2 Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 26, 1948 EDITORIAL Cut cWT)NlWs P II 1 1 1 S IfE R.S1 4sS Whot Average Citizens Read Newspaper publishers sometimes wonder what 'heir readers arc interested in and to settle the question surveys are taken from time to time. One such survey, made by an Illinois publisher at the request of the Advertising Research Foun dation to use his newspaper for a pilot study the agency wished to make of readership in the weekly field, came up with the following results: Average readership, men S9 per cent, women S3 per cent; local news. 98 and 99; county news and advertising. S-i and SS; society news, county news and advertising. 91 and 95; editorials, coun ty news and advertising, 93 and SS; society news and advertising, S4 and 99; local news, society news and advertising, SO and 96; county news, servicemen's news and advertising, SO and 9B; religious news, local news, and advertising, 87 and 91; local news, county news and advertising, SS and S6; classified advertising, 91 and S4, and general news and advertising, 99 and 99. Each classification represen ed one of twelve pages of the paper and the percentages give the women an edge over the men. The survey proves the, efficiency of the average country weekly as an advertising medium. An average readership of 89 per cent of the men and 93 per cent of the women is something in which potential advertis ers are interested. The country press, and by that is meant 'he weekly newspaper, today is the best in history for the pub'.ishers realize more than ever their obligation to the community as moul ders of public opinion and leaders in civic enterprise. NATIONAL CDITORI Al W. H. Nichols. Ct. Hse. West Coast Printing & Binding Co., Clerk 131.60 James H. Driscoll, Postmas ter, current expense ... 108.20 Warrants Issued on General Road Fund City of Heppner, Water D. 7.40 Western Auto Supply Co. 1.2." Industrial Air Products Co. .60 Rosewall Motor Company 4.3(3 Earl T. Newbry, Sec. of St. 17.00 Lexington Implement Co. 25.2S Feenaughtv Mach. Co 219.81 Gilliam & Bisbee 18.10 Pacific Power & Light Co. 1.9V Columbia Equipment Co. . 13.10 Sam McDaniel 25.25 Warrants Issued on Misc. Fund Loren Matteson, coyote bounty 6.00 Oregon State Game Com mission, rodent fund ... 320.00 Alvin Barlow, coyote bty. 3.00 W. L. Cox, coyote bounty ... 3.00 James M. McCabe, coyote bounty 6.0o J. G. Miller, coyote bounty 3.00 Claude Hastings, coyote bounty 3.00 The Court drew the following names for a Circuit Court jury list feu tforrow Couuty for Uie year 1948. Abei-LTombie, G. U. iU'ppner. i.umei. Ai'ih k. ehua. W. Irrif on, farmer. Aa.uns, Kthel N.. Heppner, housewife. Adams, r rea, naiumiui, ituuier. I Aiken. Henry. Heppner, pastime oper- cattle which makes it almost impossible tor otti- ator. I Aiken, Joe r... cials to keep their thumbs upon every lot oi cattle entering Oregon borders. The n.overr.eit of cattle through auction sales jards presents a problem in livestock sanitation, the department says. Some of the cattle market ed in this manner have come from earlier auctions in Nebraska and South Dakota and from direct country sales in other western states. It is pro bable that some of the cattle have originated in states bordering Mexico and for that reason offi cials urge full cooperation of buyers witlthe pre cautionary measures being undertaken by the department. Origin of Cattle Important Knowledge Officials of the state department of agriculture's div ision of animal industry have issued a pre cautionary warning to Oregon buyers and breed ers of livestock to investigate the origin of cattle moving into Oregon. It is pointed out that the de partment has been authorizing the movement of cattle into Oregon from herder states Arizona, Texas and southern California areas subject to quarantine upon arrival and 30-day observation. This is a precautionary measure against any pos sible introduction of foot and mouth disease, which is not known to be present in any border stales at this time. In view of presence of foot and mouth disease in Mexico, state livestock sanitary officials feel that every effort must be made to protect herds in this state. The problem is complicated by several factors, including the present heavy movement of Continued from page 1 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., Ct. House 4.10 2.50 j 30 YEARS AGO From Heppner Gazette Times February' 28. 1918 Charles J. Bookman and Louise Carroll were married in this city Wednesday evening by Recorder J. P. Williams. Both are residents of Heppner. e A number of Heppner Oddfel lows went to Pendleton Saturday to attend the district convention of the order. Those going were W. E. Mikesell, Hanson Hughes. S. P. Devin, J. O. Archer and F. N. Frye. eve The Hibernian division of Heppner is planning a patriotic celebration in Heppner on Satur day evening, March 16. Miss Fannie Goodall. book keeper at Bert Mason's and Elmer Griffith of the lone Dray line, surprised their friends by being married at Portland last Thurs day. The residence of John Nash on Willow creek was totally destroy ed by fire on February 25. Laxton McMurray who recently sold his farm has bought the Al bert Petteys property and moved into lone. Arthur McAtee has purchased the residence property on Chase street from the Masonic lodge. Mr. and Mrs. McAtee have been living there for some time. The purchase price was $S00. J. W. Stevens. Hardman farm er, has purchased 4S0 acres of farm land from W. H. French of Forest Grove. The land adjoins the Stevens farm and will make a valuable addition to Mr. Stev ens' holdings. Martin Reid, local dealer for the Chandler automobile, is building a commodious garage on his property. e In arranging for street im provements this week, the city government was greatly helped in the proceedings by R. H. Bal dock of the state highway de partment. Mr. Baldock and his crew have just finished a survey of the state highway through Morrow county. Heppner streets will be mac adamized, with the improvement work starting back of the school house. The contract calls for the expenditure of $19,000 at this time. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown ar rived Monday from California where they spent several months for Mr. Brown's health. sweeping the nation! scientifi supersonic" PERMANENT WAVE j The roost tcientiiiadJy perfect, Vjaf" tlcctroni' 'ly-controlltd wave. Try it . jffi , tixi-) for tlit thrill of t lifetim. XSfcS jfr ' "i appointment today S Alice's Beauty Shopv Phone 53 JfcS TO THE FIRST TEN CUSTOMERS who receive these new type permanents, the price will be Reduced 1-3 Mrs. Prock announces that she will work in the shop on a full-time basis. W. H. French of Foest Grove spent several days last week in Morrow county looking after pro perty interests in the Hardman section. Mrs. W. G. Scott was elected to fill the vacancy of chairman of the Red Cross membership com mittee at Lexington, created when Mrs. E. G. Slocum resigned. Mrs. Slocum plans on moving to Heppner in the near future. Mrs. Carrie Vaughn and Mrs. Celsus Keithley went to Portland Monday to attend a school of Sunday school methods conduct ed by the First Christian church of Portland. o AN APPEAL To the Edtior: All of us who know Pete Pro phet know him as a grand old man one of the finest characters we could ever wish to know. He once operated a store in Hard man, and later a store in Hepp ner, and was too generous and big hearted to ever refuse credit to anyone and as a result had to be closed out because he could not pay the wholesale firms from whom he purchased his goods, due to the fact that many to whom he had extended credit could not pay him. Times were hard in those days and when the doors of the Heppner store were closed, Pete had over $18,000 on his books. Now poor old Pete is broke, un able to work because he is al most blind, and to say that he is discouraged is putting it mildly, yet he never complains nor has a hard word to say about anyone who owed him. Today some of his customers are dead but many still live and are able to pay him some, if not all, of what they owe him, and what a grand and glorious deed it would be if they would mail him a check or mon ey and how good it would make you feel and it would without a doubt make him feel very happy for the rest of the days he has to live with us. Please, -won't you thing this ov er and do your best and do not put it off too long. Dr. A. D. McMurdo. o VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas Pearson of Port land will hold -services at the Valby church in Gooseberry Sun day, February 29. The congrega tion has extended an invitation to the public to attend. Heppner. laborer. Berl. lone, farmer. Akers. Wilbur R.. lone, farmer. Akinch. b". C, Irrigon, farmer. Ailon, C. D., Irrigun, carpenter. Anderson. Frank. Heppner. farmer. Anderson. Hitma. Heppner. retired. Anderson, Nellie A. Heppner. merchant Archer, Letha, Heppner, clerk. Avers. Cayton. Echo, farmer Bailey. Jack. lone, farmer Baker, David, lone, farmer Baker. E. Markham. lone, farmer Baker. J. Henry. lone, farmer Ball. Archie, Heppner. farmer Ball. William Y.. Hppner. clerk Ball. Matthew R.. lone, farmer Banker. Gordon. Heppner, mechanic Barkla. Beulah. Heppner, housewife Burnett, James R., lone, laborer Barratt, Gretchen, Heppner, housewife Barratt. William F., Heppner. farmer Beach. Elsie M.. Lexington, retired Beamer, Ralph, Heppner, farmer Beardsley. Jess. Heppner. railroad man Beehdolt. Archie, Hardman, farmer Becket. Harold. Heppner, blacksmith Beeket, Laurance. Heppner, farmer Benge, Terrel. Heppner. farmer Bennett. Ed. Heppner. clerk Bergevin. Louis C. lone, farmer Berg.nrom. Ruth. Heppner, clerk Beeket. Chad., Heppner. farmer Beckner. Lee. lone, farmer Beckner. Tilghman, lone, farmer Bennett. Lula. Heppner, housewife Bergtrm. Carl, lone, farmer Bi.snee, Emeline. Heppner. housewife Blake, E. J. Heppner. farmer Bleakman. Bert. Heppner. forest guard Brace. Oran O. lone, laborer Breshn. Ed. Heppner. fuel dealer Brosnan. Jerry, Lena, farmer Br son. John, lone, bus driver Bunch. Alvin. lone, farmer Burkenbine. Lloyd, Heppner. clerk Buschke, Ed Morgan, farmer Buschke. Max, Heppner. laborer Campbell. Don. Lexington, farmer Casebeer. A. L. Heppner. laborer Ca-ebeer. Prudy, Heppner, housewife Carlson. Chas.. lone, farmer Carmichael, Clarence, Lexington, far mer Casuii, Lewis. Heppner, farmer Chaffe, Mabel F.. Heppner. housewife Chapel. Blaine. Heppner. farmer Connor. Albert. Heppner. laborer Conner. P. H., Irrigun. farmer Cox, Ben. Heppner, farmer Cox. Clara L. Heppner. housewife Cox, Dee Jr.. Lexington, farmer Cox, W. C.. Heppner, merchant Crawford, Viola D., Heppner, house wife Crawford. Wate C, lone, farmer Currin, George. Echo, farmer Currin. Hugh C, Heppner, farmer Dalzell. Arthur. Condon, farmer Dalzell Vera, Condon, farmer Davidson. James F., Heppner. laborer Dick, L. E. Jr. Heppner, merchant Dinges, Harry. Lexington, nwi chant Dilkm, Chas. Boardman. farmer Dobyns. N'oel. lone, farmer Doherty. Neil. lone, farmer Dolven, Raymond M. Lexington, far mer Doherty. Wm. J.. Lexington, farmer Drake, Cleo. lone, clerk Drake, Emma K., Heppner. housewife Drake. Ray. Heppner. farmer Dobyns, Walter. lone, farmer Duran, Moses E.. Heppner. farmer Duval. H. L.. Lexington, farmer Edmundson. A. G.. Heppner, farmer Edwards, Alonzo, Lexington, well driller Ekstrom, Herbert. lone, farmer Ely. Fred J., lone, farmer Ely, George N., lone, farmer Engelman. Joel C. lone, laborer Eubanks, H. W.. lone, laborer Evans, Mrs. George. Heppner. house wife Evans, Harold. Heppner, farmer Farrens, Glenn C, Hardman, farmer rariey, James J., Heppner. merchant r arris. John. lone, merchant Ferguson. E. O.. Heppner. farmer Ferguson. Raymond, llt-ppner farmer rinch. Marion C, Heppner. farmer Fi.k. John S., lone, farmer Fitzpatrick. M. J.. lone, farmer Florencp. N. G.. Heppner, farmer Gay. Walter H Hpppnr. laborer Gonty, Edmund E., Heppner. merchant Graves. John W., Cecil, farmer Graybeal. W. E.. Irrigon. fanner Green. Herman. Heppner. farmer Groyhens, Emile, Heppner. farmer Haddox. Thos. H.. Irrigon. farmer Mager, L,ulu, lu-ppner, nurse Haguewood, O. G., Hfppner. farmer Hanna. J. I., Heppner. farmer Harris, A. T., Heppner. farmer Hay den, Marion, HppnT laborer Hehker. Donald, lone, farmer HHiker, KrneHt, lone, farmer liifitt. Elma, Heppner. housewife Hiaft, J. W. Heppner. clerk Hill-. H. H.. Heppner. merchant Hirl. Chas., Lena, f irmer Hoiboke, Joe. Heppner, farmer I lokins, Fred, lone, fanner Hoskina, Fred Jr., Heppner, farmer Houghton, A. C, Irrigon. clerk Hubbard. Van, lone, farmer Huber. Alex, lone, farmer Hughes, Edwin. Lena, farmer Hughes. Elwyn, Heppner, laborer Hunt, Elmer, Lexington, Ibaorer Hunt, Mary, Lexington, housewife Huston. Cltve, Heppner, laborer Hunting. W. C. Heppner. laborer Hnd. David. Heppner. farmer llud. Jack Jr., Cecil, farmer li oy. Glenn A., Heppner, laborer Johnson, Bertha, Heppner. housewife Jones,. Alva, Heppner. tanner Jonea, Floyd K.. Heppner. farmer Jones, Paul, Heppner. farmer Jones, tM a N., Lena, housewife Jones. Ralph I., Lena, farmer Jones, K. V.. Irrnjou. fanner ke.Uiley. Howard. Heppner. aborer Kenney. D. J.. Irrigun, farmer Key, J. B. Heppner, barber Kilkenny. W. p., Heppner, stockman Klinger. Chas., Lexington, fanner knstenson, Nels li., Boardman, far mer Laniiam. Conley. Heppner. mercchant Lt-Truce, J. K.. Heppner, laborer i.indsU'om. Albert, lone, fiii-mer Liiidstioni, Franklin, lone, farmer Linn. Carl P., lone, merchant Lesesque, Louis, Lexington, farmer LindMiom. Roy. lone, farmer Liukman. W. W., Heppner. farmer i.Lindell. A. W lone, farmer Luudell, Raymond, lone, farmer L-undell. Richard, lone, farmer Lindsay, James, lone, farmer Mac key. Hubert, Cecil, farmer Majeke. A. F Lexington, farmer -Maiikm, Beulah, lone, housewife Mankm, Fred. lone, farmer .uanjuarut. Chas. A., Lexington, fitr nier Marshal, Kenneth K., Lexington, far mer Mai tin, Myles E., Lexington, farmer ....wm-u, in-ii, tunc, mercnani Matheny. L. G.. Irrigon. merchant Matthews. Wallace VV., lone, farmer Messenger. Truman E.. Lexington, JState Highway Miller. H. M.. Heppner, farmer MiUer. Russell. Boardman, farmer Mouuhan. John, Heppner. retired U,ore, Clarence. Heppner. laborer MtK.re, Ellen. Heppner, housewife Moore. Russell. Echo, larmer Moore. Mrs. Russell, Echo, housewife Morgan, Lloyd, lone, farmer Moigan, Milton R.. lone, farmer -uyers, Jasper E Echo, farmer Mi Uahan, P A.. Heppner, farmer Mtuibe. C. D.. lone, Urmer MiCabe. Earl F.. lone, laborer Mci abe. Ernest C. lone, farmer Mn hntock. Tress, Heppner, black smith Mccurdy H D., Heppner. farmer McDaniel. Chas. H.. Hardman. laborer McElligott, chas. T.. lone, farmer McKinney, Earl, Heppner. farmer Nuhoson. tred, lone, bus driver 0 Connor. C. C, lone, laborer Padberg. Louis J., lone, farmer 1 almateer. Echo. lone, housewife Falmateer, Ted, lone, farmer Pamer. Elmer. Heppner. farmer Parker. Frank E., HeDDner. fam,pr Parrish. Fred A.. Hemtner mewni Enter Spring Herald early spring days with new wardrobe-refreshing HATS and DRESSES A new hat adds sparkle to your eye as well as your wardrobe And the fresh-looking gay striped, flowered spring dresses . . . shapely, fresh looking. Give your wardrobe a Pre-Easter Lift. ffyrah's Shop f k. Burton h fivr-r z.:?"? Vi601" - TLex-"u- farmer u" i'r iV" laborer Peterson. Elmer, lone, farmer Peterson, J o.. Heppner, jeweler -vltl,. vai-ar, lone, rarmer Pettyjohn. Fred, lone, farmer I-iper. Rufus, Lexington, farmer I arrish. Sadie, Heppner. housewife Kansier, John C. lone, farmer t;L0'V Heppner. Watermaster Kauch, Fred, Lexington, farmer Rietmann. David, lune, farmer Rietmann, Juanita. lone, housewife R.etmann, Omar. lone, merchant Rietmann. Werner, Inue, farmer King, Harvey. Iune, farmer Rugg, E. E., Heppner. farmer Runrunn. V. R.. Heppner. salesman Kutledge. H. D.. Irrigon. farmer Hue. Lloyd. lone, farmer .-buffer. E, R.. Heppner, farmer schunk. A bert. Hepplier, carpenter ehafer, W m. G.. lone, farmer Sherman M. H.. Heppner, farmer 5m! h "e"R,ier- warehouseman smith, ired. Boardman. merchant nider. George L., lone, farmer ftwaggart, Gerald, Lena, farmer Snyder. J. B Heppner, saddlery wanson. A. C. lone, merchant Thompson. R. S Heppner. farmer Thompson faophrona. Heppner. retired iasn. D. R Heppner, creamery man Thomson, Jas. G. Jr., Heppner, mer chant Thorne, Cecil H., lone, farmer Troedsoii, Carl W.. lone, farmer Thorpe, Ed. Heppner. laborer Turner, F. W., Heppner, berchant Turner Sain J.. Heppner, farmer Turner. Virginia, Heppner, housewife Van Horn. Harry, Heppner, merchant Valentine, James, Heppner, farmer W'artield, Jess, lone, larmer W aireu. Clarence, lone, farmer Wat ten berg re, Bermce, Echo, house wife Wells, Dick, Heppner, barber W oils, Neva, Heppner, housewife W ells, Sy 1 va, 1 leppner, housew if e Wcutworth. W. R, lone, blacksmith W lute. Gordon, lone, merchant Wightman, Hattie, Heppner, housewife W ilkiuson, Dick, Heppner, farmer V llkjnson. Frank. Heppner, Biieepman W ilson, Robt. S. Boardman, farmer White. Harvey. Heppner, merchant Wright, Harold, Heppner, farmer Wright, Mary, Heppner, retired Wright, fciias D., Heppner, farmer The Court selected the Judges and Clerks of election for the years 1MH and PJ49 as follows: JUDUE3 AND CLERKS OF ELEC TION BOARDS 1948-49 Hoardman Precinct Judges; Grace Mucomber. Mabel O. Peck. Clerks: Daisy B. Gillespie,' Flossie Coats. Evelyn Black. Eishlinile Precinct Judges: Jesse W arfield, Marjone Worden. -Clerks: Thomas C. Huston, C. Berg strom, Hanna Anderson. Hardman Precinct Judges: Walter W. Wright, Henry Kmghten. Clerks: John E. Stevens, G. A. Far rens. Jess Coats. lone, 1st Board Judges: H. E.Clark. Mary Beckner. Clerks: George N. Ely. Elaine O. Rietmann, Mabel Cotter, lone, 2nd Board Judges: E. R. Lun- delL P. J. Linn. Clerks : Charles Carlson, Gladys uraKe. J uamta Kietmanu. Irrigon Precinct Judges: E, L. Rucker, A. C. Houghton. Clerks; Sedalia Dexter, Marguerite Houghton, M. Orlena Suddarth. -iaiS.ington, 1st Board Judges: E. J Evans, B. H. Peck. Clerks: Vera Whillock. Thelma Sme- thurst. Mary Edwards. Lexington, nd Board Judges: Lou ise Grant, L. A. Palmer. Clerks: Marie Steagall, Juanita Mar tin. Cora Warner. North Heppner. 1st Board Judges: Alex Green. Eugenia Huston. Clerks: Flora D. Nys, Elma Hiatt, Bertha Johnson. North Heppner. 2nd BoardJudges Joe Jewett. Ealor B. Huston. Clerks: Thelma Pinckney, Lorena Jones Margaret Miller. Pine City Judges: Phebe A. Barth olomew. Jasper E. Myers. Clerks: Bertha Ayers, Helen Currin, raye Finch. South Heppner 1st Board Judges K. B. Rice. C. R. McAlister. Clerks: Ella Benge, Oma J. Cox, Lola Bennett. South Heppner, 2n dBoard Judges M ax i ne East Ed n a H am 1 1 n . Clerks: Grace Niekerson, Sara Me Namer. Laura L. Rice. LEXINGTON . . . Continued from page 1 basket and pie and cake auction following. Coffee will be sold in the basement. This is for the benefit of the GAA girls junior and senior classes. All in the community are urged to come out and give the local school you support. The three groups of Campfire Girls are working on their birth day honors which is an imagin ary trip to some far-away city The local groups have received S100 from the community chest J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gilt Goods Watches. Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays at 8:00 p. m. in Legion Hall Order Flowers Any Time A blooming plant gives lasting pleas-ure-and some like plants best. Others enjoy a bouquet of cut flowers. We have either for your selection. Al so such attractive Brass and Pottery Come in and see for yourself, or if you want, just telephone us. The Flower Shop PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodel ed. Phone 1483. 415 Jones St. HEPPNER, OREGON Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance Turner, Van Marter and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Hepnper, Oregon Jack A. Woodhall Doctor ol Dental Medicine Office First Floor Bunk Uldg. I 'hone 2312 lleppnei Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis- cussion, please bring- before the Council Dr. L D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 11G2 Office Ph. 492 P5 m I'M 2 tit3 What Decs "Drug Store" Mean To You? To the kids, it means:, soft drinks, school supplies, and candy. To the women it means: cosmetics, snacks, and maga- zines, and to the men, drug store means: Havana cigars, shaving cream, and pipe cleaners. To most people, it's a real neigh borly place where the druggist's under standing smile means credit "till the check comes." But to all the folks, the drug store means dependable, precise com pounding of their prescriptions and medicines for every ailment, from athlete's foot to dandruff. Look to your druggist with confidence. Saagers Pharmacy Morrow County Abstract& Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Morrow County Cleaners Box 82. Heppner. Ore. Phone 2632 Superior Dry Cleaning & Finishing N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for apointment, or call at shop. Heppner. Oregon drive. The window display in Harry Van Horn's window was made by Elizabeth Edwards, the next one will be made by III Bloodsworth. There will be a band concert March 5 in the schol auditorium. ( ughter are spending a few days in Forest Grove with Mrs. Campbell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth are spending a few days in Mex ico where they flew with sever.' I others on a good will tour. Charles Buchanan passed his G.E.D. tests and is now a mem ber of the senior el-ss. making tnt.- of four members. A. D. McMurdo, M.D. PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIHORAnO iHVSICiAK Oiiice No. 4 Cestui St. House calls inaue Home Phone 2583 Oiiice 2572 C. A. RUGGLES Repiesenting Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Mt-ppni-r. w DR. J. D. PALMER DENTIST Office upstairs Rooms 1112 First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 783. Home 932 Heppner, Oregon HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazelle, estaolished, March 30, 1S83. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday an J entered at the Post Oiiice at Heppner, Oregon. ts second class matter. Subscription price. S2"0 a year: single copies. 10c. O. G. t'i'.AW: o a Publisher i:. YOU'LL ALWAYS BE GLAD f s JCMOANS. Cnoaawiwi Keebsake f DIAMOND II I N G S I J M4 -. Shell b the happiest girt in ths world . wearing the genuine registered Keepsake Diamond ring (hot meant your love. Take lasting pride and satis faction In the heirloom quality and distinctive styling of her Keepsake . . for only one diamond in hundreds meets the exacting standards which Keepsake has maintained through six dtcodei. Identify Keepsake by th name In the ring , . . and the words "guaranteed registered perfect gem on the tog as illustrated. We invite you to sm our fine selection of Keepsake Matched Sets. A. JOftDAN Set (Not.) BOO 00 it Ring 57S.O0 Mm 9400 to 3950 Available le geld 1375 and 750 I. HEATHER W 143,50 Engagement Ring 350 00 Alio 1100 to 7475 and tn plotlnwm $300 to 3450 CLADY DIANA Set 350.00 Engagement Ring 275.00 Also $350 and 500 All rlngi Itlutlroivd Ooilobtt In set for fhe name "KtepioW" tn the ring, and rtqufre (CeepoM Qffwe gf 9vwvtftf jggfe whil 01 wall i noiurof gold Rlnot enlarge) to ihow d(ali msv f'' Wrv . Pete rson s Jeweler