2 Hcppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, April 1, 1948 EDITORIAL Publishes 'sutioii We Poy One Woy or the Other This is a .season of fund drives and they are following so close upon one another that they are really overlapping and poor old John Citizen can't get a good breath between times. It has gotten to be a game with those who suspect every' person they see approaching to be a solicitor to dodge around the corner or else hie themslves to the back of the house and refuse to answer the alarm at the door. This may be a slight exaggeration, but it is a fact that the public is getting fed up on being hit for this and that, day in and day out, no mat ter how Important each of these fund campaigns may be. Many had felt that with cessation of the shooting war there would be less drumming for subscriptions, yet in reality there has been an upsurge and the end of this type of financing public gratuities is far beyond the vision of the ordinary mortal There seems no way out of this dilemma. The purposes for which the funds are sought are legi timate and worthy. Government financing of most of the projects would not bring relief, any more than that all taxpayers would feel the pinch instead of the much smaller number of peo ple who constitute a composite Joe Pungle. We must decide for ourselves whether or not we wish to hang on to the little amount of personal free dom we now possess by digging right into our pockets and handing over the cash for these drives or have more bureaus set up by the government for collecting the several amounts on a far more costly basis. When we think the whole thing over it is likely that we will no longer be tempted to slam the door in solicitors' faces, or,run and hide when we see them coming, but greet them at the door and be thankful for the privilege of giving what we think the cause deserves rather than have the tax collector tell us what to give. It is not within the realm of possibility that all people will or do give to all of the drives. We give to those things we consider most worthy, and all people do not think alike. But if enough people think well of each cause there will be funds for all. No other people on earth give as much as Americans do, for no other people have so much to give, but it seems quite certain that we will have to be more systematic about our giv ing if we are to keep the various beneficiaries now depending upon our gratuities on an even keel. They will be kept afloat either by public subscrip tion or through a tax. The people must decide which method they prefer. And Now-The Cancer Drive In view of what has already been said about fund drives it doesn't seem consistent to pull right in with an article encouraging support of the cancer fund drive which opens today, yet it is one of the most deserving of the several national char- NATIONAL DITORlAI ASSOC ATION ities because cancer today is one of the worst ene mies we have to contend with so far as the na tional health is concerned. Some progress has been made in the treatment of cancer in recent years, yet the dread disease remains as one of the greatest killers. The Am erican Cancer Society says, "We cannot pause for a moment for even as we pause people are dying one every three minutes ISO.OOO this year alone. Statistics show that 30 to 50 of those doomed to die of cancer in 1948 can be saved by early recog nition of cancer symptoms. It is extremely im portantliterally a matter of life and death that educational activities be greatly increased so that fewer will die." Those who have seen loved ones carried off by cancer will not hesitate to rally to the support of the Amercan Cancer Society. Those who have not lost loved ones in this manner should be interest ed in learning everything possible about it and how to combat it Support of the cancer society will enable everybody to know more about this insidious disease and it should not be necessary to stage a door-to-door canvass in order to raise what is required locally. Jack O'Connor says there isn't a grain of truth in the report that he took the job as chairman of the Red Cross to enable him to sell more razor blades with which to remove the membership stickers from windows and doors. He says he was motivated by patriotism but is willing to share that patriotism with some other patriot after three years of directing Red Cross business. Jack has done a good job and we hereby hand him the orchids, or whatever is appropriate under such circumstances. Heppner's streets have been undergoing a series of cleanings in recent weeks under the supervision of Commissioner Pat Mollahan. What with good topsoil washing down from the hillsides and all but burying the roadways, and an occasional northwester bringing in sand from the desert there has been much work for the street cleaning de partment, but Pat seems determined to win out against the elements, and he being a son of the ould sod it is safe to place your money on thr idea that he will accomplish his purpose. March was a rugged month, giving us all of the 57 varieties of weather. While sub-normal temperatures prevailed most of the time, crop? made a good growth and there are some beautiful fields for this time of year. Trees have started budding the past few days and the willows along the creeks have assumed a definite green hue Sunday was all that could be asked for by Easter crowds, and Monday brought one of the nastiest wind and dust storms seen in these parts in recent years. Little boys are playing marbles and fly ing kites, and the muse is stirring in the poetic breast. It must be spring at last. 30 YEARS A(S From Heppner Gazette Times April 4, 1918 The Hardman auxiliary of the Morrow county chapter of the Red Cross has remitted $148 to the county chapter. A ceremony uniting Miss Jiora Peterson of Heppner Junction and J. E. Berwick was performed last Saturday evening at the home of Rev. F. A. Andrews in ths city. J. C. Hart veteran railroader, died early this morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank (2oncj xatutatiom to American Legion Post No. 87 of Heppner for the handsome new hall which the Post has worked so diligently to complete. The community thanks you. The Flower Shop Rechlen at La Grande. For ten years he was depot agent at Heppner. The operetta presented by the Heppner high school was a pro nounced success, the gate re ceipts amounting to over $200. . A son was born at the sanitar ium in this city March 29 to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Doak of lone. Frank Roberts returned the last of the week from New Mexico and Utah where he was in search of a carload of milk goats which he intends to sell to sheepmen to be used as wet nurses for or phaned lambs. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cox en in this city March 26, a son weighing 11 pounds and a half Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Raglan who have conducted a variety store the past year have sold their stock of merchandise to Mrs. L. G. Herren who will operate the store in the future. Morrow county baseball fans will usher in the 1918 season at Lexington next Sunday when the Lexington Trench Diggers meet the Heppner War Babies. EVERY DAY IS APRIL 5I IMMIilllHlltlMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIItllHIHIIMIIIinillimit In order to save enough, over a period of 24 years, to acquire a retirement income of $3000 a year under social security, the follow ing yearly incomes were needed: In 1914 $3,075; in 1929 $5,267; in 1947 $13,221. We extend to our many patrons our sincere thanks for pleasant business relations during our residence in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson v fifl fill SCHOOL CASE WILL DRAG National Educational attorneys have entered into the Oregon "curbstone case" concerning re ligious training in public schools by opposing the opinion of At torney General George Neuner. In an opinion, requested by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Rex Putnam, Neuner held that under the recent United States Supreme Court decision it was legal to dismiss pupils for religious instruction off school premises during school hours. He also held it to be unconstitution al, under the decision to conduct religious classes in school build ings. The NEA opinion is that religious training given to public school children during school hours and with the active coop eration of the school administra tion is unconstitutional. The recent decision of the Uni ted States supreme court un doubtedly will be appealed, other cases involving the same issues will be started and appealed. When the case is considered" settled the Oregon department of education will be without police powers and all they can do is to pass on guidance to the county school authorities. What action they take is strictly a local mat ter. LIQUOR SALES SAG Sales of the state liquor con trol commission for the last month showed a decline of S2U. 792. The February 1947 sales were $2,875,101 as compared with last month's total of $2,854,309. Sales of liquor permits also drop ped from $35,861 during Febru ary 1947 to $33,558 during Febru ary of this year. The total operating expenses of the commission for February this year were up $33,677 more than for February 1947. The commis sion's transfer of funds to coun ties and cities was less than one half the amount distributed to the same account a year ago. "ARMY DAY" April 6, 1948, has been declar ed "Army Day" by presidential proclamation issued at Washing- Washington Week PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ton and by Governor John Hall to be celebrated in the state of Oregon. Army Day has been spon sored for the past 21 years by the Miltary Order of the World Wars in cooperation with other veter ans' organizations and patriotic groups. The Army recruiting ser vice and the Oregon Organized Reserve Corps are cooperating with these organizations to aid in making this year's celebration a success. Following Governor Hail's recent proclamation school administrators, teachers and leaders in civic associations have shown more than usual interest in this year's celebration. NEW PACT ON TRUCKS A new agreement between Ore gon and Idaho governing recipro city on motor vehicles was signed "reluctantly" this week by Sec retary of State Earl Newbry. For merly each state granted free li censes to trucks of the other state. Newbry said the new agreement requires that a large truck and trailer combination from Oregon will have to pay $500 for a license when it enters Idaho but the same combination entering Ore gon can be licensed for only $5. Reciprocity for trucks under 4500 pounds, and for farm trucks and other classes of motor vehi cles will be continued. Newbry said he felt he had to sign the new agreement in order to keep reciprocity for the farmer and small truck owner. STATE PURCHASING AGENT PASSES A heart attack suffered while visiting his daughter in Kent, Wash., Sunday, claimed the life of Samuel Burns Gillette, pur chasing agent for the state of Oregon for the past four years Gillette, who was born in Texas March 19, 1887, came to Oregon when a boy. His first state posi tion was with the state highway department and 20 years ago he became associated with the board of control. Four years ago he took the position of state purchasing agent. TO SEGREGATE CRIME TRENDS In a few short weeks the state's $185,000 segregation building at the boy's school at Woodburn will be completed and in operation The late Governor Earl Snell i fought 5 years for segregation buildings for all state corrective institutions. When economy warped legislators broke down and authorized the program of segregation building restrictions was the next bottleneck. An By ARTHUR HACHTEN Washington, D. C There's a major campaign issue in the Tru man 'Administration's proclaim ed negligence of National Defense. Republican leaders are empha sizing the confusion and lack of planning by the Administration s defense establishment which brot the nation to still another crisis. Congress is rankled because in January it appropriated all the funds for our military establish ment that the Administration re quested. Even so, Its leaders were then not satisfied that the people were receiving a dollar's worth of defense for every dollar spent. So the Congressional Aviation Policy board was created and sought out the truth. Senator Ow en D. Brewster (R-Me.) was ap pointed chairman and Rep. Carl Hinshaw (R-Cal.) vice chairman. On March 1 after six months of investigation the board re ported that the entire military establishment was enmeshed fin controversy over an over-all plan for adequate defense: that be cause of petty jealousies and end less squabbling among the three services the Unification Act was just a farce. Unification, which had been enacted to eliminate costly duplication, had instead under executive manhandling produced triplification. The board demanded that Mr. Truman act immediately to set tle the conflict wthin the ser vices. Defense Secretary Forrestal left forthwith for Key West, Fla., to confer with high-ranking admir als and generals. On his return to Washington he reported at once to the President. On March 17 the President addressed a Joint session of Congress urging a strengthening of National De fense, restoration of the draft and the adoption of universal mili tary training. This message came just 2 12 months after the President had submitted his military budget es timate to the Congress. He made no reference to the need for air power expansion and certainly made no mention of the conflict within the military establish ment. But the alert Congress, which had prodded the defense ques tion to prominence in the first place, had no intention of turn ing off the steam. Appropriate committees are pressing their demands for a unified plan of action, along with a concise spelling-out of defense require ments the two very vital points which Congress, and everyone, mightily missed in the Presi dent's message. So, it is heartening to see Con gress again cut through the smoke of another Administration "crisis." Congressional pressures which shook loose from the close mouthed State Department the intent, cost and application of the European Recovery Plan, are now forcing the Administration to tell the Nation the truth about its de fenses. o A New York exporter recently found a market for potatoes In South America. Through ordin ary channels he could buy them at $2.55 a hundredweight. But the government was glad to sell them at $1.75 a hundredweight out of its surplus stocks, even though the potatoes had been purchased at the support price of $2.55. Of course, the man bought from the government, and of course, the taxpayers paid the difference. New York Daily News. o J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gilt Good Watches, Clocks. Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8:00 p. m. In Legion Hall JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR 6 BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodel ed. Phone 1483, 415 Jones St. HEPPNER, OREGON P. W. MAH0NEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Jack A. Woodhall Doctor of Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bank Bldg. Phone 2342 Heppner Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Hepnper, Oregon Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month rs WeMurdo, M.D, Citizens having matters for dis- u' mcmuruu' cussion, please bring before the Council Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Morrow County Cleaners Box 82, Heppner, Phone J63J Ore. Superior Dry Cleaning & Finishing N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for apolntment, or call at shop. Heppner, Oregon PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office No. 4 Center St House calls made Home Phone 2S83 Office 2572 C. A. RUGGLES Representing Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Ueppner. Or. DR. J. D. PALMER DENTIST Office upstairs Rooms 1112 First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 783. Home 932 Heppner, Oregon I Saagers Pharmacy Since last May the Truman ad ministration spent $40 million colected as taxes, to take potatoes off the market and thu.s prices up. An unofficial estimate said the potato-price support pro gram is costing $200 million this year in higher prices. eight-room school building cost ing $117,000 and a shop building, gym and cottage costing $467,985 will be completed this summer. Make This A MUST on Your Calendar . . . Cafeteria Dinner 1 to 3 p. m. Sunday, April 4 lone School Gymnasium Sponsored by the Senior Class of lone High School $1 .25 per plate; 75c for half plate Jfc SPECIAL PURCHASE SALEI 2 for l.00 Made fo sell for $1.00 each (p'm ') Get two lipsticks smartly packaged for the usual price of one. Smart, metal, swivel eases. Choose from an assortment of fashionable, flattering colors. REALLY PINK , . . RIGHT RED , , , VINTNER RED , . . PORTRAIT PINK IRN,...IO;tH AMERICAN... RJPf CHERRIES... NUT IROWM RED Something New Has Been Added . . . Visit Our New Store Sat, Apr. 3 and see the lovely new sewing materials Bolt Goods and Findings We have laid in a stock of lovely new Prints, Spun Rayons, Chambray, Batiste, and "Fruit of the Loom" fabrics. To this line of bolt goods we have added Trimmings, Rufflings, Crown Zippers, Elastics, Buttons, Ric Rac, Bias Tape, Snap Fasteners, Needles and Thread. There will also be on display a few pairs of LADIES HOSE More goods arrriving Saturday or Monday. Yeager's Store Across from Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.