Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 19, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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A Heppner Gozette Times, Heppner, Oregon,
Mrs. George Brune
Honoree at Bridal
Shower Saturday
By Flossie ("onts
A bridal shower honorific Mrs.
Oorge Brune (Androe Wilsonl
was given at the homo of Mrs.
C'has. Andorrpe Saturday after
noon, .he room was beautifully
decorated In Valentine fashion.
The luneh consisted of red jello
and white cake. Committee in
charge were Mesdames T. W.
Rippee, Norman Berpstrom. Jack
9. P. S. offers
or Medical
iare To Oregonians arid
iricir families... ;i
Prepaid me dual and hospital coverage is now available
to you and to your family through Oregon Physicians' Servka.
Two plana art offered both with the sponsorship and ae
proral of the Oregon State Medical Society.
Protection et Modest Cost
The new plana are based upon the experience of O.P.S. group
contracts, under which soma 70,000 Oregonians have had pro
tection for years. OJPS. aarr.
rDI,n 1
Mm HOSKTM mtog talW
pint. MMI W.50 par awlk.
HOSflTAL mnw hr hmillai
pom. $2.00 Mr wrtk, tit mild,
$UJ mm; 2nd child, 75 eaati
aar BMHtfet 3rd child, 50 cants par
Matai addiriafiol ckitdraa a
Plan 2.
9m fl wmpUrM ladiWdttl $2 J
m Horn 1.
I flOW fHobi t sMt OrvpoH 99- I
I Hm mpiorwd individvats wboM
V M tuabt incont 6om Mt utMd
$4,000 par r". J
7I MtMdt Ilk, Pgrtkarf I 4(1 Urry StrMt, tolaa 115 IWW
FWa. maS iit.rotura and opplicotloa Monk.
Hat as O.F.J, at Portland,
Oafy One
Only Chevrolet Is First!
Aee the new standard of &g-Car
beauty ft'i hre, in Chevrolet's
Dod.es by Fisher firwrf bod
Mde ovulloble only on Chevrolet
m4 bigher- priced cor.
i Yo1 And Chevrolet rides more
leeiiry on all types of rood, due
I It the tornem Hne-Acttem Ride and,
! court. ILnee-Action Is found only
m Chevrolet ond cosrlter can.
Klodge Chevrolet do.
Mulligan, Nathan Thorpe, Bap,
Brawn. R. A. Fortner and the hos- j
tess, Mrs. Anderepg. Mrs. Brune
is a student at EOCE. Coming
here with her was her room mate,
Miss Shirley Schmidtgall of Ath
ena, who spent the week end
with Mrs. Bruno's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, along with
other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Johnston and children of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Baker and children of The Dalles
and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson
of Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weisse of
Oswepo who have purchased the
Donald Zivney farm, moved their
first load of household goods on
2 New Plans
and Hospital
ice for employed individuals
and their families provides
broad benefits, wide selection
of doctors and hospitals, and
professional responsibility
in common with all CPA
For informative iiteraturt
and application blank, Mod
coupon to jour nearest Q$&
No li O f.S. group cevtrof It
still available. If you and follow
omployof wish the saving that
re possible under o group poll
cy we will furnish info,. Hollow
Salara r Madfart
YctH anioy io-Cor pafformonea,
loo, whan yov own a Chavrolati for
It bringi yoa Vola-ln-Haed angina
parformonca, found ttawhare only
in eiore expensive eon.
sum i
Keep your present cor In good
runrtina condition by bringing It to W
for skilled service, now ond of
regular Intervals, pending delivery
your new Chevrolet.
- .,,1
Februory 19f 1948
Mrs. Nora Ransier is building a
new home on her farm south of
town. The grangers are doing
the labor for her. Mrs. Ransier
has to vacate the Ditch Rider's
house this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Montague of
Arlington were week-end guests
at the Robert Wilson home.
Mrs. Norman Bergstrom and
Mrs. Clifford Poole were shoppers
in Pendleton Thursday.
Word reached Mrs. Rippee this
week of the death of Mrs. Emma
Knoblock in Los Angeles Feb. 1.
She passed away from heart trou
ble. Mrs. Knoblock was a former
resident of Boardman.
Thursday the grade basketball
team motored to Stanfield and
nosed out a win with the score
of 16-15. Friday the Irrigon high
school played at Boardman and
the Yellow jackets won with a
small margni, score 40-39.
Peter Farley, who has been re
ceiving medical aid at Wheeler,
arrived home Thursday and
seems somewhat better.
Local P-TA met Thursday eve
ning. The program consisted of
readings and music, with Supt
Fahey talking on state inspec
tion. Cake and coffee were serv
ed. Shirley Peck, who is attending
high school in Pendleton, spent
the week end at her home here.
Mrs. Russell DeMauro entered
the St. Anthony's hospital Sun
day evening and will submit to
an operation Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindsay of
Kinzua are the parents of a son,
James Elec, born at the St. An
thony's hospital in Pendleton on
Feb. 10. This is the second child
and the first son for the Lind
says. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Fortner, Boardman,
and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lindsay,
Pete Slevin of Pendleton has
been on the project the past few
days looking after his cattle.
Mrs. Eva Maxwell and son Bill
of Milwaukie were week-end vis
itors at the Earl Briggs home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray, who had
spent the winter in California
with her daughter and her hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunn, ar
rived home Saturday.
Mrs. Olive Mefford, who had
been visiting at Spray, arrived
Saturday to spend some time
with her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root. Mrs.
Mefford's home is in Corvallis.
The Ladies Aid entertained at
dinner Sunday evening for the
Young Peoples society of Board
man and Umatilla. Committee
in charge consisted of Mrs. Ha
zel Miller, Mrs. Adeline Baker
and Mrs. Leola Tannehill.
Gust McLouth and A. E. Davis
celebrated their birthdays at a
dinner at the McLouth home Sun
day. Present were the McLouth
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Hooker and family of
Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fer
guson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole,
Mrs. Emma DeLano and son
Franklin, and their son, Robert
McLouth, of near Spokane, who
has been visiting a few days with
his parents.
Wednesday, Feb. 18, is the reg
ular meeting day for the mission
ary society which will meet at
the home of Mrs. Leo Root at 2
p.m. All ladies are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J .Gillespie,
sons Donald and Lynn, and
Wayne Jackson motored to Pen
dleton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands left
for their home in Culver Wednes-
l&tl -
Men and women everywhere agree:
Only one is No. 1 only Chevrolet is
first in oil-round vooe as in popu
larity. Consequently, more people drive
Chevrolet! than any other make,
according to official nationwide regis
trations; and more people want Chev
rolet! than any other make, according
to seven Independent nationwide
survey. Here, in the new 1948 Chev
rolet, is record value. For new and
even more luxurious styling, colors and
appointment! have been added to all
of Chevrolet's other advantages of
Wedding Event Of
Sunday at Irrigon
By Grace Shoun
Miss Norma Matheny. daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Matheny,
and Jack Zabransky, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Zabransky, were
married at 3 o'clock Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Irvy. Mr. and Mrs. Irvy were their
attendants. Uene Irvy and Joan
Matheny were flower girls. Jack
Zabransky is a graduate of Irri
gon high school and has been
employed at Olex since. They
will be at home at Olex after a
short honeymoon trip. A recep
tion was held at the school house
for the newlyweds at 8 o'clock.
Refreshments of sandwiches, jel
lo, coffee and cakes were served.
Shriley and Eunice Miller were
down from Grandview, Wash., to
visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Miller. They spent the
week end, going back Sunday
evening with their father. He re
turned home Monday. The girls
work in the Grandview bank.
Earl Isom is driving a new car.
Mrs. Barney McCoy and Mrs.
Homer Hayes had Valentine par
ties for their grades Friday, and
Mrs. Joy Smith had her party
Saturday afternoon at the Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilson of
Stanfield were Sunday visitors at
the Charles McFall home, as
were their son Jack and family
of Hermiston.
Jack Zubransky and Norma
Matheny of Olex spent Sunday
with their families, as did also
Betty Acock of Pendleton and
James Shoun of Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Williams
of Kendrick, Idaho, spent Sunday
with the James Henderson fam
ily. Roy Minnick of Boardman was
an Irrigon visitor Monday eve
ning. Mrs. Marshall Markham, Mrs.
Benny McCoy and Mrs. Earl Isom
sponsored a wedding shower at
the Mart Abken home Friday
evening for Mrs. Rogie Hinkley.
Games, opening of a nice selec
tion of gifts and refreshments of
coffee, cake and ice cream fin
ished the evening. Out-of-town
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Weigand, sister of Mrs. Hinkley,
and small daughters, and Mrs.
Russell Woods of Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ren Kase of Alicel
visited at the John Zabransky
home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Kinche
loe and small baby were Sunday
night visitors at the Carl Knight
en home. They were coming from
Portland and going on to Vale
where they and the H. H. Kinche
does have homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swaren
were in Richland Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hayes
were Umapine visitors Sunday.
The Assembly of God church is
having revival meetings begin
ning last Sunday. Rev. W. G.
Kaufman is the speaker.
The Seventh Day Adventists
are still having their protracted
meeting at the new church.
Q. I am a veteran of World War
I and would like to know if there
Is any time limit for filing a
claim for compensation for dis
ability caused by my war ser
vice. A. There is no time limit set
for filing a claim for compensa
tion under existing legislation.
day after spending some three
weeks with their son and family,
R. B. Rands, also renewing old
I) always
(h J a
Steelheod Fishing
Regulations Cited
Working jointly, the stream
improvement crews of the fish
commission and game commis
sion cleared a passageway for
fish migrating up Rock creek, one
of the main tributaries of the
Nehalem river, when they recent
ly blew out the 22-foot high con
crete dam at Keasey formerly
used by the Western Oregon El
ectric cooperative. While a fish-
way had been provided over the
dam, removal of most of the
structure itself provides better ac
cess to the spawning grounds up
stream for the migratory fish
runs, particularly the steelhead.
Attention of steelhead and sal
mon anglers is called again to
the fact that the new regulation
passed by the game commission
closes the coastal waters to sal
mon and steelhead fishing dur
ing the months of March and
April. The closure serves to re
duce the angling intensity on
these waters and to give protec
tion to the breeder stocks, partic
ularly of steelhead and cutthroat
during the spawning period. The
order covers all those waters, in
cluding lakes, that are tributary
directly or indirectly to that part
of the Columbia river below the
northern city limits of St. Hel
ens, and those waters, including
lakes, south of the Columbia riv
er that are directly or indirectly
tributary to the Pacific ocean.
Excluded from this order are
the main Columbia, all of which
will be open, as well as those tri
butaries that empty into the Col
umbia east of St. Helens. The
Willamette river and its tributar
ies, therefore, will be open to
spring Chinook salmon fishing as
in former years.
a a
The annual three-day fisheries
Enjoy tie twin-satisfaction
of their smart styling and
built-in comfort. Treat your
feet to the slipper-comfort
of the yielding air cushion
and flexible Arch Lift,
Wilson's Men's Store
The Store of Personal Service
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
TisJdf wil svtfy 4p
AbiotKi (hocks, jon 'mSfv"'
Kttpt you loot -frith J(ft-f ' '
C. J.
staff conference of the game com
mission was held last week at the
commission's headquarters in
Portland. Called together to dis
cuss work problems, the men also
heard speakers from outside de
partments, including the follow
ing fisheries and wildlife offi
cials: Dr. L. A. Donaldson, Uni
versity of Washington; Dr. E.
Rucker and Roger Burrows, U. S.
Fish and Wildlife service; Dr. J.
Alford Hall, U. S. Forest Service;
Clarence Pautzke, Cliff Millen
bach, Washington department of
game; J. N. Ellis, Idaho Fish and
Game department; C. H. Ellis,
Washington department of fish
eries; C. M. Everts, Oregon State
Sanitary authority; R. E. Dimick
and Dr. J. L. R. Li, Oregon State
o '
Want results? Then use the
G-T Want Ad column.
Born, Sunday evening, Febru
ary 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald
By having me mea
sure and install
beautiful Venetian
Any Color Tape
and Slats
Phone 2752 or 1483
Heppner, Oregon
40000 more "petticoats"
Electric rates here are the lowest in history -r-less than hall the national average
Pacific Power & Light Company
Your Partner in Progress Since 1910
$1.00 for
$2.00 for
$2.00 for each MALE or SPAYED FEMALE
li $4.00 for each FEMALE
D. BAUMAN, Sheriff and Tax Collector
Ball of lone, a 7 1 pound boy.
Mother and child are being taken
care of at the Corda Sating home
in Heppner.
I I 1fflHIITIlf I
A cleansing agent in RPM
Motor Oil scrubs carbon, gum
keeps engine insides shiny.
"RPM" is "rust-proofed" to
prevent damage from moisture
that corrodes engines.
Reddy Kilowatt
I! .1
and energy. Keeping him on the line is the task of
hundreds of thousands of insulators, whose porcelain
skirts are known in the trade as "petticoats."
As we proceed with our largest construction
program in history, we will install more than 40,000
new insulators this year, The PP&L system is being
enlarged as rapidly as possible to serve new homes,
farms and businesses . . . and to strengthen service to
existing customers.
Henry Gorger was over front
Pendleton Wednesday attending
to business matters in connection
with his Morrow county interests.
nwinninn) i
"RPM" clings to hot upper
cylinder walls, protects against
excessive wear.
Takes Better Care
of Your Car
a a,,.
A Standard of California Product
Phone 622
Heppner, Oregon
to keep
on the line!
is an active lad, full of vim
rson s
Haiti & May Streets
Phone 403