Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 22, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 22, 194S
Registrations At
Irrigon Indicate
Growth of District
By Grace Shoun
Indicative of the growth of this
Utile project community Is the
Increase in registrations of vot
ers the past few weeks. Since in
terest In the May primary elec
tion has been warming up. 122
new names have been added to
the voting list, making a total of
2.ri0 tor the precinct. While some
of this number have moved away,
newcomers are still coming in
nd It is likely the voting
strength of the precinct will be
in the neighborhood of 250.
The Assembly of God church
had a Sunday school rally Sun
day morning with 97 Sunday
school pupils, and Monday they
had a fellowship meeting with
Rev. Allan Banks, E. R. Scratch
and Wayne Fagerstrom as the
main speakers. They had out-of-town
representatives from Athe
na, Freewater, Stanfield, Echo,
Heppner, La Grande and Hermis
ton here.
The Assembly of God carpen
ters are starting the parsonage
in the next few days. It Is to be
of block construction with a ce
ment basement.
Frank Turner and Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Turner and family of Olym
pia came over Sunday, staying
until Tuesday with their broth
er. Rev. A. B. Turner and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Uun of
Oregon City spent Thursday night
with their" son Earl and family.
They moved away from here
about two years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Oribbs have
moved into the H. M. Duus
apartment. They have been in
Texas and way points for the last
three years.
Mrs. John Allen. Camp Fire
leader, and Camp Fire girls took
a hike and had a wiener roast
south of the E. S. Pelton place.
It is on the desert
The melon raisers have really
been busy since the warm weath
er has begun after so much cold
weather. The trees and flowers
are really beautiful.
O. E. Hadsell M Merced, Cal.,
spent the week end with Mrs.
Radsell at the H. V. Grim home.
Billy Allen was in Pendleton
Dutch Boy
We are please dto announce that
we are the distributor for this fa
mous line of paints. . . We have
the best equipment in the county
for Spray Painting. '
For the Best in Building
Lumber, Plywood Roofing, Pum
ice Building Blocks, Rough Lum
ber and John Manville Products,
come to
Builders Supply
North Gale St. Heppner, Oregon
Kinzua Baseball
Park Readied For
Season of 1948
By Elsa M. Leathers
The kinzua ball players and
other interested people worked
on the baseball diamond Sunday.
Monday evening the boys were
all out for practice.
Sime Sunday was a nice warm
day the Boy Scouts went on an
other hike and this time cooked
all theif dinner over the camp
fire. Fred Beard, who is assistant
scoutmaster, was leader. It is
presumed that he will be the
scoutmaster since Harvey Pierce
The 4-H cookery club girls, with
Mrs. Howard Bird leader, met at
the Forrest Graham home on
Wednesday evening. The girls
had prepared sandwiches, potato
salad and lemon and butterscotch
Mrs. F. M. Harrison left Mon
day for La Grande where she will
stay several days seeing a doctor
Irrigon has a new General Mo
tors school bus, put on the Ken-'
ney and highway run.
There was no meeting at the
Seventh Day Adventist church
Sunday night owing to the ser
ious illlness of one of the minis
ter's, Ivan Loe's, twins.
The civil government class of
the Adventist school aaccompan
ied by their teacher, Miss Patter
son went to Pendleton Tuesday
to hear a court case.
Lynn Griddly went to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Banks left
Tuesday for their home in Al
bany after helping with the As
sembly of God church dedication
Rev. A. B. Turner and Rev. E. R.
Scratch went to John Day Tues
day and are to go to Spray Wed
nesday. Mr. Scratch is a Sunday
school worker. Then they are to
be back in Irrigon for a meeting
here Thursday evening.
Mrs. H. Ulvan and son Jimmie
of Couer d'Alene, Idaho, spent a
few days with her sister, Mrs.
H. T. Losness and family.
Jack and Loretta White spent
Sunday in eston.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand took
their son David back to Whitman
Sunday afternoon.
A school meeting was called
Monday afternoon to vote on rais
ing the taxes above the 6 percent
limtiation. Don Kenney was
chairman and Mrs. Marguerite
Houghton, clerk. There was only
17 votes cast, all for the raise in
Miss Betty Acock spent Monday
night with her family here.
The R. W. Ille well drillers fin
ished the Reece Morgan well Fri
day at 70 feet.
Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mrs. Herb
Wright and small daughter Pat
tie went to The Dalles on Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson
and family spent the week end
at Spokane visiting.
Roy O'.Neil and Mel Wham
made a business trip to The Dal
les Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Harris of
Pendleton came to Kinzua Friday
to get Mrs. Harris's brother, Har
ley Beidler. who will live there
where he is employed.
Gene Boyd took his small son
to Fossil on Tuesday to have his
arm x-rayed. It was believed to
have been broken while he was
playing ball. X-ray revealed only
a bad sprain and bruise.
Lee Hoover was colifined to his
home with the flu over the week
end. He is the high school bus
Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel
and Diane Freeauff spent the
week end in Lonerock visiting
at the Dallas McDaniel homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Owens of
Redding, Cal., were visiting his
sister, Mrs. Warren Jobe, and a
brother, Jack Owens, and famil
ies here this week, also his
daughter Jean who is a high
school student.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller are
the proud parents of a daughter,
born Saturday at the Wade nur
sery home in Condon. She has
been named Linda Darlene, and
weighed 7 pounds 3ounces.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis
spent the week end at Lonerock.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beard went
to The Dalles on business Satur
day. Mrs. C. G. Hoover and Mrs. M.
D. Hughes and son, Larry Dale,
of Drummond, Mont., returned to
their home this week end afler
visiting here with Mrs. Hoover's
daughter, Mrs. Floyd Thomas Jr.
Mrs. Hughes is a sister of Mrs.
Thomas. .
Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel
went to Hardman over the week
end. Mrs. McDaniel will stay
there this week before returning
to Kinzua.
Harvey Pierce left for Boise,
Idaho where he will be employed.
His family expects to join him
about May 1, or as soon as living
quarters are available. Mr. Pierce
was scoutmaster for the boys
here and has worked diligently.
He will be missed.
Those attending the junior
senior banquet at Fossil Satur
day night were Carla Pierson,
Dick and Nona Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott spent
the week end at Portland. They
were accompanied as far as The
Dalles by Bill Litzell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens and
family spent Saturday at Pen
dleton attending to business.
Grading was begun on the
roads and streets of Kinzua Mon
day, preparing them for the gravel.
A WORD OF THANKS would impose a considerable tax
During my recent hospitaliza- I u!Hm my strength at this time.
Hon I received so many nice lot-1 Won't you please accept my
ters, cards, flowers and other re-1 thanks conveyed to you In this
membrances that to write each j manner.
person to whom I am indebted I Mrs. C. C. Cnrmlchael.
We are taking this way of
thanking all the good and kind
friends of Heppner and vicinity,
I also Ruth chapter, O. E. S., for all
the beautiful flowers and plants,
and the many acts of kindness,
coming In from every side, which
gives our sister Annie happiness.
We will never forget.
The Hynd family.
rJI'i;& -4 PI
rywpw ""11, A - EO
-.3" '- .. " ... .. -.;-. -r ' 2
Ma-., n - -Sdh,---'- -.tii-fth.i-T ft
till iiuqjiii mtmJr" J-i 4 .XMk'U) U9K i-'V .-' V
The Home of ride of Oregon Creamery Products
PRIDE OF OREGON products are
demanded by discriminating people
everywhere. . .
Morrow County Creamery Company
W. CLAUDE COX, Proprietor
$329,928,532.43 I
58,874,928.85 I
1,813,700.00 I
133,218,983.43 I .
450,000.00 I
4,374,062.70 I
Nona I
29,462.89 I
1,146,807.82 I
405,438.98 I
$530,241,917.10 I
$ 28,005,718.85 I
1,213,686.64 I
29,462.89 I
1,159,446.59 I
396,256.24 I
499,437,345.89 I
$530,241,917.10 I
Statement of Condition
APRIL 12. 1948
Cash en Hand and Du. ham Banki $120,396,165.29
U.S. Bond., including U.S. Gov.rnm.nl Af.ncLt 209,532,367.14
Municipal Bond, and Warrant
Othw Bond.
Loam and Discount ,
Stock in Federal Rrnrv. Bank ,
Bank Pramim, Fumirur and FIxhirM ,
OHi RmI Ettot.
Custom.n' Liability on Acnpranca.
Intaratt Earnl
Othr Rnourc.
Capirol $ 4,500,000.00
'Surplu. 10,500,000.00
Undivided Profit, and Retarvn 13,005,718.85
Rmrret Ailocatad for Taxn, lnt.rtt, ttl
Interatt Coll.ctad in Adranc.
Other Liabiliti.
Depoiit. (Exclutiv.of Reciprocal Bank Dapotit.)
In addition to Its 44 branches throughout Oregon, 12 other Oregon
banks are affiliated with the First National Bank of Portland
Th. First National Bank of Portland and 44 Branch. $499,437,345.89
12 other Oregon bank affiliated with Th. Flnt National Bank of Portland. . 92,809,268.76
TOTAL DEPOSITS $592,246,614.65
Th. Firrt National Bonk of Portland and 44 Branch $133,218,983.43
i orner uregon Donu artmatM witn in. Ftrt National Bank of Portland. . 15,951,156.71
Member Federal Drposit Insurance Corporation
Heppner Motors Co.
Are Making Progress
They can now, within a few hours, make delivery on a
new Kaiser-Frazer or Frazer Manhattan Automobile, ser
viced and ready for the road.
A local survey discloses complete satisfaction by owners
of these automobiles. Gas consumption is surprisingly low
riding comfort supreme effortless operation on all types
of roads, pride in ownership.
Mr. Clarence Baker is now in charge of our service de
partment. A complete stock of parts is being assembled and
we are assured fast factory delivery on cars and parts
backed by regular visits to our shops by factory trained
Mr. R. D. Allstott, Jr., is prepared to handle your tire,
gasoline and lubrication problems. We now handle River
side Tires, Tubes and Batteries. With the installation of new
pumps and equipment we will dispense a full line of Texaco
Gasoline and Lubricants.
Come down to North Mai n and look us over.
Telephone 2313
Heppner, Oregon