6 Heppner Gazette Times , Heppner, Oregon, April 15, 1948 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS TOR A UNirEIED AND PROGRESSIVE COUNTY Vote l..r KusMil K Miller of FOB COUNTY JUDGE Bo.,:dn;.in. CiMuiuiate for County ! Iirrril.-i'i.ir ;i!hi..T Ihp will I hereby announce mv candi-I m v, .,,,,, ',.-, ', .,i- dacy for the office of Comity j ( pjj viv Judge, usbject to the will of the ; . J Republican voters of Morrow 1 FOR COUNTY CLERK county- i I hereby announce that I will GEOKGE N. PECK. ,0 a candidate to succeed myself (Paid Adv.) ;o the ot::oe of Cuu.ity v.' :!. .f Morrow County, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Nominating Election, I May 21. 191S. I C. W. BARLOW. ! (raid Adv.) FOR COUNTY JUDGE ! I hereby announce my candi I dacy for the office of judge of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary election. Garnet Barratt. FARMERS mum Please Note Beginning APRIL 7th and EVERY THURSDAY thereafter our office in Room 201 First National Bank Building will again be open 10:30 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. We make long time Federal Land Bank Loans at 4 Pet. with privilege to repay at any time. We invite your inquiries. MORROW COUNTY NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSN. R. H. LOVELESS, Secy.-Treas. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Ap ril 8. 194S, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 4 to 9 inc., 12 and 13, and 15 to 19 inc., in Block 15 in the town of Irrigon, Morrow County, Oregon for the mini mum price of $75.00, cash. Lots 7 to 10 inc. in Block 27, in the town of Irrigon, Mor row County, Oregon for the minimum price of $-10.00, cash. Lots 27 to 33 inc. in Clock 25 in the town of Irrigon, Mor row County, Oregon for the minimum price of $70.00, cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 15th day of April, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A. M at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff, ' of Morrow Countv. Oregon. FRANCES MITCHELL, 4-8 Deputy. o ALL SAINTS CHURCH Bishop Barton will be present at the parish supper on Saturday evening and hold the Confirma tion service Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Holy communion. 8 a. m. No church school. Confirmation service, 11 a. m. Wednesdays, holy communion. 10 a.m. STAR &m REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and earning, unless rpe dficaJly fcdwtised to be otherwise: Children: Est. Prioe .17. Fed. Tu .03, Total 0e; Gra.de and High School Student is years and orer: Est, Price .40. Fed. Tax .10, Total 50c; Adults: Est. Prcie .50, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60c Every child occupying a seat mast have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous starting; at 1 p.m. Satur day evening showi start at 7 p.m. Ail other evening Knows start at 7:30 p.m. Boxoffice open evenings until 9 p.m. Friday-Saturday, April 16-17 PRAIRIE RAIDERS Snuley Burnett and Charles Starrett in a Dor ango Kid western. PLCS Song of The Thin Man William Powell. Myrna Loy. Seenan Wynn, Dean StookweU, Patricia Monson, Philip Seed Mr. and Mra. Thin Man are on the prowl again ...new adventures, new laughs, new fun with your all-time favorites. Sunday-Monday, April 18-19 THAT HAGEN GIRL Shirley Temple, Ronald Beagan, Bory Calhoun, Lois Maxwell, Dorothy Peterson A heart-warming drama unfolded against auth entic atmosphere, an excellent story of what hap pens when idle ptv,pie start wagering their tongues. Tuesday, April 20 ODD MAN OUT James Mason, Bobert Newton, Kathleen Byan This Mm has been on most "Best Ten'' lists for the year... a realism seldom achieved in films is present in this adventure in suspense! Also. THE LAST BOMB, an amazing short you'll have to see to believe, it's a Technicolor marvel; HAVE YOU AJTT CASTLES?, book covers come to life and tell a story that'll have you howling. Wednesday -Thursday, April 21-22 HEAVEN ONLY KNOWS Bobert Cummings, Brian Bonlevy. Jorja Curt right, Marjorie Reynolds, Bill Goodwin. John ZiiteL Stuart Erwin, Peter Miles. He left paradise to dodge bulleta In Montana a new kind of western, really out of thia world! Also MABCH OF TIME: CRISIS IN ITALY; NEWSBEEL; VKUSVAl OCCUPATIONS ; NOV ELTOOET in color. . MEVKL1T "Advance-Design Trucks are the only trucks with all these extra value features off production leadership. THi "CAB THAT BREATHES" Only Actann-Dwgn truckl have the cab that "breathe."! Freer, air heated In cold weather drawn in and uMd air la toroad out HEXI-MOUNTED CAB Cnavrelafa Advance-Oeeiiirt cab la mounted on rubber, auaraonad aoainat road atwoka, torsion and vibration! . . . including these great new HEAVY-WJTY features that only Advance-Design trucks offer: Entirely new, Chevrolet-developed helical gear 4-SPEED SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS provide quicker, eas ier, quieter operation And greater dura bility in heavy-duty models. "Double clutching" and (par "clashing" are virtually eliminated. Fatter shifting promote greater road safety and the maintenance of speed and momentum on grade I Crwvrofefi new SPUNED REAR AXLI SHAFT ATTACHMENT to wheel hubt eliminates breakage and loosening possible with bolt-type attach merits assures greater strength and dura bility in heavy hauling I f) Advance-Design truckl, Uni-Built for uniformity, dura bility and economy. 107 models on 8 wheel bases, include: All-round cab visi bility with rear-corner win dows Uniweld, all-steel cab construction Super strength frames Specially designed brakes Hydrovac power brakes Heavier springs Ball-bearing steer ing e Wide base wheels Standard cab-to-axle length dimensions e 12 -color and two-ton options fr olr hatlng and fflaf1ng ryitwn ead rear -com window optional at axrro cot Kinzua Boy Scouts Practice Outdoor Projects on Hike By Elsa M. Leathers Scout Master Harvey Tierce took the Boy Scouts on a hike Saturday. Five groups were pre sent. Building fires in snow, building bridges across the creek, and a tower were tried by different groups. Pat Owens. Carl Coleman Jr., Jimmy Walker. Rog er Graham, Billy O'Neil. Donnie Preston were present. Dinner was appreciated by the camp fire, af ter the boys had worked hard. They are sponsoring a dance here April 24. Kinzua is proud to announce ; the yreceived $203 for Ked Cross, j Ed Wahm and Harlan Shroder ! participated in the military ser- j vices at Fossil Sunday afternoon for Jim Bailey who passed away of Heppner. Mrs. Harlan Shroder, Mel Wahm and Thad Turner also attended the services. j Mrs. Delbert Folsom, Kinzua, i and Frank Williams of Fossil won the two prizes given for the ; best costumes at the hard time dance here Saturday night, spon sored by the American Legion auxiliary. Both prizes were Shaef fer pen and pencil sets. Judges were Laurence McConnell, W. R. Draheim and Dwen H. Leathers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brown are spending this week at Spokane on business. Buz Demaris is here this week from the Sisters assisting Don Kyle, local district forester, in picking the trees for reforestation on the large burn above Kinzua, since he spent several summers here under supervision of Red Henderson. His home is at Prine ville. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers were visiting and attending to business in Heppner Saturday. Mrs. Edna Pearson of Medford is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Rood. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harshman and family visited over the week end here from Hardman with Mrs. Harshman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel. Kelson Murphy went to The Dalles Saturday for a check-up at the hospital. Mr. Murphy has been convalescing from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Owens took their small daughter to Heppner to a dentist on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson and family spent the week end at Spokane, visiting friends. A large party of friends left here Friday evening for their homes in Missouri. Included in the party were Mr. and Mrs. D. Meade and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Elliott, Bobby Warren, Billy Jo Hunt and Norman Woods. Some names were not available. Harlan Adams and Esten Stev ens visited over the week end at Heppner. Mr. Adams visited his father, J. B., and a sister, Mrs. Ester Burnside and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Adams and daughter Billy motored to Pen dleton on Saturday to visit friends and relatives until Tues day. Mr. Adams is temporarily employed at the power house here. He drives a logging truck at Camp 5 when logging opera tions are resumed. Johnny Owens and friend spent tire week end here from The Dal les. He also played drums at the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Condon visited Mr. and Mrs. Claud England here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis went to The Dalles Saturday to bring Mrs. Emmett Davis home to Lone rock from the hospital where she had undergone a minor operation on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sasser were shopping in Condon on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel of Hardman came to Kinzua Sun day afternoon where Mr. McDan iel will work beginning Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Otto and Mrs. Matt Stumper began work in the fac tory the first of the week. WE DONT WANT WAR To the Editor: For several years the United States has been trying to better world conditions, but Russia has vetoed our efforts 21 times. She has thwarted all our peaceful plans. We have coaxed and pled with her all to no avail. The time has come for us to "get tough" with Russia. Romans 12-20 tells us "If thine enemy hungers .feed him; if he thirsteth, give him drink." That is exactly what we intend to do. All we ask is that Russian sol diers surrender themselves, their arms, and we offer them and theirs foed, clothing and friend ship. Now where do we go from here friends or foes? Take your choice Russia. If there must be another war, then let it come. We don't want war. We have done all we can to prevent It. If it comes, the responsibility for It will be on Russia. J. S. McMurtry. Mrs. L. A. MeCabe, active 4-H club leader, lone, has recently organized a Clothing III club with the following members en rolled: Delight Biddle, Joan Cole man, Patricia Drake, Ingrid Her mann, Lola Ann McCabe, Carlet ta Olden, Jane Swhafer, and Ruby Ann Rietmann. These girls are also enrolled in a Homemak ing club project at present which they will continue with. Mrs. McCabe has the distinc tion of leading five clubs since 1915 with a 100 completion of all members enrolled. She has led Homemaking 1, Cooking I, Canning I, Cooking II, and Clo thing II clubs, now leading Homemaking III and Clothing III. Mrs. McCabe and her club have completed programs of work for each of the clubs she has led and her club has a charter for each club organized. Charters were recently awarded the club for the Homemaking and Cloth ing III projects. This club record Is something for Mrs. McCabe and her club girls to be proud of and Is an ex ample that all other 4-H clubs ADVANCE -DtSMN OtA SHIFT CON I Ol ' TNe Raw ataaring ootufnn towok geerehtft In all mooete with I niaia tranarrMaakin erevWee new driver aaaa and eenvenienoe. NEW IMPROVED VALVE-IK-HEAD ENOINI Chavrolafa powerful truck angina, tha world', moat eco nomical for its aua, la now mora durable mora afneiant operating I NEW FOOT-OPE A TED PAR KINO MAKE Providing new, claar floor area ar eefety and efficiency modeie with J-Ipl tanamiaaran. Lm Lowest-Priced Trucks in the Volume Field Hodge Chevrolet Co. If in need of an electrician phone 862 daytime or evenings 2222 or 1233. We do complete wiring and service work. Morrow County 0. H. Steinke Thomas Walker FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVELGAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company James Healy Phone 2322 Heppner tetct neelili mute rl NU-ENAMEL PORCH, FLOOR & DECK ENAMEL For interior or exterior use 10 beautiful colors. NU-ENAMEL MODERN FINISH You can paint a large Adirondack chair. for $110 ONE COAT COVERS UiUaJV V NO BRUSH MARKS S Case Furniture Co. SPECIAL HEC MEETING Hhea Creek grange home econ omics club will hold an all-day meeting at the hall Thursday, April 22, to make plans for Po mona grange which is scheduled for May 1. 1'otluck dinner will he served at noon. A cleanup of the premises is on the HEC agenda. FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of sheriff, sub ject to the will of the Democratic voters of Morrow county. FRED HOSKINS. I I'd. Adv.) Main and May Phone 403 Heppner. Ore. CAMPAIGN QUIZ How accuraie is the newspaper poll that gives Taft 200 dele gates? Will Hull and McKay fight for the governorship on the wet or dry issue? What relation is our Lew Wal lace to Henry A. Wallce? (Don't ask Lewi) HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March ,'), The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $2.50 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor Add To Your Supply Of Records An opportunity to increase the num ber of your records and add to the enjoyment of the entire family. In order to make more room on our. record shelves- We Offer Free WITH EACH 10 RECORDS PURCHASED, AN ALBUM Come in and choose your favorites. Gonty's IT'S SHIR TO M IT l'Iffl'! i Mr M bkas & mm that do things for your clothe Uplift- BRAS of sturdy rayon satin or nylon. A, B. C. cups 98c S 1.29 NYLON SIZES 32 TO 42 Elastic Wbb GIRDLES Panty GIRDLES-By Form Flex PANTY 1 QQ ") OR GIRDLE 0 GIRDLE 'O Girdles are designed for average to full-hipped figures. Rigid front pan els for control. . . White, Tearose, Black or Blue. JUST ARRIVED! Another shipment of . the popular NYLON SLIPS by "GERRY" of California Fitted waist'- Lace trim top -Sizes 32 to 40-Tearose and white. 3.98 GARNET BARRATT WANTS TO BE Morrow County Judge IF YOU THINK HE SHOULD BE Please don't fail to register REPUBLICAN by April 20. Prepare to cast your ballot for him at PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTION MAY 21, 1948 Leadership and a business administration fostered by experience, foresight and human understanding. Paid Advertising