Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, May 13, 1948-3 Forest Service To Wage War On Bug, Archips Fumiferana In a recent communication to timber operators and owners of timber within the Heppner dis trict of the Umatilla National for est, Glenn Parsons, Heppner ran ger, tells of a menace which has developed in the forest areas which is claiming the serious at tention of the forest officials. The communication makes a good newspaper article and is present ed herewith: Successful logging enterprises are governed by proper manage ment of their timher lands, both mature and immature. We can not long survive in the timber business without proper logging methods followed by adequate protection from fire and insects. In 1944, we were attacked by a forest enemy, Spruce budworm, Archips fumiferana, which was not considered very seriously. Since then this tree killer has covered approximately 710,000 acres of timber land in the Blue mountain region. So far the kill of limber has been nominal, but the outbreak has reached the critical stage. The indications are that the outbreak will con tinue to develop and spread. In many areas the foliage has been practically stripped lrom Doin Douglas fir and white fir. This infestation is a serious threat to the timber stands of eastern Oregon and extensive control measures may soon be necessary. Unfortunately, due to the peculiar characteristics of the spruce-budworm, no wholly de pendable control measures have yet been evolved. A cooperative experiment Is to be conducted this spring by the state board of forestry, bureau of entomology and plant quaran tine, and the forest service. The purpose of this experiment is to test under carefully controlled conditions the effectiveness of in different ways. Such measures are needed as a safeguard FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVELGAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company James Healy Phone 2322 Heppner I They're Right Here on Our Floor . . . ELECTRIC Refrigerators Stoves Washing Machines Ready for Immediate Delivery We are proud of our lines and urge you to see them before placing your order. Included are NESCO CHIEF, MONTAGUE CROSLEY, MONARCH and ADMIRAL And they are priced to fit your budget. (Case Furniture Co. MANY MORE HOGS ENTERED IN SHOW AT THE DALLES Scenes like this one of the hof showmanship contest at the first annual Eastern Oregon Wheat League 4-H show In 1947 will be repeated this year at the show set for June 7, 8 and 9 at the Wink Auction Yards In The Dalles. Fifty-two hogs will be on exhibit compared to 16 at the first show. Expansion of the yards is inderway for this year's show, which will bring 125 boys and girls wKh wheat-fed livestock from 14 eastern rjon counties. against continuation of the pre sent outbeak and development of future outbreaks. The experimental area of ap proximately 6700 acres will ue located within the 160,000 acre infestation tract lying north of the breaks of the John Day river and' extending from Swale creek to the Spray-Heppner highway, ll Is planned to subdivide the area into fifteen compartments, twelve of which will be treated and three left as checks. The control work will be done by helicopter and airplane. These planes have a short cruising ra dius whe nflying with a full load of spray. We are contemplating on constructing a landing' field to Increase the effective flying time of these planes. A tentative lo cation has been selected on Big Rock Flat just south of Opai guard station. Construction work will consist of leveling and blad ing off rock on a 2050 foot runway. riAJOR INCREASE IN SHEEP EXHIBITS Club News it siivi -fS: v ? CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien Minister Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday: Mid-week devo tional service, 7:30 p.m. Junior Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Sen ior Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, choir practice, 7 p.m. Young Adult Fellowship, Thurs day, May 20. Supper at 6:30 p.m. Women's Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Whitsunday: Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m Junior Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. Adult instruction, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Holy communion, 10 a.m. LEXINGTO NCHURCH OF CHRIST The Bible school begins at 10 o'clock with classes for all ages, Don Campbell, Supt. At the 11 o'clock morning worship service the pastor will speak on "Chris tian Progress." The high school graduating class will have charge of the bac calaureate service at 8 o'clock, with the pastor, Geo. H. Hatch, bringing the message. m 9 m CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45; C. W. Bar low, superintendent; Beverly Yo com, junior superintendent; Mrs. Jewett, primary superintendent. Worship and communion ser vice at 11. This is Pentecost Sun day, the day we celebrate the founding of the church. Sermon topic, 'The Spirit Among Dry Bones." Choir practice Thursuay eve ning at 7; Mrs. Willard Warren, director. Bible study and prayer meeting led by Mr. Runyan, Thursday eve ning at 8. Women's all-day meeting Fri day, May 14. Officers for the new year will be elected at the bus iness meeting in the afternoon. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of gervlces: Mass In Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Masa on the fifth Sunday one mass only In Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mms In Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: in lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. K. Juarkham Bak er of lone were transacting bus iness in Heppner Tuesday. m These Are Real Values To prove that "Your Dollar Buys More at Your Marshall-Wells Store" Wood Lothe-reg. 42.95 volue-35.95 Large Jig Saw-reg. 49.50 value-39.50 2-wheel bench grinder,reg. 1 1.50,9.50 2.3 hp Lawson Gas Engine-reg. 89.95 74.95 Tire Pumps-Reg. 2.55 1 .50 OWENS HARDWARE plants on your farm or in your garden it might be well to inspect your plants for this insect. Check the underside of the strawberry leaves and down in the crown of the plant. The spittle bug leaves a white frothy secretion. The spitl tie bug itself is yellowish green. If you can find signs of spittle bugs, rotenone dust is the rec ommended control. One-half or seventy-five hundredths of one percent rotenone is used. A light film covering on the leaves will be enough. Heavy rains will wash away the rotenone. Sunshine also reduces the killing power. So if the Irothy secretions show up. again it's time to repeat the ro tenone control. Shown with his grand champion lamb of the 1947 show at The Dalles of the Eastern Oregon Wheat League is Stephen Oveson of Moro, also named the champion showman. At this year's 4-H show 80 sheep will be exhibited compared to 30 last year. Show dates are June 7, S and 9, with the place arain Wink's Auction Yards in The Dalles. FREEl HELPFUL PAMPHLETS! i The board of trustees of the recently organized Morrow Coun- tv 4-H Livestock Mutual Aid as sociation met Tuesday night to review applications for registra tion of club project livestock. Board of trustee members pre sent were E. M. Baker, chairman; John Graves, vice chairman; Louis Carlson, member, and N. C. Anderson, secretary. a Applications were approved on the following fat steer club pro jects: Janet Howton, Lexington; Louis Carlson, lone; Ingrid Her mann, lone (two); Johnny Bros nan, Heppner; Jane Seehafer, lone (two l; Rieta Graves, Hepp ner (two); Betty Graves, Hepp ner (two); J. Deane Graves, Heppner; Rodger Palmer, Hepp ner; Duane Baker, lone (two); and Ronald Baker, lone. Applications covering sheep were approved on Sally Palmer, Heppner (two); Peggy Wight man, Heppner (three); Eddie Brosnan, Heppner (three); and Mardene Baker, lone. Breeding calf applications were received from Jimmy Wightman, Hereford cow; Ronald Baker, Shorthorn cow and calf; Duane Baker, Shorthorn cow; and Rod ger Palmer, Hereford cow. Mrs. John Graves, Heppner, 4-H club leader of sewing and cook ing clubs, has recently added three new members to each of these clubs. They are Marlene and Nanette Griffith, and Bar bara Sherman, Heppner. This brings the enrollment to ten members in each of these two clubs. . Delivery of a new 16 mm. sound Standard Farm Guide . . . Money-making ideas help you do your work more quickly with less trouble and expense. Standard Tractor Lubrication Guide . . . Handy free charts give valuable service hints. Standard Fleet Service . . . helps guard trucks against costly repairs, delays. Plus many other free booklets, pamphlets and (harts to help lick your toughest problems. Weed Killer Folder Standard Diesel Fuels Pamphlet Dip and disinfectant Folder Pearl Oil Folder Roof Coatings Folder Chevron Fly and Surface Spray Folder projector was made this week to the county agent's office. The projector, purchased cooperative ly by the farm organizations in Morrow county and the Morrow county 4-H club council, is avail able for showing sound films at any 4-H and farm organization meetings. The projector will be first used at the P-TA meeting at lone on May 19, when 4-H club members will put on the program that evening. Harry Seymour, retried last July after over 30 years as state club leader, Oregon State college has recently been hired by the Triangle Milling company, Port land, as public relations consult ant to work with the 4-H club programs In Oregon and Wash ington. Mr. Seymour will appear as guest speaker at the lone i ' l A on Wednesday evening. May 19. when the program for that eve ning will be put on by 4-H club members and leaders. At a meeting of 4-H Livestock club leaders Tuesday evening in the county agent's office, plans were completed for a tour of all 4-H club members' farms. The tour will be held on Saturday, May 29. Club members will meet at the Dick Wightman farm at t:30 a.m. making stops at 16 club members' homes during the day Noon lunch will be eaten at the News From C. A. Office With the Mormon cricket in festation becoming more wide spread in north Morrow county and migrations started the past week, farmers will soon become active in the fight to control them before damage is done to grain fields adjoining the hatching area. Last year some fires were start ed in the Morrow Grazing asso ciation district. A wraning was Issued this week by fire wardens, board members and the bureau of land management against starting fires in the grazing dis trict All persons are warned not to start fires during the fire sea son for any purpose on federal range, without first securing a proper permit. t Bob Every, extension entomol ogist, Oregon State college, says this week, that it is spittle bug season. If you have strawberry Lloyd Howton ranch and the 4-H pltib members will proceed from there. All club members' parents and interested persons are invited to take part in the tour. Elect "ij Your Local Standard of California Distributor " L. E. DICK Phono 622 Heppner, Oregon Sam COON Delegate To the Republican National Convention Successful stockman, farmer. Indorsed by both. I.evel-heailed. Business like, l'roitresslve. COON will vote Oreiton people's choice on first ballot. COON w 111 strive to nom inate an nut-slnnilinir Re publican for President. Pd. adv. Bnkcr Co. Repub. Cnt Com. W. C. Boyd, chm. pEHHW i iMiniiiiiiH i nrTrmirininwiiiiirtirnrTn-- n-Tr 1 i"1T 1 ' ' ELECT GILES hrench Representative 22nd District GILLIAM, SHERMAN. MORROW and WHEELER Counties Veteran Experienced Capable Old enough to know how to get the job done -young enough to be able to do it. Reports on the legislature each week for your information. Has recognized knowledge of taxation, schools and roads. " V O T I (x) 59 (Taid Adv.) TO HAVE A LAWN "AS PRETTY AS A PICTURE" TRY THESE SUPPLIES! THE PLACE TO GET THEM, OF COURSE. IS I Ruber Tired Lawn Mowers-Clemson, Readng and Arrow-$23.65 to $31.95 Grass Catchers $2.15 Doo-Klip and Wiss Grass Shears $1.50 and $1.75 2,4-D Weed Killer HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELECTRIC COMPANY If You Are Accustomed to Buying Your Bakery Goods From Your Grocer . . . Insist on Davidson's Products (There Are None Better) A fresh supply daily put on your grocer's, shelves by the local distributor- Heppner Bakery Morrow County representative of the famous Davidson Bakery Thtt od pod for by Robert A. ClWotl, Ortgon Cholrmon, Stoutn tor Ptwdtm Comm., Impttol Hotl, Portland, Or. WM. HENRY Weatherspoon Candidate for Republican Nomination for Congress From 2nd Congressional District A Real Dirt Farmer in Baker and Union Counties Solicits Your Vote May 2ist FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: HONEST and CONSCIENTIOUS support of Development of the Columbia River for Power, Navigation and Irrigation. Workable program lor Conservation of our Forests and Agri cultural land. SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL (Pd; Pol. Adv.) . Announcement We wish to announce that Jeanne's Beauty Shop and Alice's Beauty Shop have merged and the business is bing conducted at Alice's Beauty Shop location in the Case Apartment building under the name of Alice Cr Jeane's Beauy Shop. Patrons are assured of the same high class service formerly offered by both shops. Alice & J Alice eanne s Jeanne Beauty Shop Edth