Want Ads - NEW THIS WEEK - Detroit says: Watch Ford in '48. "They say it will be the car of the year." FOR SALE 12-foot trailer house in excellent condition, clean. See Mr. Lucas at Ford Garage Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Arlington, Ore. 3c 1938 Dodge sedan. Pay down $300.00. Rosewall Motor Co. FOB SALE About 2,000 feet of well pipe in assorted sizes. A. M. Edwads, Lexington, Oregon. 3c 1937 Ford pickup. Fay down $200. Rosewall Motor Company. HOUSE FOR SALE-Inquire of Lonnie Ritchie on Riverside St. 3p FOR SALE Angora rabbits. All sizes. Phone 17F4. E. W. Moyer. 3-4p April Special Engine tuneup ,aa, itosewaii Motor to. LOST-One pink North Star blan ket April 4, between Heppner and Sand Hollow. Return to Gazette Times office. W. L. Hammack. 3c We have GOO x 16 and 650 x 16 tire chains. Rosewall Motor Co. LOST Tire and wheel, April 1, on Clarks Canyon-Rhea Creek road. Leave with Rosewall in Heppner or Ed Grant, Lexing ton. 3p Let our paint department give your old car that new look. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE .Sprinkler system with 720 feet of 3-inch alumi num lateral; 390 feet 4-inch main line; 180-gallon per min ute pump; 12.8 h.p. Wisconsin engine, and all necessary ac cessories for immediate use. Write Mel Look, Heppner, for further information. 3p Don't sent our of town for any thing automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Company. FOR RENT ConcreTe mixer and rubber tired wheelbarrows. O. M. Yeager. 3c April Special Engine tuneup for cars or trucks $2.95. Get set for summer driving. Rosewall Mo tor Company. FOR LOVELY PRINTS Rayons, Frult of-the-Loom Prints. In dian Head, Chambray; Ladies and Men's Hose, Children's Anklets, Handkerchiefs, But tons, Trim, Etc. come down to 219 Main St. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. You can have your motor rebuilt and car painted on the same repair bill and pay for work on our convenient monthly bud get plan. Rosewall Motor Co. BRING your saws to be filed to O. M. Yeager's Service Store. 3c We have the paint to match all of the new Ford colors. Our body department can repair that scratch or fender dent and make it look like new. Rose wall Motor Company. modern 2tfc FOR SALE 6-room house. Phone 472. UTAH WOOLEN MILLS Made-to-measure Dress, Sport, Work and Riding clothes for men and women. Car and Daveno Robes, Crib, Bed and Saddle Blankets. Your "Jack Frost" salesman, Ernest Ghormley, 516 Main St., Hermiston, phone 3091. 2-6p WANTED Contract plowing. We do the work to please you at reasonable prices. W. W. Wea therford, lone. Phone Heppner 13F22. 2-4p SEE ME if you want your house cut out according to specifica tions. I am prepared to cut this in the shop. I make special window and door frames for any thickness of all. Also make pickets, cabinets. N. D. Bailey. ltfc CUSTOM SPRAYING for weed control; 2-4D for sale. Grady's Greenhouse, phone 2193, Hef ner. 52tfc We have magnetic drain plugs for oil pans and transmissions. These plugs will stop loose metal from going thru your gears. Rosewall Motor Co. BRING IN YOUR BILL of Rights prints to be expertly framed with beautiful mouldings. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. 3c FOR SALE193r Willys pickup, recently repaired, S275 cash. Ask Sanders, Hotel Heppner. 3c LAWN SEEDING is a specially with us. Grady's Greenhouse. Phone 2193. 51tfc POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of County Judge, usbject to the will of the Republican voters of Morrow county. GEORGE N. PECK. (Paid Adv.) FOR A UNIFEIED AND PROGRESSIVE COUNTY Vote for Russell K. Miller of Boardman. Condidate for County Commissioner subject to the will of the Republican voters. (Paid Adv.) FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself to the office of County Clerk of Morrow County, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Nominating Election, May 21, 1948. C. W. BARLOW. (Paid Adv.) FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of Judge of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary election. Garnet Barratt. to 22 inc. in Block 15 of Irri gon, Oregon, for the minim um price of $50.00. cash. Louj 12 to 23 inc. and Lots 24 to 26 In. In Block 25 of Irri gon, Oregon for the minim um price of $50.00, cash. Lots 20 to 23 inc., and Lots 30 to 36 inc. in Block 27 of Ir rigon, Oregon, for the mini mum price of $50.00, cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 24th riav of Anril. 1948. at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to tne highest and best bidder. C. 1. D. BAUMAN, snerui, Morrow County, Oregon. FRANCES MITCHELL, 1-5 Deputy. HOTICB TO CMDITOBS Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned waa duly appointed by the Probate uoun 01 ine nuiie 01 for Morrow County Executrix of the estate of Etta C. Hunt, deceased and all persona having claims against the es tate of eatd deceased are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vouchers to said Executrix at the law office of Joe. J. Nya at Heppner. Ore gon, within six (6J months of the date Dated and first published this 11th day of March, 1&48. ELVA M. RUHL. 51-8 Executrix. Heppner Gazette. Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 8, 1948-5 office of P W. Mahoney at Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 25th day of March. 1948. ALICE ELEANOR BIDDLE. Executrix of the Estate of Otis, Biddle, Deceased. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Executrix, Heppner, Oregon. 1-5 GARDEN PLOWING-No job too small. Call Grady's Green house. Phone 2193. 51tfc FOR SALE 1940 Hudson sedan, radio, 4 new tires, new battery, complete overhaul job. Fay Bucknum, phone 2502. 511 1? Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CB EDITORS Notbe In hereby givt-n that the un: (lfrniKned has bien duly appointed by the County Court of Morrow County. State nf Oregon. Kxerutrix of the Kb tate of OTI8 UIDDLE. deceased, and Hi I persons having claims airtiinst the estate of ald deceased are hereby re quired to present the name with proper vouchers duly verified a nsjuirt-d by Ihw to the said executrix at the law D a o c e Saturday Night, April 10 New Music by TheScatter-Notes Everybody Welcome ! Ladies 50c Gentlemen $1.00 Sponsored by VFW POST NO. 4943, Echo, Ore. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION IN THE RURAL DISTRICT OF MOR ROW COUNTY, OREOON, UPON QUESTION OF INCREASING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED B Y SECTION 1 1, ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTITUTION. Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held In Morruw County, April 19. by the Rural School Dis til t of Morrow County. State of Ore gon, In all competent school district of said Rural School District. The election will begin at 2:30 P. M. and will be held In the schoolhouse In each of said competent districts. The purpose of the election is to submit to the legal voters of the rural school district the question of Increasing the tux levy for the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1IM8, over the amount limited by Section 11, Article XI of the Con stitution. The reasons for increasing such levy are: The combined levying bases of all m 'boo! districts in the county amounts to but S10u.643.41. The required tax levy for all school districts of the county is $270,635.46. The difference between the required levy and the base levy is $16!,992.05. The amount of tax, fn excess of the nix per cent limitation proposed to be levied by the rural school district of Morrow County, Oregon, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1948, is J169, 9'J2 05. Duted this 22nd day of March, 1948. J. J. NYS, Chairman. Rural School Board. Attest: LUCY E RODGKRS, Secretary, Rural School Board. 13. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed, by the iJn.t.dte Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, administratrix of the estate of S. J. Devme, and has accepted Mil h trust. All persons having claim! against said estate are hereby required I. pn.eiit tiie same, with proper vou chers attached, to the administratrix, at the office of J. O. Turner, In Hepp-nr-r. Oregon, on or before six month from the 1st day of April, 194& the first date of publication of this notice. MARY PEARL. DEVINE, 2-6 Administratrix. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING notice is hkrehy given, in compliance with Sec. 111-908. O.C.L.A., to tiie legal voters of School District No. 1 of Morrow County, State of Ore gon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEET ING of said District will be held at CITY HALL, on the 19th day of April. IMS, at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon, for the following objects: To vote upon the proposed tax levy for all of the school districts of the county. Dated this 22nd day of March. 1948. J. J. NYS, Chairman Board of Directors, , Morrow County Rural School District. Attest: LUCY K. RODGERS. District. Clerk. Morrow 1-3 County Rural School District. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated j Aiarcn z. xv-ia, i am aumonzea ! and directed to advertise and sell at nnhllp miction at nnt Ipcc than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 1 to 3 inc. and lots 20 THE REVOLUTIONARY PLOW ,f V ; 2 j ft' V 3fc 7 GRAHAM-HOEME PLOW 1C--DIG FEATURES 1 SELF-SHARPENING POINTS - NO SIDE DRAFT EXTRA LIGHT DRAFT-NOTHING TO GREASE PLOWS ALL TYPES OF LAND WITHOUT ADJUSTMENTS PREVENTS EROSION BY WIND AND WATER BUILT TC LAST A LIFETIME CUTS PLOWING COST IN HALF-DOUBLES SUB-SOIL MOISTURE FOR SALE BY LEXINGTON IMPLEMENT CO. Lexington, Oregon Phone 1111 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. FRANK WILKINSON, Plaintiff, va SAMUEL L. MASON and ESSIE M. MASON, hushand and wife, the un known heira of Samuel L. Mason, de ceased; the unknown heira of Easie M. Mason, deceased, also all olhei persona or parties unknown claim, fug any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate herein. Defendants. TO: Samuel L. Mason and Essie M. Ma son, husband and wife, the unknown heira of Samuel L. Mason, deceased; the unknown heirs of Essie M. Mason, deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien or Interest in the real es tate described herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first ftublication of this summons and if you all to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief as prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit; For a Decree that the plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: i ne soumwesi quarter 01 uio Southeast quarter, the Southeast quarter of the N orth west q uarter of the Northwest quarter; the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 2, Township 6 South of Range 26 East of the Willamette Meridian. And that the plaintiff is the owner In fee simple of the said land, free of any right, title, estate, lien or interest of you and each of you, and that yuo or any of you have no right title, es tate, lien or interest in the said land, or any part thereof, and perpetually restrain and enjoin you, and each ot you, your heirs and assigns, from as serting or claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real es tate herein described, or any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consec utive weeks in the Heppner Gaaette Times, by order of the Honorable Bert Johnson. Juag 01 tne county (jourt 01 Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said Order was made and entered on the 80th day of March, 1948 P. W. MAHONEY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Postoffice Address; Heppner, Oregon. 2-6 SUMMONS. Equity No. 3731 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. E. W. Peck and Mabel O. Peck, husband and wife. Walter A. Rupea and Pearl Rupea, husband and wife, Grace Campbell, and Norman L. Grege Plaintiffs, vs. Lester Lower, unmarried, J. O. Lower and Ottie Lower, his wife. Sadie Mr Kean and R. H. McKean, her husband, Guy L Lee and Bessie Lee. his wife, Muriel' Jean McKean, a minor. Board man Townsite Company, an Oregon Corporation, The Unknown Heira of Alta Howard deceased. Also all othtr persons or parties unknown, claiming any right title, estate, lien or inter est in the real estate described in the complaint herein Defendants. To Lester Lower, unmarried. J. O. Lower, and Ottie Lower, his wife, The Unknown Heirs of Alta Howard, deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you. by or der of publication of Summons in the above entitled Court are hereby re quired to appear and answer or oiner- : wise plead to the Complaint filed ! against you in the above entitled cause, j and to do so within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this i summons and on or before the date of j its last publication; and' If you fail to do so within such time, for want , thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the Court for a decree granting the relief I prayed for in said Complaint s;mi j relief being succinctly described as fnl- ; lows, to-wit: i 1. That at the t me of mine or sini i Compla-nt, namely on or about January t 30th. 1948. the plaintiffs. E. W. Peck and Mabel O. Feck, husband and wile, i were the owners in fee simple by the t entireties and were In actual possession ! of the foltowing described land in Mor- row ounly. Oregon, to-wit: Lot ft in Block 1 in the Town oi Boardman Oregon. All of Block 14 in the Original Town Site of Boardman. Oregon. Lots 6. 6. 7, and 8 in Block 11. Lot "C." all in the Original Town Site of Boardman. Oregon. All that portion of land lying north of Riverside Drive in the Original Town Site of Boardman. Oregon. Sold land being bounded on the North by the Columbia River. That at the time of the filine of said Complaint Walter A. Runea and Pearl Rupea, husband and wife, and Grace Campbell, and Norman L. Gregg were the owners in fee simple by the entire ties and were in actual possession of the followng described land In Morrow County Oregon to-wit: All or wocK is in me original iown Kite nf ttourrimnn Oreeon. free from any right, title, estate, lien, or interest of you, your heira or suc cessors, and assigns. 2. That you. your heirs or successors and assigns be perpetually enjoined from claiming any right title, estate, lien, or interest in said property ad versely to said plaintiffs. 3. That the title to said property be quieted In favor of plaintiffs and against you. your heirs or successors, and assigns. 4. For such further relief as may seem proper in equity. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof, once each week, for a period of four successive and con secutive weeks in the weekly edition of the Heppner Gazette Times, a weekly newspaper of general circulation as do fined by law printed and published at Heppner, Oregon. That said period is the length of time prescribed by the Honorable Homer I Watts, presiding Judge in the above entitled Court, in hia Order of Publication for this Sum mons, dated April fith, 1948, and order itiR first Publication of this Summons on April 8 1948. RALEY. KILKENNY RALEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Postoffice Address: 101 SE. By-8-7 era Avenue, Pendleton, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice 1b hereby given that the un dersigned, The First National Bank of Portland (Oregon) was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County the Executor of tne ImM Will and Testament of Jes sie II. Pruyn deceased, and all persons having claims against Raid estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified with proper vouchers, to the undersigned Executor at the Law Office of Jos. J. Nys. Heppner. Oregon, within aix montha of the date hereof. Dated and first published this 8th day of April 194H. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8-7 OF PORTLAND, Executor. IwWffiW)! Witt? CHEVROLET cu. fm ra TZ'. , g pecaa Tires With Tubes Brand New 4-ply Tires taken off of new cars each We have them in several different makes $1490 Boift Fail To Read Our Ads We may have another surprise for yon. You can't afford to miss these sur prises, and the only way you will learn about them is through our news paper ads. Hodge Chevrolet Co. Heppner Appliance Co. Main & May Phone 403 Heppner, Oregon 14