School Patrons At lone Entertained By7th-8thGrades By Echo Palmatcer DATES TO REMEMBER April 30 Dance at Legion hall with all-Indian band. May 4 Auxiliary meeting. The state president, Mrs. Ruth Coyner, and district president, Mrs. Dollie Bowman, will be present. May 5 All-day meeting of the social club of the Eastern Star at the Masonic hall for clean-up day. May 6 Missionary meeting at Congregational church. May 6 Meeting of the Rebek ahs. May 7 Mother-daughter ban quet at the Congregational church in the evening. A three-act play, "My Mother in-law," was presented at the school house by the 7th and 8th grades and their teacher. Mrs, Bertha Severin, Thursday eve ning, April 22. Those in the play were Delores Drake, Barbara Jackson, Eiise Bauernfeind, Lila Botts, Donald Eubanks, Donald Bristow, LeRoy Brenner, Allen Ely, Mary Jepsen and Fern Jones. The 7th and 8th grade pupils were prompters and stage man agers. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served in the lunch room. Parents of the pupils and the teachers were the guests. Funeral services for George Corkhuff were held Thursday, April 22, at 2 p.m. at the Cooper ative church with Rev. Alfred Shirley officiating. Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn sang "Abide With Me" and "Face only Launra GIVES YOU DOUBLE-TUMBLE WASHING FOR CLEANER, WHITER CLOTHES! TlfB only fully automatic vaahlng machine with Ke-Verto-Rol . . . Double Tumble action. Thal'l Launderalll Here'i how it worki: The apaciout clolhei cylinder firit revolve! to the right then to the lift. Active, today water under pressurt worki throafh all fabric attain and again t Direction is chsnfted 4 times each minute over 1500 Double-Tumble revolutions are made for every waih 1 No beating, no pound ing, it's so tenll on your clothes. Then comes Double-Tumble riaainj In clear, freth water. And finally, your clothes are spun damp-dry dewy fresh, free of snarls or tangles and so, so clean I And remember you don't do thing t Just drop the clothes in, add soap, Big a switch and relax.1 h'l Easy to Own a Launderall $ 79-95 DOWN $ 10.93 MONT HUT Heppner Hrrdware Be Electric Co. the UNION PACIFIC way A thrill for the youngsters ... a joy for the grownups! It's a treat for all the family to go Union Pacific the safe, convenient way to travel. Room for relaxing . . . appetizing meals . . . comfortable beds or restful coach seats. . . unexcelled service all yours when you go Union Pacific I Daily Union Pacific Passenger Train Schedules to the East with Connections from Arlington Streomliner "City of Portland" "Portlond Rose" "Idahoen" Lv. Arlington 7:32 p.m. 9:45 p.m. 11:06 a.m. (stage) (stage) Lv. Pendleton 9:43 p.m 2:25 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Tor complett trtvl Information, consult LOCAL AGENT UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD to Face.'' They were accompan ied by Mrs. Cleo Drake. Pallbear ers were Bert Johnson, Fred Bu chanan, Fred Nlchoson. G. A. Pet teys, Omar Rietmann and Dale Kay. Interment was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mr. Corkhuff was born at Dunkine Mill, Cal., Dec. 7, 1877 and died at Hermiston April 16. He is survived by his widow, Ann, and two brothers, William of Klamath Falls, and James, and a step-son, Eddie Jackson of Milwaukie. Relatives attending the Cork huff funeral from a distance were Eddie Jackson of Milwaukie and Carl B. Brinkman of Oregon City. Graveside services were held for the twin infants of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Nelson April 19 in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Nelson of Omak, Wash., was the former Delores Crowell. Relatives coming from a distance were Robert Crowell, Billy Rowell and Mr. Nelson and children from Omak and Harold Traris and Bill Cool from Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bergstrom entertained Rev. and Mrs. Philip Elman and children of Portland Sunday. The Union Ladies Aid held a potluck-dinner at the Congrega tional church Thursday of last week. Mrs. J. A. Troedson and Miss Opal Brlggs of Heppner at tended. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely enter tained at a dinner at their home at Morgan Sunday in honor of Mr. Ely's sister, Mrs. Sadie Olson of Spokane. Mrs. Addle Salter has moved Into her new home here in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe returned Saturday from their honeymoon at Depoe Bay. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy at Rockaway and Mrs. Or in Grabill of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Warmuth and Misses Mildred and Margery Bristow and Gene Warmuth of Portland visited at the home of Mrs. Etta Bristow last week. The Three Links club met at the home of Mrs. Mary Swanson Friday afternoon, April 23. A plant exchange was held after the meeting. Refreshments of Ice cream, cookies and coffee were served by the hostess. The social meeting of the Top ic club was held Saturday after noon at the home of Mrs. Bert Mason with four tables of bridge at play. Prizes were won by the following: high, Mrs. Paul Petty. John and Mrs. Omar Rietmann; low, Mrs. Bertha Severin and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served by Mrs, Mason, Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe. Mrs. Markham Baker and Mrs. Alfred Shirley entertaned the Birthday club at the Baker home with a luncheon at noon Wednes day, April 21, in honor of Mrs. Ida Coleman and Mrs. Louis Ball. All fourteen of the members were present. Birthday cake; ice cream and coffee were served in the afternoon and the honorees re ceived lovely gifts. Pomona grange will be held at Rhea Creek Grange hall Satur day, May 1. The Milton-Freewater Ameri can Legion auxiliary came over Tuesday evening, Aprl 20, and put on the initiatory degree. Ten members were initiated. Seven were from lone and three from Heppner. Those coming from Milton-Freewater were Dolly Bowman, district president; Mrs. Ora Coe Mrs. Florence Zerba, Mrs. Effie Richey, Mrs. Edna Burlin game, Mrs. Beulah Rose and Mrs. Elsie Mygren. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served after the meeting. Frank Lundell of Portland vis ited relatives here Thursday of last week. Miss Alice Nlchoson of Port land spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nlchoson. All the teachers have accepted positons in the lone school ex cept Mrs. Ada Emert, the 1st and 2nd grade teacher. Van Hubbard is building a ma chine shed and garage on his farm. Mrs. Merle Baker gave a birth day party Saturday in honor of her daughter Ann's fifth birth day. Games were played and ice cream, cake'and punch were serv ed. Those present were Skippy Emert, Mary Emert, Lona White, Johnny Swanson, Gary Huit, Skippy and Diane Pettyjohn, Ju lia, Sally and Jackie Bailey, Car ol McCoy and Dora, Sue, Beverly Jean and Bobbie Davidson of Heppner. Mrs. Robert Davidson of Heppner was also present. Rev. and Mrs. J. Palmre Sorlien and daughter of Heppner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell Saturday. Mrs. Mary Swanson left for Portland and Salem Monday. Rollo Crawford, Ted Palmateer, Bill, Bob and Gene Rietmann went skiing at Toll Gate Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verner Troedson have returned home from a trip to Mexico and California. Those going to The Dalles Sat urday were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and son Kenneth, Mrs. Franklin Ely and daughter Fran cine and Miss Mary Brackett. Miss Brackett went to Rufus to spend the week end with her parents. Those from here attending church services at the Valby church in Gooseberry were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell and son Ken neth, Mrs. Mary Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stefanl Jr., Mrs. Ar thur Stefani Sr. and Pinky Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker and children. The lone high school was de feated In a baseball game at Umatilla Friday of last week. A mother's tea will be held at the Legion hall May 8th at 2:30 p.m., sponsored by the auxiliary. All mothers of the community are Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buschke of Heppner spent the week end with ther son and family, Ed Buschke, of Morgan. Louis Buschke is in the veterans hospital In Portland. Mrs. Garland Swanson gave a buffet supper Sunday evening in honor of her son Denny's 11th birthday. Those present were Donald Jerry Bristow, Tommy and Gary White, Paul and Jerry Wentworth; Sammy and Paul Barnett, Ernie Drake, Larry Riet mann and Dicky Ekstrom. Jean Ann Swanson, Sue Coleman and Mary Emert helped serve the boys. Linda, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hiembigner, under went a tonsilectomy last week in The Dalles. The Noel Dobyns have moved back to the ranch and the Roy Lieuallens will occupy the house vacated by the Dobyns. The Lieu aliens went to Gresham this week to get the household goods. Mrs. Edith Odom of Salem and her daughter, Mrs. Robert Vilen ski and son of Gervais and Mrs. Foster Odom and baby of Arling ton visited at the Roy Lindstrom home Monday. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 29, 1948-3 Rosewall is never undersold. Photographs are our Specialty Town or Country Come in and see us about your wedding pictures Louis Lyons Ph. 2772 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO Eft. Farmer Protect Your 3-75gal. Fence Posts Place Orders Now! for BEDDING PLANTS ORNAMENTAL EVERGREENS ROSEBUSHES and SHRUBBERY FRUIT TREES We offer a complete landscape gardening service. Grady's Greenhouse Phone 2193 r-1 I ix V&JJ vcrf3j . 1 V 'j . we ma1" H- A preservative Pc 1 TVvU cl l against a e ed. ftective- mum Pwood can b deslIed. t 1 ass STOP THIS DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY prevents tot controls fr .. i i....... i .i-. . it mres ana i.ycru uren -M excellent soil poison effecf- ,' ive against chicken mites and A " i containing pentaehlorophenoL, product f The Dow Chemical Company Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Notice of 1948-49 Budget Meeting too rf Mnrr, n i .! .C r? v " " v-,-..., as amenaeai, nonce is I taKfalKuvTl Morrn' rmthf n"ty ,udEe's office at the' Court House In Heppner, 6 foV Tt OMAnlnHM tltn nuiilnl In .... ......... .. - ; "'..TnZ A1 v u'"-f.1 bu?F Law (becl ons ?1U :VM1 110-1215 O.C.L.A., as amended), notice is herebv eiven that the budeet commit- ne Duag hereby notified that on Tuesday, the 11th day of May, 1948, at said any part thereof. BERT JOHNSON, Member Budget Committee. L. D. NEILL, Member Budget Committee. RALPH I. THOMPSON, Member Budget Committee. The outstanding indebtedness of Morrow County, Oregon, at March 1, 1948, consisted of $140,000.00 in serial Road Bonds. E. C. HELIKER, C. N. JONES, Chairman Budget Committee. Member Budget Committee RUSSELL K. MILLER, W. E. HUGHES, Secretary Budget Committee. Member Budget Committee. JOHN W. KREBS, Member Budget Committee. FRANK WILKINSON, Member Budget Committee Summary of Estimated Expenditures, Receipts and Tax Levies Fiscal Year 1948-49 1948-49 Tax Levy Calculation Total Al Funds General Fund General Schools General Roads Bond Sinking Fund Bond Interest Fund Dog Fund Taylor Grazing Fund Coyote Bounty County County Hospital Hospital Fund Mainten'ce Rodent Fund . Fund ittptSlvhei26,0221 $ 72'162 00 $ 12,160 $148'50000 27.SXM $ 7,500.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 2,000.00 $137,500.00 $12,000.00 ZMZ1uCtVMSml 9'66 148'500-00 W 200 137,500.00 iu june w, insiae t um... 81,675.50 62,494.50 12,160.00 5 50000 20mnn Est. Tax Levy Jul. 1, 1948 to June S.suu.UU 2,000.00 30, 1949 outside 6 limitation ... 35,000.00 27 500 00 7Vinno Total Levy July 1,1948 to June 30, .aw.w f,auu.uu 1949 as Estimated $129,154.50 Amount over 6 limitation to be voted on by people of the County, $12.479.00. Summary of Estimated Expenditures, Receipts and Tax L evies Fiscal Year 1947-48 12,000.00 1947-49 Tax Lery Calculation Kducf-E Est.nVafeVTrxSvy;julyl.l94-7; 132'050 0 1'35a0 13'500 0 1'0000 200 00 4'000-00 JX0M to June 30, 1948 inside 6 lim! 81,974.50 56,692.50 12,000.00 9,782.00 3 50000 Estimated Tax Levy, July 1, 194JV to June 30, 1948 outside 6 lim. 35,500.00 27 ion m R nm (V) Total Levy July 1, 1947 to June 30, ,500-00 8,000.00 1948 as Estimated $117,474.50 Expenditures Actual for Fiscal Year July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946 Actual for Fiscal Tear July 1, 1946 to June 30. 1947 July 1, 1947 to June 30. 1948 Budget for Year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Estimated for Fiscal Year July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949 Approved by Budget Committee Actual for Fiscal Year July 1, 1945 to June 30, 1946 Actual for Fiscal Year July 1. 1946 to June 30, 1947 July 1, 1947 to June 30. 1948 Budget for Year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION Estimated for Fiscal Year July 1, 1948 to June 30. 1949 Approved by Budget Committee 204.30 2,000.00 1,615.18 291.50 107.90 1,112.99 2,400.00 1,680.00 291.80 39.20 2,000.00 800.68 100.78 394.00 450.00 2,400.00 42.00 150.00 125.00 350.00 48.00 272.73 219.31 61.10 164.20 377.75 250.00 70.20 1,341.67 511.00 311.30 103.79 774.49 176.70 614.32 5,500.00 300.00 1,345.00 399.78 740.03 2,000.00 1,680.00 316.51 61.99 625.51 2,400.00 1,770.00 388.58 173.36 2,000.00 853.10 106.78 768.52 526.1-6 2,400.00 42.00 150.00 125.00 1,500.00 74.00 57.50 421.64 208.32 60.00 199.74 239.35 250.00 59.40 1.500.00 265.70 1,357.12 786.88 173.05 120.84 696.23 5,500.00 300.00 2,220.00 812.19 950.00 2.400.00 1,860.00 320.00 200.00 1,500.00 2,880.00 1,860.00 ' 500.00 150.00 2,400.00 1,500.00 100.00 1,000.00 600.00 2,400.00 50.00 150.00 125.00 200.00 50.00 400.00 250.00 150.00 200.00 700.00 250.00 60.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 1,680.00 60R00 300.00 1,000.00 900.00 200.00 200.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 800.00 2,400.00 1,000.00 Accountants Audits Assessor's Office Salary of Assessor Salary of Deputy Books & Incidentals Field Work Circuit Court Witnesses, jurors, bailiff, reporter, Incidentals Clerk's Office Salary of Clerk Salary of Deputy Books & Incidentals Coroner Jurors, mileage and fees County Court Salary of County Judge Salary per diem & mileage of Comm., incidentals County Expenses and Contributions Association of Oregon Counties .. . Bangs' Disease Control Bonds County Agent Fire Patrol 411 Club Federal Tax Committee '."Z Home Demonstration Agent Expense Insurance Insane Expense Z"'Z. Jail Board and Expense ZZZZ"" Justice Court Jurors, fees, witnesses, eta Salaries of Justices of the Peace Juvenile Court Library Official Publications & Tax Foreclosure Publicity and Advertising Sealer of Weights and Measures Watermaster Traveling Exp. & Incidentals Weed Control Wind Erosion Control ', County Veterinarian Court House Salary of Janitor Fuel Light & Power ZZZ. Incidentals Current Expense Postage, Stationery, Telephone, Telegraph etc District Attorney-Rent & Incidentals County Law Llbray Election Expense Emergency Health Department Salary of County Physician Salary of County Nurse County Nurse Travel Expense & Incidentals $ 1,100.00 2.400.00 2.000.00 450.00 200.00 1,500.00 2.880.00 2.100.00 500.00 150.00 2,400.00 2,250.00 100.00 1,000.00 600.00 3,000.00 50.001 150.00 125.00 1.500.00 200.00 50.00 400.0o 250.00 1,680.00 150.00 200.00 700.00 250.00 60.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 2,500.00 2.280.00 725.1X1 350.00 1,000.00 900.00 500.00 200.00 1.200.00 7,000.00 300.00 2,700.00 850.00 1,920.00 75.00 Sheriff's Office 2.880.00 Salary of Sheriff 2.880.00 3,720.00 Salaries of Deputies and Office Clerk 3900.00 300.00 Tax Collections 400.0o 1.100.00 Books, Incidentals and Travel 1.200.00 100.00 Stamps and Envelopes 100.00 Treasurer's Office 1,920.00 Salary of Treasurer 75.00 Books & Incidentals Belief 1,080.00 Aid to Dependent Children 1,944.00 135.00 Blind Assistance 168 00 4.200.00 General Assistance ZZZ 4.500.00 5.250.00 Old Age Assistance 6 000 00 1,000.00 Dog Fund l'ooOOO 4.500.00 Rodent Fund 5 500 00 200.00 Taylor Grazing Fund .. 200 0n 4,000.00 Coyote Bounty 2 000 00 Roads & Bridges 23,282.00 Repairs, Labor, Materials & Incidentals 148 500 00 Road Bonds Sinking Fund 1 27.5WV) 8,000.00 Bond Interest 7 500 00 12.000.00 County School Appropriation 12 KJ0 00 102,000.00 County Hospital Fund. Building and Equipment .'. 137,500 00 County Hospital Maintenance 12.000 00 2.400.00 2,400.00 3.288.03 3,217.50 284.79 161.89 974.69 1,120.23 100.00 100.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 3035 34.60 549.60 703.60 136.80 99.80 1,480.68 1.115.81 5,928.20 . 5,549.80 188.55 90.60 2,012.00 4,354.26 75.00 21.00 47,280.91 42,197.76 27,500.00 27.500.00 10,077.69 8.611.88 15,471.17 16.050.S3 858.00 Estimated Cash Balances and Receipts Other Than Taxes 213.01 241.70 .300.00 206.50 231.00 100.00 2.689.35 2.792.50 2.600.00 1,086.20 1,178.60 1.000.00 325.00 2.239.56 700.00 2.385.32 2.176.24 1,000.00 2,581.43 1.989.95 2,500.00 77.00 50.00 508.05 4S0J27 500.00 100.00 275.00 275.00 1,159.46 1,225.00 1,280.73 788.26 500.00 711.45 1,640.00 1.000.00 626.75 1,039.00 500.1X1 1.874.82 2.355.65 1.000.00 3,321.43 2,714.30 500.00 3.551.24 5.565.53 11,376.35 12,014.29 10,000.00 333.00 338.00 1,000.00 105.19 212.34 200.00 102,000.00 General Fund Sheriff's Fees & Mileage Sheriffs Auto Sticker Sales Clerk's Office Fees Justice Court Fines Rentals County Lands & Houses Land Sales Interest Jail Rent from Citv of Heppner Alcohol Control Fund l Relief) Weed Control County Health Association State Board of Health General Road Fund Forest Reserve Rentals Gasoline Refunds Justice Court Fines Land Sales Sales & Rentals Special Road Levy by vote of the People Motor License Fund Estimated Cash Balance Receipts from Secretary of State Dog Licenses Taylor Grazing Fund County Hospital Fund-Cash Balance Delinquent Taxes Sale of Lot Donations 250.00 150.00 2.81)0.00 2.IXHI.0O 300 Of) 5. XI 00 1,500 00 50 00 r.oo.00 i)0.00 275.00 1,212.50 500 00 1,500 00 500 00 500,0() 5O0.00 120,01X1.00 10,000,00 15.)O0O0 2OO0() 105.61 H)O0 1, HOOOO 30,00000