Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 01, 1948, Image 1

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    LlC A'Jt-ITOr.lUM
Heppner Gazette Times
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, April 1, 1945
Volume 65, Number 2
PP&L To Spend
Additional $60,000
On Local Service
Extra Power Will
Be Brought Over
CB Line to Jordan
A $00,000 project included in
Pacific Power & Light company's
record-breaking construction bud
get for 1918 assures Heppner a
second source of power supply, J.
It. Huffman, local manager, re
vealed today.
The project calls for construc
tion at Jordan Siding, near lone,
of a 66,000-volt substation. It will
receive power from a transmis
sion line built by the Columbia
Basin REA from the Pacific com
pany's substation at Hermlston,
and will deliver it to the com
pany transmission line which
serves the Heppner area.
Huffman pointed out that the
project is the result of a three
way agreement worked out by
the Pacific company, the REA and
the Bonnevile administration for
the benefit of the area.
Under the agreement, the com
pany will "wheel" Bonneville
power over its own lines to its
recently completed Hermlston
substation. At a terminal there
it will turn the power over to
the REA.
The power then wil be hauled
by the REA over the 66,00-volt
line it is to build this summer
from Hermlston to serve its cus
tomers in this area. The company
also will make use of the new
line to carry power to Jordan
Siding to reinforce the local sup
ply, which at present comes en
tirely fiom other company lines
and plants in the west.
Although the Jordan Siding suh
itself is to be finished this year,
the large transformer and othre
heavy equipment are scheduled
for delivery by the manufacturer
early in 1919. When it Is in oper
ation, the new substation will
give Heppner the advantages of
power supply from two directions,
Huffman pointed out. And in ad
dition to extra capacity, It also
will provide an emergency source
of supply.
The local manager pointed out
that the new project is the final
step In Pacific's program for ex
panding and strengthening the
local power system to provide for
present needs and allow capacity
for future growth.
Kirst step in the program was
the construction of a 22,000-volt
transmission line from lone, re
placing the 11,000-volt line which
formerly supplied the city. This
was followed by the new Hepp
ner substation to handle and dis
tribute the city's power supply.
The new city sub, placed In op
eration last December, has 50 per
cent more capacity than the for
mer installatoin, and features
equipment providing closer volt
age control. The two projects re
quired an added investment of
$125,000 by Pacific in facilities
for serving this area, Huffman
The company's record budget
for system-wide const ruction dur
ing the year Is $6,606,330. This is
nearly a third of a million dollars
more than the company spent
last year, the previous high in
construction for the company's
38-year history.
School Band Gives
Good Performance
At First Concert
There may have been some
skeptics in the audience prior to
the opening of the program, but
all skepticism was removed after
the Heppner school band launch
ed Into the first number of the
annual concert given at the
school gymnasium-auditorium on
Wednesday evening. Under the
rhythmical baton of Director Bil
ly Codicil, the young people
demonstrated a musical know
ledge and skill found only in or
ganizations of older and more ex
perienced musicians.
When It Is considered that the
band was reorganized only two
years ago, with only a few older
students to form the nucleus, it
can be said without qualification
that Mr. Cochell has brought his
young musicians a long way in
the musical world. It is no small
chore to tutor a group of begin
ners in the fundamentals and
bring them along as players at
the same time, yet that is what
the director has done. The result,
as demonstrated last night, Is
most pleasing to school patrons
and lovers of music, and must
ho. a source of Justifiable pride
to the director.
The entire 17 numbers, includ
ing an oboe solo by Marlon
Green, the trumpet trio Karl Ga
bier, Don Rlpee and Jim Orwick,
Incidental solos by Karl Gabler
and sousaphone solo by Keith
Connor, showed careful prepara
Hon throughout.
That the band members them
selves are appreciative of the
work done by Mr. Cochell, they
presented him with an appropri
ate gift. Jean Hanna, the band'
Subscribers Urged
To Send In Checks
The campaign for additional
funds for the hospital has been
doing quite satisfactorily, accord
ing to Frank Turner, chairman,
but if the work is to be closed
ui wuhin a reasonable tune there
will have to be a speeding up
in the turning in of funds, he de
clares. It is suggested that those
who wish to contribute not wait
for solicitors to call, but send in
their checks to the chairman at
the earliest possible date.
Chairman Turner says the so
liciting is about over, that most
of the county has been covered.
However, numerous prospective
contributors have not been con
tacted and rather than have the
solicitors go back over the same
ground, these people are urged
to mail In their checks.
It is hoped there will be a gen
eral response that the govern
ment requirements may be met
and work started on the building
as early as possible.
Trout Delivered
Here This Week
A truck from the hatchery at
Maupin has made two trips to
the county this week bringing
altogether 4200 legal size trout
for distribution in local streams.
The local sportsmen's associa
tion is working to get at least
one more truckload, making
more than 6,000 lures for anglers,
according to Joe Aiken, president
of the association.
EVENTUALLY There Is an old saying that
once you live in Morrow county,
no matter where you may go you
will always come back. It has
happened to a lot of us aiiu
come the Roy Lieuallens who
have returned to lone and again
taken over the Victory cafe of
which they made such a success
during the three war years
ran it. This Is not the first time
they have returned to the county
but they say now that after trav
eling up and down the coast and
over wide areas of the in
thev are convinced they will find
no nlare thev like better. So why
not settle down? I
Since re-acquiring the Victor-J
the Lieuallens have been renov-;
ating and rearranging so inc
can greet more of their old
friends. They started serving
meals last week and were grat
ified with the welcome they re
ceived from their former custom
ers. The only drawback was that
Roy was suffering from a severe
hoarseness and could hardly
speak, let alone talk but he hopes
to be in condition from here on
Easter Is Occasion
By Ruth Payne
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers entertained
at tea Sunday afternoon at her
apartment in the Matt building
complimenting Mr. and mis.
James M. Burgess and their
daughters, Debbie and Kathie, of
The Dalles, who motored up to
spend Easter in Heppner visiting
with friends. Mrs. Kof'w
assisted by Mrs. Sara McNamer
and Miss Margaret Gnu.-.. iir.
Burgess, former superintendent of
the Heppner schools, has been in
a like pasition at The Dalles for
the past few years but expecis to
go to Astoria about July 1.
The Morrow I ounty Shrine
club and auxiliary are sponsor-
ng a dance at Rhea Creek grange
on April 17, proceeds from which
will be used to finance the activ
ities of the DeMolay organiza-
ion. The Rimrock Serenaders
will provide the music.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker mo
tored to Walla Walla Sunday to
spend the day with Mr. Baker's
mother, Mrs. Lillio A. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wightman
and Mrs. Claude Graham went to
Portland Monday to spend sev-
eral days in the cny on Dusincss
and pleasure.
Miss Patricia Kenny was over
from rendleton for a week-end
visit with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs John Kennv.
Miss Mary Lou Ferguson, stu
dent at Whitman college In Wal
la Walla, spent Easter In Hepp
ner with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd and
daughters of Cecil were shopping
In Heppner the end of the week.
Miss Florence Rocket has re
turned to Portland after visiting
over the week end with her pai
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck
et, at their farm in the Eighlmile
Mrs. Harry O'Donnel has re
turned from an extended visit tf
Portland and California points.
Claude Knowles of Umatilla as
sisted in the cafe during Mrs.
O'Donnell's absence.
Over Easter guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Case were his son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Case, their daughter Jan
et of Eugene, and Robert Clark
of Portland.
Lee McRoberts, who is attend
ing the vocational school at
Klamath Falls, spent spring va-
baritone player, was accorded the
privilege of making the presenta
tion. Dumg the intermission, Mrs.
Willard Warren, guest soloist,
sang two numbers. She was ac
companied by Mrs. Charles Rug
gles at the piano,
Speech Festival
Draws Out Talent
Of Young People
Students from Boardman,
Hardman, Lexington and lone
schools joined with the Heppner
.school in holding the annual
speech festival here last Friday.
Complete records of the outcome
were not available today due to
closing of the Heppner school and
only the. winners among the
Heppner grades are reported.
Mickey Lanham of the 7th and
8th grade group, attained a idl
ing of excellent for a humorous
reading. Nancy Adams, 8th
grade, won excellent for story
telling, and Jimmy Smith, 8th
grade, good in poetry reading.
Betty Howell, 7th grade, good
in poetry. There were no excel
lents in this class, according to
Waldo Jackson, grade school
In the 5th and Gth group, Jack
Monagle won excellent and Jean
Marie Graham, good rating in po
etry reading; Neal Beamer good
in pro.se reading and Lynn
Wright good in story telling.
Squaw Butte Director
To Address Farmers
Range livestock developments
as experienced over a long per
iod at the Squaw Butte experi
ment station in Harney county
will be discussed Monday eve
ning by W. A. Sawyer, superin
tendent of the station, at the reg
ular meeting of the Morrow coun
ty farm bureau. The meeting will
be held at the Lexington grange
hall, beginning at 8 p.m.
Other speakers on the program
will be Joe Belanger, former Mor
row county agricultural agent,
and Nelson C. Anderson, present
agent. Belanger's tpic has not
been announced, while Anderson
will give a report on the results
of weed control efforts in the
Other matters of local interest
will be brought up for discussion
from the floor, according to Os
car E. Peterson, secretary, who
assures members and others in
terestcd that this will be a good
program and that there will be
lefrcshmenis to wind up the
' Week-end guests of Mayor and
Mrs. Con ley Lanham were her
father, James Malchow of Pen
dleton; Mr. Lanham's brother,
Bill Lanham of Hermiston, and
their uncle. Raymond Con ley of
Lakeside, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Akers -,f
Hamilton were week-end shop
pers in Heppner.
for Many Visitations
cat inn in Heppner with relatives.
Mrs. Virgil Fisher, Mrs. Fred
Cooker and Mrs. William Harper
motored to Pendleton and Athena
Monday. Mrs. Harper will remain
for a time in Athena with anoth
er daughter, Mrs. Ray McQueen.
Dr. Frances Cook of the depart
ment of education, Salem, paid
an official visit to the elementary
schools of this county last week.
Dr. Cook is especially interested
in the standardization of the pub
lic schools of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Lucas en
tertained at dinner Sunday eve
ning at their home on Gale street
Present were Mrs. Lucy Kort! vs.
Mrs. Sara McNamer and Miss
Margaret Gil lis.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carey and
baby returned to their home in
Portland Saturday after a week's
visit here at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ulrlch.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis urove
to John Day Saturday evening to
spend Easter with relatives.
Mrs. Veda Bedford of Medford
and her aunt, Mrs. Louise Ritchie
of The Dalles were Heppner vis-
Mors the first of the week. Mrs.
nemoiu whs busm ui nci uiu-
I titers, Gene and Raymond frergu-
i son ana their lamines. Mrs. Kit-
chie visited her daughter, Mrs.
Fay Bucknum.
Mrs. Ruth McNeil and Bob Na
Jarian of Pendleton were Easter
guests of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Cowins.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers
of Arlington were week-end vis
itors in Heppner at the home of
Ills father, Harry Munkers and
Mrs. Munkers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Green
and children of Gresham were
week-end house guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green
Mr. and Mrs. Omer McCulcn,
and daughter, Mary Elizabeth,
relumed to their home in Corval
lis Saturday after spending a few
days here visiting relatives.
Shirley Wilkinson has returned
to Corvallis where she is a stu
dent at Oregon State college, af
ler visiting here with her parents,
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Wilkinson,
during the recent spring vacation.
Work has been started on the
construction of the James Farley
house on Hager street in South
Claud Huston and Rob Dobbs
returned Sunday evening from
Corvallis where they were called
by the serious Illness of Mrs. Hus
ton. They were accompanied by
Mrs. William Rawlins and son
Tommy who will remain at the
Huston farm for a time. Mrs. Hus
ton Is improving from her illness
and is in Portland with her bro
thcr, Dr, Ben Phillips.
Girl Scout Party
Observe's Troop 1 's
Second Birthday
The younger social buds of the
community enjoyed a delightful
birthday dinner party Monday
evening. Girl Scout troop num
ber one celebrated its second
birthday and invited troop two
and the Brownies to share in the
Games were played by the girls
before dinner under the supervi
sion of Mrs. Harold Cohn. The
food was prepared by the moth
ers of troop one and served by the
committee members, Mrs. James
Thomson, Mrs. Alena Anderson,
Mrs. Elmer Palmer, Mrs. James
Valentine. Mrs. Stephen Thomp
son is leader of troop one, assist
ed by Mrs. Claude Graham and
Mrs. Conley Lanham.
A bountiful repast was served
buffet style and consisted of
molded fruit salads, chicken and
noodles, hot rolls, relishes, ice
cream and a festive birthday
cake bearing two candles. Jo
anne Bothwell, president of the
older girls troop was invited to
blow out the candles.
The tables were decorated in
troop colors of yellow and green,
carried out in crepe paper, can
dles and bowls of daffodils. In
keeping with the occasion, troop
two presented the entertaining
group with a phonograph record
which contains five of the Girl
Scout songs.
Committee members of troop
two, Mrs. E. O. Ferguson, Mrs.
Harry Van Horn, Mrs. Harold
Becket and Mrs. Alva Jones, Mrs.
Linnie Loudon, Mrs. Josephine
Mahoney and Mrs. O. G. Crawford
considered themselves most for
tunate to be included in the guest
It was the girls' own party and
they did much of the work and
did it so effectively. The decorat
ing committee was composed of
Jean Marie Graham, Lynda Bor
man and Sandra Lanham; enter
tainment, Meredith Thomson and
Mary Ruth Green; clean up, Jo
Anne Keithley, Nancy Anderson
and Judy Thompson; serving,
Barbara Warren, Alice Peterson
and Sally Palmer; tables, Nancy
Ball, Peggy Wightman, Rosenelle
Stokes and Adelia Anderson, and
hostess, Kay Valentine.
Congratulations, troop one, and
many more happy birthdays.
, o
Republicans Lead
In Registration In
County Nearly 2-1
New registrations and switch
ing of party preference have
boosted the republican majority
to almost 2 to 1 in the county,
figures released from the county
clerk's office reveal. The G.O.P.
registration up to Saturday, Mar.
27, 1271. Democratic vbters up to
that time were 642, and there
were 49 catalogued as miscellan
eous, making a total of 1972.
Most noticeable switch in par
ty alignment is in Boardman pre
cinct, where the democrats have
held a majority for many years.
As late as the special election in
1947 the party count was 109
democrat and 91 republican. The
count now stands: Republicans
178, democrats 82.
The fact that Boardman has a
candidate for the republican
nomination for county commis
sioner has without doubt inspired
this change, although it is not
known how many of the new reg
istrants were republicans. The
decided republican majority, if
voting solid, could easily decide
the fate of most of the candidates
for county offices.
While there is no noisy cam
paign underway, candidates are
browsing around and buttonhol
ing voters and this vote-getting
will increase as the campaign
wears along. No candidate seems
to have an imposing lead and it
is a matter of waiting until the
votes are counted before announ
cing the winners.
A situation has arisen in the
22nd representative district which
may cost Morrow county its rep
resentative unless the voters ral
ly to the supoprt of Rep. Henry
Peterson. Sherman county has
two candidates for representative,
both of whom are out to win the
nomination. Unless Morrow coun
ty rolls up a big majority for
Peterson his chances for election
may be none too bright. Since
this county has no chance at the
senatorial post, It is felt by many
that the representation In the
house should be retained.
Miss Olga Johnson who teach
es In the Portland schools is
spending spring vacation here
with her brother, Judge Bert
Dan Barlow and Albert Schunk
motored to Portland Monday to
attend the funeral services of Mr.
Barlow's brother, O. B. Barlow,
who passed away in the city on
Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Palmer and
children drove to Portland and
Camas, Wash., the end of 'the
week to spend Easter with rela
tives. They returned to Heppner
Mrs. Floyd Jones was hostess
for the Bookworm club at her
country home on Rhea creek Tu
esday evening. Leta Humphreys
reviewed the book a pamphlet,
on "Being Eighty."
Wm. I. Campbell
Answers Summons
Of Death Friday
Was Resident Of
County For More
Than Sixty Years
Services were held at 2 o'clock
p.m. from the Methodist church
for William T. Campbell, whose
death occurred March 26 at the
family residence in Heppner.
Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien officiated
and music was provided by Mrs.
Charles Ruggles and Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers who sang "The Old Rug
ged Cross" and "Lead Kindly
Light," accompanied by Mrs. J.
R. Huffman. Mrs. Ruggles played
the prelude and postlude.
Interment was made in the I
O. O. F. cemetery at Lexington.
Mr. Campbell had been a resi
dent of Morrow county for more
than 61 years. With his bride of
a little more than a year, he
came from Walla Walla in the
fall of 1887 and settled on a
homestead on Social Ridge. He
added to his holdings until he
had acquired a farm of 800 acres
which he operated until 1917
when he turned the management
over to his son Roy and he and
Mrs. Campbell retired to the
home in Heppner where he spent
the remainder of his life.
Accustomed as he was to do
ing a full day's work on the farm,
Judge Campbell could not sit idle
when he moved to town, but kept
busy working about the yard and
in raising a bountiful garden un
til advancing years made further
work impossible. He gained a
large measure of satisfaction at
being able to supply local mar
kets with vegetables from his
garden, vegetables that outrival-
led similar products shipped here
from outside points.
The title of "judge" was ac
quired from two periods of ser
vice as county judge. He gave
several years to public service in
the county, first as commissioner
for two terms and then as judge
ior iwo terms, iviucn oi me pre
sent road system in the county
was projected during his term as
; William Turnbull Campbell
was born May 2, 1865 near Moles-vM-th,
Ontario, Canada 'and de
parted this life March 26, 1948
at the age of 82 years, 10 months
and 24 days. He was the eldest
son of Alexander and Anne (Mit
chell) Campbell. He came west
in'March of 1886 to Walla Walla
where he worked and where on
July 13 of that year he was mar
ried to Elizabeth Young of Wrox
eter, Ontario. To this union four
children were born: Annie M.
Keene of Rhea Creek, Effie W.
Crow of Osoyoos, B. C, Canada,
Roy Alexander Campbell of So
cial Ridge and Arthur William of
Terre Hauts, Indiana, who, with
the widow, and eight grandchil
dren and eight great grandchil
dren, survive.
Judge Campbell was a charter
member of the Lexington Odd
fellows lodge and a carter mem
ber of the Rebekah lodge at Lex
ington, and a member of the
Presbyterian church in Pendle
Services Held For
Jessie Helen Pruyn
Monday Morning
Chapel services were held at
10 o'clock a.m. Monday at the
Pljelps Funeral home for Jessie
Helen rruyn, t, wnose cieam oc
curred March 25 at Pendleton.
Rev. Neville Blunt read the Ep
iscopal service. Interment' fol
lowed in the Heppner Masonic
Mrs. Pruyn, who was Jessie
Helen Thomson, was born in Ar
thur, Ontario, Canada, and came
to Heppner about 1906. She is
survived by two brothers, James
G. Thomson of Heppner and Wil
liam Thomson of Los Angeles.
Calif. She was a member of All
Saints Episcopal church and of
Ruth chapter No. 32, Order of the
Eastern Star.
Jos. J. Nys is smoking extra
long black cigars this week, and
with good reason. Monday he re
ceived word from Portland that
a seven pound daughter was born
that morning to Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond McDade. Mrs. McDade
is the former Kathryn Nys. Joe
is gradually getting the feel of
being a granddad and will soon
be able to set his feet squarely
on the ground again.
"Line" Nash, service mechanic
at the Farley Pontiac company,
spent the first three days of the
week in Pendleton attending a
Pontiac Hydra-Malic school.
Here for the funeral of the lati
W. T. Campbell were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Woodell, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Parks and Mr. and Mrs.
Burt Oliver, all of Summerville.
and David and Will Sanderson of
La Grande. These people are
nieces and nephews of Mrs.
Dedication of Legion Hall To Be
Highlight of Week's Activities
Saturday, April 3, 1948 will be
a banner day in the history of
Heppner Post No. 87, American
Legion, for upon that day the
post's new hall will be dedicated
with appropriate ceremonies.
Festivities begin at 3 p.m. when
there will be open house until
6 p.m. At 7:30 p.m. the dedica
tion ceremony will open, for
which the following program has
been arranged: Trumpet trio,
Karl Gabler, Don Rippee and Jim
Orwick, with Harriet Ball, accom
panist; songs. Billy Kenny; trom
bone solo, Billy Cochell, Mrs.
Charles Ruggles, accompanist;
girls' sextet, Beverly Yocum, Mer
len eMiler, Beverly Maness, Bar
bara Slocum, Corabelle Nutting
and Harriet Ball; accompanist,
Mrs. Ruggles.
Pete Pinney wll be guest speak
er. Willard A. Blake is post com
aX-w- ;. V.J r-V
" - ' r: -"-1 v -J
Reading from left to right: Hubert Hudson, first
vice commander; A. W. Jones, executive com
mitteeman; Rer. J. Palmer Sorlien, post chap
lain; C. J. D. Bauman, service officer; Frank
Davidson, color bearer; Willard A. Blake, com
r. -y
. X ' 1 . .... . 1.1
V v y S .--- , . , ...
Health Association
Annual Election
Set For April 19
Arrangements have been com
pleted for holding the annual
meeting and election 01 the , . -row
County Public Health associ
ation, announces Mrs. Mantis
Nickerson, president. April 19 is
the date chosen and the meeting
will be held at the Lexington
grange hall.
Follow ing the usual custom, a
banquet will be served at 6:3n p.
m. There will be a talk on im
provement of public sanitation by
Kenneth Spies, associate sanitarv
engineer of the state board of
health, followed by election of
Ministers Leave
For Coast Retreat
Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien, pastor
of the Heppner Methodist church.
and Rev. Alfred Shirley, pastor
of the Co-operative church of
lone, left Monday for Seaside
where they will spend a few days
breathing in the salt air
A man near Seaside operates
a retreat for ministers, entertain
ing VS men at a time for a three
dav period. This week is eastern
Oregon's turn. Outside speakers
are provided by the host, and
the distrcit superintendent is al
ways Included on the guest list
Illness of both Mr. and Mrs. J
L. Hall has necessitated closing
their place of business, "Scotty's
Super Cream," temporarily.
mander, and C, J. D. Bauman,
master of ceermonies.
Dancing will start at 9:30 and
continue nutil 2 a.m.
Although the new hall is be
ing dedicated at this time, it has
been in use for some time and is
proving a popular place not only
for the Legion and the auxiliary
but for other organizations as
well. It is nicely arranged for
parties, dances, banquets, etc.
and the upstairs hall makes se
cret meetings possible.
Like the lone Legion post, No.
87's new home is largely the re
sult of its members' work. Except
for. the fnishihg, very little work
was done by hired help. After
purchasing the former St. Pat
rick's church it was decided that
the building as it stood would
not be ample to meet the require
ments of the post. An addition
Late Storms Add
Snow In Mountains
There is more snow in the
mountains now than there was
in January, according to a report
from the Heppnr forest ranger's
office. To tell the truth, the depth
as of Easter Sunday was almost
twice that of two months ago,
with the possibility that more of
i he beautiful fell in the moun
tains Monday when a heavy rain
drenched Heppner and vicinity.
Glen Parsons, ranger and Joe
Gjertson, assistant ranger, made
a trip into the high mountains
Sunday to ascertain what me
depth is and found that on north
Jones prairie the ground has a
coating of 49.8 inches. Average
depth over the snow course of
that area is 43.9 inches, with a
water content of 12.5 inches and
a density of 29 per cent.
Streams fed by the snow fields
south of Heppner have carried a
fairly heavy run off throughout
the winter and early spring
months and in January It was
feared that irrigation might be
handicapped this year. That wor-1
ry seems to have been removed
since most of the winter weather
has prevailed since the first of
the year.
Dr. J. D. Palmer has been on
the sick list several days, neces
sitating the closing of his dental
office temporarily. He expects to
be back on the Job the first of the
16 x 48 feet was built on the west
side of the building and this
gives a hall space 42 x 48 feet.
The lower floor has a kitchen and
serving space and rest rooms, be
sdies staircases to the second
floor and a nook for the furnace.
Finish of the lower floor is knot
ty pine and firtex.
The ceiling of the church was
redecorated, new lighting fixtures
installed and the room otherwise
fixed up to make one of the nicest
chapter rooms to be found any
where. Folding chairs bearing
the American Legion insignia are
to be found on both floors and
there is a piano on each floor.
Completion of the building will
be undertaken a little later at
which time the exterior will be
pointed up and painted. That ac
counts for two interior views be
ing shown at this time.
mander; Darl E. Hudson, executive committee
man; Donald E. Bennett, adjutant; William
Smethurat. service oificer; Thomas ). Well, hc
ond vice commander. Absent. William Richards,
finance officer, and Loyal R. Parker, executive
Favors at O. E. A.
Banquet To Typify
Eastern Oregon
When educators of the state
gather around the festive board
at their annual banquet in Port
land this week end. the favors
which are an important part of
such events will be typical of the
resources of eastern Oregon.
The reason for this is that Mrs.
Adrian Bechdolt, Heppner grade
teacher, is providing the favors
and she has chosen to give the
region east of the Cascades a bit
of advertising.
Miniature cows, sheep, coping
saws and small sheafs of wheat
will grace the table beside the
plate of each diner, mementos
they may take home with them
to remind them of the unlimited
resources of this great region.
Mrs. Bechdolt and Henry Tetz
will represent the Morrow county
unit of the Oregon Education as
socation. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers has
signified her intention ot attend
ing the meeting.
Glenn Coxen and Bob Molla
han left last week for San An
tonio. Texas, where they will lake
13 weeks basic training In an
army air force school. Following
their basic training they will take '
four and one half months school
ing elsewhere, Glenn at Chey
enne. Wyoming, and Bob at Den
ver. The boys decided the draft
would catch them ere long nd
that now is the beat time to get
in the service.