Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 26, 1948-3 ilrst Farmer And Lincoln Honored Al Grange Meeting Tin- rit-u!,ir mcflinc "f Wil-i i v r;iii(;(' was hrld Saturday I t '. Mis HiT'ha Sovrrfn. : had charge of the fol lowing jmcr.im: Song by r11 "Orrcon Suits M- i Tnl.i."ii"A tribute to Abo I l.mcnm wild Jack Bailey ' as I.inculn and Flisp fcauprnfoind pivitip i!if OttyshurR address, j Mrv -MTjn prcscntod a birth-1 day cake to the master, Mrs. O. K. I.undell. in behalf of the 22nd birthday anniversary of Willows pranpe. "ilrorpe Washington the first farmer." by Marion Palmer. Presentation of the past mas ter's pin to Jack Bailey by Mrs. Kinest Holiker. Vocal soios "Pep of My Heart" and "Serenade of the Bells," by IVlipht Biddle. Lunch of "hot dops", buns and coffee was served by the men. also the pranpe's birthday cake, which was made and decorated by Mrs. Kred Ely, was served. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. of Portland spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Ida Coleman. They alse attended the Klks annual at Heppner. Miss Gwen Coleman of Pendleton also visited here over the week-end. Milton Morgan left Sunday on the air tour to Mexico. Clarence Linn of Orepon City visited relatives here over the weekend. Several from here attended the grade school tournament at Her miston Friday and Saturday. The lone grades won from Irrigon but lost to Pilot Rick and Hermiston Saturday. They won fourth place. The high school won both games fro mBoardman here Fri day night, February 20. The score of the first game was 61 to 43. lone won all the league games this season. Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and girls were vis itors in The Dalles Monday. E---- - .-- A good Place to go to get Lumber, Plywood, Roofing, Pumice Building Blocks, Rough Lumber . . . Honest Grades and Prices Builders Supply North Gale Street Heppner -Our New Wire jM7K would reach to Panama j&ttiiiSi This year pp&l wii1 st"ng 1 f over 2.000.000 pounds of new wire, as j it expands its system to serve SiB Jis. l custornerS ant strenStnen SJS j service to existing users. 3''w'5?' That's enough wire to stretch igfjS Si Ss "V v from here to Panama! Our construction program Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Roibson of Portland were lone visitors Sun day and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ha Worsen and children were The Dalles visitors Saturday. Spring flowers such as snow drops and crocus are blooming in lone, although spots of snow are still on the hillsides. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann returned home from a three months stay in California. They stopped at San Francisco and Los Angeles where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smouse and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rietmann. Most of their visit was spent in San Diego. Mrs. Frank Nichols will enter tain the Baptist Ladies Aid at her horn eThursday, February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Tad Hardesty of Portland were week-end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Dobyns. Mrs. Oma rRietmann is visiting t her mother, Mrs. Inez Freeland 1 in Portland. Her brother, Eugene ' Freeland of San Diego, is also visiting in Portland. Algott Lundell reported that an inch of snow fell in the Goose berry country Snuday night and that the roads were still in bad condition. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins who have been visiting at the Ernest Heliker home left Pen dleton Monday morning on the Streamliner for Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morgan of Tekoa. Wash., were guests at the Lloyd Morgan home Saturday night and attended the Elks an nual. Mr. Morgan is a cousin of Lloyd Morgan and Mrs. John Eubanks. Guests at the Lana Padberg home over the week-end were Mrs. C. W. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Misetich and son Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Jtobert tason, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dell, all of Portland. Rev. Ricketts of Irrigon con ducted services at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson were visiting in Hermiston Sundav. Gordon White, Mrs. Tom White and Mrs. Imogene Mooney were in The Dalles Sunday and visited Tom White and Mrs. Clara Kin caid at The Dalles hospital and found them both improving. Mrs. Eleanor Aldrich is taking nurses training at the St. An thony's hospital in Pendleton. DATES TO REMEMBER Potluck dinner and program at the Congregational church Sun day. Feb. 29." Everyone invited. Union Missionary society meet ing at the Congregational church March 4. Auxiliary meeting at the Le gion hall in the afternoon, Mar. 2. Legion meeting March 2 at 8 p. m. Eastern Star Social meeting on March 3. The Baptist ladies will have a potluck dinner March 6 at the home of Mrs. Lana Padberg and will also work at the church. Baptist Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. Lana Padberg, March 4. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn of Adams returned from a month's stay in Portland. They stopped at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, to get their son Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lott of Portland spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bergstrom of oPrtland were week-end guests THIS GROWING REGION USES MORE AND MORE OF PPtL'l CHEAP ELECTRICITY! Electric tales here are the lowest in history less than hall the national average Pacific Power & Light Company Your Partner in Progress Since 1310 of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom. They also attended the Elks annual and stopped at Algott Lundell's Sunday evening. Mrs. Bergstrom is an accomplish ed pipe organist and teaches vo cal an (instrumental music in Portland. The HEC of Willows' grange held their meeting at the grange hall Friday with a potluck din ner at noon. Mrs Walter Cor ley served lunch in me afternoon. Twenty-one members and one guest were present. Sunday school and church ser vices will be held in the Coo erative church next Sunday, Feo. 29, as the church remodelling is all completed. A potluck dinner will he served at the Congrega tional church at the services. There will also be a program. Everyone is invited to attend. After the business meeting of the Kebekahs Thursday evening a social meeting was given. Gam es were played and refreshments of cherry pie and coffee were served. The committee consisted of Mrs. Etta Bristovv. Mrs. Fran cis Ely and Mrs. Wallace Mat thews. The Eastern Star held their regular meeting Tuesday eve ning. Mrs. Walter Dobyns, Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom and Mrs. Cleo Drake were hostesses for the so cial hour. Decorations were in keeping with Washington's birth day. The Topic club reported that $301.15 was turned over to the IMIA from the smorgasbord held recently. Mrs. Donald Ball has returned home from Heppner with her son. Donald Jay, Jr. Guests at the Henry Ring home Sunday were Mrs. M. Rowell and Mrs. Lena Neff of Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brothers of Alamosa. Col., and Arthur Rowell of Hermiston. Margaret McGreer of Portland was a week-end guest at the Johan Troedson home. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fletcher were Portland visitors oet the week end. TUe lone high school girls lost in a volleyball game al Stanfield Monday night and the grade school girls w on. o SGT. DAVENPOHT NEW RECRUITING COMMANDER Master Sgt. L. T. Devenport, the Army and Air Force recruiting sergeant who has been on duty in this district for the past eight months, has been appointed com mander of the recrutiing station in Pendleton, succeeding Capt. E. F. HaMiday who has been order- ed to Fort Lewis for duty. Sergeant Davenport has 13 1 2 years of active duty with the ar my, 18 months of which was spent in the Marianas, at Oki nawa and China. He holds the rank of lieutenant colonel in the air reserve. o Guests at the C. W. Barlow home over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Sencer Akers and Mrs. Alma Gilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle arrived in Itennner from Portland Friday and are again residents of the "old home town." They are getting settled In their new home on West Church street, purchased last fall from Mr. and Mrs. O. E. I.indstrom of Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle sold their home in Portland to their son Paul, who recently look unto himself a wife. The Irrigon basketball boys played lone In the Hermiston tournament Friday. They were defeated. Only NEW CHEVROLET NIW CHEVROUT 4-SPEED SYNCHRO MESH TRUCK TRANSMISSION BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS By having me mea sure and install beautiful Venetian blinds- Any Color Tape and Slats 0. M. YEAGER'S SERVICE STORE Phone 2752 or 1483 Heppner, Oregon ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS FOR '48 Chevrolet-developed Synchro Meih tranimttsion provides new tase and efficiency. NEW CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN GEARSHIFT C0NTR01 I -mm have all these new ana finer features Here is Advance-Design that provides the cab that "breathes," Uniweld -all-steel cab construction, fully adjustable seat, all-round visibility with rear-corner windows, extrfl durable frames, specially designed brakes, and many other features. CHEVROLET and ONLY Chevrolet IS FIRST! St wring column gearshift on models with 3-speed trantmfs ikm provides new ease and efficiency. NIW FOOT-OPERATED PARKING IRAKI Chevrolet' i f exit-operated park ing brake on modeli with 3-ipeed trommiiiion provides new dear floor area! NIW IMPROVED CHEVROLET VAIVI-IN-HEAD ENGINE 4jp Frtifc orfr hoofing and vtnfifafrnQ tyifvm and rmar cnrnnr irdcwi op 'ono' of rro cert. The world's moit economical engine for it size. Hat greater durability and operating efficiency) N(W MUITIPLI-HATURI DEVELOPMENTS New spllned rear-axle shaft attachment to wheel hubs In heavy-duty models. . . Heavier sprirgs . . . Hew propeller shaft bearing-seat design. Hodge Chevrolet Company Heppner, Oregon Phone 403 Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U. P. and N. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. mam n v. ' pllllilllltlllllilllilllllillHIIIIM ! DOG OWNERS! I PAY LICENSE THIS MONTH AFTER MARCH 1 THE PRICE WILL BE DOUBLE row Wax. $1.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE $2.00 for each FEMALE $2.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE $4.00 for each FEMALE Clearance Sale! We find we are overstocked with various items and to clear our shelves and counters we are offering 4IIIHMMMIIHHMI MMItlllMIIII M Amazing Big BARGAINS ,411 Over The Store! C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector LAMPS ... Boudoir, Table, Floor $1 to $5 TABLES ... . End, Lamp, Coffee $1 to $4 CHAIRS ... Occasoinal, Arm-Values up to $78.50 Now $7 to $40 BOOK CASES, WALL SH ELVES WHATNOTS-less than cost Pastel Rugs, Chenille Bedspreads atone-half price Glass and Plastic Tables at greatly reduced prices IIIIMIIIIItHlllllllllliniMIIIIIIMMIIIHrMMIIKHIIItlMI llllltHIIIIMMIIIIIIM IIIMIMMMMMI1IIII DININGROOMSUITES . ... Bleached Walnut $1 05 and $11 0 Table, 6 chairs & buffet RECORD PLAYERS (As is) $5.00 TABLE RADIOS $5.00 PICTURES... 15c to $5.00 LAMPSHADES ...25c to $5.00 Pottery & Glassware, 25c - $5.00 Wartime Baby Carts. . $1 to $5 Cut Crystal Gold Trim Goblets Cr Sherbets, each . . $1 .00 SEE OUR OTHER ITEMS FOR $1 .00 IRONS, TOASTERS, FOOD CHOPPERS & IRONING BOARDS IHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIItllMIIIMIIIIIMflHIIIIMIIMI -MMIIMIIMMIIIHIMIlllMIIIMMMIl SALE Starts at 9:00 a. m. Monday March I tniNMMIMIHMMMmniMNMIMIIIIIIMMHHIIMINIIIMIIMIIIMtHIIMIMIIM MMIHMMMimMIM Case Furniture Co. Eillllllllllll ip