Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 01, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 1, 1948
Band Boosters At
ton Elect
New Set of Officers
By Mrs Cecil Jones
The Ixinpton Rand Boosters
flub hold thfir mcftinR Monday
night. It was decided to send
Jour lexington children to the
music lesiixa) in Baker. Those
pning are Jo McMillan, Iris
Kloodsworth, both clarineis. and
Jo, vocal, and Franklin Messen
ger, vocal and Ida Buchanan, vo
cal. Jo and Iris will visit at the
home of Sheriff and Mrs. Fred V.
Spence, aunt and uncle of Jo Mc
Millan. The Band Boosters also held el
ection of officers with Orville
Cutsforth, president, and L. L.
Hovvton. ice president, and Lou-1 At a very beautiful candlelight
ise Grant, secretary-treasurer. ceremony at the Methodist
Several families from Lexing- j church in Hermiston. Mrs. Lillian
ton went to view the Freedom Veugeler, daughter of Mrs. Alex
train in Walla Walla. Some of Hunt, became the bride of Jack
those going were Mr. and Mrs. 1 Smith, at 7 m March :Mth.
Vernon Munkers and daughter, j The bride was lovely in light grey
Marilvn, and Mr. and Mrs. Alon- suit with dark grey accessories,
zo Henderson and family, andl'"" gardenia corsage. The
Mrs. Charles Bloodsworth and 1 bride was attended by the maid
VHnn k-pv nnrt Alta LaFran ! of honor. Miss Elsie Nordstrom,
l..-t ...- Al Cr,! f l!.r.
Miss Alta La Fran has enrolled ! u u,al "T "w
. , , , :., , ; I nnston. A reception was held lm-
m the freshman class in Lexing-! , .
. .u o. 5 i mediate v fo owing in the church
ton fromithe St. Josephs acad- " . ,. .
t,L,Jrooms with Mrs. Alex Hunt m
emv in Pendleton. The Larrans ,, , .
i .v, .,. charge. Cake, coffee and sand-
are living in the Oscar Breeding . , , . ,
, , " wiches were served. Mother of
apartments. Mfs Hum made te weilllmg
A special meeting of the coun- cake wnicn was lovelv wilh dec.
ty principals and one teacher orations alul a bride and groom
from each school will be held in on top Tnere were 45 gucsts pre.
Lexington Tuesday with a din- sent Tnoy wiU make lheir homo
ner at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Lucy Kod- , jn Ordnance.
gors will be a guest also. i , . .
fc . ; , ,j Alonzo Henderson and brother
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
Sunday, April 4
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a.m. Sunday church school
at 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Lucy Rodgers,
superintendent; Robert Owens,
assistant superintendent; Mrs. J
Palmer Sorlien, superintendent ol
primary department.
Wednesday: Mid-week devo
tional service, 7:30 p.m.; Senior
Youth Fellowship. ti:30 p.m.; jun
ior Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday: Choir practice, 7 p.m.
Womans Society of Christian
Service meets the first Wednes
day of each month.
Young Adult Fellowship meets
Thursday, April 8. for a pot luck
supper at 6:30 p.m.
with the
first game April 9 at
It's Gardening Time
Fertilizer spreader $8.45
Lawn mower 22.95
Good assortment pruning shears,
trimmers. Complete line of Pest
master insect control Flower and
garden seeds Vigoro.
Your Friendly Marshall-Wells Store
Owens Hardware
Harold of La Grande returned
Sunday from a business trip to
northern Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael
returned Sunday from Portland.
Mrs. Carmichael is much improv
ed after an operation in the Phy
sicians and Surgeons hospital in
The Easter program held at the
Sunday school Sunday was well
attended, with a fine program.
Mr. Hatch will be here next Sun
day to hold services, with "What
Did Easter Mean to You " as the
topic of the morning sermon and
"What Prayer Can Do" in the eve
ning. Mr.j and Mrs. W. I. Miller and
family from La Grande motored
to Lexington Friday where Mrs.
Miller and three children remain
ed, at the C. C. Jones home for a
week. Mrs. Edward E. Brunelle
and Mrs. Chas. H. Jones were
guests also over the week end,
with Mrs. Brunelle returning to
Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; C. W.
Barlow, supt.; Beverly Yocum,
junior supt.;- Mrs. Joe Jewett, pri
mary supt.
Morning worship, 11; commun
ion and preaching; sermon topic.
Evening evangelistic services,
7:30. Message, "What It is To Be
A Christian."
Choir practice Thursday eve
ning at 7:00, Mrs. Willard J. War
ren, director.
Bible study and prayer meet
ing Thursday evening at 8.
Shelby E. Graves Pastor
Sunday school, 9.45 a.m., Ora
Wyland, supt.
11 a.m., worship hour.
6:30 p.m., Christ's Ambassadors
7:45 p.m., evangelistic service.
7:45 p.m., Tuesday and Thurs
day, prayer meeting.
Mrs. William Morgan and Mrs. ,
Rho Bleakman were over from ;
Monument Tuesday attending to
business matters in Heppner.'
Mrs. Morgan reports that Mr. ,
Morgan has been critically ill
with pneumonia but is improving
at this time.
Mrs. Charles McDaniel and
Mrs. Frank McDaniel who recent
ly moved to Stanfield were shop
ping in Heppner Tuesday. Mrs.
Charles McDaniel is able to be
about on crutches following an
injury to her hip in a fall at the
time of their moving to their new
Mr. and Mrs. William "Dad"
Driscoll of Corvallis are visiting
in Heppner this week at the home
of their son and daughter-iii-. ..
Mr. and Mrs. James Driscoll. They
expect to return to their home
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ray of Sa
lem visited in Heppner over the
week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William" Cowins.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ovlatt
and Mrs. Ray Oviatt of Portland
were week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Kane. They came up to
be with Mrs. Oviatt's father, J.
B. Yocum who has been serious
ly ill at the Kane home.
Contract That Electric Work
Ask for a bid on your Electric Work and
know what it will cost before you have it done.
We have been in the Electrical Contract
ing business in Heppner for 13 years.
Call us for a bid on your work.
Free Estimate.
Heppner Hardware
& Electric Company
General Electric Appliances
Sponsored by
Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion
for the
Junior Class of Heppner High School
Admission $1.00, tax included
Good Music - - Lunch at Midnight
Admission prtc altarnoon and MTSlaf, unless sp
aliioally adT.rtisad to b otkarwlae: Children i t-
mot .17, rL iu .oa, TouJ anA, ud Hlf.h
fcJlooJ Student! u rears end own Est. Price Mi.
red. tu .10, ToUl Wo; Adoltsl Ert. Prcie .SO, Ted.
Iu .10, Total 60c Ever ch Id occupying a teat
mart k&v a ticket.
Sunday shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. Satnr.
day evening shows start at 7 p.m. All other evening
shows start at 7:30 p-m. Boxoffice open evenings
nntU 9 p.m.
Friday-Saturday, April 2-3
Riding the California Trail
A Omro Km Bdvcnlurc with Gilbert Roland.
Tvonne DeCarlo, Oeorga Brent, Brodertck Craw.
oid, Albert Sexier, Andy Serine. Arthur
A Tluikur combination of WkIi desert ai-vi-nture
and sliiptiik comedy made funnier by
snide remarks from a mmel with a Brooklyn
ar: cent.
To Heppner Post, American Legion,
our congratulations upon the opening
ol their new Hall and their great ac
complishment In It construction.
Sunday-Monday, April 4-5
The Voice of the Turtle
or,eld Begaa. Eleanor Parker, Eve Ardeu,
Wayne Morris
It's 0,e evei -lovin' voice of the turtle . . . and
o-te of the Muwt delightful comedies you've ever
had Hie pleasure of eeing.
Tuesday, April 6
Deborah Xerr, Trevor Howard
A vlvldly-charactcrized picture that offers laughs,
sighs and some violence ... Minn Kerr, for her
portrayal of the headhtrong IrUih laHH. has been
rated by the New York Film Critics to have g.ven
the best performance by an actress for the past
Also, a Technicolor adventure BRANDIMO
IBOHS telling the story of ram hes with famous
with music from the Band of the Year.
Wednesday-Thursday, April 7-8
Something different, comedy package la two
Smart and sophisticated, wilh Walter Abel, Mar.
got Orahame, Maria Wilson, Donald Meek
Part 2: CUBLEY
It s "Hklppy," "Huckleberry Klnn" end " The
Kid' all rolled Into one. with Frances Bafferty,
Dale Belding and Introducing Larry Olson as
Easter I. Holy communion, 8
a. m.
Church school, 9:45 a. m.
Holy communion, 11 EL m.
Junior Felowship, 6:30 p. m.
Wednesday Holy communion,
10 a. m. Children's instruction,
3:30 p. m. Adult instruction, 8
p. m.
A five pound 14 ounce boy,
Larry Ross, was born March 29
at the Wilcox Memorial hospital
in Portland to Mr. and Mrs. E.
R. Holliday of that city. The mo
ther is the former Marcie Pieper,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Pieper of Lexington. Mrs. Pieper
went to the city for the event and
will remain there for some time.
her home in Union after spend
ing the winter in Lexington and
Word has been received in Lex
ington of the illness of Jerry Ack
len of Grants Pass. Jerry Is the
son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan
and daughters Pat and Jo return
ed Wednesday from a week end
spent in Corvallis and Kelso.
They attended the golden wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. )
Bill McMillan, aunt and uncle of
W. E., at their home in Corvallis.
They tell of a wonderful time
spent there, with 150 guests at
tending the celebration. All of
the children of the family were
present besides many other
friends. Among them were Mr.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newt
O'Harra at Lexington recently
were Mr. and Mrs. Will Nordean
of Baker and Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Weeks and daughter Marjorie of
Portland, and Jack and Patty O'
Harra returned to Eugene after
spending the spring vacation at
and Mrs. Carl Miller, formerly of
Lexington. From Corvallis the
McMillans motored to Kelso
where they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Pomeroy, sister of Mr. Mc
Millan. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Mc
Millan also returned home this
week from Portland where they
Mrs. Cecille Jackson and
daughter Carolle were Lexington
visitors the first of the week trom
their home in The Dalles. They
rerjort that the Jacksons son
Kenneth, who finished school at
Eugene in January, is employed
at the firm of Dun & Bradstreet,
credit corporation, in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dinges from
Portland spent Easter with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Dinges. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Dinges are Ontario
visitors this week.
FOR RENT My place below
town. Ed Clark, Hermiston, Ore.
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
Times, established November
18. 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15,
Published every Thursday and
entered at the Post Office at
HcDnner. Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor
Heppner Post
No. 87
American Legion
April 3, 1948
3:00 to 6:00 P. M.
7:30 to 9:00 P. M.
9:30 P. M. to 2:00 A. M.
General Public Invited
F 3 I
L ti
'li'll T ' r ; ; ri
""""""" aeessssseasssssssssssssssi '
House to House
Photographers Are Taking
Your Money Out of Town.
They do not guarantee good
pictures or any pictures.
We are here to satisfy you.
Buy Your Photos Wisely
cMepsputeA. Plvota Studio.
Louis Lyons Phone 2772
Member Heppner Junior Chamber of Commerce
Please Note
Beginning APRIL 7th and EVERY
THURSDAY thereafter our office
in Room 201 First National Bank
Building will again be open
10:30 A.M. to 3:00 P. M.
We make long time Federal Land
Bank Loans at 4 Pet. witB privilege
to repay at any time. We invite your
R. H. LOVELESS, Secy.-Treas.
Davis Art Trays
Beautiful, Colorful, Artistic
Baked finishes and special coated steels give lasting
quality and prevent stains from liquids.
Many colors brilliant Chinese reds, soft
pastels, plain or highly decorated . . .
$2.00 to $7.50
To add a bright note to your living room.
Hand painted ceramic base with appropriate silk shade.
A lamp to enjoy and be proud of.
A wide selection
Case Furniture Co.
Thursday, April 8
Another Big Auction
Livestock r Miscellaneous
Bring in what you have we'll
sell it for you.
Sale Be&ns at 1 O'clock P. Ai
Auctioneer Operator Clerk