Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 18, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, March 18, 1943
Let's Complete the Job
the Morrow
hort ul the
!-.o building.
:v..iie of the
Ah of Mm.rir.j w'r.i- ( I H.is u.(
county hospital fund uas S.W w
amount estimati-d u rr.-ct anj cxiij
This is based on ;i:c architect's e-
total cott of constructing ami -"i uippii-.g a f.fieen
bed hospital m cirrei.t ibor and material prices.
To meet this estimated cost, the county court
has .ippiied for federal aid from the l;-ia fund il
lotted to the state of Oregon, the local hospital
projeei having, an A-l priority. With actual funds
on hand from the levy, phis an estimated
SHOO due on the levy and SSOO invested in real
estate, the court has available S107.-iaS.T3 for
building puiposes. With the federal government
t'iving one dmiar for each two dollars put up
by the county the sun; is raised to S159.39-'about
the cost of erecting the building but leaving
nothing for equipment.
To make it clear relative to raising enough
money to build and equip the hospital: Ti-.e gov
ernment requires that the plant must be built
and equipped, with the assurance that the hospit
al will be operated at least the first two years
following completion, before funds can be grant
ed. To meet the requirement for the c.-.-ry.'.-v cos;
the court felt obliged to include $20,000 to be rais
ed by popular subscription. This was based on
prevoius expressions by individuals and organiza
tions that they would like the privilege of con
tributing directiy to the furui.-kii-g of rooms or
the installation of equipment. It must be remem
bered that the federal assistance will be forth
coming on the additional $20,000 just as it is on
the fund raised by taxation, so that when the
$20,000 "is pledged and paid in the total will be
530,000 as applied to the building fund. Individu
als and groups wishing to specify what their
contributions are to be used for will have that
privilege, but their subscriptions will have to be
placed in the hospital fund in order to obtain
the additional one dollar for each two dollars
It should not be a difficult matter to raise the
additional S20.000, especially for a project as im
portant as-the hospital. The citizens of Heppner.
business concerns in particular, should be far
seeing enough to pledge liberally to this cause.
Public spirited citizens in other parts of the county
have already made their pledges. It should not
take more than a few days to clean this little
drive up and thus assure an early stall on actual
"instruction nf 'he ho.sDitai. Let us not delay.
Remove the Handicap!
One can not visit Monument without realizing
that despite improvements in the road situation
in recent years the little community is still more
or less bottled up so far as communication with
outside points is concerned. The people there can
go down the river to the John Day highway on a
new hard surfaced road, or they can go over the
hill via Hamilton to Long Creek on a post road,
which it is expected wil) be hard surfaced within
the next two or three years. That is a good move.
It will make travel out of the district to the county
seat at Canyon City (the road to Kimberley lias
made it easier, it should be said), and will afford
travel to such points as the people may want to
reach via the Three Flags highway.
However, these improvements have not and will
not shorten the mileage to railheads on either
the John Day highway or Highway 393. Heppner
will remain the nearest rail sniping point by a
margin of a few miles over Condon and a good
many miles over Pendleton. That is figuring
the present 24 1 2 miles from Monument to Spray
Junction and the 53 miles; from that point to
Heppner. Take that 24 1 2 miles and turn it more
direct iv towards Heppner, on a route worked out
by the Heppner Lumber company and on which
several miles of grade is being built, and the
distance from Monument to a railhead is reduced
to approximately 50 miles. Construction of that
stretch of road from the mouth of Chapin creek to
Monument will remove the pocket in which the
town now finds itself by placing it on a through
Construction of sawmills in and near Monu
ment will add a heavy volume of freight traffic
which could easily be diverted in this direction
with the building of a highway to connect the '
Heppner-Spray highway. The Heppner Lumber
company is in the process of building a mill at
Monument with an approximate capacity of 40.0.:
feet daily, and with other smaller mills now run
ning and still more to be built there will be a
growth in population and commercial activity
over that way.
Sentiment of the community relative to closer
connection with Heppner was sounded out Mon
day by representatives from the Heppner Cham
ber of Commerce. What was learned was pie using
to the visitors and thoy returned home convinced
that not oniy is closer relationship with that part
of the interior desirable but that it must be made
feasible. ,
Lexington Folks
Banquet and Award';
School's Athletes.
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
The Lexington boys and girls
athletic teams were honored at a
forma! banquet in the school din
ing room Tuesday evening at (t
p.m. by the I.exinclon P-TA Tt,
Mrs. Henry Hoe Cloud of the Um
atilla mission. The girls wore
lovely pastel formats with mat
chine carnation eorsaees The in.
tioductory speech was given by
Mr. J. S. Kc.Ulieis who introduc
ed the guest speakers. Mr. Fea
thers presented the athletic aw
aids to the boys after the ban
quet. Those attending were Betty
Griffin, Edna Ivey, Patricia Ma
jeske. Aileen Shannon, Lavonne
.McMillan. Irb Bloodsworth. Jn
McMillan. Ida Buchanan, Marvin
room were Mrs. W. E. McMillan, ketball toornament at Arlngton. halis where she had gone after
"lis. A. M. Kilwarils The f I, r I m, ,.., .i... . u...i.i ,i..
- vim io ai ii-iiuing lilc luui liailll-Ill 111. Hi luitauii o iiiuimi
arrangement was hv tvim nit'ton c i i i . ni.o,., t i..
-i, ii ouiuiutiy nc iii. ami una.
- ..... muim iiieeuiig oi inas. Buchanan and sons Kobert
table was betmtifnlk- tr.i.i Wav. Chas. Buchanan, ftnv Pun
euro , -' ' .' - i'
with white and blue tapers, yel- u'-e.m, Billy Bloodsworth, Robert
low daffodils and green carna- ; i;ucl:..min, James Bloodsworth,
tions. The place cards carried out ' Joll!1 dAvards. David Buchanan,
the St. Patrick's motif, being l'uuiklin Messenger, Charley
green hats and shamrocks tied '-io-crg. Floyd Breeding, Mrs.
with white ribbon with names in ' Palmer Sorlien, Mr. Sorlien. Mr.
white ink. ' and Mrs. J. S. Feathers and Mr.
Guest speakers were Dr. and -lU-Mis. Kodney Smith and the
. :.Uests. Dr. and Mrs. Cloud
street next to the telephone nf. ! The menu consisted of shrimn
fiee in the Koberts building. Our cocktail, stuffed tomatoes with
new telephone number is 8S2. We ! chicken a la king, peas, potato
invite you to come in and see n,.,-' sal. id. autre! food enk-e w-ith.vi hin.
new home. i ped cream and maraschino eher.
; ries and coffee. The dinner was
Pat Conn.ai i otl b..f.,,. l 1 1 1 l.,. At... u ... n . .... j
j - - wiv,m. meai i 'M""11' -mo. .-in- xiuiu aim
I sheepman, has retimed from his Mrs. L. L. Howton and served by
eastern trip the past week with Mis. Cecil Jones and Mrs. Vernon
, ins onue. utey win make their c nnstopnerson, Airs. Konald Ah
; home on the Spring Hollow ranch -led and Mrs. Eldon Padberg
j which he purchased last year. Others assisting in the dining
Frtirn wnpr? T cif Z.lAa ML
;.4't! a ...y vv,s, niaisu
How to Keep 'Em
Down On the Farm
The other day Pete Swanson's
nephew. Bud, allowed as how he
was fed up with farm and country
life... and was goimr to the city
where there was a lot more oppor
tunity anj excitement.
Some folks might have tried to
stop him. Bat not Tete. He even
advanced Bud carfare for the trip
...figured that when he'd had a
good look around, he'd come back
where he belonged.
And what happened? After seven
days of big-town bustle and excite
ment. Bud was back behind the
wheel of a tractor, with color In his
cheeks again. And he'd traded the
ni;:ht life of the city for a guiet
glass of beer with Dad.
From where I sit, that's how it
goes. Try to prevent some one from
netting what he thinks he wants
anj he'll go on wanting it. But give
him his head, ami he'll settle for
the sensible thing whether it's
country life, or a temperate glass
of beer 1
From Heppner Gazette Times
March 21. 1913
St. Patrick's
lOW'in? dav Thp ITihominna nt.
) tended chuch services in a body,
j A lodge meeting occupied the af
ternoon and at 6:30 a banquet
l a becoming manner in Heppner j was served at the Palace hotel.
this VPir Tin Mn-..h 1C a n i
celebrated In 'otic program was given. The fob ,3" hf 5nC 'a
for increased food production and
soon will allow the people of the
city to keep a pig in the back
Pre Easter Specials '
.,...,..,.,, i,i.iiiiiiiiiiiiHi.i,imiiiiim,n, ,mll
From March 22 to 27 inclusive
we are offering at 10 pet. discount
rj All ermanents
Machine - Machineless - Coldwave
or Supersonic
Alice's Beauty Shop
Phone 53
Edith -Alice -Ethel
According to dispatches from
Washington woman farm labor is
to be called if the situation war
rants. Mrs. F. A. Andrews, wife of
Rev. F. A. Andrews, pastor of the
First Christian church, was tak
en to the hospital the last of the
week to undergo four operations.
Burl Gurdane, apprentice sea
man, arrived home today for a
brief visit with his father. Burl
is stationed at Mare Island train
ing camp.
C. E. Woodson, candidate for
jont representative from Morrow
and Umatilla counties, spent last
Saturday in Pendleton on a busi
ness visit.
The advancing cost of merch
andising has forced all retailers
to the limit. Therefore they are
! restricting all credit to 30 days,
with 11) days grace before further
credit will be denied until the
bill is paid. Deliveries will also
be curtailed to two each day, one
in the morniiig and one in the af
ternoon. The Gazette Times has moved.
We are now located on Willow
-S -
7 L "'. -4
Pick up your phsne and call Main 2502 . . . it's
as easy ns that to he sure of go'tting the lovely
tlovers that are so much a part of Easter
pep-nd on The Flower Shop for fresh, lovely,'
long-la::ting ones . . . and for prices that al
ways are reasonable.
The Flower Shop
the Lexington P-TA was held fnl
lowing the banquet with guest
speakers, Dr. and Mis. Cloud.
Special music was by Delight
UiUUle of lone accompanied by
Lavonne McMillan. Delight was
oeautiful in a white formal and
pink corsage and Lavonne in
pale blue with pink corsage. An
other interesting feature of the
program were two musical n.,i.
mgs by Mrs. Sorlien, lov ely in a
green formal with matching corj
sage. She was accoinpanieu oy
Miss Dona Barnett. After a very
interesting talk by both Dr. and
Mrs. cloud refreshments were
served in the lunchroom by Mrs.
Vernon ChristopTierson and Mrs.
Oscar Breeding.
O. E. Haigh of Jordan Valley
is spending a few days at the
home of A. M. Kdwards.
Mrs. Laura Scott visited in The
Dalles last week at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Jack
son. Mrs. E. S. Burnside who suffer
ed a stroke last week is reported
to be much improved. Her daugh
ter is caring lor her.
Kev. Paul Davit's, superinten
dent oi the Congregational chur
ches in Oregon, will be in Lex
ington on Wednesday, March I'l,
and would like to meet with all
the members of the church to dis
cuss some matters of importance
to the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ledbutter
went to Pordand Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chnstoph
erson visited in Arlington at Hie
home of Mr. and Mrs. Spalding.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks and
children and Ben Grant of Prine
ville were visiting at the i-m
Grant home over the week end.
James J. Allyn of Oak Grove
spent last week visiting his bro
i her, George Allyn.
Invitations have been received
by friends and relatives to the
oOth wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Bill McMillan Sunday,
March 21, in Corvallis at their
Mrs. Eva Hudson and daughter
Gwen from Union were visaing
at the C. C. Jones home on bai
urday. They all ajtendedjhe has-
The Heppner Gazette, established
March 30. 1SS3. Trie Heppner
Times, established November
IS, LS97. Consolidated Feb. 15.
Published eveiy Thursday and
entered at tiie Post Office at
Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
Subscription price, $2.50 a year;
single copies, 10c.
Publisher and Editor ;
and David, and Rap Papineau.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Peck and
baby daughter of Toledo and Etta
Millet of CorvalliK Kiinnt the
week end at the George Peck
Mrs. Delnha Jones is on the
sick list this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson
and children were dinner guests
at the Claud White home in the
mountains on Sunday, where
they were celebrating the birth
day of their son, Laddie Gene.
Mr. ana Mrs. tu. k. JUcFadden
Mr nnrl Trts IT -, ntn.
..... iu .i.iiij I'm;;' , mi. om mn. j. ri, nil i- utloeil
went to Grants Pass Saturday to 1 spent the week end in Naches,
stay with the children of Mr. anil Wash.
Mrs. Gerald Acklen while they ! Kev. George Hatch will hold
went to the funeral of Mrs. G. C. services at the Christian church
Acklen, mother of Mr. Acklen, in I on Sunday. Subject at 11 a.m.
Port hind. I will be, "The Triumphal Entry."
Mrs. Lonnie Henderson return- The evening subject will be "Ev
ed Tuesday evening from Che- 1 angelism."
It's always
Sam sonite
Come in and look over our new
shipment. A bag for your every need,
a single piece-of luggage or a com
plete set.
Seeing is believing An ideal se
lection for Easter giving.
Have you seen our wide selection of
They are good looking and great labor
Case Furniture Co.
. 1 1
foe Men and Women
Thanks For The Memory j
H Spring is the t ime when love flowers again . . . when mem- EE
cries ere born. Love and memories grow stronger through J
H gifts the right gift at the right time. H
U We are ready to help you select the correct gift.
1 Jewelry is always proper. And you can buy some- j
U thing in jewelry that will fit the reminiscent mood ff j
EE . and the purse. !
Drop in today. We will helrj vou choose the nrp;pnt thnt '
H will be priceless in sentiment. I
H Why not come in immediately so that the one you love :
S will be able to always say .. .
If .1 ..
i nanis wr me memory:
TMOItlKi display
lor years this has been an out
standing event with us and this year
is no exception. A representative
from Ed. V. Price & Co. will be in
our store to show the latest styles
and exhibit swatches and bolt
lengths from the large selection of
fine woolens that can be used in the
tailoring of these quality garments.
He will also be on hand to give
advice concerning building a com
plete wardrobe to serve your in
dividual requirements. Be on hand
for this important event and avail
younclf of this authoritative
Saturday, March 20 Only
ublic Dance
Saturday Evening, April 10
I OO F Hall, Lexington .
Music by
Supper will be served during intermission
Sponsored by '
The Wranglers, Morrow County Saddle Club