6 Heppner Gozctte Times, Heppner, Oregon, Morch 18, 1948 ' CHURCHES ALL SAINTS CHURCH Palm Sunday Holy communion, 8 a m. ("hurrh school, 9 45 a m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. Holy Week Wednesday, Holy communion, JO a.m. Children's class, 3:30 p. m. Adult class, 8 p m. Good Friday devotions, noon to 3 p.m. Earner day. Holy communion 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Sunday, March 21, Palm Sun day: Morning worship and ser mon at 11 a.m. We have classes for all ages in our church school that meets at 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, superintendent; Mr. Ro bert Owens, Bible class; Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien, superintendent primary department. Wednesday: Mid-week devo tional service at 7:30 p.m. Junior Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m., first and third Wednesday. Senior Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m., first and third Wednesday. Young Adult Fellowship meets the third Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. Thursday choir practice at 7 p. m.. Mrs. Neva Wells, director. The Womens Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed day of each month. ion and preaching; sermon topic, "When Christ Comes to Heppner." Evening cxangelistic service, 7 30 p.m.; sermon topic, 'The Changeless Christ." Special Easter week services every evening at 7:30 except Sat urday. Pastor will do the preach ing. Special music each evening. Monday, March 22. 7:30, Mission ary Charles Railsback will be here to show slides of his Alaskan missionary work and bring a message. Tuesday, March 23, 7:30, topic, "Walking With Christ." Wednesday, March 24, 7:30, topic, "Glorifying Christ." Thursday, March 25, 7:30, top ic, 'The Sign of Christianity." Friday, March 26, 7:30, topic, "Nieodemus Learns the Way." Sunday (Easter), Union Sun rise service, 6:30 a.m.. Assembly of God church; 11. Easter mes sage, "Livirg Triumphantly"; 7:30, "The Church Behind Closed Doors." Choir practice Thursday eve ning at 7 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Shelby E. Graves, Pastor Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Ora Wyland will be bringing scrip tures of prohpecy being fulfilled such as famines, pestilence, crumbling of nations, etc. 11:00 a.m., worship hour. 6:30 p.m., Christ's ambassador. 7:45 p.m., evangelistic service. Special numbers by the young people. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, prayer meeting. r Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th. Holy days of obligation: Mass In Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass First Fridays of the month: In lone at 9 a.m. Mass in Heppner at 7:30. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9.45; C. W. Bar low, supt.; Beverly Yocom. junior upi., Airs, joe Jewett, primary Schedule of services: suPt . . Mass in Heppner on the 1st Morning worship, 11; commun-1 and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 iiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiiiNiuiiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiinr- The Christ's Ambassadors of the Assembly of God church mo tored to the Ellis Pettyjohn place near lone where they played games and enjoyed a wiener roast in the yard, after which they went indoors and sang and held a short business meeting. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank friends and neighbors for the expressions of sympahty and for the beautiful floral offerings at the time of our recent bereavement. The C. A. Miller family. CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who re membered me with cards, flow ers and calls during my recent illness, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mrs. Ada Cason. CAPITAL PARADE CHEER UP If you have been putting off papering the side bedroom on ac count of the scarcity of wall pa pertake an easy breath. Secre tary of State Earl T. Newbry is going to have the sample ballots printed and distributed extra early this year. Figures the vot ers can be better informed and save time at the polls if they can study the record breaking ballot at home. IONE POST AMERICAN LEGION announces its i ANNUAL SPRING DANCE Saturday, March 20 at LEGION HALL, IONE Music by Jimmy Whitmore's Band, Portland Admission : $2 per person, tax included ' " "'""'Illllllllllllllll Hill IIII1IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII1I lllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK Filter Packs For All Types Tractors Trucks and Cars Padberg Tractor & Truck Repair Lexington, Oregon Phone 421 1 Oil and Grease Parts for Various Machines for Friday - Saturday - Monday at your favorite food market RED BEANS--2 pounds 33c Hudson House GRAPEFRUIT SEGMENTS-No. 1 tins-2for 35c Hudson House GRAPEFRUIT JUICE-47 ounce tin 22c Hudson House BLENDED JUICE-47 ounce tin ..22c Hudson House ORANGE JUICE-47 ounce tin 29c HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE-47 ounce tin 25c FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 49c Sliced Marshalls with sugar added FROZEN APPLESAUCE-1 lb. packaged packages..25c PRODUCE Lettuce, 2 heads for . .25c Green Onions, bunch....6c Radishes, bunch 2c Cauliflower, pound 1 4c Just arrived First cuttings of Asparagus Court Street Market With the exception or nonpar tisan positions the voters will have to fill every elective state office with the exception of two, the U. S. Senatorship held by Wayne Morse and labor commis sioner's office held by W. E. Kim sey, and 12 holdover state sen atorships. Salaries and expenses of the state officials to be elected total over half a million dollars. SNOW, RAIN. LIGHT AND POWER Late weather reports of more and more snow in all mountain areas of Oregon means we will not have electric light and power shortages. Attorney General Tom Clark has issued a warning of hydroelectric power shortages for 1948 by an unusual depreciation of rain and snow. Brownouts in California and l other states are increasing. Un less Oregon is called on to share hydroelectric production with other states we will be spared light and power regulations al feady in effect in many districts. What a reversal this is of the situation of 50 years ago when "drummers" traveling for Califor nia firms nagged Oregonians with: "So this is the place where it rains 13 months in the year?" STATE DEPARTMENTS MOVE Capital callers with state bus iness often do a great deal of traveling about the city to find the department of state they de sire. Inadequate space in the Cap itol and the state office building has made it necessary to locate departments in several parts of Salem. This week the vocational rehabilitation department moved I RPM Heavy Duty Motor Oil reduces stuck rings, carbon, gum and varnish troubles. "RPM" is compounded to cling to hot spots most oils leave bare, cuts wear 'way down. Save repairs on gasoline) or Diesel engines with Other compounds stop bear ing corrosion, sludge, and rust . . . give extra protection. A Standard of California Product from the state library building into a stateowned residence at 895 Chemeketa street. The space vacated will be utilized by the superintendent of public instruc tion. Another move took the high way accounting department from the state office building to a new structure near the highway shops on East State street. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce that I will be a candidate to succeed myself to the office of County Clerk of Morrow County, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Nominating Election, May 21, l48. C. W. BARLOW. (Paid Adv.) CARD OF THANKS We take this means of express ing our heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses during our re cent bereavement and for the many beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our beloved hus band and father. The Blddle family. L. E. DICK - Phone 622 Heppner, Oregon This Easter, . . BE SMART... SAVE AT PEMEY'S JVetD Easter UTS 2.98 Bonnet?, cloches, sailors, all popular styles in fine straws with flower, hows. Gay a the Seat on! HANDBAGS 2.98 p' Rich-looking, plastic pat ent, calf or luede in Spring's finest styles. Fine Cynthia Shoes Smooth leather, suede, patent! 6.90 Rayon Suede Gloves Tailored slip-ons Q White with red,. "C R.I. U. 8. P.I. Off. , THIS EASTER BE SMART-SAVE AT PENNEY'S Contract: That Electric Work Ask for a bid on your Electric Work and know what it will cost before you have it done. We have been in the Electrical Contract ing business in Heppner for 13 yea'rs. Call us for a bid on your work. Free Estimate. Heppner Hardware & Electric Company General Electric Appliances I have just completed the beautiful new homes of E. Markham Baker and Bernard J. Doherty, and a numberof other jobs such as Mrs. Ethel Adams' new basement rooms and a remodeling job for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benge. I personally supervise all jobs from start to finish. , Besides the work already lined up for 1943, I will have the time to build two more good homes this summer. I also have available carpenters for small jobs. O. M. Yeager Heppner's an dMorrow County's only pioneer home builder Phones 2752 -1483 219 Main Street You'll adore our wonderful collection of new Easter-perfect SUITS -DRESSES -COATS LINGERIE-HANDBAGS ACCESSORIES and HATS Children's Dresses for Easter Batiste and Chambray Norah's Shop Is every third. marriage doomed in 1948? MARCH OF TIME explores our changing moral standards in MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE and discusses causes and possible cures for the increasing divorce rate. This is in addition to th eclassic feature THE FUGITIVE STAR THEATER Wednesday and Thursday, Mar ch24 fir 25 STAR os REPORTER AdmiMion prices afternoon and Mvnluff, unloae ape olllcally advertlaed to be otherwlael Children l Bat, Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total SOo) Grade and High School Student. 13 years and oven Eat. Prioa .40, Ted. Tax .10, Total Mo; Adults I Bit. Prole .60, L Tax .10, Total SOo. Every ohJd occupying a seat mnat have a ticket. Sunday shows oontlnaons itarting at 1 p.m. Satur. day evening ahowa atart at 7 p.m. All other evening ahowa atart at 7t30 p.m. Boxoffloe open eveninga until 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, March 19-20 Stranger From Ponca City Smiley Barnette-Charee Staxrett Weatern . . . wea tern tunes by the Lone Star Cowboy.. , PLUS SINGAPORE Ave Gardner, Pred MacMurray, Richard Raydn, Spring Bylngton, Porter Rail, Thomaa Oomex The Orient with lln mvterlea provide thn back ground for thin enlerltilnlnK adventure utory. Baga Bnnny Cartoon Saturday, S p.m., March 10 SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE ALIAS MR. TWILIGHT Thin la a anrt ot copa-and-rohbera tale but the good elements tar outshine the bad. Boxoffloe open until Si30 Every ohUd mnat buy a ticket, Ch'Jdren So, Studente and Adnlta SOo, lnc tax Sunday-Monday, March 21-22 FIESTA Either Wllllami, Akim Tamlroff, Cyd Charisse, John Carroll. Mary Aitor, Fortunio Bonaaova, Richard Montalban A romance with humorous angles and rnimn of the snappiest mimic and dancing anybody could wish to see or hear. The Technicolor photography Is beautiful. Sunday shows oontinaom from 1 p.m. Tuesday March 23 UNFINISHED DANCE Margaret O'Brien, Oyd Charm, Xarln Booth, Danny Thomaa A luvUhly Technlcolored drama of the dance world contalnii many human Interest tour hen. Wed.-Thurs., March 24-25 THE FUGITIVE Henry Fonda, Dolores Del Bio, Pedro Arm fin. dor , j. Carrol Nalsh, Leo Oarrlllo, Ward Bond, Robert Armitronff, John Qua! en The simple utory of a man's unswerving faith . , . It boasts scene of breath-taking photographic beauty and the players are perfect. Hawed on Graham Greene's novel "The Labyrinthine Ways." The March of Time