Want Ads - NEW THIS WEEK - FOR SALE OR TRADE 1941 Dodge convertible. Appearance like new, same paint, new top, new engine. Terms If desired. Unrein Motor Service. 51c Fords and Friends is our busi ness. Hose wall Motor Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1941 Ford DeLuxe Fordor sedan, excellent condition. Terms 11 desired. Un rein Motor Service. 51c 1939 Chevrolet four door sedan. Pay down $325.00. Kosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE i h.p. Deepwell pump, new, $09.95; 12 hp. . Shallow well pump, new, $117. 50; 1 h.p. Shallow well pump, new, $149.50. Most all sizes deep and shallow pumps in stock, gasoline and electric. Pipe and fittings available with pumps. Before ordering any pumps at any price SEE THESE AT: L. A. Moore Furn isher of Homes, phone 2121, Hormiston, Ore. 51-2c Let our paint department give your old car that new look. Rosewall Motor Company. HELP WANTED Woman or girl to help with house work, no washing; by day or week. Phone 43. 51 -52c We have new and reconditioned Ford motors in stock for imme diate Installation. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE 1937 Ford sedan. N. D. Bailey. 51c 1937 Ford pickup with rebuilt mo tor. Pay down $200.00. Rosewall Motor Company. LAWN SEELHNU is a specialty with us. Grady's Greenhouse. Phone 2193. 51tfc You can have your motor recon ditioned and the car painted and pay for It on convenient monthly budget terms. Rose wall Motor Company. GARDEN PLOWING No job too small. Call Grady's Green house, rhone 2193. 51tfc 1942 Chevrolet Secial Deluxe se dan. Pay down $'550.00. Rose wall Motor Company. LOST White and brown Austral ian shepherd dog on sheep trail between Lexington and Board man in early February. Notify Frank Wilkinson, phone 8F22. Reward. 51c Let us steam clean your car or truck motor. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE One 4-bottom 16-inch International tractor plow. Call 23X2. 51c ve can slop that vibration and shimmy in your car with an Electronic wheel balancing job. Rosewall Motor Company. SUPERCHARGED babyand start ed chicks. U. S. approved. Order early. Western Stores 51c Do your front tires show excessive wear for the milsc you have driven them? We will check the front wheel alignment free in our safety lane and tell you the condition of your car's front system. It may save you dollars. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Caterpillar gear driv en generator for battery; also wall telephone for farm line. E. Markham Baker, phone 35F 22. 51p WANTED Baby bed; must be In good condition. Call 2382. 51c FOR SALE 1940 Hudson sedan, radio, 4 new tires, new battery, complete overhaul job. Fay Bucknum, phone 2502. 51lfc WILL the party who borrowed my ratchet dies please return them. Frank E. Parker. 51 -52c WANTED Job as baby siller. Connie Ruggles, phone 723. 51-52C Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CBEDITOES Nutie Is her.'ljy givmi that the un derHiKncd whs duly appointed hy the I'lobate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County Exei-utnx of the eHtatc of Ktta C. Hunt, deceased and all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same with proper vouchers to said Executrix at the law office of Jos. J. Nys at Heppner, Ore gon, within six (6) months of the date hereof. Uatcd and first published this 11th day of March, 1U4K. KLVA M. RUHU 61-3 Executrix. o NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the .Slate of Oregon for Morrow County, executor of the es tate of Carl A. Patterson, deceased and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby re quired to present the same to the un drslgned executor at Heppner. Oregon, with proper vouchers verified as re quired by law within alx monUui from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 19th day of February, 1918. JOS. J. NYS. 4S-.r2 Executor. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HKKEBY C1VEV that the undersigned, Administrator of the Kslate of GKK WAH WOO, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, his Kinal Account of his ad ministration of the said estate, and that the Court has set Monday, the lfilli day of March, IMS, at the nour of 10;UU o'clock A. M., In the forenoon of said day at the County Courtroom at the Courthouse at Heppner. Oregon, as the tune and place for hearing objections to the said Kinal Account and the set tlement of said estate and all persons are hereby required to file the same wilh said Court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 6th day of February. 194S. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Administrator. P. W. MAHONET. Attorney for Administrator, Heppner, Oregon. 48-52 CITATION I.N THE PRORATE COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR THt COUNTY OF MORROW. In the Matter of the Estate of ALBERT J. WESTHOFF. deceased. TO: Paul If. Westhoff, Mary C. Magee. Cecelia (Jentges, Mary C. Bragg. Har old S. We.ithoff. Claude Wealhuff, and Russell Westhoff. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited and required to appear In the Probate Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, ulthin twenty-eight days of this citation to show cause why of this summons to show cause why an Order should not be granted to the First National Bank of Portland (Ore gon), Administrator of the estate of Albert J. We.tllff deceived, to sell the following described personal prop erty and real property belonging to the said estate at private sale for the best price obtainable, to-wlt: 1 l!Ci6 Chevrolet Panel Delivery Truck, Good will and business of Heppner Steam Laundry, Equip ment, Including supplies, in the Heppner Steam Laundry. Lot No. 6 in Block No. 8 of the original Town (now City) of Hepp- ner. Morrow County, State of Ore gon, together with the improve ments thereon, for the purpose of paying claims filed against the said estate, coals of ad ministration, and mortgagee upon the said property. WITNESS, the Honorable Bert John son. Judge of the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, with the seal of said Court affixed; this 18th day of February, 1948. The date of the first publication of this citation Is February 19. 1948. ATTEST: C. W. BARLOW, Clerk. 48-62. NOTICE OF BALE OF COUNTY PBOPEBTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated February lu, 194S, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 6 to 18 inc. in Block 19, Irri- gon, Oregon for the minimum price of $60.00, cash. Bhsk 22 In lrrigon, Oregon, for the minimum price of $60.00, cash. All that part of NK14 of the SW14 in Sec. 20, 5N. 27 E. lying North of the O. W. R. &N. Co.'s right of way over and across said subdivision, containing 3 acres more or less, for the minimum price of $6.00. cash. THEREFORE. I will on the 20th day of March. 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A M.. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner. Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN. Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregoa, FRANCES MITCHELL. 48-62 Deputy. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. THOR M. THORSON, Plaintiff, vs. R S. HOWARD, Receiver. SUE P. WADS WORTH, . and JOHN DOE WADS WORTH, her husband, whose true name is unknown to plaintiff, and the unknown heirs of said Sue P. Wadswwrth, If deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate de scribed In the complaint herein, Defendants. To the defendants and each and all of yIN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer Plaintiff's complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and if you fail to so appear or answer fro want thereof nlaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In his com plaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following described real property, sit uate in Morrow County. State of Ore gon, to-wlt: Lots 1, 2. 8, 4, 6. 6, 7, 8, 8. 10. 11, 12. 13, and 14 and Lots 31, 32. 33, 34. 36. 36. 37, 38. 39. 40, 41. 42. 43 and 44, al In Block 17 In the Town of lrrigon. Mor row County. State of Oregon, and that It be adjudged and decreed that the plaintiff is the owper in fee simple of said real property and every nu.-t ihrof and tiat whatever lnter- I est or title you may claim to have In said real property do nun aim vom and that each and all of you and all persons or parties known or unknown claiming by, through or under you be torever barrea anu resiraniru u, u rr,-.m nil cluim rwhl. title and Interest In and to said real property and every part thereol ana lor sucn oiner anu further relief as may be Just and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four (4) successive weeks In the Hepp ner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation published In Mor row County. Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Honorable Bert Johnson, Judge of the County Court of the State or Oregon ior narrow umiaj. wouu order is dated February 24th. 1948 and the date of th eflrst publication of this summons is February 26th, 1948. JOS. J. NYS Attorney for the Plaintiff Residence and Post Office Address Heppner. Oregon. 49-1 KRIGGS-STRATTON gas-powered lawn molars. Western Stores. 51c DEEP and STlALLOW au I om at i c water pumps with tanks. West ern Stores. 51c FOR SALIC Coleman automatic oil burning water heater, 30 gallon capacity. Howard Evans, phone 3F32. 50-52p DR. J. P. STEWART, Eye-Sight Specialist formerly of Pendle ton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on SUNDAY, MARCH 7. Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FOR SALE '38 Dodge 4-door se dan. See Glen Irby, Heppner, or phone 7F23. 50-lp: FOR SALE Board ends. See Ed win Tucker, nhone 1 182 or 2732. 50-51p We frame pictures, photos, and repair old picture frames. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. 511c SPRINcTls almost" here, so why not let us measure and install beautiful Venetian blinds, any color. O. M. Yeager's Sorvlce Store. 51-lc FOR SALE Registered thorough bred mares and fillies. Best of blood lines. Priced to sell. Dan McFarlane, Box Ml, Condon, Ore. 51-52c UTAH Woolen Mills "Jack Frost" salesman will be at Heppner Hotel March 10, 17, 18 and un til noon. March 19. 51c WANTED Man who can qualify for management of profitable business nearby. Write Raw leigh's, Dept. OHC-101-158, Oak land, Cal. 51p WHEN you think of pictures, books and glfls we have them. O. M. Yeager's Service Store. 51-lc WOMEN'S Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church will hold Its annual tea, cook ed food and apron sale 2-5 p.m Saturday. March 20, in church basement. 51-52c WANTED TO BUY Heavy duty deep well jack. Phone E. Markham Baker. 50-52p SETTLES Electric Service Elec trical construction and repair. Heppner. Oregon. Phone 2:) 50-52c NOTICE TO CKEDIT0K8 Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the Estate of Wm. Kimimerhmd. deceased, by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Ore gon, and has accepted such trust. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to file the same, with proper vouchers attached with the administratrix at the office of J. O. Turner In Heppner Oregon, within six months from the date of th s Notice. Dated and first published this 26th day of February, 1948. NORA PEKLBERG. 40-1 Administratrix, FOR A ONIFEIED AND PROGRESSIVE COUNTY Vote for Russell K. Miller of Boardman. Condidate for County Commissioner subject to the will of the Republican voters. (Paid Adv.) INTERIM COMMITTEE Inadvertently omitted last week that the county court is still In the dark regarding that work. Attending the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell, Al gott .Lundell, Raymond Lundell, Ernest Heliker, Hal Ely and Jim Lindsay, Willows grange; O. W. Cutsforth of the Morrow county farm bureau; Francis Nlckerson, master of the Pomona grange; Norman Nelson of the Lexington grange, and J. J. O'Connor, pres ident of the Heppner chamber of commerce, and P. W. Mahoney and Dr. L. D. Tibbies, members of the road and highway com mittee of the chamber of com merce; members of the county court and a representative of the local press. Nlckerson also rep resented the Junior chamber of commerce. from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiffs will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in plaintiffs' complaint, to-wlt: For a JUDGMENT and DECREE es tablishing the contract between the plaintiffs and the said Albert J W-t-hoff, deceased, as alleged in Mid earn plaint, and decreeing mat piaiui.ua are the owners of and entitled under distribution to them of all the re'ldue of the estate of the said Albert J. Weot hoff. deceased, remaining after the pay ment of ail of the just claims against said estate and the costs of adminis tration, and that their title thereto be quieted and that the defendants, and each of them, be ordered and decreed to execute to said plaintiffs good and sufficient deeds granting and convey ing to said plaintiffs all of the personal property and the following described real property, Lot No. 8 In Block No. 8 In Uie or iginal Town of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, and if defendants fail to make such deeds the decree of the court to stand as and for mich conveyance, and for such other, further and different relief as may be Just and equitable In tbe premises. This Summons la published pursuant to the Order of the Honorable Homer I. Watts. Judge of the above entitled Court made and entered in the above entitled cause on the 1st day ol Maren, 1948. and the date of the first pub lication of this summons Is March 4. RANDALL, PERRY ft WELLS, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, P.O. Address: Box 756, Pendleton. Oregon. 50-2 NOTICE OF FIN Alt ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of the estate of Edwin L. Bucknum. deceased, has filed with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, his final account of his administration of the estate of said deceased and said court fixed Monday, the 6th day of April. 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A.M. of said day, at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said es tate, and all persons having objections thereto are required to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 4th day of March, 1948, WILLIAM J. BUCKNUM. 50-2 Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the u dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the Estate of Hattle Kummerland, deceased, by the Pro bate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, and has accepted Buch trust All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to file the same, with proper vouchers attached, with the administratrix at the office of J. O. Turner in Heppner. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first publisher this 2Cth day of February. 1948. NORA PERLBERG, 49-1 Administratrix. UTAH WOOLEN MILLS "Jack Frost" salesman Ernest Ghorm ley, 516 Main St., Hormiston. Phone 30U. 50 lp For GRAVE MARKERS and MON UMENTS, write R. A. Bentley, Haines, Ore. Bettor values lower prices. 50-51p LEAVE your orders for all uphol stering and mattress work at Yeager's Service Store. Phone 2752. 21!) Main St. Sfltfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County administrator of the estate of Maggie French, deceased and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned administrator with proper vouchers veruieu as reouireu oy law at the law office of Jos. J. Nys. at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and f rst published mis atn day of February 1948. L.r.WlS HAKULAl, 49-1 Administrator. WANTED Year round job on wheat ranch wilh house fur nished. Plenty of experience and reliable references. Write Ernest Christophcrson Jr., Rte 1, IltibbardOjvgoji: 49-51C PUJWrSjLtrSEASON is here again. We sharpen steel and cast shares and do a good job of hard surfacing. Harold Bee ket. - 49-lc FOR SALE 125 busnels Federa tion seed wheat. W. G. Sceha- fer, lone, Ore. 49-51 p FOR SALE Two 712 fl. Interna tlonal disc plows wilh MeClIn- tock hitch. Arthur Hunt, Lex- Inclon. 4G-2c NOTICE OF FINAL BEARINO Notice Is herebv given that the urv dersigned Administrator of the estate of T. A Florence, deceased, has filed with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, his final account of his administration of the estate of sad deceased, and said court fixed Monday, the 6th day of April. 1H48 at the nour ol iu:wi a.m., at the Court House at Heppner. Oregon as the time and place lor neanng ob jections to said final account and set tlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or befroe the date of said hearing. Dated and first published this 4th day of March, 1948. N. O. FLORENCE. 50-2 Administrator. Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Oregon will receive sealed bids at Its office In the State Capitol at Salem, Oregon, up to 10:uU oclocK A. M. on j-uesaay, arcn 9. 1948 for the leasing of tide and over flow land In Morrow County, which land Is described hereinafter, giving, however, to the owner or owners of any lands abutting thereon the preference right to lease said land at the highest price offered, for a period of forty eight hours after the opening of said bids, provided such offer is made in good faith, and provided the Land Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Said land Is situate in Morrow Countv. Oregon, and is de scribed as follows: All the Columbia River overflow land lying between mean low and mean high water line and fronting on bections , lio. sd ana 36. Township 6 North. Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian, and Sections 18 and 19. Township 5 North. Range 26 East of Willamette Meridian. Appli cations must be accompanied by a cer tified check or draft for the full amount of the first year's rental and no bids will be considered for less than $100.00 per annum, lease to be for a period of five years. In addition to the amount bid. the successful bidder snail pay tne actual cost of advertising. All bids should be sealed and addressed to E. T. Pierce, Clerk of the State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "ADOiratton and bid for the leasing of Columbia River overflow land.' Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 27th day of Jan uary, 1948. is. T. Pierce, cierg, Htate Land Boards 46-60 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Feb ruary 10, 1948, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 1 to 33 Inc., Block 16, lrrigon, Oregon, for the min imum price of $220.00, cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 13th day of March, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A.M., at the front door of the Court House In Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, By FRANCES MITCHELL, 47-51 Deputy. Place Orders Now! for BEDDING PLANTS ORNAMENTAL EVERGREENS ROSEBUDS and SHRUBBERY FRUIT TREES We offer a complete landscape gardening service. Grady's Greenhouse Phone 2193 SUMMONS. Equity No. 3737 IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORKOON FOR MORROW COUNTY. J. C. Miller and Nccha Miller, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. The First National Rank of Portland, a nations! bunking association, as Ad ministrator of the Kslate of Albert J. Westlloff. deceased, Paul H. West hoff. Mary C. Magee, Cecelia Gentges. Mary C. Bragg, Harold 8. Westhoff, Clniide Westhoff, and Russell West hoff, Defendants. To The First National Bank of Port land a natlona banking association, as Ailnitnlstralor of the Estate of Albert J. Westhoff, deceased, Paul II. Westhoff, Marv C. Mugee. Cecelia Gentges. Mary C. Bragg, Harold 8. Westhoff, Claude Westhoff, and Russell Westhoff, De fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATB OF OREGON, You and each of you, are hereby required to appear and answer I the Complaint filed against you in the j CA above entitled suit within four weeks OO-Z NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 3, 1948, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Blocks 20 and 21, Will's Addi tion to lone for the minimum price of $100.00, cash. Therefore, I will on the 3rd day of April, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, FRANCES MITCHELL, Deputy. Heppnet Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Morch 11, 1948-5 ''''IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIH PAINT UP TRIM UP FIX UP I YOUR CAR HOW! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiifiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuuiitiiiiiiitiiiHiiMit Have Your Car BRAKES CHECKED TODAY! Have Your MOTOR TUNED UP NOW! PAINTand POLISH Your Car NOW! Have Your Car RADIATOR FLUSHED Brand New ENGINE BLOCKS Available NOW Nil , Replace Missing EXTERIOR TRIM TODAY! s I TODAY! HiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Don't Put It Off Bring Your Car In Now TODAY! Morrow County Cleaners We Call for and Deliver Ladies and Gents Fine Tailoring Just Call 2632 Hodge Chevrolet C ompany j Main & May Streets Phone 403 HEPPNER, OREGON liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii