Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 19, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Sound Off Each
Monday at lone
By Echo Palmateer
HEC of Willows grange at the
home of Mrs. Walter Corley, Feb.
Regular meeting of Willows
grange, Feb. 21.
High school basketball game
here Feb. 20 with Boardman.
lone P-TA at the school house,
Feb. 25, 8 p.m.
Fellowship dinner at the Con
gregational church, Feb. 29, at
noon. Everyone invited.
PNG club of the Rebekahs Feb.
27th at the home of Mrs. Paul
The new fire siren has been
Installed on the city hall and will
be sounded at noon each Monday
for testing.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engles of
Adams and Mrs. Howard Eu
banks and children of Arlington
were lone visitors Sunday.
Those going to Pendleton Sat
urday to the Massey Harris dem
onstration were Oscar Lundell,
Harry Yarnell, John Eubanks,
Herbert Ekstrom, Mr .and Mrs.
Ernest Heliker, Mrs. Bertha Sev
erin, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heli
ker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins
and Henry Baker.
The seventh and eighth grades
had a Valentine party at the
school house Wednesday evening
of last week. Ice cream, cookies
and cake were served.
The American Legion boys
have purchased ten Springfield
army rifles to be used for par
ades, funerals etc.
You'll scarcely believe it
Congoleum Rugs
Linoleum and Tile
It has been so long since we have had
a roll of linoleum to offfer. But now it
i shere.
Also a selection of Congoleum rugs in
prices to fit your budget-6.50 to 1 1 .50
Give your rooms a real sparkle this
Come in and make your selection
Case Furniture Company
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake re
ceived word that their son Rob
ert, student at Eastern Oregon
College of Education at LaGrande
injured his hip and had to stay
in bed a week, but Is up now.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
entertained friends at a pinochle
party Friday evening, Feb. 13.
Franklin Lindstrom received high
prize and Mrs. Franklin Lind
strom, low prize.
Mrs. Henry Clark was called to
Portland last week on account
of the serious illness of her sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Norris.
Mrs. Garland Swanson is ill at
her home.
Miss Anita Hooker of Nampa,
Idaho, is visiting at the Edmond
Bristow home.
The study meeting of the Topic
club met at the home of Mrs.
Omar Rietmann Friday, Feb. 13.
The story "Mountain Prelude" by
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlinss w
reveiwed by Mrs. Clifford Carl'
son. After the business
luncheon was served by the hOtV
tesses, Mrs. Kietmann, Mis. can
son and Mrs. Mary Swanson.
lone high school defeated Uma
tllla here Friday night of Inst
week, 46-38. This makes the Car-
dinals the champions of the Lit
tie Wheat league.
Umatilla won the second team
game, 24-13. '
Helix beat the town team's first
string here, but Ione's second
string won.
Spray was to have plaved here
Saturday night, but failed to
show up.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins
are visiting her sister, Mrs. Er
nest Heliker.
The high water caused from
melting snow did much damage
to the roads south of lone.
The Maranathas were enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Alfred
Shirley Wednesday, Feb. 11. Mrs
Dale Ray assisted Mrs. Shirley.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain
and son of Dale were week-end
gusets at the Edmond Bristow
Mrs. Clara Kincald is ill at the
Sam Esteb home. Mrs. Esteb is
taking care of her.
Bert Mason came up from Port
land to visit his sister, Mrs. Kin-
caul, and attend the Elks annual
The I.M.I.A. held their regular
meeting at the Legion hall Feb.
11. On account of bad weather
not many attended the meeting
It is hoped that more will attend
the next meeting. They plan on
turfing the football field as soon
as weather permits. One hundred
sixty yards of gravel have been
hauled for the swimming pool.
From the lone Independent,
Feb. 20, 1920: "Road work has
been resumed on the lone-Goose
berry road, and will be pushed
as rapidly as the weather condi
tions will permit."
Mrs. Imogene Mooney returned
to lone after an extended visit
in Walla Walla.
The lone grade school boys
played Condon here Tuesday af
ternoon and the girls played vol
ley ball with the Condon grade
school girls. lone won both
Mrs. Larry Fletcher opened her
Time Out for Tours in Korea for U. S. Troops
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon, February 19, 1948-3
of vounuAnrj?...
Unless your barn is shining new, it's probably in need
of some improvements. Built-in stanchions, a new silo
and the latest in equipment will give your barn's effi
ciency a boost.
These and other permanent farm improvements can
be paid for with a First National Thrifty-Pay loan. You
have as long as three years to pay with no down pay
ment. Your building supply dealer can arrange a Thrifty
Pay loan for you. Or see your nearest branch of the
First National Bank.
Off-duty facilities for (dilution ond recreation or many for U. S. Army
nd U. S. Air Force Regulars in Korea. This view shows a group of soldiers
combining both in an informative sightseeing tour of Korea's royal tombs,
where are buried important kings dating back to 1392 when the U dynasty
Was established.
P-TA Party, Dinner
Draws Throng At
Lexington Saturday
By Mrs. Cecil Jones
The P-TA party and dinner was
well attended Saturday night.
After a plate dinner was served
a party in which people played
games and were entertained by
special music was held in the
auditorium. Those taking part
were, horn solo by Janet Howton
accompanied by Betty Messenger,
and a horn solo by Billy Steagall
accompanied by Betty Messenger,
a horn solo by Larry Henderson,
horn solo by Betty Messenger ac
companied by her mother.
A wedding of much interest to
Lexington people was that of
Miss Fern Childers to Mr. Edward
Hunt, solemnized in Spokane on
Sunday. Edward is the son fo
Alex Hunt and the late Edna
Hunt of Lexington. The people
beauty shop for business Mon
Omar Rietmann had seven
fruit trees removed from his
property. He plans to set out
some new trees.
Tom White is a patient at The
Dalles hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thorne of
Morgan are Portland visitors this
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ball are
the parents of a son, Donald Jay
Jr., born at Heppner Feb. 15, and
weighing 7 12 pounds.
Mrs. Clara Kincaid was taken
to The Dalles hospital by ambu
lance Monday. She was accom
panied by her brother, Bert Ma
son. Mrs. Kincaid has been ill
for several weeks with a cold.
Electrical Wiring
Radio Repair
Home Appliance
Everything Electrical for
Your Home or Business.
Appliance Co.
Hodge Chevrolet Co. Bldg.
Phone 403
Evan on a soft seedbed a "Caterpillar"
Diesel's broad tracks stay on top of Ihe
toil. Tractor weight is so well distributed
over Ihe tracks thai they act like bridge
planks... and put less pressure on the
sail than a man's foot exerts.
By treading well up on top of soft soil,
tracks have low rolling resistance - less
power needed to move Iht tractor
means more payload powor.
Your Caterpillar & John Deero
of the community wish them
much happiness.
George Hatch of Portland will
preach at the local Christian
church on Feb. 29.
Elmer Hunt spent the week end
in La Grande with his family.
Ed Grant and Sam McMillan
are spending a few days in Port
land on business.
Several Lexingtonites spent
Saturday in Pendleton. Those go
ing over were Mr. and Mrs. Rod
ney Smith and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Hunt and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Car
michael and Mrs. Wilbur Stea
gall. Miss Marie Steagall who at
tends school in Pendleton spent
the week end in Lexington with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Miss Joann Breedinc and hrn.
ther Max were host and hostess
at a birthday party honoring
them on their birthday, Satur
day, Feb. 14. Games were played
and refreshments were served.
The Amicitia club met at the
home of Mrs. Clifford Yarnell on
Wednesday of last week. The eve
ning was spent playing pinochle
with lovely refreshments of cof
fee and apple pie a la mode be
ing srved. High was won by
Mrs. George Graves and low by
Mrs. Ed Grant.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and
family spent the week end at
Clackamas where they visited
with Mrs. Feather's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Kellogg.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones had
as their dinner guests Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon ChristoDhersnn nn
Tuesday night, honoring Mr.
Jones on his birthday.
Saturday the Lexington team
will motor to Ukiah where they
will play ball.
The Lexington basketball team
motors to Irrigon on Tuesday
Girl Scouts Have
Month of Activity
The month nf Fphruarv is Tn
ternational Month wherever there
is (jirl bcouting or Girl Guiding.
Durin? thin month thp pirla trv
a . O J
to give special thought to things
mat are or. importance to all peo
ple, such as good will, peace,
and health. February 22 is
"Thinking Day," the birthday of
Dotn Lord and Lady Baden-Powell
who founded both Girl and
Bov Scouts.
In keeping with the theme of
me monin tne members of troop
I are compiling material which
will later be put int oscrap-books.
These are to be sent overseas to
help teach foreign children about
our country.
On February 9 the girls had a
Valentine party. They exchanged
valentines which they had made
themselves. Barbara Warren re
ceived a prize for the most orig
inal one, and Sandra Lanham, a
prize for the prettiest. Games
were played and refreshments
were served by Mrs. Howard
Keithley and Mrs. Cornett Green.
At their meeting on the 16th
the PirlS WPrP PlVfn a narenal.
Ity sketch and an international
Quiz. Different kinds nf nuireoe
are presented once each month.
ine girus are divided Into two
patrols. At the end nf the
the patrol who has won the most
times will be entertalnpd or a
party given by the losing patrol.
Louis Lvons retnrnprl Tnocrlav
night from Portland after attpnrf.
ing one day of a two-day conven
tion ot tne Photographers' Asso
ciation of Oregon. Featured ev
ents, aside from thp
round of business, were a display
of a traveling exhibit of portraits
from the Photographers' Associa
tion of America, comprising the
work of leading photographers
throughout the country, and a
special display of dye transfer
prints from the storks of leading
manufacturers. Washington and
Idaho photographers also were In
Avoid Annoyance And Discomfort
due to a clogged septic tank or cesspool.
I have purchased a tank pump and am in
position to give prompt, efficient service.
Phone 702
night where they will play their
iusi league game or. tne year.
Miss Edith Edwards nf S nnlrano
spent the week end in Lexington
Custom Spraying
Make arrangements now for Weed
Control Spraying
Materials and methods of spraying as
recommended by U. S. Dept. of Agri
culture. Gordon Grady
Heppner, Oregon Phone 21 93
A good Place to go
to get
Lumber, Plywood, Roofing,
Pumice Building Blocks,
Rough Lumber . . .
Honest Grades and Prices
Builders Supply
North Gale Street Heppner
B si s k s b fe 11 i B
Iowa Colored Ghosts
(World's greatest Professional Team)
Heppner Townies
Prel immary
Two grade
Will Start
7 p. .m
Will Play
Tuesday - February 2U
m! n. ADULTS: 83ctaxl7c-Total $1.00
miSSIOn. STUDENTS: 42c tax 8c Total 50c