Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 13, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Hcppner Gazette Times, Hpepenr, Oregon, May 13, 1948
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Ranchers Seeding
Sweet Clover On
Leveled Acreages
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Mr. and Mrs. John Graves and
children drove to Ashland last
week to attend the Mother's Day
week-end exercises at Southern
Oregon College of Education
They were accompanied by June
Van Winkle of Lexington. Their
liauuhter. Jo Graves, student at
Over one hundred acres of land SOIE, has been elected secretary
In the Heppner Soil Conservation I (,f tu Associated Women Stu-
district have been seeded to sweet . dents, making two secretaryships
Craber, Lewis Halvorsen, Ed Rugg j world around on his shoulders.
In a recent issue of the Gazette
Times were pictures of the Mor
row County Creamery company
plant one of the exterior of the
building, the other of the interior.
Personnel was lacking in the pic
tures and this week we present
another interior view with Mana
ger Claude Cox and bis head but
ter maker, Durward Tash appear
ing modestly in a far comer.
When Mrs. George R. Holden.
the former Nancy Cox, saw those ! but trying to present a more gra
pictures from her old home town 1 phic picture of the plant that has
she wrote her parents that it
made her homesick. Mrs. Holden
lives in Armonk, N. Y. We are
not trying to add to her misery
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mathews and
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mathews.
Jack Owens, boss of the green
chain, has been confined to his
bed part of the week with the
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Deeter of
Spray were visiting in Kinzua on
Sunday. Deeters lived here before
moving to Spray. Mr. Deeter was
president of the local union.
Mrs. Helen Williams and
daughters Marjorie and Charlene
of Stanfield spent Mother's Day
here visiting at the home of her
son, Vrry Rood. Charlene remain
ed to visit a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Smith of
Mayville were visiting the C. R.
Englands here Sunday and stay
ed over for the ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Arvin of
Oroville, Cal., were guests on
ing on the voters to remember Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs.
Large Crowd Sees
Game At Kinzua
Despite Weather
By Elsa M. Leathers
A very large crowd of people
watched the ball game Sunday
afternoon between Heppner and
Kinzua. Many came from Fossil,
Camp 5 and Heppner. In spite of
the cold wind, dust and rain, ev
eryone seemed to enjoy the game,
especially Kinzua's umpire with
an overcoat and heavy gloves on.
Heppner won 10-9.
Stewart Hardie of Condon was
visiting in Kinzua Saturday, call-
him on election day.
Marion Wright flew to Pendle
ton Friday on business, returning
on Saturday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dickerson
and daughter Benona spent the
week end at Bend visiting at the
homes of their other daughters.
O. D. Baker. Mr. Arvin was plant
superintendent here for many
years and Mrs. Arvin was county
nurse, so are well known here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens went
to Heppner on Wednesday, tak
ing their children over for den
tal treatment Mrs. Marion
Wright also went to see the den
tist. Mrs. Louis Wetzel and two chil
dren' left Arlington Friday eve
ning for an indefinite stay at
Manhattan, Mont., where she will
visit her parents and friends. Mr.
Wetzel returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Al Rand and Mrs. Bill
Wright began work at the factory
also Myrtle Stillings of Fossil.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jobe
spent the week end visiting at
their son Tommy's home in Pen
dleton. Mrs. Frances Woods returned to
her home Sunday evening after
having spent several days at a
hospital in The Dalles for a mi
nor operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis
moved into the first new and
modern house completed. There
are two more houses in the mak
ing. One will soon be completed.
Contracts for the coming school
year were given to Art Watson,
7-8 grades; Lurline McDaniel, 5
6; Edna Denton, 3-4; Mrs. Arthur
Watson, 1-2. Only Lurline Mc
Daniel is new. She comes to
Wheeler county well recommend-
Calls for more than the usual amount of "dressing up."
Social' functions call for formal dress-with the gentler
sex, particluarly.
Our job is to make your formals look like new.
But if you want the very best work on them
bring them in now, that is, give us more time.
We aim to please.
So, get set for the Junior-Senior Prom, Baccalaureate an3
Commencement by hoving your clothes "tuned up" now.
Heppner Cleaners
announces a
Saturday Evening
MAY 22
Admission: Men $1; ladies 50c, tax included
made Morrow county butter
household word over a wide ter
ritory in the west.
clover, alfalfa and grass lor hay
ind pasture this sprng, it was
disclosed in the progress report
made at the regular monthly dis
trict meeting held in the county
agent's office in the bank build
ing Monday night.
Handlers putting in the seed-
ings include Harold Wright,
Merle Kirk, A. A. Scouten, Dallas
she now holds, having previously
been elected secretary of the Wo
men's Athletic association.
To the left wingers, the only
American patriot is a bankrupt
Morris Sayre, NAM President.
Edward Stuart says: "At one
time it was Atlas who carried the
and Bernard Doherty.
About 70 acres have been seed
ed this spring to sweet clover
and barley in alternate rows, on
the Newt O'Harra, Dallas Craber
and Scouten ranches. This is
seeded by putting the sweet clov
er seed in the iegum box of a drill
and taking the tension off the
discs seeding the clover. The bar
ley is harvested the first year and
the clover is plowed under for
green manure the next year.
Green manure crops seeded last
year are now showing up well
and will be turned back into the
soil later this year on the Herb
Ekstrom place at lone and the
U Hurra and Craber ranches, the
report showed.
The land leveling program is
continuing with the recent com
pletion of leveling on a 40 acre
field on the Darrel Padberg ranch
on Rhea creek. The district trac
tor is now being used for land
leveling of 10 acres on the Delbert
Emert ranch at lone.
One mile of diversion ditches
are being constructed this week
at Hardman on the Ed Craber
ranch, recently purchased by A.
S. Bechdolt and sons. These dit
ches, which will carry water safe-
ed from Morrow county where
she taught several years. Mr. and
Mrs. Watson were here last year
and Edna Denton for a number
of years.
Charles Johnson took Mrs.
Johnson to Spokane Monday,
where she entered the Deaconess
hospital. It is not known at this
time when she will be able to re
turn to her home.
Mrs. Matt Jellick spent two
days at Heppner the first of the
week, seeing a dentist. She has
been suffering from a badly in
fected wisdom tooth.
Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel
spent the week end at Pendleton
visiting friends and attending to
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis
spent the week end visiting at
Lonerock, and attended the Mo
ther's Day dinner at the hall.
Kinard McDaniel also attended
the dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott spent
the week end in Portland, going
down for his final treatment for
pine poisoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wright and
Pattie visited at Mrs. Wright's
parents Sunday at Ferry's can
yon. Word was received here Satur
day that Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mc-
Cormick, en route to Kinzua to
visit Mrs. MeCormick's sisters.
Mrs. Forest Graham and Mrs.
Mike Coleman, were injured in
an auto wreck at Redmond. Mrs.
McCormick was rushed to the
hospital where she was x-rayed.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coleman went
to Redmond and brought them
to Fossil, when Mrs. McCormick
could be moved. She is at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Stev
ens. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren
and children of Heppner came to
Kinzua Saturday, visiting at the
Harlan Adams and Owen Leath
ers homes and staying over for
the ball game.
Mrs. John Petty entertained
several small children at her
home here Tuesday for little
Humphreys Drug Co.
Heppner, Oregon
Show Time 7:40 & 9:45
Admission 60c Adults, 20c Chil
dren 8 to 12; under 8 free
. We warm the Baby's bottle.
May 14-15:
with Ted Donaldson, Noreen
Nash, Guy Kibbee.
Also News, Comedy and (Tech)
May 16-17:
with Ronald Reagon, Alexis
Smith, Zachary Scott. Newest
News in the Nation, Travelogue.
May 18, 19,20:
with James Stuart, Jane Wy
man, Ned Sparks.
Short Subject, News & Cartoon
Now it's the American taxpayer."
Wayne (Ohio) Observer.
Thomas Jefferson once said, "1
am not for transfering alK the
power of the states to the gen
eral government, and all those of
that government to the executive
branch." The New Deal crowd
should have studied Jefferson's
words and heeded his advice
then perhaps we would not have
a one man government. Michi
gan Times.
Small Holdings
Biggest Factor
In Timber Land
Oregon's vast land owning
'timber barons" are very much
figments of overly vivid imagin
ations because actual facts and
figures do not bear out the oft
expressed belief that timber and
trees are all owned by "big bus
This statement is made by O.S.
C. extension forester, Charles R.
Ross, who points out that wood
land owners in the state number
close to 45,000. He says 63 percent
of Oregon's privately owned for
est reserves are owned by indiv
diuals with holdings of less than
5,000 acres each.
Farmer owners of woodlands
play Important roles in the tim
ber picture, Ross emphasizes. In
western Oregon, for example,
there is an average of close to 40
acres of wood for each farm.
Many other small acreage timber
owners are local businessmen,
city workers living in the coun-
ly from the field, are being con
structed in strips which will be
seeded to alfalfa and grass this
spring for permanent hay. This
field was severely eroded by wu
ter during the past winter.
District supervisors at the meet'
ing reported the purchase of a
packer from Mrs. Hilma Ander
son for use on conservation seed
ings of sweet clover and alialfa
' Thou a len hava nrHnrpH a nnmhln
ation packer and seeder for use
on cooperators' ranches next year.
Kathleen Murphy on her 6th
birthday. Mrs. Ted Chatman and
Mrs. Louis Wetzel assisted. The
small child lost her mother only a
short time ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Denton
took Kenneth Denton to The Dal
les Sunday evening to have his
nose set. He was hit by the ball
in the game.
There is stilt a very real need
for every ounce of used fats we
can salvage. The world-wide
shortage is greater today than
ever before. Please . . . keep
saving and turning in your used
kitchen fats. P. S. Yesl you
do get paid for them . . . and
you know how ready cash
counts today.
Keep Turning in Used Fats I
AoiiricM Fit Salvifi Coiiittn, Ik.
try, and various other Investors.
From the national standpoint,
4,000,000 persons in the unneu
States own a piece of woodland
which contains less than 500 ac
res. Together these small acre
age timber owners control 200.
ouu.000 acres of forest. That Is 60
percent of all the privately own
ed forest land in this country.
Meanwhile, a change is taking
place in the minds of the small
forest property owners, Ross
states. Prior to about 1910, few
farmers, for instance, saw any
thing but a pasture and wood
reservoir in their wootllots. They
felt it did not pay to try to sell
small trees, an dit took two life
times to crow salable timber. A
sweeping change in viewpoint is
now taking place, Ross observes,
and present day woodland own
ers are seeking income from their
trees. Nowadays they are talk
ing knowingly of poles, sawlogs,
pulpwood and fuel markets.
Future markets for woodland
products are bound to inenviv
with second growth timber be
coming more valuable as the re
sult of inroads on the stands of
old growth forests. The day when
farmers can receive an annual
"cosh crop" from their woods is
not too far distant, Ross said.
A Farmer 33 years operat
ing own farms at Canby,
16 years experience in legis
lative and administrative
government in Oregon.
Now in third 4-year term as
State Senator.
Vigorous and experienced.
Pd Adv. P. K. Hammond, Chm., Oregon City
.Ute father &yj:
"Black bear heap run down after
winter snooze. Pontiac dealer say your car
needum tonic, loo!"
by factory-trained mechanics
MattrM Ixtr
Claan and ragap iparV plugs
Claon Ignition wlre, diilrlbutor
cap and coll terminal
Inspect and space distributor
Claan air cleaner and cranhcoia
Lubricate accelerator linkage
Clean fuel pump bowl
Set timing and angina Idla
Lubricate distributor
Piston ring and valve condition
Distributor and cond enter
Coil and Ignition wires
Carburetor and fuel pump
Manifold heat control valve
Generator and voltage
Brokei, clutch and steering
Muffler and tall pipe
Electrical accessories
Battery and starter circuit
1 wiiSl
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
Three-quarters Thoroughbred
At Stand at
Fee $35.00
with privilege of return for season.
Jack Hartman
From the Parsers
To the Farme
W recommend to you very hihly our thrnc-tiTm Gov
raor, Harold E. Stanson, for the next President.
W know him well. He was born on a Mmni'BotH home
toad which hia father and mother are atill furminK. He haa
always been right on agricultural queationa, from oleomarga
rine and cooperatives, to parity and conservation. We also
have confidence in him on the big isRucs that affect us all. He
has been firm and conaiatnt againat the communinta. He has
been constructive leader in every respect. He hacked an
outstanding farmer, Edward J. Thye, as (lovcrnor and as
United States Senator.
How farmers Backed Stassen
i We farmers of Minnesota have been solid behind Harold
Stassen. The best proof of this waa hia sweeping victory in
the farming areas of Minnesota in his third election after we had
hod the chance to see how he acted aa Governor for two terms.
In his third election as our Governor the farmers
backed him overwhelmingly For eiample, in the
corn-bog county of Martin down near the Iowa line
Staaaen received 4,881 votes to 1,717 for hia opponent.
In the dairy county of Goodhue on the Wisconsin
line Staaaen received 6,536 votes to 2,711 for his op
; ponent.
'it In the wheat and diversified agricultural county
V of Rock on the South Dakota line, he received 1,819
' votes to 471 for his opponent.
I And in the big agricultural county of Oiler Tail
up on the North Dakota line he received 6,327 votoa
to 4,580 for hia opponent. In the state as a whole he
received 409,800 votes to 299,917 for his opponent.
In the Township of Eureka, which Is a complete
township of milk producers in his home county of
Dakota, where they had known him for two terma as
county attorney and two terms as governor, he re
ceived a remarkable vote of 158 to 27 for his oppo
nent. ,
We know we speak for the farmers of Minnesota aa a
whole when we recommend him to you aa the best man for
President of the United Status, in your May 21st primary.
With our neighborly best wishes,
Sincerely, ., .
Aneher Nelsen, Chairman
lit. 2 Hutchinson, Mian.
Gordon Bushnell
Rt. 1 Tamarack, Minn.
Mllford Davis
Heading, Minn.
Harry Klunts
Cleveland, Minn,
Howard Whalen
Stillwater, Minn.
John Hartle
lit. 2 Owatonna, Minn,
Melvln Ehger
Ht. 3 lllg Lake, Minn.
Melvln Johnson
Utile Fork, Minn.
Harry Edmund
lit. 1 Cellar, Minn.
C. W. Rognlla
lit. 2 White Hear, Minn.
Ole Flaat
Fisher, Minn.
John I'lr.ha
lit. 4 .Silver Lake, Minn.
Iloyd Conley
Verndale, Minn.
George Kuehlnskl
llnttiline H Co. Koad G
llnmsey County, Minn.
Paid AnvannsiuiRNT: Authorluwl and psld for hy Fnrmnni for Hhnvmn Com
tnlttM, Anchtr NsImq. Hutohinaon, Minn., chairman, 744 Htewsrt Lana, South
Ht. Paul.