6 Heppner Gozette Times, Hepppner, Oregon, Moy 6, 1948 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS TOR APRIL TERM Th- minutr of the March, 1S48, Urm were road and approved. Th- Court order a S-cia El srllon to be hold on May 21s(, 1SM8 for the purpftf of submit ting to the rwople the proposition of levying a 10 mill tax for roafl purpowa, aaid tax to hp levied each year for a period of five years and also to vote on the am ount of $12 470.00 which said sum is the amount over and above the fet limitation as budgeted by the Morrow County Budget Committee. The Court orders the sale of the following County Property: Lots 4 to 9 inc., 12 and 13. and 15 and 19 inc. in Block 15 in the town 'of Irrigon, Morrow Coir.'.ty, Or?- NEW MILLSITE AT MONUMENT Your Dollar Buys More at Your Marshall-Wells Store Suggestions for MOTHER'S DAY: Revere Ware-Always acceptable Automatic Waffle Iron - $13.05 Plastic Cake Cover - $2.65 OWENS HARDWARE Send FLOWERS To Shut - Ins! Have you ever been sick for a week or more? If you have, you know how very cheering flowers can be. They are sun ny messengers of hope, tangible offer ings of beauty, always there to be enjoyed. Flowers for All Occasions The Flower Shop If You Are Accustomed to Buying Your Bakery Goods From Your Grocer . . . Insist on Davidson's Products (There Are None Better) A fresh supply daily put on your grocer's shelves by the local distributor- Heppner Bakery Morrow County representative of the famous Davidson Bakery Suggestions For HOSE in new Spring Shades 1.50 45 gauge-30 denier Kant-run mesh 1.85 51 gauge-15 denier 2.25 LINGERIE Gowns..: 3.95 to 7.95 Slips 2.95 to 4.95 GLOVES Rayon in navy, white, pink and blue 1.25 Kids in black and brown 4.50-4.95 HANDBAGS Plastics and Corde 3.95 to 12.00 BLOUSES Tailored and dressy.. 3.95 to 9.95 HANDKERCHIEFS White and colored Csotume Jewelry, House Coats, and Dresses Norah's Shop v -' r.i;;. . sSeari , , i - r ' VaLfe,, ii ' ii i im i mmmtifamS&mmtak, tmAtmmaSuM This view was taken in March by Photographer Louis Lyons when the Heppner chamber of commerce delegation visited Monument. Emor y Moore's equipment is here seen dragging dirt from the old channel of the John Day river to m ake the base for the millsite of the Heppner Lum ber company's new milL The company dredged a new channel for the river running on a straight line from the bridge to the canyon below Monum ent. The little town and mountains form the background. i J i x LM'M Sam Coon ot Baker, promin ent Eastern Oregon stockraiser. who has announced bis can didacy to the republican na tional convention. Eight candi dates have filed for the two po sitions. Mr. Coon plans a tour of the eastern Oregon congres sional dstrict before the pri mary election May 21. Darold Hams 1 19 GS Chas. Williams 101.67 William C. Heath 192.50 j Walter Gilman 189.31 I Harold Wilson- 185.461 E. R. Lundell 1.90 Padberg Tractor Repair 404.54 Lexington Implement Co. 13.36 1 Pac. Tower & Light Co. ... . 3.02 i Heppner Garage 13.62 Braden Tractor & Equip ment Co 179.19 Rosewall Motor Co 256.34 Ed Grant's Service Station 42.80 Owens Hardware Co 9.76 Industrial Air Products Co. .58 Hodge Chevrolet Co. 23.93 Paul Bunyan Co. 61.95 City of Heppner Water Dpt. 1.65 Western Auto Supply Co. 67.22 State Ind. Acci. Com. 25.15 First Natl. Bank of Port land 65.90 State Tax Commission 18.62 Padberg Tractor Repair 98.00 Warrants Issued on Rodent fund State Tax Com., With. Tax CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister. Mother's Day, Sunday morning worship and sermon by Dr. Jo seph Adams, district superinteiv lient of the Portland district, will be our guest speaker for the Mo ther's Day service at 11 a.m. Church school at 9:45 a.m., Mrs Lucy Rodgers, superintendent; Mr. Robert Owens, assistant sup erintendent; Mrs. J. Palmer Sor lien, junior department superin Jan.. Feb., Mar. 2.06 Joseph Baltrenas 244.41 Carl McDaniel 255.41 First Natl. Bank of Port land 46.70 State Tax Commission 4.1i Warrants Issued on Coyote Fund Jasper E. Mvers 27.00 Robert Josi 12.00 John J. Wightman . . 21.00 Adverliftment onn for the minimum price of $75.00, cash; Lots 7to 10 inc. in Block 27 in the town of Irngon, Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum once ot &4U.UU, casn; Lots 27 to 33 inc. in Block 25 in the town of Irngon. Morrow County, Oregon for the minimum price of $70.00, cash. Warrants Issued on the General Fund Maxine East. DeDUtv Sal. S135.05 Frances Mitchell, Dep. Sal. 166.84 Lorine Ledbetter, Office Clerk Salary 110.15 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy Salary idj.4o Sadie Parrish, Asst. Sal. -. 127.15 Mare-aret Gillis. Nurse Sal. 171.40 A. J. Chaffee, Janitor Sal. 129.89 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. Salary - 4.ji Susie W. Miller, Circuit Ct. Reporter 41.25 . B. Chaffee, Justice of Peace Salary 59.40 O. Hager, Justice of the Peace Salarv 69.55 Shorb's, Supt 12.63 Pub. Emp. Retirement Svstem. Sunt. Salary .... 20.88 t.nrv V. Rodgers. Mileage $34.23: Supt. S48.59 ViXi Oregon Dst. Atty. Assoc!., District Attorney Ai.uu Margaret Gillis, County Nurse - C. W. Barlow, Co. Clerk, Current Expense 3.41 Pac. Power & Light Co., Court House 25.28 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., Ct. House 15.90 Heppner Laundry, Ct. Hse. $2.46; Jail $7.83 1059 Heooner Market, Jail 18.91 Saager's Pharmacy, Jail 1.25 j Pac. Stationery & Pr. Co., ; Treasurer Children's Farm Home, Ju venile Court 5.00 E. Markham Baker, Rural School Board 14 00 J. O. Hager, Coroner 5.00 Elkhorn Restaurant, Jus. Court 8.93 State Ind. Acc. Com., Sher. $3.65; Sher. Sal. $.31; Dep. Sal $.31; Janitor's Sai. $.31; C. H. $.70 558 Turner, VanMarter & Co., Bonds 43.00 N. S. Rogers, State Forest er, Forest Fire Patrol . 70.00 Franklin Printing Co., El ection ." 12.13 West Coast Printing & Binding Co., Election 20.70 Bureau of Educational Re search, Supt 1458 The Haloid Co., Clerk 14.20 W. O. Dix. Assess. Mileage 34.47 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 90.82 State Dept. of Ag, District Sealer 4.95 Susie W. Miller, Cir. Court 1.03 Pan. Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur. Expense 71.18 Central Market & Groc, Jail 4.01 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 36.48 P. W. Mahoney Di-st. Atty. 20.00 Bert Johnson, County Ct. 4.90 L. D. Neill, County Court . 55.40 Ralph Thompson, Co. Ct. 66.95 First National Bank of Portland, With. Tax (Sal.) 236.20 State Tax Com., State With. Tax-Jan., Feb. & March 81.11 Warrants Issued on General Road Fund II. K. Warner 37.80 Joe Thornburg 3750 W. Cunningham 84.05 -3- m 'rom where I sit ... 61 Joe Marsh "What's Your Opinion, Mister?" Fellow from one of those public opinion polls was in Andy's Garden Tavern, querying Andy's patrons on everything from that "new look" to the next election. And it occurred to me that there's nothing more typically American than collecting other folks' opin ions, as well as giving out with one's own. And from where I sit, it's a mighty healthy habit. So long as people can discuss 6ofi sides of a question that comes np whether it concerns short skirts versus long, beer compared with cider, or the larger issues of party versus party we're sure of the individual liberty that has made this country great. For it isn't differences of opinion that matter. The important thing is tolerance for differences of opin ion whether they affect the right of an individual to vote, to speak his mind, or enjoy a glass of beer. They're all parts of the freedom that we cherish! . :n 11 endent. All welcome not attend- A MESS AT BEST 'P B've up i i. to it,, 1 slunp in i neea a iy.-iiu-anij Oregon this season make up your I yourself back to normal. The 23 m?nd on spending more time try-' pages of 1948 fishing n-gufctton. ng church school. Wednesday: Mid-week devo tional service at .7:30 p.m. Junior Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m., also Senior Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Thursday choir practice at 7 p. m. Womans Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month. Young Adult Fellowship meets he third Thursday of each aonth. Saturday, May 8, at 7 p.m. is the annual meeting of the con- :i'og.ition and fourth quarterly conference with Dr. Adams pre siding. All members and friends of our church are urged to attend. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST The Lexington Church of Christ will salute the mothers of Amer ica with two special services on Mothers Day. At the 11 o'clock morning service a ladies quartet will be featured, and the. pastor will speak on 'The American Home." In the 8 o'clock evening service a choir will assist the pas tor in presenting the historical background of the "Old Hymns Our Mothers Loved." ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor, Shelby E. Graves Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday school; Mrs. Ora Wyland, super intendent. 11 a. m., worship service. 6:30 p. m., Christ's Ambassa dors. 7:45 p. m., evongelistic service. Thursday, 7:45 p.m., Bible -study and prayer meeting. ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m. -Church school, 9:45 a.m. Morning prayer, 11 a.m. Junior Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. A tilt instruction. 8 p.m. Wednesdays, holy communion, 10 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of services: Mass In Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. ing to figure out the meaning of the 23 pages of new game ruies and reglements, than you will on your trip. They are super confusing. If you are just normal you will need the help of a sur veyor, a zoologist, a lawyer and a chart ographer to even approach an Interpretation. When you give are the most compuvait-u an" perplexing rules the citizens of Oregon, or probably any other state, ever hud to "contend with. Whodidit? Well, anyhow, at long last, Or egon has her own mystery story. CARD OF THANKS We are deeply grateful to the M', nn tl.o fifth Sundav one ' neighbors and friends of the mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Ilardman, Kinzua and Heppner communities for their many ex- Holy days of obligation: Mass profusions of sympathy and acts In itnnnnor at 7:30 a.m.: mass of kindness aim ior Hie many Firct ivi.lavs nf the month: beautiful floral tributes In lone at 9 a.m. Mass In Heppner at 7:30. to the memory of our beloved father. The Edward McDaniel family. WM. HENRY Weatherspoon Candidate for Republican Nomination for Congress From 2nd Congressional District A Real Dirt Farmer in Baker and Union Counties Solicits Your Vote May 21st FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: HONEST and CONSCIENTIOUS support of Development of the Columbia River for Power, Navigation and Irrigation. Workable program for Conservation of our Forests and Agri cultural land. SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL (Pd. Pol. Adv.) Three-quarters Thoroughbred Pal omino Stall! ion At Stand at HEPPNER RODEO GROUNDS Fee $35.00 with privilege of return for season. Jack Hartman TIME iffjiip i. . fo select a beautiful Hallmark Mother's Day Card fror our collection. Bui hurry I Humphreys Drug Co. Hundreds of Summer-fresh NEW BUSSES fjiv 5 90 12.75 lundctl s of lovely now Vpy' t dresses at such low. low T$i?l prices! Pretty pastel ( ( "vOX." cliainbrays witli swirling 1 I skirts . . . cool liemlierg I I f "''' " '" prints ... creaw rrsixtant STAR ceo REPORTER AdmliiloB prlcai afternoon and Mvniuf, anleu pa cifically advertised to b otherwise t Children! Eet. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total SOc; Grade and High School Stndente 12 year and overt Hit. Price .40. Fed. Tax .10, Total Mo; Adults l Est. Prcle JO, Fed. Friday-Saturday, May 7-8 Robin Hood of Monterey The Citco Kid's easy-going charm and gtxni humor make for pleasant western entertainment. PLUS DRIFTWOOD Buth Warrick, Walter Brennao, De&a J agger, Charlotte Greenwood, Natalie Wood, Jerome Cowan, H. B. Warner It's gut everything in the book thut spella entertainment! Sunday-Monday. May 9-10 FOXES OF HARROW Based on the best-selling novel by Frank Yerby. Co-ctarring Bex Harrison and Haareen O'Hara with Richard Haydn, Van Mia Brown, Victor Me Laglen and hundreds of others. Outstanding adult entertainment. Tea .10, Total 60c. Every ch id occupying a eat muat have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous starting at 1 p-m. Satnr. day evening shows start at 7 p.m. All other evening ehowi vtart at 7:30 p.m. Boxolfioe cpea evenings until 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 11 Home Talent on the Stage Sponsorod by O E.S. Officers' Club TLUS How Green Was My Valley A retfHue uf the famous 111m huaed on Richard Llewelyn's nnvnl uf lifn In a WcIhIi mining town, with Walter Pldgeon, Maureen O'Hara, Donald Crisp, Anna Lee, Roddy McDowall. John Loder, Wed.-Thurs May 12-13 The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap Abbott and Costello, tntln' Rlx-gunfl and armed Willi a hi-ltful of now Knk'. do thntnway to round up a full quota of laughs. Marjorle Main I" tin Wistful Widow. AIho, MARCH OF TIME; LIFE WITH JUNIOR, HEWSREEL, HARNESS RACING In Technicolor. luail LIVESTOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS AT HEPPNER Thursday, May 13 Some choice 2-year-old beef stock will be offered and anyone having livestock, farm equipmnt or other miscellaneous items to dispose of will find this a good market. HEPPNER SALES YARD TOPPED THE LIVESTOCK MARKET AT THE APRIL 29 SALE! Heppner Sales Yard JOHN VARNER Auctioneer HAROLD ERWIN HARRY DINGES Clerk Operator