A Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Morch 18, 1948 Tract Farmers At Irrigon Seeding Land to Potatoes By Grace Shoun H. H. Smunk and E. S. Pelton returnrd from Portland Tuesday with three tons of seed potatoes and fertill7.iT. H. Ames put in two acre of potatoes, R. Doyle two aeres, Marion Kvans three acres, and Charles Simmons three ac res. These places are west and south of Irrigon. Georcc C. Sale has purchased 2" acres and the small house on ttie Ottostrom place and is put ting six acres to potatoes. Mr. Ottostrom now has just five acres and the large house left. He is employed at Pendleton but came! home Monday due to illness. Miss Mary Patterson spent last week in Portland and Tacoma. The Adventist school reopened Monday. T. H. Haddox got back Tuesday from a three months trip to his former home at Knoxville. Tenn He went by automobile. He said the weather was rather winterish down south. Rev. A. B. Turner and Mrs. Bes sie Hayes were elected to repre sent lrripon at a teachers' meet ing at Boardman Tuesday eve ning. Herbert Ames was in Hermis ton Thursday. Miss Beth Russell of Pendleton spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Irrigon with relatives and friends. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Turner and two children, Mrs. Tom Caldwell and Mrs. Emma Steward were in Freewater at an Assembly of God church meeting Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Craemers Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool. I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service. Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY Dutch Boy Paint We are please dto announce that we are the distributor for this fa mous lne of paints. . . We have the best equipment in the county for Spray Painting. For the Best in Building Supplies Lumber, Plywood Roofing, Pum ice Buiiding Blocks, Rough Lum ber and John Manville Products, come to Builders Supply North Gale St. Heppner, Oregon small daughter Sandra got both 1 bones in her leg broken while playing. She was taken to Yen dleton to have it set. They brot her home where she is convalescing. C. A. Miller is building a 60 x 22 foot- building for a chicken house. That is the main building with an addition to be built Jhe length of it for a scratching shed They are raising white leghorn chickens. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCoy and two children of Oakland have returned home after spend ing several weeks with his par ents, the R. M. McCoys, and other relatives. Mrs. C. W. Acock and two chil dren. James C. Shoun and moth er, Mrs. J. A. Shoun, were in Heppner Sunday. Marshall Markham is staying at home and working in Uma tilla. Billy Acock went to Richland Sunday with Robert Waters. Troy Griffin is drilling a well for Virgil Sparks near the Stand ard station. The Irrigon ditch patrons met at the water office Monday eve ning to make plans for the com ing irrigation season. The water is to be turned into the ditches in the next few days. Betty Acock of Pendleton spent Sunday with realtives and friends in Irrigon. Miss Lois Markham and Miss Margery McFadden of Richland spent Sunday with Mis Mark ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Smith. Fred Caster has purchased the Arthur Sires place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons and children have been living on the place. The Simmons's are. building a house on their place on the high way west of town. The Arthur Sires moved to Florida last fall Delores Browning, LaVelle and Marlene Markham went to Port land Friday evening, returning Saturday night Mrs. Margaret white and daughter Loretta spent Sunday in Stanfield. Jack White and George Voile were in Pendleton, Pilot Rock and Heppner Sunday. Mrs. Joy Smith and son Steven and mother, Mrs. Tom Caldwell Mrs. F. C. Frederickson and Mrs. Clarence Frederickson were in M Walla Walla Saturday. BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS By having me mea sure and install beautiful Venetiar blinds Any Color Tape and Slats 0. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 2752 or 1483 Heppner, Oregon This field on the Charles Bloodswonh ranch on Willow creek is an example of land lev eling that is being done by many farmers on Willow, Rhea and Hinton creeks as well as in North Morrow county. The work is be ing done by private contractors and district equipment with tech nical assistance in engineering and soil surveys provided thru the local soil conservation dis tricts. Technical assistance was provided by the Heppner Soil Conservation district in making engineer surveys for 513 acres of land leveling. Fifty-nine acres of this is in the process of being leveled on the L. A. Palmer and Darrell Padberg farms. Forty-one acres on the Ralph Skoubo, In quaard Skoubo and Glen Carpen ter farms, Boardman, and George -"5 W FARM IMPROVEMENTS CUT YOUR WORKING TIME... Don't let the need for farm improvements lengthen your working hours and cut down your efficiency. Built-in troughs, new hay barn equipment, new sheds nd a milk house can give you more free time. Perhaps your barn needs a new roof and paint job. A Thrifty-Pay loan will help you pay for your perman ent farm improvements the convenient monthly way. Take as long as three years to pay, with no down pay , mem required. Your building supply dealer can arrange a Thrifty-Pay loan for you. Or see your nearest branch . of the First National bank. HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK of PORTLAND Mill MMIU DirOIII INIVIANCI C 0 I 0 I A T I 0 ovr-v. 'v. .' Russell farm, Irrigon, wore re cently leveled with engineering surveys through the Boardman Soil Conservation district. The 1948 agricultural conserva tion program provides practice payments for a variety of irriga tion and drainage practices. In cluded in the practices are reor ganization of the irrigation sys tem, preparing land for irriga tion, construction or enlargement of drainage ditches, and installa tion of drains. Details of these practices can be found in the liHS Morrow County Agricultural Conservation program handbook. Prior approval for the "practices must be granted by the county AAA committee. Engineering sur veys are available through the Heppner Soil Conservation dis trict and Boardman Soil Conser vation district offices. Linn Rudd left March 10 to, to receive treatments for an ear j business. Miss Hastings visited take his examination for the na vy. Johnny Single, who was turned down for the navy, went the same time to tw lor the army. Harlan Adams spent several days at Heppner visiting his fath er, J. B. Adams, and other rela tives and friends. His son, Nor vin, and Bill Litzell accompanied him over. F. M. Harrison and wife went to La Grande on Friday with Jack Owens. Mrs. Harrison stayed over ailment. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Halverson and son spent part of the week in Portland visiting Mrs. Halver son's parents. Mr., and Mrs. Ted Boinun ana friends and relatives. A WORD OF THANKS We feel deeply grateful to our neighbors and friends for their assistance at the time of the fire daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Matt1 which destroyed our home and Stumper and son'spent the week ; for their generosity since then. i . mi.ij wii nn hits. MpM won is are uiuuuuuuiv in lness ' such circumstances but we are Miss Yvonne Hastings and Rog- truly thankful for such real nr Connor OI llOUDllfr i.e.i; ..i im-iius. Kinzua on Friday attending to Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea. Kinzua Plant In Full Swing Again Following Layoff By Elsa M. Leathers All departments resumed work Monday, March 15, at Kinzua Pine Mills Co., after a week lay off to clean the log pond and build a new dump landing. R. Taft of The Dalles, unem ployment representative was at the office Thursday afternoon to receive applications for claims. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Turner are the proud parents of a son, born March 11 at The Dalles. He has been named Terry Allen and weighed 6 pounds. He Is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bird of Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bonn and Mark returned home on Friday evening after spending several days in Portland on busness, also spending some time in The Dalles visiting Mrs. John Sudar. J. B. Dyer has been visiting the Claud Englands here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Folsora went to Portland on Thursday to have their daughters eyes re tested and will also attend to business at Vancouver, Wash., before returning to Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Green shop ped in The Dalles Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Myles of Fos sil were dinner guests at the Slip Wright home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schott went to Prineville Thursday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Tex King who used to live here. They re turned to Kinzua on Sunday. - Geo. Close spent Weunesuay in The Dalles on business. Rev. Louis Wetzel underwent a major operation at The Dalles hospital on Saturday. There was no church service on Sunday. Photographs are our Specialty Town or Country Come in and see us about your wedding pictures Louis Lyons Ph. 2772 HEPPNER PHOTO STUDIO Employes of 2000 Oregon Firms have Medical and Hospital Care... through O.P.S. New Plans provide Coverage for Others . 1 1 Plan 1 For years some 70,000 Oregon workers have had O.P.S. medical and hospital protection through group contracts. Now O.P.S. coverage is available to you and to your family on an individual basis, and at modest cost. Wide Choice of Doctors and Hospitals All contracts offered by Oregon Physicians' Service have the pproval and sponsorship of the Oregon State Medical Society." A wide choice of service is available as some 900 physi cians and surgeons belong to O.P.S. This is in excess of 90 of medical society aflili ' ated doctors in Oregon. If you are employed, a resi dent of Oregon, and desire detailed information and ap plication blank, send coupon to your nearest O.P.S. office. MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL coverage lot tlx em ployed Individual $3.50 per month. SURGICAL, LIMITED MEDICAL end HOSPITAL coverage for familioi tpouto, $2.00 por month) lit child, $I.3S per month) 2nd child, 75 conli por month) 3rd child, 50 conti por month) additional chlldron no Charge. Plan 2 o SUR.OICAL, LIMITED MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL average for the employed IndMdeal $2.35 per month. SUIOICAl, LIMITED MEDICAL end HOSPITAL coverage tor famlllei tame at Plan 1. Plant ovalloble In morl Oregon eeun. flee to employed Individual! whote net taxable income doei not exceed $6,000 per year. Nolo O.P.S. group coverage Is till available. If you and follow employee with the savings that are pattlble vndor a group poll cy wo wHI fumlih Information gladly. OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE li14!.W.MAvt.,rert.ond4 455 ferry ffrooi.tafoai 111 SUdfct. IMg.,Modford OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICI Pltai mall llitroturt and application blank. Iff iff StSaMmL L If? Otr -Zone- Mall I O.P.S, al Portlonal, Mem ar Medford. SHE SELECTS THE EXQUISITELY APPOINTED 'CITY OF PORTIAND For business or pleasure she selects Union Pacific. The luxurious sleeping cars, sleep easy reserved coach seats, exclusive stewardess service and distinctive meals on "City of Portland" streamliner enable her to arrive at her destination refreshed, alert, at her "best" When you go East select Union Pacific for comfort, speed, safety! Daily Union Pacific Passenger Train Schedules to the East with Connections from Streamliner "City of Portland" Lv. Arlington 'Portlond Roto" 9:45 p.m. "loohoon" 7:32 p.m (stage) Lv. Pendleton 9:43 p.m 2:25 a.m. For complete travel information, consult LOCAL AGENT 11:06 a.m. Tf - Jkfly. F Vl'V. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD t&c "Daily SttxUie& ' sunt,!!. Jt , rv ? a m ! Vt J A4 lHAv iS7.A ' vtiV W . ' I TWM Mr 'J J; -.-f r SEAM-FREE NYLONS 9 'v lto Fashion captures the colorful beauty of Bermuda ...its exotic huu trans lated by Larkwood Into gossamer wispi of Seam-Free nylon. Pastels f and rich daytime tones to give your tyi legs the newest 'coloration for cos- . tume correctness. Discover the Joy of Larkwood Seam-Free all nylons . . your audience will see their added glamour and you will discover their oyous freedom-no seams under foot, no back seams to go askew, a perfect 'stay-put heel and ankle fit. Now In luscious Bermuda colorsi LIGHTHOUSE GREY MID-OCEAN IIUC HIBISCUS GOtO SEA-SHELL "INK IMPERIAL JADE IERMUDIANA FLIGHT 101 20 Denier... Sizes 8 12 to 10 12 SI 35 pr. Njfo hrint f tiim hn Itntf . EXCLUSIVE WITH GONTY'S