4 -Ho-pprvr Gnrottp Tirry--, Hoppngr, Oregon, Fobruory 26, 1946 Lexington Tri Mitchell Casoba Jossers Saturday l ll.iS ;,ir.d- icon t o , u 1! J..C li. ni tty Mr Mr. nnri M:s. Ihr Tin; i! .. :rs. Kec .. id 11; M n of ?r And . -.tots hero for Lester Hunt and i:!: h.uv i Her- " :! of Spokane so;in. Wash. erson and Mr. ison and Mrs. i Mr ihesh :r.p ai 70,0 .IkS. t Ul! 1 ti'i -r mod ',f .-- ; 4 to Hospiti Q.F.S." A 1 ill ' 4 srv r. ,.;.r. i or c 1 .-rt a i A Fian 1 s MEDICAL, 3E AND HOSPITAL tcts. fcr f pioved indicidoci S3.:D per i suedCAL, hm:Td m )!;- HOSPITAL ccr0? f( t-T tDOUt. J. 30 &' f"--r"-: $1.35 P nicr'fi, Ir.d tf " r. 7: pm month; 3 j o,,;, ; : (-- Plan 2. MEDICAL AND HC:?ITAl c. for ttw wpioyftJ l-s'v;;ua 2.15 par Month. SURGICAL, ItMITEO M-.CaL od HOSPITAL revere cf atr ,, Mim at Plan I . Ml tciab inccm :p D-u,ii:i.'n -. Trie ir ;o- cor.:'iLis ; ae s-:. n -or ei bv Oni;,-t 5 . A Mi -.-..;:nj riil ! na ht'-:-i:. More li .'-n r.; io D.F.S. ne.Tci '.'.I N :.- C P.t ii il oia c: l.-iiors Monday. I: i!;'in :ind son ii;;a:n u lo Ai-ungloii to woik. ;d Mrsv Y. oroit (.'rump iliiloror. from The Oai'.os ; .-is of Mrs. Crump's par-' . ami Mrs. Charles Bre- uiHi.iy. Dinner Guests of o.irs 'v :r. i ; . j id t.ma'.y and Mr. and rir. i ari WhiiliK-k of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brooding ami family sjvnt Sunday in Pen dleton. Mr. and Mis. Art Hunt were! Pendleton visitors las' week. Mr. ami Mrs. A;::u:i Vhlon wore Pendleton v isitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Coerce Peek and Mr. and Mrs. Keime'.h Took won-, hosts at a jnn.H'lile pariy Wed nesday ni;;ht al tl.e Ceortte Pack heme. Itigh w as won by Mrs. Ce ei! Jor.es and ladies low, Mrs. V. E. MiMilian. aiso prizes were t::M"n for biLtli, I.awrenee Palmer, and low, Win. Smethurst. Deli cious refreshments were served la. or in the eveuinj:. lluests were Mr. ami M.s. W. K. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Smethurst, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer. Mrs. bar tha Pinges. Miss Merle Carmieh . i 1, Mrs. !l:i:i Tamer and Mrs. Mo er of Heppner. Mrs. Marie St ea call went to Peiuiieton Tuesday where she vis ited her daughter June who has returned from a tiip to Spokane. J' t'e was a lieleizate to the Cath olic Youth organization conven tion held at C.ouzaga in Spokane. J..ro atiends the academy in Pendleton. Services will be held at the (. !";;s;ian church Sunday. March 7 by Mr. George Hatch, the sub ject to be "The Fruits of the Spir it." at 11 a.m. Evangelism at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch have been called to minister to these churches and will move here to ir. -ke their home as soon as pos sible. Khner Hunt is spending the week in Portland where ho will attend a co-op meeting. He torrk his family to Ordnance Sunday. .' ' : they caught a bus going to La Grande, w here they are at tending school. They were here for the funeral of Elmer's moth er. Mrs. Etta Hunt. Mrs. Jim Lynch was the Hon oree of a wedding shower given in the aid room by Misses '.1, Ja J, ami L..Vo day. C.i: w a. i li I'.i After I hi tiorf sa la fee were the form . in iiie.Hlswonh i n ae McM.ilan on Thurs aos wcie played after j ' bride opened her t-iftc I s refieshmems of wai d. s amtu iclies and eef scrved. Mrs. Lnch was er Elizabeth Edwar.-ls The" we:e married Keiiruary l;! at inneuiueea, Nevada. The volleyball game played between the Bombers and high school team was won by the hb'h school. After this there vas"a basket social, pie and cake so cial, with the high school clear ing SI. v.). After this coffee and sandwiches were served by the junior class in the lunch room. Mr. and Mrs. Hatch, who were here conducting church services, weie guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tru' man Messenger. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers ,--d the bovs' basketball team motor ed to Mitchell Saturday, where they defeated the Mitchell tea r.. Part of the boys remained with Mr. and Mrs. Peat Iters, where guest: at the different county patients at the lk-rmiston . Is little prospect that any of the, at Spokane recently will r i.. i. i'i in Mitchell. Sunday they l; '..'lou-d to i lie colored inlis and euj icd the sights, returning Suiioay evening. The boys report a veiy fine tune, HOSPITAL CUESTS WOULD LIKE TO RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neill were llcrmiston visitors Sunday and hospital. Among these were Mrs. Charles Anderson and W. P. Pro phet. Mrs. Anderson had read Dr. Me Murdo's letter In the Gazette Times last week and called Mr. Prohpet to her room and read il to him. "Uncle Pete" was great ly pleased with the contents of people owing him will offer to I there for some time to take fur- make a settlement. Both Mrs. An-1 titer treatment. ueiMiii aim nil. riupiu-i are eueer- fitl, but homesick. They would like to return to Morrow county and both would welcome early completion of the Pioneer Mem orial hospital In Heppner. Mrs. Jack Ilalseth who under-1 FOH COUNTY JUDGE I hereby .innounee v dacy for the office o Judge, usbject to the Republican voters of county. while there called on Morrow1 the letter, although he feels there went a major surgical operation (Paid Adv.) Morrow GEORGE N. Pi' K FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY v 1 - SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATORS Five beautiful Servel models to fit , your family needs. Northwest Liquefied Gas Company 1 14 E. 2nd St. The Dalles, Oregon Phone 3797 Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort due to a clogge'd septic, tank or cesspool I have purchased a tank pump and am in position to give prompt, efficient service Phone 702 HOWARD KEITHLEY her . If ysu or. OREGON P.,'. cy vs v;!l fyrrvi g'OCiy. i k a --i 1 -'? P- 471 Fltteck lk., Pertiend 3 5 Firry Street, S. iJ5 MHard f-if., HUdfordJ OREGON PHYSICIANS' SESVICc PIom moit fiterchjre ari cppii;c-Dn b'cr.k. Isnt St2's Moil to O.P.S. ol Portler.d, Solcm or Mjdrord. Transferring 6 Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P.. Pcnland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. 2 - -Z iMm- - iws .mm .&'57 a . ill The "Master" vt 7.3 Cu. Ft. Net Storage Capacity I .'"i j The price is DOW.n . . . but everything else about I I 'v thlsik-nith is IT . . . still outstanding in 'he re- I 1 1 I i frigiTatir.il field with its large size, find host of I I I i Si:?Sw?' PLUS features: It is truly, as its name iiaphc i. ,ae ill ::Wi;;iF'?i "M.ister"; coubiy desirable at the new l.ov j ..ce! gA I i Head a few of i s features below, then w-.i voar tf. j TH 1 11 1 lTTl"n hm. : nearest M.'i-h'iil-Well.s Store, examine tno r;".;i- V f jUf f PyT tr.u- of o;i: -is ... and quickly pi. i.e y,ai laoer " WA isUilll Mv'S for I IIS t-:..t in i...m Kfrlnr:.H.m - i- ...... rM. F ""'Ml I 1 I -XW-jr and ;,e, rnm Co M : FIX UP YOUR THE TKQIFi V- I'fr'AH I'. bl u a i J l .. You can re-roof or paint your 'J. barn, repair oar si'o and fix up the rest of ) our farm on con v e n i e n 1 1 y - a r r a n g ; d n 1 o n t ! 1 1 y ternis.A'J hrifiy-Payloan allows you as long as three years to pay, with no down payment needed. Tell our building supply deal it er that you want a Thrifty-Pay loan. Or see your nearest branch of the i'irst National Bank. HEPPNER BMKCH V I FIRST NATIONAL MM tr"?;'- n PHRTIUNn 1 w a aw mm m m mm m Tei-A-Tcmp" 10-Po.nt Control is ' r- ji. 1 A new deluxe temperature regulator that permits wide range oi freezing speeds. Easy to read whi'P I lastic dial conven iently Ideated; effortless fingertip control. Extra Large "Super-Freezer": "Spar e to spare" for mea1;-', fi: h. fowl, ir e cream. Capacity up to 25 li s. with removable shelf out. "Zero Cold" protection. Ai.d.tioiial space for la lbs. is provided bv a large porcelain r-'.-.t storage chest with glass cover, also ideal as a beverage bo-tie cooler. The entire Super -Freezer compartment is iSesig.i 0'! for easy cleaning. 112 cubes. ..5 tra.s of ice from one fteezing. i , Greater "Food Accessibility": Move to the front shelf area and Zenith's rigid "non-tip"' full sliding center shelf creates more "usable" space, reduces stretching and places more food at your fingertips. Compared to average 7-ft. refrigerators. Zenith's longer, wider shelves increase shelf area up to 307c. Twin Vegetable Crispers: Extra long and large drawer-type crispers for keeping an abundance of vegetables fresh and moist. The Interior ap pointments . . sparkling stainless steel, ehr i" e, -i ' p': lie of the Zenith Indeed achieve hoped-for perfection. MEET THE ZENITH FAMILY of GUARANTEED HOME APPLIANCES . 1 gsS ScW5o HhJ 'Top Action' ;ner 'Automatic Chef Cleaner clolhos, loss free time are the ro v.y.shfr AVif.'s!iip.Th with '"I'lienno-Tub" kei much loii;;"r while its (lesignerl "rip action" agiia'or permits riirt and cri-nf to settle riov. n while It gently cleanses the clothes in the ( 'leaner v..it"i' pier isaei-i -,jjt. and beautiful ... as you would want your washer to be! Mid more of Zenith i'h washer water hot ealifieally The Zenith electric range that lets you "be on your way" while it "slays on the job" starting the cooking process, maintaining correct temperature, and turning ilself off as you "instructed" it by the dial. Here Is the homemak er's dream come true!... so lomplele in every minute detail, so beautiful and so efficient! Worth going miles lo see. in ill '11' W I in Win Tnmiimi imiiii ... - iL ' I ' ' j f.M u -i n k u m m s m f '1 IB! 1 ommfaMmr, miiwi n i mi If 'Hi if Ti i mti F Electric Water Heater Careful research made certain that the Zenith Automatic Electric Storage Water Heater would embody the most advanced developments Including maximum durability and safety. Highest quality "nlchromc" heating element imbedded In magnesium ox ioe and sealed in a seamless copper lube assures healing efficiency. Kin gertop thermostatic temperature control. Zenith Home Freezers The newest In America's widest, line of home appliances under one name, that of "ZENITH"... Designed with the same painstaking fidelity and de votion to high standards of quality, performance and value for the money. Today's increasing complexity in liv ing requires the counler-bala'nce of a Zenith freezer... to eliminate food spoilage and waste, reduce expendi tures, preserve food qualities, and save countless hours of needless "shopping." SlfniiHrfl ULy3 LJLKJL I 1 ) ARVIN RADIOS at New Low Prices OWENS HARDWARE COLEMAN YOUNGSTOWN OIL HEATERS KITCHENS For warmer, more comfortable homes. For beauty and convenience. ZENITH TIRES Long miles oi trouble free, safe driving. Mill r I P I I A L IP0IIT I N I I A H I COireiATION