
I i r r t
1 wmH -
I trSM W F"sM I A, , .i. .i I X
For In Friday's Primary Election
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom of
Pendleton were week-end busi
ness visitors in Heppner.
Adrian Bechdolt of Hardman
was in Heppner Friday looking
after business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hughes and
son, Bob Jr., of McMinnville were
week-end visitors in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. BurlCoxen mo
tored to Pendleton Saturday to
visit Mrs. Coxen's sister, Mrs. Roy
Coxen, who is ill at St. Anthony's
hospital. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Harvey Ayers and son
who were en route to her home
in Portland following a visit here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Farrens.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lengle and
son moved to Prineville Satur
day. Mr. Lengle has been em
ployed locally by James Healy.
M. E. Look of The Dalles was
a business visitor in Heppner Sat
urday. Howard Hope of Ventura, Cal.,
spent several days in Heppner
last week looking after business
matters. .
Mrs. William Harper returned
home Saturday from Athena
where she had been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Ray McQueen. Mr.
and Mrs. McQueen motored over
with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlow
and daughter, Mrs. Robert Walk
er and son returned the end of
the week from a vacation trip to
Grants Pass where they visited
another daughter, Mrs. Cecil War
ner and family.
Mrs. Anabel Allison of Portland
spent a few days in Heppner the
first of the week looking after
business matters and visiting her
father, F. W. Turner. Mrs. Allison
is in the life insurance business.
Mrs. Jessie Batty and Mrs. Ray
Aubery of Kimberley and their
houseguest, Mrs. Jackman of Ma
lin, were week-end visitors in
Heppner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Ogletree.
Mel Look and Don Bennett re
turned Sunday evening from a
motor trip to southern California
and Oregon coastal points.
Ramon L. Kent of Pendleton,
district conservationist for the
Soil Conservation service, was a
business visitor in Heppner Mon
day. Mr. Kent continued on to
Condon, following conclusion of
his business here.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Baker were
called to Walla Walla Tuesday
by the serious illness of his mo
ther, Mrs. Lillie Baker. Mrs. Bak
er is at the home of a daughter,
Mrs. Esther Dirks.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nutting
and daughters of Portland were
week-end houseguests of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Nutting.
Mrs. Henry Tetz is in Moro
where she is caring for her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Oscar Lemley and
baby, who have just recently re-
turned to their home from The
Dalles hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nutting and
daughter Coraoelle motored to
Pendleton Monday to' spend the
day shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barkla mo
tored to Pendleton Sunday after
noon where Mrs. Barkla took the
plane for Seattle. She will visit
for a time in the city.
Mrs. Harry O'Donnell Sr. re
turned home the end of the week
from Pendleton where she spent
several days in St. Anthony's hos
pital, p
George Beddows of Pendleton
was a week-end business visitor
in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Batty
and Lewis Batty of Kimberley
were transacting business in
Heppner the first of the week.
Plans are being made by the
American Legion auxiliary for
the annual poppy sale which will
be held on May 29. A "poppy"
window is on display at the Pa
cific Power & Light company.
Mrs. Richard Wells is chairman
of this committee.
Rainfall To Date
Less Than 2 Inches
Per Month Locally
Records Show 7.54
Inches Had Fallen
Up To Wednesday
While this has been a wet sea
son and the prospects are good
for a continuation of ram for
several weeks, figures obtained
from Len Gilliam show that not
as much moisture has fallen as
many of us have been led to be
lieve. According to Gilliam's chart,
.88 fell in January, 1,92 in Feb
ruary, .99 in March, 238 in Ap-l
ril, and up to Wednesday noon,
May 20, 1.37 inches, for a total
of 7.54 inches thus far in 1948.
This means that 8.20 inches more
must fall by December 31 to
match the 15.74 inches recorded
in 1947.
Taking the fiscal year July 1,
1947 to June 30, 1948 it is a dif
ferent story, for already up to
May 20 the local precipitation
has reached 16.38 inches. A con
tinuation of the present brand of
weather up to July 1 would sure
ly add from two to three inches
to the measurement, making the
12-months period one of the wet
test in recorded history here.
Information for the present
month from V. L. Carlson at
Gooseberry is lacking, but farm
ers in from that section say it
is plenty wet. It is likely that
the recording for the period July
1, 1947 to date is in the neigh
borhood of 20 inches.
Gilliam's chart shows a 38-year
average of 12.81 inches and a 10
year average of 13.85 inches.
There is no lack of moisture in
any part of the county and far
mers are beginning to exhibit
worried looks over the lack of
sunshine, which is a great help
to growing grain. Farm work is
at a standstill, so far as seeding
and cultivating is concerned. In
fact, it is reported that some who
failed to seed in the fall have
not been able to get the job done
during the spring and their land
will stand idle this year. Grow
ing conditions have been some
what more favorable in the lower
wheat belt where grain is far
ther advanced than in the high
hill region.
Tuesday's showers caused a
heavy runoff in the mountains
and Wednesday the streams were
swollen to the highest point this
season. Willow creek was a rag
ing torrent, although not threat
ening to leave its banks. Each
little gully rivulet was contrib
uting to the volume which reach
ed its crest toward Wednesday
evening. The heavy showers
diminished by morning and fog
hovered around the hilltops most
of Wednesday.
Farmers Of County
Invited To Attend
Field Tour May 26
All Morrow county farmers ant
Interested persons are invited to
take part in the Farmers' Field
Tour to be held on Wednesday,
May 26. The tour will visit sev
eral farms in Morrow county
where weed control by 2.4-D will
be compared with untreated
fields, seedings of sweet clover
and grass for green manure crop,
new seedings or grass and alfal
fa, wheat variety nurseries and
several farming methods for soil
The tour is being arranged by
N. C. Anderson, county agent, and
Tom Wilson, work unit conserv
ationist, and is being sponsored
by the conservation committee of
the agricultural planning confer
ence and the supervisors of the
Heppner Soil Conservation dis
trict. Farm people will receive 9
schedule of the tour within a few
days and others interested in the
tour are invited to drop in at the
county agent's office foi further
Tuesday night, June 1 will be
Past Masters night for Heppner
and lone Masonic lodges when
work in the MM degree will be
put on in Heppner by a degree
team selected from the two lodg
es. Officers of Heppner lodge No.
69 are preparing for quite a
meeting and the membership of
both lodges is being urged to at
tend. There will be refreshments
at the conclusion of the degree
The degree team of No. 69 has
been invited to put on the initia
tory work at Arlington the eve
ning of May 25. All Masons in
the district have been invited.
Mrs. Merle Becket and son John
I were over from Moro to spend
I the week-end here with Mr. Beck
I et and other relatives.
Dewey - Stassen
Contest Creates
Unusual Interest
Sparked by the battle for Ore
gon's 12 delegates to the national
convention which has seen two of
the leading contenders for the re
publican nomination visiting al
most every section of the state,
Friday's primary election gives
promise of drawing out the heav
iest vote for many years. Interest
has not run so high since the
days before FDR became suprem.
and securing the republican nom
ination was a matter of form.
Just what effect the debate
Monday night had on the for
tunes of Mr. Dewey and Mr. Stas
sen is a matter of conjecture, but
the interest it stirred up among
the electorate should contribute
materially to the vote. Not alone
has the presidential scrap creat
ed interest, but locally with
three-way contests for county
judge and county commissioner,
and the special levies issue, there
is enough to warrant a good
turnout at the polls.
Voters should make it a point
to go to the polls early tomorrow,
in view of the length of the bal
lots. The republican ballot con
tains 69 names besides several
unnumbered positions, and the
democrats have 49 names and
several unnumbered positions to
consider. There are 14 aspirants
for the position of delegate to the
republican national convention,
state at large, of which four are
to be elected and eight from the
second congressional district, of
which two are to be elected. On
the democratic ballot there are 13
aspirants for delegate to be el
ected and two in the second con
gressional district, both to be el
ected. Six electors of president
and vice-president of the United
States are to be elected on each
ticket. The republicans have six
aspirants and the democrats sev
en. There is no contest on United
States senator in the republican
party. Senator Guy Cordon has
the field to himself. It is a dif
ferent story with regard to the
position of representative in con
gress, second district. Henry Wea
therspoon of Union county as
pires to the seat held by Lowell
Stockman on a campaign of gov
ernment ownership of utilities
versus private enterprise. C. J.
Shorb of La Grande, perennial
candidate for the job, is the dem
ocratic candidate.
The governorship race appears
to be between Douglas McKay of
Salem and the incumbent, John
Hall, on the republican ticket.
Lew Wallace has it his own way
on the democratic ticket.
A real race is on between Earl
Newbry and George Flagg for the
post of secretary of state. This
section of the state, desiring to
see an eastern Oregon man on
the board of control, has a strong
leaning towards George Flagg.
Three good men are out for the
office of state treasurer, another
member of the board of control.
Ormond R. Bean appears to have
the nod from this district.
Attorney general is an import
ant office in which republicans
have a choice between George
Neuner. incumbent, and Stanley
Jones of Multnomah county, both
capable men.
Coming closer home we have
the contest for representative in
the 22nd district An upset may
occur here, but at this writing
it looks like Giles French and
Henry Peterson.
Now about county judge. You
A last-minute campaign for
Henry Vogler has developed and
it is not known how much
strength he will show. Oscar Pet
erson has made no outright cam
paign for commissioner and at
present is in the east with his
family. An active campaign has
been put on for Russell Miller of
Boardman and as the situation
stands today he appears to be
the leading contender.
C. W. Barlow for clerk and C.
J. D. Bauman for sheriff are un
opposed but it may be expected
that there will be write-ins, as is
usually the case when there are
no contests.
As to the Dewey-Stasson con
test, sentiment has changed thru
out the state since Mr. Dewey
came here nearly three weeks
ago. While betting odds a-e al
most even there is no doubt about
the swing towards the brilliant
New York governor and he should
win the Oregon delegation by at
least a small margin.
Gene Empey of Heppner was
among the group of ten men re
cently initiated into Blue Key,
service society lor senior men,
at Oregon State college. The new
initiates were chosen on the ba
sis of leadership, scholarship and
Mrs. Jeff I'earce returned to her
home In Bend Sunday after a
week's visit here at the home of
her sister. Mrs. Harold Serilsmler.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall ami
son Eugene of Camp 5 were week
end visitors In Heppner.