6 Heppncr Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon, Februory 19, 1948 Kinzua Pine Mills Company Ups Wages January 1 By ELsa M. Leathers Kinzua Pine Mills Co. paid 7 12 cont raise to its employees on Feb. the raise being retro active to Jan. 1st. Carl Coleman spent several days here on business from Cal ifornia, where his family has spent the winter. He closed down lopping operations at Camp 5 until weather conditions are set tled in the spring. The Boy Soout dance Saturday LJKJ VV DEPENDABLE AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Increase Yield of Grain Crops by 10 to 30 pet. Remove Weed Competiton Get Cleaner, Larger Yields Dust or spray as you wish, with Esteron Dust Esteron 44 THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Jt- SAN FtANOKO i-n. FOOD BARGANIS Snowdrift Shortening 3 lb. tin $1.19 Wesson Oil Qts. 85c SUGAR- Oregon White Satin 5 lb. 47c D 0 W N G 0 E S FLOUR Drifted Snow 50 lb. sack $4.07 Swansdown Cake Flour 27c pkg. Corn Meal Yellow 10 lb. sk. 89c Cost of Livina -Our Policy is to Follow Market Derlmoc. Pay with confidence at our store. You will SAVE! T-BONE STEAKS 59c Ib Blended Juice 46 oz. tin 3 for 73c 6 for 1.49 LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Norweg. Sardines, flats 29c Grape Fruit Red Sockeye Salmon r lib. tin 65e segments 5?P' 1 0t Un 570 No. 2 tins Egg Noodles. Mission 16 oz. pkg. 29c ) rm 3s Macaroni, Mission or 24 or. pkg. 29c No. 2 tin Standby Cream CORN 19c No. 2 tin Fancy 3 SUGAR PEAS 21c No. 2 tin Green Beans ... 25c No. 2 tin Diced BEETS .. 13c No. 303 Mix Vegetables 20c Fancy Beef ROAST 1HA SLICED BACON 65c lb Lettuce Iceberg Hd. 10c DELICIOUS. WINESAPS YELLOW NEWTONS Fancy & Ex. Fancy 5 lb. 49c Apple Cider, qts. 19c Apple Butter. 27 oz. jars 25c Apple Sauce, No. 2 tin 21c Hi Ho Crackers 15c pkg. Texas Pink Grape Fruit 3 for 23c Tomatoes 1 Ib. cello tube 29c Heppner Market Phone 92 night, ably managed by Forrest Graham, Frank Otto and Harvey Pierce, was a success with the boys clearing well over $100. The gift was received by Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Denton (a double waffle iron). Norvin Adams and Forrest Gra ham were initiated into the I. O. O. F. lodge Thursday night at Fossil. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Wright were in Heppner Sunday on business. Mrs. Bob Laughlin entertained her Sunday school class with a Valentine party at her home Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley mov ed back to their home in Fossil Saturday from Camp 5. Mr. Had ley is preparing to go to Califor- Keepsake tlABITIOMA Enduring as th low they proclaim, Keepsakt Matched Wedding Sets are eternally gifted with heirloom quality and classic grace. Identify Keepsake by the name to the ring. KfaW NASSAU Engagement Ring 150-00 Alto 1200 to 2475 Waiting King 20.00 and 12 JO Roots of Culture YOUR BIRTHSTONE AND ITJ MEANING FEBRUARY- THE AMETHYST WITHOUT TEL ESCOPES, ANCIENT ACCURATELY, utDUCING HU MAN DESTINY FROMTHEZO DIACAL SIGNS. SYMBOLIZED LATER BY JEWELS- OUR. BIRTHS70NES. M i (1 FEBRUARYS BIRTHSTONE. THE Sf ! NOBLE AMETHYST. 'Of PALEST YOL ET TO DEEPEST PURPLE. RE- W ' PRESENTS CHRISTS SACRIFICE. ADORNS BISHOPS' RINGS AND ,) CEREMONIAL GOBLETS. FEBRUARY PEOPLE INCLUDE MANY FAMOUS ORGAN SIRS, WRITERS, SCIENCE-RESEA ROVERS. POLITICIANS. THE AMETHYST. A TRUL Y ROYAL GEM. FEATURED IN ENGL A NO'S CORONATION SERVICE. WAS FA VORED BY CA THERINE THE GREAT AND QUEEN CHARLOTTE. l'i n'l- - II J V V ACCORDING TO ANCIENT TRA- VI I I rY t AMETHYST CON-. FRS UPON ITS WEARER SINCERITY AND PEACE OF MIND. Peterson's limolilit ifirntl oiaiM nia where he will shear sheep this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shell, son of Betty Shell, and Ren Madison and Albry Peyton of California came to Kinzua last week and all went to work. Mrs. Sterling Wham was off, work for a week due to illness, j She is a checker at the store. I Carl McDaniel, government trapper of Morrow county, was in Kinzua attending to business last week. He also visited Mrs. Harlan Adams and Mrs. Owen Leathers Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore and girls spent the week end in Hepp ner visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright were in The Dalles Saturday, getting medical care. THE FIRST TIME IN RADIO HISTORY! AN AUTOMATIC RADIO PHONOGRAPH With a SLIDE-OUT CARRY-ABOUT RADIO THE REVOLUTIONARY New WESTINGHOUSE DUO h's something completely new In an automatic radio-phonograph. You can lift out the radio use it anywhere in the house. The simplest record changer ever built . . . Low-slung, airstream cabinet Special $94.50 Sit IT HEAR IT AT Gonty's STAR OS REPORTER Sunday Sbowi Continuous from 1 p. m. Evening shows, except Saturday, start at 7:30. Saturday show starts at 7:00. Boxof flee open evenings until 9 o'clock. Admission Prices both Matinee and Evening: Adults 50c, Grade and High School Students 12 and over 40c, Children 20c, all taxes in cluded. Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket. Friday-Saturday. Feb. 20-21 LAW OF THE CANYON nUlej BurBette-Cheriee BUJTett Wtn PLCS LOST HONEYMOON Tnxu&uA Ton, Ana micharde, Tom Conwr, rranoai Ulutr, Du O'Connor, Clarence Xolb ri" '""miy Uiat Keneralea high degree of emuaejiienL Utile Loin U color Sunday-Monday, Feb. 22-23 Where There's Life o Mope, BlgTtM mo, WUllun Bendlz That fxiy Hnpe laniflM with diplomata. em-ret BtK-lftt, ami a bt-Munrul 1,1, md lhly K-ernl . . . yea wtirre thore'e life thfre'i alaave Bob Hope to put ..u in a UughliLe" liarae of mind. Sua day ahowi oontlnuoui from 1 p.m. Tuesday, February 24 THE CRIMSON KEY Kent Tiylor, Doris Dowlinf An abore-nverage myntery story whose iimnrt crsfklnff hawk.ihaw love to chime criminals and beautiful blonds. PLUS MY PAL A short drama with Ted Donaldson, Sharyn Mof. fett and Flame the wonder dof. Wednesday-Thursdoyr Feb. 25-26 THE RED STALLION The picture with a heart as big; as all outdoors! 8tarr.nK "Big JEd"... the most fHrlfs animal star of the street, teamed with Ted Donaldson who matches his courage and shares his thrills. Photographed outdoors in Natural Color. March of Time Vewsreel Speaking' Animals THE ANSWER TO YOL'R BUDGET PROBLEM Pin Money Buys Spang-New, Colorfast m CRISP COTTONS . -mi 2.79 80Sq. Percalei! PopUnst Broadcloth! Chambraytl Many Penney-Exclutiveit For MUtes, Women, Jr'tJ. Whirling Skirt EaltOMala V Cnckerjack qaallty-. . . 1948 sty)e xtntix & CHARM ... at Penney 'i last-yer-W price! Jhtih ing tkirtst Zippers, botton-apst Flovak, (tripe" . more patterns ! Eyelets, frills more trims! Clusk$ ' too! Hnrry to Petmey'i Febrnary mirade eeott Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Schroder and small daughter spent Satur day at The Dalles shopping and attending to business. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis spent the week end at Pendleton w ith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eog ers and family. The Kinzua librarian, Mrs. Ivar Nelson, reports the following new books at the library: "Home Country," Ernie Pyle; "Mrs. Mike," Freeman, Benedict & Nan cy; "The Scarlet Letter," Nathan iel Hawthorne. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hines and daughter were shopping in Con don Saturday. Those sick with the flu and off work this week are Mrs. Les ter Halverson, Mrs. Hildred Hines and Owen Leathers Sr. Lillian Schott spent the week end here from The Dalles where she attends high school. The high winds blew a tree across the porch of the Carl Pier son home here Sunday, also breaking a power line. o BANK PROMOTIONS Continued from page 1 branch, the Enterprise branch, and to the Sherman County branch of First National for the first time in 1943. After two years at Lakeview as assistant mana ger, Becket returned to Sherman County branch at Moro as mana ger in 1946. J Becket has been an active com munity leader at Moro. He has been president of the Sherman County club, leading Moro ser vice club, the Sherman County Riders, and local chairman of the Infantile Paralysis drive. He is a member of the Masons. Bcck et's wife and boy will come to Heppner at the end of the school year. o Mrs. Percy Hughes of Milton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Will Doherty to Heppner Wednesday. The Dohertys are here on a brief business trip, but Mrs. Hughes will visit with her sons and friends for a few days. FAST TO WASHING MODE-A-GAY COTTON PRINTS 36" 3Q wide J'C Bright new spring patterns for your sewing needs. - . COBWEB SHEER SEAMLESS NYLON HOSE $''5 Kl, New spring shades. Morning Mist Bermudiana PENCO CASES 42x36 59c 56" ALL WOOL Spring Woolens $2.98 yard Pastels in checks and plaids PLASTIC TABLE Covers 59c MM,IMMMt'''aaaa"ilIMtalllM"aM The home of Specials for Friday, Saturday And Monday SWIFT PREMIUM HAM, holf or whole 65c Ib. SWIFT ORIOLE SLICED BACON 65c Ib. SWIFT BACON-by the piece 63c Ib. SWIFT PREMIUM FRANKS, 1 Ib. cello pkg 53c Ib. SUNSHINE CRISPY CRAX, 2 Ib. pkg 49c HI-HO, the package 28c BANANAS are plentiful and we have them every day. You can buy them regularly and catch up on all the times when they were an almost forgot ten luxury. Court Street Market "mTmCE .3-SAY STORE-WIDE SAVINGS FOR YOU! - Join ut in celebrating Rexali's 45 years of value$ that make your Rexatl Store the place to Come - to Shop - to Save! ieti Ifittd In this AdvtrfiMmcnt that rfr to til or vol Mprtttnt th Manu facturer'! tuggtnttd full rtloil price. .Coimctic ittmt art lubjtct to ftdcrol Tax. oaamm mi There are hundreds of items in our stock which must go by FEBRUARY 29 This Is Your Opportunity To stock up with many things you have want ed. Prices have been reduced to make these items real buys. -KLENZO ANTISEPTIC COMPAN- ION VALUES -6 oz. Klenzo mouth waih combined with the pint bottle. CO. 1.04 value Both UJ -MILK Or MAGNESIA COMPAN ION VALUES - Rexall Brand. 6 oz. A bottle plus the family quart size. 94c CO va'u Both U J c-CHERROSOTE COUGH SYRUP -and Rexall Medicinal Teaspoon Combination - RD Cherrojote helps soothe coughs due to colds. Get an A exact Medicinal Teaspoon for no ex- QQ tra charge. 8 oz Both 03 0-MINERAl OIL COMPANION VAL. UES-Rexall Puretest Mineral Oil. Pint CQ and Trav-L-Pack sizes 92c value for. UjC Humphreys Drug Co. if CVrrHJnOn3 J III TH 'III I v; in i x Stock Reducing; ? vei I PRE-INVENTORY ffiy I I EXTRA SAVINGS z) ITU !! Lll COMBINATIONS