McGreer-Troedson Vows Taken In Portland Church By Echo Palmateer DATES TO REMEMBER April 6 Auxiliary meeting In afternoon and American Legion In the evening. April 7 Social meeting of Eas tern Star at home of Mrs. E. M. Baker. April 9 Study meeting of Top ic club at home of Mrs. B. C. For sythe. April 10 Initiation In first and second degrees, Willows Grange hall. The Laurelhurst United Presby terian church in Portland was the scene of the wedding, at 10 o'clock a. m., March 24, of Mrs. Margaret McGreer, daughter of Mrs. Georgia Brewster of that city and Verner Troedson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson of lone. The Rev. William French officia ted at the ceremony at which Miss Georgia Coogan of Eortland and Carl Troedson of lone were the attendants. A reception was held at the home of Mrs. Brew ster following the marri.-iqe crp. mony. The bride has been secre tary to a Portland in groom is a prominent wheat far mer of the lone section. Tney ieu on a trip to Mexico City, after which they will make their home on Mr. Troedson's ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nottage of Portland spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson. Mr. Nottage is a math instructor at Grant high and Mrs. Nottage a domestic arts teacher at the Girls Polytechnic school. Dinner guests Easter at the John Bryson home were Mrs. La. na Padberg, Louis Padberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Devin of Condor) and Dick Hughes of Blackfoot, Idaho. Guests at the O. E. Lindstrom home Sunday, Mar. 21, in honor of Mr. Llndstrom's birthday, were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lind strom, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lun dell, Miss Mary Brackctt and Mr. Morrow County Cleaners We Call for and Deliver Ladies and Gents Fine Tailoring Just Call 2632 ore than 900 Oregon i Physicians and Surgeons p - '::: ' ' V h offer Medical and Hospital fas - v.-' v ' V' P 4hf Aiirrh ft D C ;VUI M IlllUUgll we wa Tlx strength, expffitnet and prolaiiional responsibility of the Ore gon Sum Medical Society standi behind the prepaid medical and hospital pro tection now offered to employed resi dents of Oregon and to their families. Your Cholco of 2 Plans The new contracts result rDUn 1 II d II I MIDICAl tUROICAL AND HOIPITAL tevrof if th plr4 I (dividual $3.30 pr month. 1UIOIOL, UMITED MEDICAL end HOSPITAL cevtrof for lemUin ipdiim, $2.00 pr months lit child, $1.35 por month) 2nd child, 75 conn p month) 3rd child, 30 cwitt por month ddllloMt cklldroa M chorffo. Plan 2. MMOICAU UMITID JUDICAL AND HOSPITAL ttvorogo lor tho mployW fndWIdval 42.25 or month. SUtGICAL, IIMITCO MEDICAL and HOSPITAL MM m Hon I . covorofl for fowl Ho Plant oral lab lo In moil Orooon coun tlM to omployod Individual! whooo not taiablo Incomo doot not oxcood $o,000 por yoor. J from experience gained through O.P.S. group employe plans under which some 70,000 Oregon workers have had coverage for years. Regard less of the plan you select, there is a wide choice of co operating physicians, sur geons and hospitals. Literature and application blank will be gladly fur nished. Please use the coupon. Netot O.P.S. group coverage Is till ovalloblo. If you and follow employes wish tho savings that are possible under a group poll cy we will furnish Information gladly. OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE 1114 S.W.ttk A.,PmiM 4J5 Ferry llrott.Solaa 215 Stafford lldg.,Modfoni OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE fioaio mall literature and application blank. City- Moll to O.P.S. at Portland, Salem or Modfoni, and Mrs. J. A. Troedson of Hepp ner. Mrs.'Charles O'Connor gave a dinner Thursday evening, March 25, in honor of Mr. O'Connor's birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carlson. Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley left Monday for Nelscott where they will attend the pastor's re treat. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen have taken over the Victory cafe. Ernest McCabe's new house is almost completed. Harry Yarnell has the cement footing made for his new house on 2nd street, and is about ready to pour the ce ment for the foundation. The new Catholic church Is nearing completion. The floors are to be put in. It is expected to be done by May. Tennis players have been en- loyine the new tennis court. Mrs. Wm. Zinter left last week for Willets, Cal., to be with her mother who is quite ill. Ralph Akers is seriously ill In the Mid-Columbia hospital at The Dalles. George Corcoff is ill at the Hermiston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Pete McMurtry of Heppner visited relatives and friends here Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and son Alton were dinner guests at the Clifford Yarnell home In LeX' lngton Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Lundell and children and Mrs. James Ev ans and daughter Elaine of Boise, Idaho, and Kenneth Lundell of Oakland spent Easter at the O. L. Lundell home. Kenneth will re main here for a longer visit but the others left Monday morning for Boise. Wallace Lundell of Oakland is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell. Mrs. Mary Swanson and daugh ter Eva returned home Friday of last week. Mrs. Swanson has been visiting in Salem and Eva visited relatives and friends in Oakland and San Francisco and Los Angeles. She was a guest of Mrs. Jerry Bolman, the former Harriet Heliker, while in Los An geles. Fire broke out in the celling of the Clarence Brenner home me u.ay last week but was quickly put out. Robert Severin of Paisley came to lone Thursday of last week and left Monday. He and Mrs. Severin visited friends in Pendle ton and Hermiston over the week end. Roy Obert of Portland, former ly of lone, and Miss Avanelle Nelson of Portland were married recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow took her mother, Mrs. Ida Grabill over to Yakima Monday of last week, where Mrs. Grabill remain ed to be with her sister, Mrs. Cynthia Cochran, who Is quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lundell entertained relatives at a dinner Saturday night at their home in Gooseberry. Motion pictures were shown. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Devlne of North Bonneville spent the week end at the Ernest Heliker home Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich and family and Mr. and Mrs. hd Al drich and family attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Aldrich at In dependence last week. Among those getting new cars recently are Louis Carlson arid Delbert Emert. Last week was filled with many Easter activities with Eas ter egg hunts at the churches for the little folks, a party for the mothers by the Beginners class, BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS By having me mea sure and install beautiful Venetiar blinds Any Color Tape and Slats 0. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 2752 or 1483 Heppner, Oregon HE VOTES AGAINST COMMUNISTS mi'.' TO1T HepRner. Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 1, 1948-3 A Til r i mmn iiMHSWj ( k VA wi- k !kmmfL fiiisfi, Washington, D. C Congressman Lowell Stockman, Oregon Second District, as he presided over the House recently during debate on appropriations for the continuance of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Speaker Martin who was called away from the chamber asked Mr. Stockman to take over the rostrum in his absence. Washington, D. C The House Un-American Activities commit tee was aided in its efforts to ferret communists out of govern ment positions recently, when Rep. Lowell Stockman, Oregon second district, voted for a mea sure authorizing funds to cover further operations of the commit tee. Proponents of the measure pointed out that the house com mittee was the only agency in vestigating subversive activities in the U. S. which could publi cize its findings and alert the public to the communist danger. Debate brought out that the FBI and secret service agencies can not function as a source of pub lic information on subversive ac tivities. In urging approval of the ap propriation, one spokesman de clared: "Everyone in the administra tive departments, from the pres ident on down, is coming up here and telling this congress, "We must combat communism'." The house approved the bill by a vote of 337 to 37. ATTENTION: Car Owners with Hydra Matic Drive We have a specially trained service mechanic who is fully prepared to take care of your Hydra-matic troubles. Come in and try our service on your your spring motor tune-up. This is our specialty Conveniently located at corner May and Chase Sts. Farley Pontiac Co. held at the Cooperative church last Thursday, services at the Baptist and Cooperative church es Thursday evening of last week. Services for Easter Sunday star', ed with sunrise services on the hill south of lone which is a wonderful view. Green wheat fields can be seen for miles and the sky was clear. It was quite an impressive sight when the sun came over the hill. Rev. Al fred Shirley conducted the ser vices. There were 29 present in the group and among them were two sets of twin boys, Roy and Albert Lindstrom, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom, and Donald and Delbert Brashers, grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray. After the services the group went to the E. M. Baker home where a bountiful breakfast of ham, eggs, etc., was served. At the Cooperative church a child ren's program was held at 10 a.m. consisting of songs, exercises, re citations by the beginners, pri mary, junior and intermediate classes. This was followed by the morning sermon. Services were also held at the Baptist church in the morning and evening. In the evening an Easter can tata, 'The Divine Redeemer," by Charles Gounod, was given. It consisted of the following: "Bene- dictus," "Hosanna," "Gethsem ane," "Calvary," "There Is a Green Hill Far Away," "Come Un to Him," "O Divine Redeemer," "Resurrection," "All Hail," "Un fold, Ye Portals," "Send Thy Holy Spirit," "Redemption." Mrs. Cleo Drake directed the cantata and Mrs. E. M. Baker was the pianist. The singers were, sopranos, Mesdames Walter Roberts, Noel Dohyns, Paul Petty john, Alfred Shirley, John Proudi foot; altos, Mesdames Omar Riet mann, Mary Swanson, Walter Corley, Darrell Padberg, Earl Me Kinney, Eugene Normoyle; ten ors, Ernest McCabe and Eugene Normoyle; basses, E. P. Day, Rev. Alfred Shirley. The Three Links club of the Rebekahs held their meeting at their hall Friday afternoon, Mar. 2G, with Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mrs. L. A. McCabe as hos tesses. Luncheon was served from tables decorated with daffo dils and eggs with cleverly paint edfaces and Easter bonnets. Names were drawn for the secret Pollyanna sister. Larry Longan returned recent ly from a visit in the Willamette valley. The HEC of Willows grange served a dinner to a large crowd Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. Among those going to Pendle ton last week were Oscar Peter son and son Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. 5. M. Baker and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rice of The Dalles spent Easter with their son, Lloyd Rice and family. Week-end visitors of the Dale Rays were Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brashers and sons and Dolly Howell of Lyle, Wash. Among those going to The Dal les last week were Mrs. Franklin Ely, a daughter Francine, Mrs. Echo Palmateer and Betty Ball. Mrs. Wm. French of Heppner called on Mrs. Ethel Stewart last week. Mrs. Stewart is taking care of James Fitz of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. David Ely and daughter, Lois, of Pendleton, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely, at Mor gan. The 4-H club met at the home of Victor Rietmann one day last week. A party was given In hon or of the birthday of Miss Patri cia Drake. She received many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served. Teachers spending ther vaca tion away were E. S. Stultz, go ing to Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, to Salem, and Miss Mary Brackett, to Rufus. Mrs. Fannie Griffith and daughter June went to Portland last week. Mrs. Griffith returned home and June went on to Cor vallis where she is a student at Oregon State college. Saturday evening guests at the Edmond Bristow home were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Haslam of Pilot Rock and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Conklin of Baker. The Ameca club met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Morgan on Wednesday, Mar. 24, wan Mrs. Richard Lundell assisting Mrs. Morgan. Games were played dur ing the afternoon after which lunch was served by the hostess es. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell and children of Portland visited relatives here over the week end. Guests from here at the Mrs. Elsie Peterson home at Lexing ton Easter Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ball and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ball and baby, the Misses Mary Jean Bristow, Laurel Palmateer, Anita Hooker, Ernest McCabe, Melvin Brady and Pete Cannon. The American Legion auxiliary is giving a silver tea at the le gion hall in the afternoon of Ap ril 10, proceeds to go to the child welfare work. The senior class of the lone high school is giving a dinner Sunday, April 4, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the gym. Four 3-act plays will be given at the school house April 9. Guests at the Wallace Mat thews home Easter were his ne phew, Bill Matthews, and a friend, Oliver Allen, both of Rose burg, also Holmes Gabbert of Portland. Mrs. Anne Smouse returned to Eugene. Mrs. Carrie Bergevin of Seattle visited her son, Louis Bergevin and family, for a few days. Gordon White took his father, T. M. White, to Portland Sunday to receive medical treatment Joel Engelman spent the week end in Portland. Tommy Bristow and Helmeth Hermann went to Nampa, Idaho, for the week end. Berl Akers is Jn The Dalles hos pital. Mrs. Akers and Mrs. Wal lace Matthews went to The Dal les Tuesday morning to see him. were Miss Shirley Smouse, Miss were Mss hirlee Smouse, Miss Barbara Smith and Reginald Shirley to University of Oregon; Miss June Griffith, Tommy Do herty, Alfred Shirley to Oregon State college; Johnny Doherty to Eastern Oregon college; Alton Yarnell and Matt Doherty to Uni versity of Washington; Ralph Smith to Washington State college. It would take the U. S. Treasury 26 years to print enough SI bills to pay for the $39.6 billion federal spending program proposed by President Truman. UP item. Dutch Boy Paint We are please dto announce that we are the distributor for this fa mous line of paints. . . We have the best equipment in the county for Spray Painting. For the Best in Building Supplies Lumber, Plywood Roofing, Pum ice Building Blocks, Rough Lum ber and John Manville Products, come to Builders Supply North Gale St. Heppner, Oregon Filter Packs For All Types Tractors Trucks and Cars Padberg Tractor 6 Truck Repair Lexington, Oregon Phone 421 1 Oil and Grease Parts for Various Machines Photographs are our Specialty Town or Country Come in and see us about your wedding pictures Louis Lyons Ph. 2772 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO Foil can CASH IM N STEEL MILLS NEED SCRAP METAL FROM YOUR FARM Supplies of scrap for the steel furnaces are critically low. The furnaces thrive on a diet of about equal portions of pig iron and scrap. More scrap is urgently needed, if there is to be enough steel for making farm implements and countless other products. More than three million tons of steel scrap lie idle on America's farms, according to the latest' estU mates scrap that only litters up the place, scrap that is wasted where it is. How much is there on your farm? How about the old car body, that rusted cultivator, those eld plow bottoms, discarded tools? Erery bit helps and it is needed now. IT'S HARVEST TIME FOR SCRAP There's a bumper scrap crop to be harvested this spring and there's money in it for you. Your scrap dealer will pay for ererything nsable. Yon can do three good turns in one scrap harvest . 1. You make some money on what you can't use. 2. You get your outdoor spring housecleaning done. 3. You help the steel mills turn out more steel lor the Implements and equipment you'd like to have on your farm. Scrap means savings to you if you'll collect it. and sell it. On the first rainy day, when you can't plow or sow or cultivate, pat on your oldest clothe and get that scrap together. HERE'S WHAT TO DO 1. Pile up every bit of iron and steel scrap on your place. 2. Take a paylond into town the next time you go. You'll nuike more money out of it that way. 3 If you can't drive it in, call your scrap dealer and ask him to pick it up. 4. If there is no scrap dealer near you, call your implement dealer. Ask him how to get your scrap started toward th steel furnace. AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE 350 Fifth Av.nue, Nw York 1 , N. Y.