Want Ads Detroit says: Watch Kurd's l'JVJ model. "They say it will be the car of the year." FOK SALE 5 foot Jumbo roller scraper mounted on rubber, nearly new. May be seen at Kd RuRg'8. A. H. Berijstroin. 7-K 1937 Ford coupe, new paint. Pay down $235.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOK SALE 1!I34 Chevrolet pick up; 4-speed transmission; re cently overhauled. I'hone 614. Louis Gilliam. 7 8p 1936 Chevrolet coupe, new p;tint. Pay dawn $200.00. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Experienced high school girl or woman to assist young mother with two small children in modern ranch home. General housework and laun dry; private room; day off per week. Write Box 597, stating salary expected. 7-8c 1938 Dodge sedan, new paint. Pay down $300.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE At Penney's, irriga tion canvas, 72 inches wide, at $1.29 yard. 7c We have the famous Firestone All-traction tire for pickups. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Woman or girl to do housework. Apply Apt. 4, Fer guson cabins. Willard Herbi son. 7c 1936 Chevrolet truck. Rebuilt mo tor. Pay down $250.00. Rose wall Motor Company. FOR SALE W edgewood Flamo cookstove with incinerator. Good condition, $150. Lester Doolittle, Church street. 7tfc 1911 Internal ional pickup. Pay down $325.00. Rosewall Motor Company. SEWING and alterations. CaTl ' 1013. I will pick up and deliv er. 110 Church street, lleppner. Lennie Loudon. 7-9p 1933 Chevrolet coach. Pay down 555.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE IEPti Caterpillar trac tor, power pulley, new cab, lighting system, has just been completely overhauled. Terrel L. Benge, phone 203, lleppner, Oregon. Utfc 1930 Dodge coupe. Pay down $05. Take title with you. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE '39 Ford Tudor; new tires, good paint. Jack Van Win kle, phone 2274. 6-7p You can have your motor rebuilt, brakes relined and car painted and pay for It on our conven ent monthly budget terms. Rosewall Motor Company. . lilGH SCHOOL'GlHtTwan I s si rif ely work for summer beginning June 1. Will consider ranch work as helper. Experienced in house work, child care and some cooking. Box 511, llepp ner. 5-10c There is no place like home for Ford service. Rosewall Motor Company. We have mufflers to fit 90 per cent of all makes of cars on the road. Try us when your muffler blows out. Rosewall Motor Company. LEAV'EYOUR"ORDEIIS for up bolstering and mattress work at Yeager's Service Store. Phone 2752, 219 Man street. 4Hc Rosewall is never undersold. Keep your eye on our used car lot for the car or truck you need. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 6-room- modern .house. Phone 472. 2tfc THE REVOLUTIONARY PLOW ; lilt; . ! vi . , - GRAHAM-HOEME PLOW 10 BIG rEATUCES10 SELF-SHARPENING POINTS - NO SIDE DRAFT EXTRA .LIGHT DRAFT-NOTHING TO GREASE PLOWS ALL TYPES OF LAND WITHOUT ADJUSTMENTS PREVENTS EROSION BY WIND AND WATER BUILT TO LAST A LILCTIAiC CUTS PLOWING COST IN HALF-DOUBLES SUB-SOIL MOISTURE FOR SALE BY LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. Lexington, LAWN SEEDING is a specially with us. Grady's Greenhouse. Phone 2193. 511 fe FOR SALI-J-Several town iofs. Phone 1233. O. II. Sleinke. 4-7p SEE ME if you want your house cut out according to specifica tions. I am prepared to cut this in the shop. I make special window and door frames for any thickness of all. Also make pickets, cabinets. N. D. Bailey. ltfc CUSTOM SPRAYING for weed control; 2-4D for sale. Grady's Greenhouse, phone 2193, llepp ner. 52tfc GARDEN PLOWING No Job too small. Call Grady's Green house. Phone 2193. 51 tic Legal Advertising NOTICE OF HEARING UPON IN CLUDING OF ADDITIONAL TER RITORY EMBRACING LAND LY ING IN MORROW COUNTY, WITHIN THE HEPPNER SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT. WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of March 1918, there was duly filed in the office of the State Soil Con servation Committee at Corvallis, a petition signed by 17 landown ers, pursuant to Ihe provisions of the Soil Conservation Districts Law, Title 109, Chapter 3, O.C.L. A., requesting the inclusion of additional territory within the lleppner Soil Conservation Dis i rid, and v WHEREAS, the lands sought to be included in the said district by said petition comprise lands in Morrow County, described sub stantially as follows: Township 3 South, Range 23, East W.M. NOW, therefore, notice is here by given that a public hearing will be held pursuant to the said petition, on the question of the desirability and necessity, in the interest of the general welfare, nf the inclusion of such addition al territory within the lleppner. Soli Conservation District; on the; question of the appropriate boun daries 1o be assigned to such ad ditional territory; upon the pro priety of the petition, und all other such proceedings taken un der the said act; and upon all questions relevant to such inquir ies. The said public hearing will be held by the State Soil Conser vation Committee on the 11th day of May, 1948, beginning at 8 o' clock pm., in the county agent's office in the First National Bank Building at lleppner, in the Coun ty of Morrow. All persons, firms and corpor ations who shall hold title to any lands lying within the limits of the above-described territory, and all other interested partie. are invited to attend and will be given opportunity to be heard at the time and place hereinbefore secified. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE OF OREGON, By Howard E. Cushman, Executive Secretary. Dated: 2.?rd day of April, 1918. at Corvallis. Oregon. 7- NOTICE OF SALE OFCOUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Ap ril 8, 1918, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 4 to 9 inc., 12 and 13, and 15 to 19 Inc., in Block 15 in Die town of Irrigon, Morrow County. Oregon for the mini mum price of $75.00, cash. -Lots 7 to 10 Inc. in Block 27, In the town of Irrigon, Mor row County, Oregon for the minimum price of $10.00, cash. Lois 27 to 33 inc. in Block 25 Oregon in the town of Irrigon, Mor row County, Oregon for the minimum price of $70.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 15th day of May, 1918 at the hour oi 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in lleppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, of Morrow County, Oregon. USANCES MITCHELL, 4-8 Deputy. UOlii 01' 1'INAL ACCOUNT hoUce in herfity given Uitt the un ikTHim'd AdiiuniHtnitur of the eHtjite of (ii:oiu;K U t'ATTKR.iO.W. Uweuwd. ha; filud with the Irol:ite Court of the .Sliile of Oregon, for Morrow County, .it: Hiial An:oiiit of his AcJlniniwtrattun of tin. estate of Raid di-eam-d and Hald Omit fixed Monday the 24th day of May. 1 'J4 at the hour of 10:00 A. M. Ill tin: tun-noon of Kaul day at the Court HuuMe at H:iiiier, Oif-Kon an the time and place for hearing objections to said t'iiiitl Account and the ac-tt lenient of Hind eHtyle and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby required to file the -same witti said court on or be fore the tune fixed for said hearing. iJatt-d and first published this 2nd day of April, 194H. KLMEH PALMER. Administrator. Jos. J. Nys, lleppner, Oregon, Attorney lor Administrator. 6-9 NOTICE -TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that on the second Monday in May (Mon day, May 10, 1948; the Board of Equalization of Morrow County, Oregon, will convene at the court house in lleppner, - Oregon, and publicly examine the assessment rolls of said county for the year 1918-1919, and will correct any errors in valuation, description of property or quality of land, lots or other property, assessed by the Assessor of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, as of January 1, 1918. All persons interested or hav ing any complaints against their assessments for the year 1947 1948, should appear at this time. Petitions for the reduction in as sessment must be in writing, ver ified by oath of applicant or his attorney and must be filed with the Board the first week it is in session. Any petition or applica tion not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Board. Dated at ileppner, Oregon, Ap ril 22, 1918. W.'O. DIX, Assessor, 5-7 Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO Cr-EDITOHS Nutlre Is hereby given that the un deigned. The First National Bank of Portland (Oregon) was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the Slate of tne 'ii for Morrow County the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Jes sie 11. Pruyn deceased, and all persons having cliiiins against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified with proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executor at the Law Oldi e of Jos. J. Nys. Heppner, Oregon within six months of the date hereof, Liated and first published this Mil day of April 19-tS. THE KIR ST NATIONAL BANK 3 7 OF PORTLAND. Executor, SUMMONS. Equity No. 3731 IN THE ClKll'lT COl'RT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. E. W, Peck and Mabel O. reck, husband and wife, Walter A. Kupea and Pearl Unpen, husband and wife, Grace Campbell, and Norman L. Crepi; Plaintiffs. vs. Lester Lower, unmarried. J. O. Lower find Ottie Lower, his wife. Sadie Mc Keini and R. H. McKean. her husband, Cuv L Lee nitd lJ.e.-yie Lee. hiH wire. Mnriel'jean McKean. a minor. Board nmn Townsite Company, an Oregon C"i-p,. ration. The Ciiknown Heirs nf Alts Howard deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, tate. lien or inter est in the real estate descrhed in the complaint herein Defendants To Lester Lower, unmarried, J. O Lower, and tittle Lower, his wife. The Unknown lle:rs of Altft Howard, def eased. ANo all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in tile complaint tierein. Defendants. IN THE NAM B OK THE STATE OF OKKCON: You and each of ynu, by or der of publication of Summons m ttie above entilled Court are hereby re quired to appear and answer or other' wise plead to the Complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause, and to do so wiUiin four weeks froni the date of the first publication of this summons anil on or before ttie date of its last publication : and if you fail to do so within such tine, for want thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the Court for r decree granting the relief ptaved for in sid Complaint, said relief being succinctly described as fol lows, to-wil Phone 1111 FOB SHERIFF I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself to the office of sheriff, subject to the will of the Republican voters j at the Primary Nominating elec tion, May 21, 19-18. C. J. D. Bauman, (Paid Adv.) 1. That at the time of filing of said CnmpJiiMit, namely on or abuut Januury 30th. VMH. the plaintiffH, E. W. 1'eck ;.nd Mahel O. Pfc'k. hUHbarid arid wife, were the owners In fee simple hy the entirflif and were In aitual poftHeaaion of the following detx.-rihed land in Mor row ounty, OrK(".. to-wit: Lot 6 in Block 1 in the Town of Uoardrnan Oregon. All of Hiock 14 in the Ordinal Town Kile of Board man, Oregon. Lota 5. 6. 7, and 8 in block 11. and Lot "C," all in the Original Town .Site of Boardman, Oregon. All that portion of land lying north of Riverside Drive in the Original Town Hite of Boardman, Oregon. .Said land being hounded on the North hy the Columbia River. That at the time of the filing of said Complaint, Walter A. Rupea and Pearl Hupfiu, hUHband and wife, and Grace Campbell, and Norman L. Gregg were the ownern in fee B-mple by the entire tiea and were in actual po;menHion of thu folluwng dew-Tibed land In Morrow Ounty Ortigon to-wit: All of Block J3 in the Original Town Hite of Boardman, Oregon, free from any right, title, estate. Hen, or interewt of you, your heirs or suc cessors, and assignfl. 2. That you, your heirs or successors and awHigns be perpetually enjoined from claiming any right, title, estate, hen. or intpre.st in said property ad verely to said plaintiffs. 3. That the title to said property be quietfrd in favor of plaintiffs and agairmt you, your heirs or successors, and assigns. 4. Kor such further relief as may seem proper in equity. This Hummons is served upon you by publication thereof, once each wepk, for a period of four successive and con- j wcutive weeks in the weekly edition of the Heppner Gazette Times, a weekly newspaper of general circulation as de- j fined by law printed and published at Heppner, Oregon. That said period if , ttie length of time prescribed by the ; Honoruble Homer I Watts, presiding . Judge in the above entitled Court, in ! his Older of Publication for this Sum mons, dated April 6th, 1948, and order- i ing f irwt Publication of this Summons I on April 8. 1948. RALEY, KILKENNY St RALEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. PoHtoffice Address: 101 RE. By- I !T7 ers Avenue, Pendleton. Oregon. NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un- ! der.signd Administratrix of the estate ' of HAROLD O. KINCAID. deceased, 1 has filed with the Probate Court of the State of Oreeon, for the County of . Morrow her Final Account or her ad ministration of the estate of snid Ue- I used and said court has fixed Monday i the 31ft day of May, 1H48. at the hour )f 10:00 a.m. in the forenoon of said ' dav at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon as the time and place for hear- j mg (injections to said final Account ' and the settlement of said estate. Any persons having objections to said Final i Account are hereby required to file the i same wnn said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first nub shed th s 29th day of April. 1948. rtU Ji I KLNCAID NICHOLS, Administratrix. Jos. J. Nys, Heppner, Oregon. Attorney. 6-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon. Administrator with a will annexed of the estate of NANNIE L. KLLLhK, deceased, and all persons who have claims against the said es tate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vouchers duly verified as required by law to ine sain Aumimstraior at nis law office at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 29th day of April, 194S. P. W. MAHONEY. Administrator with a Will Annexed. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney, Heppner Oregon. 6-10 NOTICE OFFiNAL ACCOUNT ' Notice is hereby given that the un- ! dprs trued Executor of the estate of AGNES M. THOMSON, deceased, has filed with the Probate Court of the -State of Oregon for Morrow County , his Final Account of his Hdniiui.ird- 1 tion of the estate of said deceased, and said Court fixed Monday the 7th day of June, 1948. at the hmr of ten o'ch in the forenoon of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, aa the time and place fur hearing objec tions to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate, and all per--ohs having objections thereto are re quired to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. ttwJ and first published this 6th day of May, 1948. JAMES G. THOMSON, SR . Executor. Tns ,T. Nys, Attorney, Heppner.Oregon. 7-11 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Executrix of the estate of Florence Paul, deceased, has filed with the Probate Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, her Final Ac count of her administration of the es tate of fund deceased and said Court has fixed Monday the 7th day of June, 1948. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Court Houe , at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Account and the sett lenient of said estate, and all persons having ob jections thereto are required to file the same with said Ci-urt on or before Die time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 6th day of May. 1948. MILDRED JUDAY, Executrix, i Jos, J. Nys, Attorney, Heppner. Oregon. 7-n NOTICE OF FINALACCbUNT I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IhM the undersigned, iW Administratrix of the estate of DOHRIS E. MITCHELL deceased bus filed her Final Account n the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and that the 9th day of June, 1948, at the hour oC ten o'clock A. M. In the Court ; Room of said Court In Heppner. Ore gon has been appointed bv said Court I as the time and place for' the hearing i of objections thereto and the settle- j ment thereof. DHted and first published 7 Msv 1948. ; FRANCES MITCHELL. Baker and Parker. ! Attorneys for Administratrix. 7-11 Your Sunday Dinner Problem Is Solved Drive down to the Vcitory Cafe at lone and eat a wholesome CHICKEN DINNER or your choice from the menu. Good Food Courteous Service You are always welcome at the Victory Cafe Roy and Betty Lleuallen lone, Oregon jp-! . -i.,L','L,,r,r"ri II n ! w?! rrrC LIKE mitbiN i V Afn1 fl NEVER DID YOU GET SO flX A fr 7 MUCH FOR YOUR MONEY : t j Jg M MlGW 0UR GREATEST I HvlPW m JS II If X JUNIOR MOTOR OVERHAUL Wi '? mIii V-r U HFJC4 1 ThU will restore to your MOTOR j V I , fri&f!Wf4 V twmSr m X th. PEP nd ECONOMY that t Ab ?;w WM oriifinally built Into it and fei ECONOMY SPECIAL For Limited Time We are ollering you this Complete JUNIOR MOTOR 0YIRHAUI JOB lor this low price. We are making the special oiler to yon, to better acquaint you with our MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE COMPLETE CHEVROLET SERVICE DEPART MENT. DrWe in NOW this is a REAL SERVICE SPECIAL It consists of the following 26 MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS t 1. Drain and . rUfn. f. Rtmova cyHndir head. I. Scrap eut all Carbon, 4. fUacat Valva IcaU and Rtfaea Valvca to MicromaUr Pr.in. I. Rigrlnd Valvaa. Rc'aca Contact and at Valvt Slcma. ?. Refaca RMker Arma. . Ream out Valva Guldat. 9. Rrinatall Cylindar Head and Ad juat Tappcta. 10. Clean Out and fta-ell Air Claanar and Silencer. 11. Clean and Adjuat lgmtln tyatam. 12. Clean and Adjuat Spark Pluga. 13. Teat Condenacr and High Tanaion Wiring. , The men who perform these operations are experienced approved, factory trained Chevrolet Mechanics who put their hearta aa well as their Muscle into their work and PRIDE to the Service reputation of this institution. Chevrolet Phone 403 Heppner Gazette - . ai w i , i - lima i jii" - ia r.j 14. Claan and Adjuat Cartauratar. II. Reaat Ignition Timing. 11 Adjuat Watar Pump Paeklnfl and Fan Bait 17. Chack Generater and Adjuat Out put 11. Cheek SUrtarator. II. Check SUrtar Motor. SO. Inapact and Clean Battery Tar Inale and Water Batter. 21. Tighten all Hoaa Connection. 22. Check and Adjuat Octane Selector. 21. Tighten all Manifold Stud. 24. Tighten Exhauet Packing Flange. 21. Check Automatic Heat Control Valva. M. Clean Duet and Ineocta awt ot Radiator Cor. Expert Body and Fender Work BEFORE NO JOB TOO TOUGH FREE ESTI We Are Well Equipped to Do Quality Body and Fender Work IT WILL PAY YOU TO KEEP THE BODY and FENDERS OF YOUR CAR in good condition. COME IN Let us give you a FREE ESTIMATE without obliga tion EASY Monthly Payments. Hodge Times, Heppner, Oregon, JJZ Our Shop w $23.50 36-48 Chevrolets AFTER ) NO JOB TOO SMALL! MATES ar , ? Heppner, Oregon May 6, 1943-5 Equipped to II LI Handle all 8 Makes of Cars ll M EXPERT BRAKE SERVICE COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE AllWorkFully Guaranteed Co 11