Edwards Services Scheduled For 2 O'Clock Sunday By Mrs. Cecil Jones Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Edwards received word that the body of their son, Clyde Edwards, would arrrive in Heppner on Wednes day. Funeral services will be conducted in the Lexington Con gregational church Sunday after noon, April 25, at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Sorlien of Heppner officiat ing. The American Legion of Heppner will be in charge of the services. Mrs. Vernnn MnnL-nrc nnfl Mrc Millard Nolan spent several days ! last weeK in Portland. Lonnie Henderson is confined to his home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt have sold their home here to a family from Salem and they are moving i in today. Mrs. Hunt spent the j week end here from La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck DcMoss ' and Junior DeMoss were visiting acquaintances here from Spring field one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall were The Dalles visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding hre received word of the birth of a so nto Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant of Prineville. The young man has been named James Al an, and he is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matthews and small son from Pendleton were visitors of the O. G. Breeding family one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall have returned home from a few days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch returned to Portland Monday after a week .spent in Lexington getting their home ready for them to move into. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell are visiting In Forest Grove for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger Sr. adn family and Mr. and Mrs. Billie Marquardt were vis itors in The Dalles at the Truman Messenger Jr. home, Sunday. Cecil Jones Is again driving Co-op truck after two weeks of illness. There will be a school benefit April 30 at the school auditorium at 8 p.m. This will be put on by the different organizations In town all adding their part. There will be a supper luncheon in the basement, in the lunch room starting at 6 p.m., given by the l hree Links. The Horizon club girls held their regular meeting Saturday afternoon. They made curtains for their library and put up sign on the window. The library is in the small room in the L O. O. F. hall. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers had as their house guests Mrs. Kath THE REVOLUTIONARY PLOW f - i. if 4 rwM a J1 a 1 r '-"ff iy -v ft GRAHAM-HOEME PLOW 10 DIG FEATURESI SELF-SHARPENING POINTS - NO SIDE DRAFT EXTRA IIGHT DRAFT-NOTHING TO GREASE PLOWS ALL TYPES OF LAND WITHOUT ADJUSTMENTS PREVENTS EROSION BY WIND AND WATER BUILT TO LAST X LIFETIME CUTS PLOWING COST IN HALF-DOUBLES SUB-SOIL MOISTURE FOR SALE BY LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. Lexington, Oregon Phone 1111 2 II n II II J U THE COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC HOME LAUNDRY C IfMiniltrill ). m rtoio- DEIIER Roto-Drier spin dries clothes dewy fresh ready for tho line even heavy seams won't drip. There are no hard-to-iron wrinkles and the easy, gentle action is safe for delicate fabrics. BETTER BUILT TO DO A BETTER JOB Guaranteed bvM I Good Housekeeping ) w these outstanding features: Jt RE-VERSO-ROL SAFTI-LATCH LARGER CAPACITY TOP-FIL-DOR f HYDRO-PEL DRIVE if GREATER ECONOMY Heppner Hardware Cr Electric Co. Colds And Throat Trouble Afflict Boardman People By Flossie Coats Many are on the sick list with colds and throat trouhle. Mrs John Yonger and Albert Ball were taken to the St, Anthony's hospit- arine Kellogg from Portland, sis ter of Mrs. Feathers, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones en tertained with a birthday dinner Friday evening for Mrs. W. E. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. John Runnion of Prosser were renewing acquaint ances in Lexington Sunday night. The Lexington baseball team motored to Echo Friday where they met the Echo team. Thej lost 9-11. Mrs. Verle Frederickson's room entertained the grade school with a Short Dlav Fridav aftprnnnn In their room at school. Rpfrseh. I ments were served later in the tuncn room. i I al In Pendleton Friday, with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball and Delbert visited Albert Sun day and found he was improved. Mrs. Yonger is still very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson and son Norman spent the week end in Portland. The senior class member mn. tored to Pendleton Thursday to have their pictures taken and to attend a show. Mrs. Hazel Bell had as her guests last week her mother and sister of Seattle. Mrs. Sam Lee and son Farl nf rutuilla were guests at the Rev. uias. Lble home last week, Mrs. S. Lee returning Saturriav snH tari remaining until Sunday Mrs. Nora Ransier spent the weeK end- at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Marvin Ransier of Ord nance. Sunday she was enter. tained at dinner with another son, Danny Ransier and wife, and a nephew, Mervin Ransier and wile of Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bander and family of Pendleton were dinner guests Friday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Nora Ransier. Mrs. Geneva Jackson became the bride of Marshall Jackson at Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 22, 19.48-3 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVELGAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company James Healy Phone 2322 Heppner ' a quiet wedding performed by ev. u. u. Harris In the Christian church, Pendleton, Saturday, Ap ril 17, 1948. Mrs. Jackson is the 5th and 6th grade teacher in the Boardman school. Mr. and Mrs. Kussell Miller mo tored to The Dalles Sunday and round Mrs. Millers father not so well. Kenneth Akers who was in jured n a car wreck last week was able to return home and will re main for a time with his sister, Mrs. Miller. Gilbert Petteys and son Pat of Pendleton were Sunday dinner guests at the N. A. Macomber home. Mrs. Robert Wilson celebrated her birthday Sunday by having several of her daughters and! families oresent for dinner. Those here were Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morrison and two daughters of Dayton, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brune. Mrs i NAMED FOR PRESIDENT Carl Knighten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knighten of Irrigon, was nominated for the office of president of the sturent body lor 118-49 at the primary election held by Eastern Oregon College of Education at Le Grande, Fri day. Other candidates were: pres- j lcient, Herman Lawson, Milton; I vice-president, LeRoy Childers of ! Cove and Fred Prultt of Vale; sec- retary, Dorothy Bliss of Bend and ; Leona Hatwan of Ferewater. Fin- I al elections will be held Friday, April 23. Miss Annie Hvnd is slowlv re-1 covering after a serious Illness of three weeks. She is able to be up a short time each day, Dorris Duffee, and Mrs. Homer Baker and daughter, all of The Dalles. Greenfield grangers who were sponsorng the cancer drive in Boardman are happy to report $128 collected as of their meet ing Saturday night. Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. TYPEWRI Tf Rd .... s. I T.T H E LEADER OF THE WOIID Ideal for penonal typinf , , . an enential opemint futures of buttons six typewriter. Smart earryim -n M cut included. 'A.jVI Hut rW. fictM Tom $4.35 A modem, trim, efficient port able. Inbuilt tabulator and many ether feature.. French (ray ftniah. Car ryinf ca.e in-an a p eluded. 'o4.3U Urn fd. ttdm T 11.0 Iff to WiJHJItfiTO All the famout Underwood feature, pu. noiieleaa oper ation . . . fives bif machine performance. Handiome carrying ca.c tllO Cft Included. 'lU.aO Urn rW. Carts fu V 9 HUMPHREYS DRUG COMPANY 4,000 More "Tailors" for Reddy Kilowatt 4 r lp?jjg THIS GROWING REGION USES MORE AND MORE OF PPU'l CHEAP ELECTRICITY! When Reddy Kilowatt comes shooting across the country on those big PP&L transmission lines he's 69,000 volts strong. Before he can be used in your home he has to be "tailored" down to 120 or 240 volts to fit your needs. A transformer acts as the tailor. This year PP&L plans to install moro than 4,000 transformers. Some of them the big transmission type will cost as mud) as $100,000 each. Our 1948 construction budget is the largest In history. Electric rttes here are the lowest in history lt$s thn htlf the eationt! tvertg Pacific Power & Light Company ' Your Partner in Progress Since 1910 Dispersicr. SkL !L Registered Hereford 75 FEMALES-Practically all with cal ves at side. All but three are young cows and 30 are from 1 945-46 crop. Chandler, Reese Brown, Roy Robinson, Mountcrest and WHR Breeding. Horned, Dehorned and Polled Females O. W, Cutsforth Lexington, Oregon Monday, April 26, 1948 11:00 a.m. At the ranch 2 mi. North of Lexington on Highway 207 1948 Calf crop sired by Chandler Bull Reserve Champion at Spokane 1945, and by Geyer Domino 75th Champion at 1946 Polled Sale at Walla Walla. Good, Thrifty Producing Herefords MILLER & TEALE, Sales Mgrs. W. 807 Shoshone, 8pokans 9, Wash. ; From its styling to its stamina... : from its road-action to its ride., M rrWrrOTm .aMtTC Mil I " m a s i "in luiri 1111 ii aviii lUJfllJGiVf JnVlLUJ UJrV -antf ONLY Chevrolet' First in the e Nanhara aha b.aufy CV. thiil N.w iryflngl Naw cotenl N.w upholilwy fobrial All thb oddad to tfo. basic Big-Car luxury of Cht wimfl famow Body by Mihr. Rarnvmbw Wt body H aidialva to Chavrol.1 and kisW-prkad con. in all-round quality in 51 ntire low-price fieldl 2Mm How yoo and your family will enjoy ownership of this newer smarter, firm Chevrolet for 19481 It bringj you BIG-CAR QUAUTYi not in one item only, but in every phase of styling, engineering and construction and brings it to you AT LOWEST COST, as well. That is why more people drive Chevrolet!, according to official nationwide registrations and more people want Chev-' relets, according to seven independent nationwide surveys tha liny other make of car. That is why you, too, will agree that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in all-round valuel YouH antoy nwdi graatar comfort In Ch.vrol.t for 1948. bringt yog Iha Big.Car riding-imoottmau and rood iLodliwa of Itt. UnlNzad Knao Action Gliding Rid.. Anoltiar f.olur. found only In Chavrolat and mora axpamiva con. Ant at voal And no Mual for dtawrai mIim O VOUU And no mount far Owwnl W Il.. SaSaUUgrd krmMrfnHm by bringing your pratanf ear to u for lill.d tanlca, now and at ragular lnhJrab, pwdlna daUvwY of your mv OnroM 1 ' bTT- rx VkJ 1 2 II a I 1 m Hodge Chevrolet: Co. Main and May Phone 403 Heppner, Ore.