Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 18, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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    Want Ads
Detroit says: "Watch Kurd in 'is."
They say it will be the "car of
the year!"
l'.)3!) Chevrolet sedan, new paint,
pay down $323.00. Kosewall Mo
tor Company.
IK YOU need a e; ipeiilei we ,i
vin Neal at 100 -West Cenler St.,
lleppner. No jol too larne or too
small. 52-lp
11 12 l-'oid. one ton truck, recon
ditioned motor, new painl. I';,y
down $100.00. Kosewull Motor
FOll SALK New 1!M7 civilian
jeep, or will trade for real cslate
or late model car. What have
you? Alvin Neal, cabin 100,
West Center St., lleppner. filMp
1U37 Ford tudor sedan. I'ay down
$200.00. Kosewall Motor Co.
and pictures to choose
O. M. Ye,.;.,-rs Service
f i or 1 1 .
Si ore.
Uon'l send mil of to.'. n lor any
H'ini: auloinotivo until jou first
iiJll:'ifiv,'a" M'w Ominy.
V K HAVE a lew of i;iM thirsty
lJippy-hiids lcll. Tin y aic al
ways thii.-.iy. O. .,!. Ye.ieer'.s
Servce Kloie.
11 we don't ii.ive what y,ju want
we will (jet it i,,r you. "l!o:.ewall
Molor Conipany.
ltl-XlAl.Lt; MA., v.-i.iTcItr wanted
to call on faiineis in Morrow
county. Wonderiul ojipot tunity.
$15 1o $20 in a day. .No exper
ience or capital required, per
manent. Wiite today. MoNVwi
Co.,J)cpt. B, 2)23 M;;:noiia SI.,
Oakland 7, Calif. Si -lj
Ford cleaner and pmish lor mak
ing your car spaildc, only 4jc.
Kosewall Motor Co:, im.h: v.
FOll SALK Coleman automatic
oil burning water healer, 30
gallon capacity. Howard Evans,
phone 3F32. 50-52p
FOll SALE Registered thorough
bred mares and fillies. Best of
blood lines, l'riced to sell. Dan
McFarlano, Box 141, Condon,
Ore. 51 -52c
WOMh.YS Sociely of Christian
Service of the Methodist church
will hold its annual tea, cook
ed food and apron sale 2-5 p.m.
Saturday, March 20, in church
basement. 51-52c
F6ir SALE I'd 10 11 udson sedan,
radio, 4 new tires, new battery,
complete overhaul job. Fay
liuciuiuin, phone 2502. 51tfc
WILL the parly who borrowed my
ratchet dies please return them.
Frank E. Parker. 51-52C
FOll SALE New Smith anil Wes
son model K 22. Shoots 22 lorftr
rifle on a 3S frame. See Neal
at cabin 100 West Center St.,
lleppner 52-1 p
1035 Ford coupe. I'ay down $1."0.
Kosewall Molor Company.
FOll SALE At'W Wedgenootl gas
range with 1 burners, oven and
broiler, 2 shelves, storage
space. John J. Monahan, llepp-
ner. 52 p
Does your car shimmy? We will
give your car a free safety test
in our safety lane. Kosewall
Motor Conipany.
FOK SALE-1938 I'lmliTcliTfour"
door sedan, in extra good con
dition. C-ply tires, new scat
covers, heater. $750. 107 dale St.
Jlepptier. 52c
We have Foam Rubber car and
truck real cushion pads for re
building your worn out seat
cushion. Kosewall Motor to.
SAW 'FILING "afcrMTYeageT'sl
Service Store. j
Let our paint department give,
your car or truck that new look
with an enamel paint job. I
Kosewall Motor ( ninpany. j
Pit TL' K V. FK A M I N (Van . I g '
at O. M. Yeager's Service Store. I
We h.ne new ami rebuilt Fold
motors for immediate installa
tion. Kosewall Motor Co.
WE HAVE a good selection of
OI'1'OKTUMTY-.Nocd atlc.nie.iial
man for local business of your
own. Car necessary. Good prof
its. Write at once for partic
ulars, liawleiglrs, la pt. OKC,
101-21GK, Oakland 7, Calif. 52p
.Need a tire in a hurry? I'hone
10112. Kosewall may have' just
what you need.
CUSTOM SI'KAYl.NG -- lor weed
conlrol; 2-ID lor sale. Grady's
Greenhouse, phone 2103, Ilepp-
tier. 52tfc
Foil SALE I'M) Willys pickup,
$'!15; recently overhauled. In
quire nutei ueppner. :y:c i
FOll SALi;-i, h.p. Deepwell
pump, new. $00.1)5; 1,2 h.p.
Shallow well pump, new, $117.
50; 1 h.p. Shallow well pump,
new, $110.50. Most all sizes
a AM shallow pumps in
gasoline and electric.
and fittings available
pumps. Beioie ordering
pump. at any pric;; SKK
WA.YiED TO BUY Heavy duly
deep well jack. I'hone 35F22, E.
Markham Baker. 50-52p
SLT1XKS Eleeiric Service Elec
trical construction and repair,
lleppner, Oregon. Phone 2542.
FOll SALE Two 7 12 ft. Interna
tional disc plows with McClin
lock hitch. Arthur Hunt, Lex
ington. 4G-2C
Legal Advertising
I hereby announce my candi
dacy for the office of County
Judge, usbject to the will of the
Republican voters of Morrow
(Paid Adv.)
Vote for Russell K. Miller of
Boardman. Condidate for County
Commissioner subject to the will
of the Republican voters.
(Paid Adv.)
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Morch 18, 1948-5
Morrow, hln Final Account of hia ad
minif trillion of- the mid eutaie, and that
the Court haw net Monday, the lbth tUy
of March. 1948, at tne nour of 10:00
o'clock A. M.. in the forenoon of said
day at the County Courtroom at the
Courthouse at Urppnrr, Oregon, as t)ie
tiinu and place for hearing objection
to tlie-waid Final Account and the 8ft
tleiucnt of said ewUte and all persons
are herehy required to file the name
with said Court on or before the time
set fur said hearing.
iJated and firm published this Eth
day of February, 1148.
Attorney for Administrator,
Heppner, Oregon. 48-52
TIIISK AT: L. A. Moon?
LshiT uf Homes, phone
llennislun, Oitv
ii.LI v7A,Y'f;w ---Woman or girl
to lir lp u ti h house work, no
w a.shiii;; by dy or week.
I'hone 1.5. 51-j'Je
51 -2c
LAWN SKiJJl.'.t.; is t pivi.dty
wiih us. fjnxly's Creenhouse.
Phone 2Hf.'i. Mffc
GAKLKN I1.(;viNG No'job "too!
Notice is hereby givon that the un
dr:iimd was duly appointed by the
J'ritJ-rite Couit of tlie Slate of Or-K"n
1 ! Murniw Ci'Ui.ty Kxemtr.x of the
e.(,.t" oi Ktt'i C. limit, di'ci'uwrl and all
pi-io-Jits liavitiK clainis aKainst the es
tate of said deoeii!id are hereby re
quired to pi e.J'-nt the same with proper
wiii-hf-iH to said Kxecutrix ut the luw
tilt of Jos. J. Nys at lleppner. Ore
K' -ii, within six (6 months of the date
K,.!ed and first published this 11th
day of March, 1UH.
small. Call Grady's
house. Phono 2193.
Notice is hereby given that the un
)ei, j'Ncd was ilwiy appointed by the
J'robitte Court of the Stale of Oregon
fur Morrow Com, ty, executor of the es
t.ttu of Carl A. I'atterwm. deceased and
ail p'-r':is having claims nfiuinst the
e..t,.te (.f said dw-eased are hereby re
quired to pift-ent the same to the un-HiHit-'iieit
exeeul'jr at Heppner. Oregon,
with pr-per vouchers verified as re-qnn.-d
hy law within six months from
toe dHte hereof.
iJ.tied and firet published this 19th
day of February, 1948.
4S-r2 Executor.
the limb isi-ned. Administrator of tiie
Kstate ,j c,EK WMl WOO. deceased,
Ikis filed with the County Court of the
State of Oienon. for the County of
In the Matter of the Estate of ALBERT
J. WESTHOKK, deceased.
TO: Paul H. Westiioff, Mary C. Maee,
Cerelia Geiitges. Mary C. Brag. Har
old S. Westhoff. Claude Westhoff,
and Russell Westhoff.
OREGON. You are hereby cited and
1 required to appear in the Probate Court
' of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Morrow, within twenty-eight days
of this citation to show cause- why
ot this summons to show cause why
an Order should not be granted to the
Kirst National Bank of Portland i Ore
gon), Administrator of the estate of
Albert J. Westhoff, deceased, to sell
the following described personal prop
erty and real property belonging to the
said estate at private sale for the best
price obtainable, to-wlt:
1 1936 Chevrolet Panel Delivery
Truck, Good will and business of
lleppner Steam Laundry, Equip
ment, intlud ng supplies, in the
Heppner Steam Laundry.
Lot No. 6 in Block No. 8 of the
original Town (now City) of Hepp
ner, Morrow County, State of Ore
gon, together with the improve
ments thereon,
for the purpose of paying claims filed
against the said estate, costs of ad
ministration, and mortgages upon the
said property.
WITNESS, the Honorable Bert John
son. Judge of the Probate Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of
Morrow, with the seal of said Court
affixed, this 19th day of February, 1948.
The date of the first publication of
this citation is February 19. 1948.
attl'UT. r U7 KATJI.fiW (""lei-lr
I ....
4,000,000 acres need to be leveled
Soil Conservation Program Offers
Winter Contracts for Earth Movers
Costs vary from $10 (o $150 per acre; Soil Conservation Service
asks aggressive aid of contractor ond engineers
Tuk i.irru: KNOv. fii:ld
uf farmland Mi-lmfi is !.!
a.-Mimii'R a hih il. gno tl im
port l.iiln' dirt i-'in: acinr. iiccird
iiiK lo Al!;m W. McCulloch, ro-
Ciniiiil irriK.i'.inn onjri: r for tho
tiil ( oi" op. ;i I ion Service at 1'ort
lao.l. lit- anfiTis that there is
lici-il for M'si'ral inillion acres of
land-leveliiiK ill the four Pacific
Northwest ilatcs, much of it to
be done hy dirt coot factors dur
ing the olf-construetion montlts
of each year, hetween Ucloler
unci April.
Scope of this potential off-season
work for contractors is shown
in Soil Conservation estimates
Hint Washington and Idaho each
could profitably land-level l.l-'aO.-ODD
acres, Oregon .'150,0(10 acres
and Molilalia in excess of 1.IHW,
000 aires. Costs vary from S10 to
$150 per acre.
Traclros. bulldozers, carrying
scrapers and a device known as
a land-plane are utilized in the
loveline, of farm lands as a pre
caution against soil erosion and
to prepare foi efficient irrigation.
Most of this leveliiik' work will
be done by colli raclors who wish
to keep their earl h-movine, equip
ment working during the winter
Contractors Must Sell Service
To The Farmers
In making these estimates of
needs for farm improvement, Mr.
McCulloch voices the desire of
in cmmi i onservaiion service, u.-Says,
S. Department of Agriculture, for string
aggressive cooperation on the
pari of contractors and engineers.
The Soil Conservation Service
provides skilled engineeiing ser
vice to the farm districts, pre,
pares" surveys and advises proper
land-leveling and Irrigation me
thods. . . . but the farmer pays
the cost of actual construction. It
Is up to the contractors to sell
their services to the farmers, suh
milling. bids on the work to be
The regional Soil ("onservaiion
office In Portland is headed by
lieginnal Conservator J. II. Christ
mid Assistant liegional Conserv
ator D. A. Williams. Dr. W. II
VanDersa-i is chief of operations.
The regional officers diiecl the
activities as State Soil Conserva
tionists Paul McGrew, Pullman,
Wash.; Sam Sloan, Coivallis,
Ore.; Neil Irving, Boise, Idaho,
and Truman Anderson, Bo.eman,
.Mont. The Monti, na oi l
the region ha !ii;: i e o.
at I.in. -.In, .Neb.)
Working undo" c
si 'Hi' conseivaiionisis an
conservators, each oi
maintains a cmav cf tlirei
l'!:Cl?.''-rS tO :
throughout the
as the surveys nr.
Soil Com-erv.dioi
all means possin!
individual farnn
v. ho;n
or four
pare surveys
;:iiels. As fast,
completed i'ae
.ctT Ice ta!;es
to in:cio;.i the
s in leveling
their lands according lo the sur
veys, which are made to hcl
benefit -the individual farm and
the district as a whole. No funds
are available to subsidize Ian.!
leveling activities.
A few of the li.ii:ost farms are
now equipped with their own car
rying scrapers and earth-moving
equipment, but most of the farm
ers prefer to let a contract for the
Jobs on Adjoining Farms
Combined for Bid
equipment and operajors mosi of
ten are idle and losing money.
One policy of the Soil Conser
vation Service has been kicked
around quite a bit in pro and
con discussions, and here is ex
plained by Mr. McCulloch: Con
gress has appropriated funds for
the purchase of construction
equipment to be used in land
lex cling. This equipment is des
ignated for use by Soil Conserva
tion Service on pilot jobs, in new
districts unfamiliar with land
leveling methods. It is the policy
of the region to loan this equip
ment in rotation to local districts.
The district conservators may put
this equipment on a pilot job
without cost to the farmer if the
farmer provides fuel and an op
erator, or at a rental comparable
to commercial rates.
S. C.
Equipment Not Competing
With Contractors
THE COUNTY COURT, dated February
16, 1II-I8. I am authorized and directed
to advertise and sell at public ad tion
at not less than the minimum price
herein set forth:
Lots 6 to IS inc. in Block 19. Irri
gun. Oregon for die minimum price
of JfiU ilu, cash.
Block 22 in irrigon. Ogon, for the
minimum price of $5u uu. cash.
All that part of NE", of the SW'i
in yco. 20. 5N, 27 E. lying North of
the O. W. R. &N. Co.'s right of way
over and across said subdivision,
containing 3 acres more or leas,
for the minimum price of SO .00. cash.
THFRKFORE. I will on the 2oth day
of March, 11148 at the hour of 10:00 A.
M.. at the front door of the Court Houe
in Heppner. Oregon, sell said property
to the highest and best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff,
Morrow Countv. Oregon,
4S-52 Deputy.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the estate
of L. A. Florence, deceased, has fiied
w.th the Probate Court of die State of
Oregon, for the Cimnty of Morrow, his
final account of his administration of
tiie estate of said deceased, and said
court fixed Monday, the 5th day of
Apiil HI4K at the hour of KISKl a.m..
at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon,
as the time and place tor hearing ob
jections to said f nal account and s-t-tielnent
of said estate and all persons
having object ona thereto are hereby
required to file the same with said
court on or befroe the date of said
Dated and firt published this 4th
day of March. 1943.
30-2 Administrator.
"Contractors inlerc-ted in land
leveling would do well to consult
the local district conservators,"
says Mr. McCulloch. "The dis
ii it-; conservator usually attempts
to line up eight or ten adjoining
farms, combining the jobs so that
contractors may bid on them as a
unit. Thus the contractor bene
fits and the farmers benefit from
lower cosst per acre."
Considering cos! -volume of
land-leveling, Mr. McCulloch
How long is a piece of
The cost is gov erned by
the amount of work to be done to
each acre, and this varies from as
little as S3 for land that is almost
perfect lo begin with, up to $100
or Slat) per acre for creating a
perfect land leveling job over
rough terrain."
The average land-leveling Joh
on a farm or combination of
farms runs 500 lo 1000 acres per
It is of especial Interest to con
tractors thai land-leveling except
in the case of new land that has
not yet been stalled in crop ro
tal ion, is entirely seasonal. Land
..leveling projects are operative
only during the off-crop seasons
between the mouths of October
and April or early May. In the
colder areas this work is Inter
rupled during 1'iei ember and Jan
uary because of snow or frost,
lint in all cases the work is ac
complished when construction
A close study of the operation
is made by the district engineers, I
so that standards for excellence
of finished work and economy of
operations may be established.
Once the district has been fam
iliarized with methods of land
leveling, the equipment is to be
returned to the region for for
warding to another district de
siring pilot work.
"In no case, however, is this
equipment lo be used in compe
tition with private enterprise,"
says Mr. McCulloch. "Once the
pilot work is done, with perform
ance standards and reasonable
cost standards established, the
field is wdde open to earth-moving
Kough estimates of the work
to be done are indicated in the
following table:
KMiniatp of amount of land-leveling
lo be d.ine In : -
Washington -1 2rill0iMl acres (part in
On- Columbia I'.asin).
lilnho - 1.2.MI.IMI acres (light-to heavy.
1 H vciv heavy).
Oregon -;i;'tii.iKHI acres, mostly very
Montana In excess of 1,000.000 acres,
mostly heavy.
Nole: Light leveling usually requires
a hud-plain heavy leveling usually
n iiliies carrying Hcrapets wiih tractors
or fal rubber-tired pull units. 1
K:.lnnated volume of land-leveling
now being accomplished each veal- In:
Washing! on- -.MHH1 to Nloti acres.
Idaho- (ilHHI acres.
Oregon ,ri000 lo SOIKI acres.
(Note: Considering projects not con
liollcd by the S.CS.. (his figure may
lie uppeii to Hl.iMKi to Hi.imtl acres for
eac h stale, )--l'aeifie Builder Engineer.
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail to so !
appear and answer or otherwise pled.
for want thereof the plaintiffs will ap-
plv to the Court for the relief prayed 1
for In plaintiffs' complaint, to-wit:
For a JUDGMENT and DECREE es- ;
tabllshing the contract, between the
plaintiffs and the said Albert J. West
hoff. deceased, afl alleged in said com
plaint and decreeing that plamtilts
are the owners of and entitled under ;
distribution to them .f all t e re I 'oe
oi the estate of the said Albert J. West
hoff. deceased, remaining alter the pay
ment of all of the just claims against
said estate and the costs of adminis
tration, and that their title thereto be
quieted and that the defendants, and
each of them, be ordered and decreed
to execute to said plaintiffs good and
sufficient deeds granting and convey
ine to said plaintiffs all of the personal
property and the following described
real properly.
Lot No. 6 in Block No. 8 in the Or
iginal Town of Heppner, Morrow ,
County, Oregon,
and If defendants fail to make such
deeds the decree of the court lo stand
as and for such conveyance, and for
such other, further and different relief
as may he Just and equitable in the
Tins Summons is published pursuant
to the Order of the Honorable Homer I
Watts. Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and entered In the above
entitled cause on the 1st day of March,
11148. and the data of the first pub
lication of this summons is March 4.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
F.O. Address: Box 755,
Pendleton, Oregom 50-2
When and if the above prog rain is effective in our local
districts we will be able to do your local leveling much
Phono 32 F 14
lone, Ore.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the estate
of Edwin L. I3ucknum. deceased, has
filed with the Probate Court of the
State of Oregon, for Morrow County,
his final account of his administration i
Of the estate of said deceased and said
conn iixeu monim), iiiu mil uay o.
April. 1!HS at the hour of 10:00 A.M.
of said day. at the Court House at
Heppner. Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final no- i
count and the settlement of said es
tate, and ail persons having objections
thereto are required to file the same
with said court on or before the time
fixed for said hearing.
Dated and firs! published tills 4th
day of March, 1048.
50 2 Admlnlst rator.
March 3, 1P1S, I am authorized
and directed to advertise and sell
at public auction at not less than
the minimum price herein set
Blocks 20 and 21, Will's Addi
tion to lone for the minimum j
price of $100.00, cash. j
Therefore, I will on the 3rd dav
of April, 1918 at the hour of 10:00
A, M. at the front door of the
Court House In Heppner, Oregon, ;
sell said proMrty to the highest
and best bidder. '
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon,
50-2 Deputy.
riJ " - t'li fir" . i fcMfcfl i
A KK . till - 1
L . "ii
W"H Ratlin
Coha Tone Arm
Irf !V
I !,.,Tr,",,,,. - .
n Hf'iUt ...
a new way to play records Cob Tone Arm
reproduces record sounds Radionically.
silent-speed record changer Speed-changes io
and 12-inch records mixed automatically. Easy to load;
Stud'lO-tOne in IfOUr home The rich, full, resonant
tones, the golden overtones harmonically true.
no hiss, scratch or needle noi'se-The Cob it
so light-pressured, surface noise is negligible.
a masterpiece of radionics Genaiaei-M on two
bands built-in F-M antenna. Improved RADIORGAN
with Concert Grand Speaker for incomparable ton
from radio or records. 600 more sensitive plus
greater rejection of unwanted signals. Rotor WAVE
MAGNET eliminates ground and aerial, sharpens
tuning, decreases static. In authentic period design
Cordovan mahogany flat-top cabinet with a larg
record storage compartment.
Model 9H088R (illustrated), 7 tubes, plus
power rectifier tube, plus phono nib
The first 5 women bringing a copy of this advertisement
to our Appliance Department Saturday, March 20, will be
given a $9.90 Proctor Elecrtic Iron. No strings attached.
You do not have to buy anything. We open at 8 a.m.
Employees of Hodge enterprises and their families are
Heppner Appliance Co.
Phone 403
Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg.