Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1948)
6 Happntr Gazette Timet, Hcpprw,QiftfMa!hA, 1948 n - att 13 VALUES!! No mattst what kind of paint ye nd fo tht ovtsida. Intids, Roan or furniture wc mvi Hi Pitbbsrjh PainI that will jivt yoa tk b tooktfia, lonaest-lartina ntd aaost economical mulls. Not lust as food, but in many rsspacti oattat than pre-war quality. Florhlda For Floors! A floor paint that withstand I heavy foot traffic. Uae I it on flnnra ar alma nl aV wood, cement, metal evtj or worn linoleum. 1.62 Cover Every Surfocal . Not a water paint, not a powder paint, not a wartime substitute- new one-coat oil-base WaUhidt covert any surface. f) Washes repeatedly. Seni-Giou I CO 1 pat gal. For Now Bsauty Waterspar Enamel it a high- quality, one-coat quick-drying finish for furniture or wood work. Brushes and flows out to a china. Heppner Hardware Cr Electric Company CHURCHES ASSEMBLY OF COD j Sunday, 9 471 a.m., Bible school, j An interesting class for every ; age. 11 a. m.. Rev. Miller will speak at the worship hour. 6:30 p.m., the Christ Amb&ssa- dor group meets. Evangelist Mill er will bring an interesting mes sage. 7 45 p.m.. Evangelistic meeting will close. j t ome and bring a friend. METHODIST CHURCH 1 J. Palmer Sorlien, Pastor. Sunday, March 7: Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Church school at 9:45 a.m., Mrs. Lucy Kougers, superintendent; Mr. Robert Owens, asst. supt.; Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien, primary dept. supt. Wednesday: Mid week devo tional service at 7:30 p.m. Junior Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. and Senior Youth Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. Thursday choir practice at 7 p.m., Mrs. Thomas Wells, direc tor. The Womens Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. a a a ST. PATRICK'S CATHOUC CHUBCH Schedule of services: Mass in Heppner on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 9 a.m.; 10:30 Grain Growers! IT IS TIME TO ORDER2,4-D Our application of 2, 4-D for control of weeds will start very soon. We have the EXPERIENCE and EQUIPMENT Why Take Chances? Call, Write or Wire us TODAY! For the Best in Agricultural Airation The West-Air Company Fhone Yakima 7683 908 S. 25 Ave, Yakima, Wash. Fertilizer can be applied at the same time at no extra cost except material. STAR Eg REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and earning, unless spa. cifically advertised to be otherwise: Children: Est. Price JT, Ped. Tax .03, Total 20c; Grade and High School Students IS 7aara and over: Est Price .40. Pad. lax JO, Total 50c; Adults: Est. Prcia .50, Ped. Tax .10, Total 60c. Every child occupying a seat moat have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous starting at 1 p.m. Satur. day evening shows start at 7 p.m- Ail other evening shows start at 7:30 p.m. Boxoifice' open evenings nntU 9 prn. Friday-Saturday, March 5-$ Oregon Trail Scouts Exciting new adventure with Bed Byder, ZiitUe Bearer and the Dncheaa. PLUS News Hounds The Bowery Boys bring you plenty of laughs With their uuai assortment of clowning. Clock Cleaners. Disney cartoon in color SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE S P-EQ-, Saturday, March i IT'S A JOKE, SON A funny and wholesome picture built around Senator Claghora, the popui&r gag cimracter on Fred Aiien i &tuUo Show. Every child must buy a ticket. Boxoifice open until 2:30 Children ftc, Students and Adults 20c, inc. tax Sunday-Monday, March 7-8 TYCOON John Wayne, Laraine Day, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Judith Anderson, James Gleason, Anthony Quinn, Grant Withers An unusual action-adventure that never slows down. . . Technicolor in its mosi setting. Sunday shows contumoos from 1 p.m. Tuesday. March 9 Repeat Performance Joan Ieslle, Lon:s Hayward, Bichard Basehart. Virginia Field, Tom Conway A fine cast and an unusual story mark this one. . . . watr-h newcomer Bichard Basehart The Biding Hannefords and Cartoon, both in color Wed.-Thurs., March 10-11 PERSONAL COLUMN Lucille Ball, George Sanders, Charles Cobnrn, Boris Karloff, Sir Cedr.c Hardwicke, Joseph Calleia, Alan Mowbray The hit that's been acclaimed by everyone for Its thrilling story of baffling intrigue and mystery. It's exciting: It's filled with suspense! It's en tertainment! Musical Featnrette and Newsreel THE ANSWER TO YOUR BUDGET PROBLEM For Spring Economy New mnmv suits 47 .50 New in tailoring, new in design, new in style! Jnat what you want in comfort, fit, appear utcttand wear! Single and double breasted models. Youthful or conservative! MARATHON HATS Yon seldom get fur felt hati t this price and these are Unedt Grey, brown, blue! 4.93 And Here Are Your MEN'S SHOES 7.90 Rag. U.S. Pal. 01. Foot-and-badget comfort! Dress and sport styles in In dianTan. Boulevard Brown, Brandy Tan and other rich Spring colors. U 4i ml 4-H Club News . . . Nine lone 4-H club members enrolled as Homemaking projx?t members are taking great strides in their club activities and pro ject work carried this year. Ruby Ann Rietmann, Lola Ann McCabe, on the 2nd and 4th. Mass in lone on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m.; 2nd and 4th at 9 a.m. Mass on the fifth Sunday one mass only in Heppner at 9 a.m. Holy days of obligation: Mass in Heppner at 7:30 a.m.; mass in lone at 9 a.m. First Fridays of the month: Mass in Heppner at 7:30. a a a CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible school, 9:45 a.m.; C. W. Barlow, supt.; Beverly Yocom, ju nior supt.; Mrs. Joe Jewett, pri mary supt. Morning worship, 11; commun ion and preaching; sermon topic, "Life Or Death Which ?" Evening evangelistic service, 7:30; sermon topic, "It Pays To Serve God." Choir practice Thursday eve ning at 7, Mrs. Willard Warren, directo.r. Mid-week Bible study anil prayer meeting Thursday eve ning at 8. a s a ALL SAINTS CHURCH Holy communion, 8 a.m Church school. 9:45 a.m. Holy communion, 11 a.m. Wednesdays: . Holy communion, 10 a.m. Children's instruction, 3:30 p. m. Adult instruction, 8 p.m. Ingrid Hermann, Joan Coleman, Carletta Olden, Delight Biddle, Barbara Jackson, Delores Drake, and Tatricia Drake are the club members led by Mrs. L. A. Mc Cabe, lone. Mrs. McCabe and her club have somewhat of a record for Morrow county in that of the five clubs during hte past three years that Mrs. McCabe has led, all have completed their projects 100 per cent. The girls, now working on homemaking units, have finish ed many useful items for their bedrooms. Among the items they have made are the following: Waste paper baskets from paint pails and two gallon ice cream containers, covered shoe boxes, handkerchief boxes, boxes for re arranged dresser drawers, dresser table skirts, shoe bags, drapes and curtains, covered dressing ta ble stool, covering of chairs, re arranging closets and adding shelves, pictures and vanity scarfs. The girls are preparing now to organize a Sewing II 4-H club which they will complete before County Fair time. This club will be roganized this month. To observe National 4-H Club week, March 1-7, the girls will hold a meeting of their club at the McCabe farm on Saturday, March 6. VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE TO BE FORMED HERE The high school gym will be open to all men, interested in playing volleyball on Monday night of each week. This night is From where I sit ... Jy Joe Marsh How to Put Up with Women's Styles When Will Dudley's missus Anally gavt in to the new-style longer skirts, Will was mighty critical at first. Allowed as how women were a slave to fashion ... ought to dress to please their husbands and not atyle designers. Sue finally reminded Will of his habit of sitting by the radio Sat urday afternoons in shirt sleeves and old slippers, listening to the aportcasts with a mellow glass of beer. Suggested that maybe Will was a slave to comfort. And Will admitted she was right. Perhaps the way somebody dresses isn't always to our taste just as Will's glass of beer may be another person's cider. B ut from where I sit, those little differences aren't important un less we go out of our way to maka them so, by being hypercritical. As Will says now: "Well, anyway, those long skirts hide a multitude of shins" . . . and lets it go at that I DEPENDABLE AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS How's Your Weed Crop? WEEDS STEAL Plant Nutrients Soil Moisture Farm Income Food Needed for a Hungry World KNOCK THEM OUT WITH Esteron Dust or at Esteron 44 See your dealer or write THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY ..... san funcisco ' . TRAVEL GOOD PAY ADVENTURE EDUCATION REGULAR Advancement Here's a plan riat'i the bef for you. An ex ceptional opportunity for exciting work and adventure in the new United States Arn Select Second Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington . . . Qualified men may become a part of the proud tradition of this famous "Indian Head" Division. Work and play in the invigorating Outdoors of the scenic Pacific Northwest. Veterans, did you know that you tan now re-enlist in grade within ninety days after dlstharge? Tht psy sf Srlntt rim Clin ll canairatls I cMllaa pay f Q 93 ar Month ir UttM te "Son. O'Gurii" tht only H Amy ftidlo Show on your locl ifction, U. S. Postoffice Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon provided to give the adult men of the community an opportunity for wholesome recreation and of ten badly needed exercise. The first open night will be Monday, March 8. 7:30 p.m. If sufficient interest is shown a number of teams will be formed and a ser ies of league games played. Players will need gym shoes. This program is a project of the Heppner Junior chamber of com merce and will be directed by Mr. Pate. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated March 3, 1948, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Blocks 20 and 21, Will's Addi tion to lone for the minimum price of $100.00, cash. Therefore, I will on the 3rd day of April, 1948 at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the Court House In Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon, FRANCES MITCHELL, 50-2 Deputy. Filter Packs For All Types Tractors Trucks and Cars Padberg Tractor 6 Truck Repair Lexington, Oregon Phone 421 1 Oil and Grease Parts for Various Machines of Livestock and Miscellaneous Items Beginning at 1 p. m. Thursday, Mar. O The re will be the regular run of livestock and the following household items. 1 Electric Refrigerator 1 Overstufed Chair 1 Electric Washing Machine Bring in what you have to sell and consign it at this sale. Livestock subject to the usual brand and! disease inspec ions. Heppner Sales Yard HAROLD ERWIN, Operator JOHN VARNER, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk MARCHING ORDERS It's Red Cross Month Morrow County's Quota Over U5 per cent of the amount Stays in Morrow County! LISTED BELOW IS HOW MORROW COUNTY'S RED CROSS MONEY WAS USED DURING 1947: 'DISASTER ASSISTANCE' 'VETERANS' ASSISTANCE' 'SERVICEMEN'S LOANS' 'HOME NURSING COURSES' ADULTS AND STUDENTS 'FIRST AID CLASSES' 'VETERANS' in the Walla Walla Veteran's Hospital for Parties, Pleasure sand Gifts 'SWIMMING LESSONS' and 'Water Safety Instructions' By Trained Instructor This program is planned for the proposed new "lone Memorial Pool." GIVE TO THE RED CROSS