Folks Gather At Morgan For Lunch, Work In Cemetery A community dinner was held at the I OOF hall at Morpan Sunday with about 40 attending. The men worked at the cemetery, building fences and sottinR up monuments that had fallen down. Those eominp from a dis tance were Mr. and Mrs. Deane Kklrherry, Rood F.kleberry, and Mrs. Anna Eklebcrry of Hermis ton; Mr. and Mrs Myrtle Ely and children of Boardman. the Dav idson boys from Arlington and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troedson of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Matthews and daughter of Roseburg are visiting her mother. Mrs. Mary Emert. and his brother. Wallace Matthews. Donald McElligott. son of Mr., and Mrs. Charles McElligott, and Miss Eunice Hiatt. formerly of Heppner, were married in San Francisco Monday at 9 a.m., March 29th. The bride, a niece of John Hiatt of Heppner. is a grad uate nurse and the groom is an c service man. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McElligott and children. Kathleen and Jerry, attended the wedding. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley returned home Friday evening of last week from Nelscott where they attended a Congregational pastor's retreat. They reported a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter pur chased a new Fleetmaster Chev rolet car last week. Mrs. Lawrence Dudley of Kan- Place Orders Now! for BEDDING PLANTS ORNAMENTAL EVERGREENS ROSEBUSHES and SHRUBBERY FRUIT TREES We offer a complete landscape gardening service. Grady's Greenhouse Phone 2193 sas is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns returned from Portland last week where they visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tad Hardest-, and Mr. Dobyn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ol den, at Gresham. Mrs. Al Huit and her father, Lee Howell, attended the funeral of Bert Barlow in Portland last week. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham and baby daughter. DATES TO REMEMBER April 9 Plays at the school house. April 9 Study meeting of Top ic club at Mrs. B. C. Forsythe's. April 10 Silver tea at Legion hall by its auxiliary in the af ternoon. April 10 Initiation in 1st and 2nd degrees at the grange hall at 8 p.m. April 11 Valby Missionary so ciety will meet at Mrs. Leonard Carlson's at 2 p.m. April 14 Maranathas at the .;ome of Mrs. E. M. Baker in the afternoon. April 14 IMIA meeting at Le gion hall at 8 p.m. April 15 Regular meeting of Rebekahs. April 16-HEC of Willows grange at Mrs. Earl MeCabe's. April 17 Regular grange meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray were visitors in The Dalles one day last week. Billy Lundell returned to his home in Portland Monday after visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson made a trip to La Grande Saturday. Mrs. Frank Engelman and Mrs. Victor Rietmann went to The Dal les Thursday of last week where Mrs. Engelman had a check up. Allen Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peterson of The Dal les returned home with them and spent a few days at the Riet mann home. Voting Is Not Just A Privilege. . . But the Duty of a DEMOCRATIC CITIZEN Don't Fail to Register by April 20! Sponsored by "Get Out the Vote Committee" of Heppner and Morrow County JUNIOR CHAMBER of COMMERCE 27,000 new arms to carry Reddy Kilowatt THIS CROWING REGION USES MORE AND MORE OF FPU'l CHEAP ELECTRICITY! People everywhere want more of Reddy Kilowatt, your hard-working, low-cost electric servant. That's why Pacific Power & Light Company's construction program this year is the largest in its history! For example, during 1948 PP&L is installing 27,000 additional crobsarms to help carry Reddy where he's needed. Electric rates here are the lowtst in history less than hall the national averag Pacific Power & Light Company Your Partner In Progress Sine 1919 Linda and David Hoover of Pendleton are staying with their aunt, Mrs. E. M. Baker, as their father, Charles Hoover, was ac cidentally shot in the leg and is in the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Mrs. Hoover is a sis ter of Mrs. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke went over to Monument Friday to do somt fishing for steelhead sal mon, but the river was too muddy so they attend Grant Pomona grange there Saturday and visit er friends. Paul O'Meara is preparing to move one of his buildings and place it next to. the postoffice and use it for a paint shop. The building will have a cement floor and stucco on the outside. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ball and family are moving on one of Del- bert Emert's creek ranches. The house was vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bellenbrock who moved to Grant county. Mrs. Omar Rietmann spent the week end in Portland where she visited her mother, Mrs. Inez Freeland who is in a Portland hospital. Erne Drake was ill the first of the week. Mrs. Lana Padberg and grand daughter, Lee Ann Padberg, were dinner guests at the Darrel Pad berg home Saturday night. The high school freshmen en tertained the high school at a party Friday evening of last week at the school gym. A movie, "Topper Takes a Trip," was shown at the school house Wednesday evening of last week, the proceeds going to the senior class They served coffee and pie in the lunch room. The seniors also gave a cafeteria din ner Sunday and served a large crowd. About 70 men of the council of men of the Baptist church held a meeting at the Baptist church on Friday evening, April 2. Dinner was served at the Congregational church by the Baptist ladies. The 4-H club girls met at the Cleo Drake home Saturday. Their project is sewing and room im provement. After the meeting a party was given in honor of Ruby Ann Rietmann's birthday. Re freshments of birthday cake, jel lo and cakes were served. Ruby Ann received many lovely gifts. Those present were Lola Ann Mc Cabe, Carlotta Olden, Ingrid Her mann. Delight Biddle, Joan Cole man, Jane Seehafer, Ruby Ann Rietmann, and Patricia and De lores Drake. The Rebekahs held their regu lar meeting April 1. Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn were elected as delegates and Mrs. Echo Pal mateer and Mrs. Mary Swanson as alternates to the Rebekah as sembly at Eugene in May. Mrs. Matthews was recommended as district deputy president. After the meeting games were played and lunch was served by Mrs. Louis Ball, Mrs. Cleo Drake and Mrs. Francis Ely. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and Mrs. Fannie Griffith and son George were Pendleton visitors Friday of last week. Mrs. Carl Linn is a patient in The Dalles hospital where she underwent a major operation. Mrs. Robert DeSpain is a pa tient at the St. Anthony hospital in Pendleton. She expects to re turn home this week. Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn and son Wayne were recent visitors in Ir rigon. Berl Akers expects to return home from The Dalles hospital this week. The auxiliary will hold a sil ver tea at 2:30 p.m. at the Legion hall. The proceeds will go to ward the child welfare. There will be a program beginning at 3 p.m. Everyone is urged to come. Mrs. E. M. Baker gave a birth day party Saturday afternoon for her niece, Linda Hoover, who was two years old. Those present were Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and children, Mrs. Walter Corley and children, Mrs. Wm. Seehafer and children, and Brenda and Mansel Town send. Those going to Portland the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berg--Strom, Mrs. Arthur Stefani Jr. and Gwen Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Baker en tertained the choir at their home Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andrews of Squirrel, Idaho, visited at the Frank Engelman and Walter Roberts home Monday night. Mrs. Anderson is a niece of Mr. En gelman. They were on their way to California. Quite a number of folks in this community have been ill the past week. Lona, daugter of Mr. and Ms. Annual Birthday Party Held For Group At Irrigon By Grace Shoun Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons have moved from the Arthur Sires place to their own home west of town. Mrs. Earl Isom had the annual birthday- party Sunday for her daughter Dona's 12th birthday, Nancy Graybeal's 11th birthday, and for Bill and Mack Graybeal's birthdays. Those present were the Isoms, the Bill Graybeals from here, and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Graybeal and son Junior and Lois Brooks of Umatilla. They report a very fine party, with good din ner, birthday cakes and presents. Week-end visitors with their families were Clarke Stephens and Mart Abken of Horse Heaven, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFall and children, Betty Acock of Pendle ton, and James C. Shoun of Wal la Walla, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broughton of Spokane. Wayne Caldwell stopped brief ly with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell. He'is of Portland and had been up in Montana. Mrs. Joe Paul is spending from Thursday on in Spokane with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broughton. The Troy Griffin drilling crew is drilling on the Virgil Sparks well. They have it down to solid rock. Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 8, 1943-3 Grodon White, is in The Dalles hospital with a throat infection. Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con nor's daughter Marjorie has boon ill. Mrs. Garland Swanson and children are recovering fmm a siege of flu. Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. Thor M. Thorson has purchased the Lloyd Aldrich place. The Benny McCoy family is living In the house at present. Mack Graybeal is building a two bedroom home for Benny Mc Coy west of town. Mrs. Hazel McRea got 8QQ more baby chicks this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht and baby daughter, Jean Marie, came down from Pendleton to get their small son, Larry. He has been slaying with his aunt, Kuth Uny iker. Dave Garrett and John Hamil ton of Promise were week-end visitors at the Lee Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hobbs and children spent the week end with They left the oldest son with his grandparents for the present. They got home Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Josso White of Kennewick movevd Into the Arthur Sires place It was recently pur chased by Mrs, Fred Canei and, then by the Whites, Jean Dexter and friend qf Yak ima visited Mr. Dcxter'a brothej-, W. B. Dexter and family, Sunday. Mrs. Louis Rucker visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geurgo Russell. Mrs. Russell tins been Hi but was able to teach again this week, Mrs. A. W. Suns-tan has been supplying for her. Irvln Murtishaw, a mechanic In the army air corps stationed m Mississippi. Is visiting his his parents at North Powder. I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murtishaw. The Irrnon hlfTh school students Sccepted an invitation by tho m.illila liiKh student body to a skating party at riampr Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mis, Hugh Grim, son Junior and daughter Rowp.iw HadsqU. wejp In Pendleton Moh dny, Mrs, Dr.n HUH and daughter Veda Mae were lri Pendleton Monday also, Mrs. II. 11. Smunk la spending a week in the Willamette valley with her daughter's family. Fred Adams, Veda Mae Hill and Leonard Wilson nre three people Just out of the hospital with pneumnnia or oVr compli cations of the flu. The flu seem.-; to In; at its peak at present. r- ill . fvv r -.,TEl fcssn 4& SPRINGTIME Is Building Time Let - Us - Help PLAN YOUR HOME! We have a complete PLAN service. saaaaaamnmtamKtnama Bring your DECORATION PROBLEMS to us Dealers in FULLER PAINTS 6- WALL PAPERS Tum-A-Lum Lnmber Co. Phone 912 Heppner, Oregon Photographs are our Specialty Town or Country Come in and see us about your wedding pictures Louis Lyons Ph. 2772 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO unsets April ffering of Select Used Cars & Trucks 1947 Ford TudorSedan 1947 Plymouth Coupe 1946 0ldsmobile76Club Sed an 1941 Oldsmobilc66 4-Door Sedan 1941 Oldsmobile 96 Sedan 1941 Oldsmobile Club Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1941 Oldsmobile Club Sedan 1941 Plymouth 5-Pass. Coupe 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan 1941 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Coupe 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Truck 1940 International Truck 1941 Chevrolet Pick-up Vi ton 1940 Pontiac 4-Pass. Coupe 1941 Mercury Tudor Sedan 1 940 Chevrolet 5-Pass. Coupe 1940 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan 1937 Dodge Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Ford Coupe 1935 Chevrolet Coupe 1936 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Coupe 1938ChevroletTruck 1936 Chevrolet Truck 1 936 Chevrolet Pick-up Vi ton Used Car Lot Open Daily 9:00 to 6:00, Including Saturdays. Sunday, Open 12:00 to 4:00. After hours call Carl Comini, Dial 2662, or Byron Kinsley, Dial 2944. Sunset Motor Company E. 3rd & Jefferson, Phone 2166 THE DALLES, OREGON